The Defenders of Dusk

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The Defenders of Dusk Page 14

by Dane Barrett


  As the last of your enemies fall, the buck rat makes one final lunge at you in a desperate bid to land a bite on your arm. You swiftly step aside, bringing your sword down upon its back and cleaving the doomed creature in half. As its insides spill out onto the sewer floor, mixing in with the wastewater, you spy a glint of metal before it is replaced with the now-familiar stain of murky brown you have become accustomed to down here. Scooping away the remains of the rat, you discover a key hidden amongst its entrails. Once you have given the key a good wipe and shaken off the excess blood, you can see that it is made of iron. The buck rat must have inadvertently swallowed the key when it consumed its owner! Write down the keyword IRON. Tucking your find away inside one of your pockets, you continue walking back into the room with the iron door. Turn to 11.


  “I do not wish to partake of your disgusting broth!” you exclaim. “It is not fit to be eaten by the lowliest of wild dogs, let alone by men!” The goblin cook looks furious, and the surrounding mercenaries begin to loiter as they take an interest in proceedings. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your CHARISMA, turn to 88. If the dice roll is higher than your CHARISMA, turn to 125.


  Partly as an act of desperation, though also proof of your skill and training, you catch the beam with your thigh muscles and wrap your calves and feet around the slippery wood to prevent yourself from falling any further. As you remain suspended from the upper support struts, you glance down at the camp to make sure nobody has spotted you before carefully pulling yourself back up to the beam. You draw your sword and lean across the next set of spikes, using the blade to scrape away as much oil from the surface of the wood as you can before resuming your journey across. The leader's tent now lies below, so you carefully descend one of the nearby support pillars until you drop silently to the floor of the bridge. Turn to 288.


  “Fighting that wasn't pleasant, and they apparently have another twenty of those things?” Zabel exclaims as the beast finally succumbs to its wounds. “The lizards are likely to climb right over the city wall if they don't somehow bash through it!”

  “Come, let us return,” you reply. “Captain Juda will likely know of a suitable defence against these beasts.” Without further delay, you recover your horses and proceed at a rapid gallop towards the city. As you are nearing its walls, a shadow swims above you, casting darkness over the path ahead. You look skywards and are shocked to see the dragon Tannurat circling your position. Knowing he is likely only seeking your life, and not Zabel or the others in the city, you rein in your horse.

  “What are you doing?” calls out Zabel, stalling her own mount in response. The presence of the dragon clearly hasn't escaped her notice. “Come on, we can make it!”

  “Go on without me!” you reply. “Warn the city! Have them prepare for battle. This beast wants my blood. I shall stall it while you make good your escape! Do not argue with me, my friend. Dusk is depending on you!” With a look of heartfelt regret, Zabel spurs on her mount and rides away, leaving you to face the dragon alone. As if it was waiting specifically for a private audience, the beast finally descends upon you and attacks!


  As soon as Tannurat inflicts any damage upon you (and if you are still alive), turn to 192. If you defeat Tannurat without being hit once, turn to 121.


  Padding across the platform, you walk around behind the shed, making sure to keep out of sight of the sentry when you slip by the door. Once you feel you are positioned near the orc's location, you lightly scratch your sword blade against one of the wooden boards. You hear movement on the other side of the barrier as the orc takes an interest in the sound. You listen carefully until the creaking of the shed's floorboards betrays his position, and then, estimating the orc's height, you launch forward, driving your longsword right through the wood. Part of the wall splinters with a crack and you hear the orc gurgle as the blade penetrates his throat. You wait for the sounds of struggling to stop before slowly withdrawing your weapon from the wall, at which time the sentry's body slumps to the floor. Write down the keyword SENT. Entering the shed, you first confirm that the orc is dead before turning your attention to the contents laid out on the table. The crossbow isn't much use to you, and the cheese is stale, but the bottle is filled with mead. Suddenly, while you still have the bottle in hand, a voice calls out from below. Placing the orc sentry's helmet upon your own head, you peer through the window to see that one of the other orc guards has walked over to see if everything is okay. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your CHARISMA, turn to 253. If the dice roll is higher than your CHARISMA, turn to 285.


  Check each dice roll result to determine how many of them were equal to or lower than your AGILITY. If at least three were, then you have successfully killed each of the guards before they were able to close in on where Babin disappeared. If two or more of the rolls were higher than your AGILITY, then at least one of the guards make it into the hidden cave (if this is the case, write down the keyword TAIL). With nothing more you can do, and with both thieves out of sight, you prepare to pack up your things to begin your trek along the western path around the ridge. You are halted momentarily as you spy movement again, this time higher up on the cliff face. Zabel has re-emerged upon another hidden ledge, having followed her cave all the way to another exit. You watch as Zabel kneels to examine something out of sight, but while she is doing so you are horrified to see another guard approaching, and this one is about seven feet tall and built like a boulder! Zabel is a skilled fighter but suffers from having a slight build. She may not be able to handle this enormous man alone! Even worse, she is currently facing away from him and hasn't noticed his arrival! There might be a way to give Zabel an advantage in this situation. To find out if you can think of it, roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your INTELLIGENCE, turn to 113. If the dice roll is higher than your INTELLIGENCE, then you have no choice but to shoot at the guard with regular arrows. Turn to 55.


  You explain to the Wizard how you helped destroy the leader of the enemy forces at the bridge, sending them into disarray, but that a potential threat of mind control dust being deployed into the city's water supply still exists. Ullucus snaps his fingers together, lays his pipe down on a nearby table and rushes out of the room, demanding that one of the Mayor's personal guards leaves to seek out certain ingredients he will require for a spot of alchemy. After the guard departs, the Wizard returns to your side to explain what he is up to.

  “I know of this dust you speak of, and it is harmless until added to water,” he says while stroking his beard. “So if it has already polluted the underground river, I will need to create a neutralising agent. While I can guarantee its effectiveness, it can only do its job if tipped directly into the same place where the dust was added to the water supply. Locating that place must fall to you, my friend.” A few minutes later, a very tired-looking guard returns with everything Ullucus asked for, and the Wizard sets to work creating his potion. He is soon finished and, with a puff of blue smoke which you're not sure was entirely necessary, he hands you a small vial sealed tightly with a cork stopper.

  “The rest is up to you,” says the Wizard, patting you roughly on your back. “Do be careful out there!” Write down the keyword CLEAN. Restore 2 points of lost HEALTH as you can take a rest before undertaking your next mission. Return to 362 and choose another option, remembering to cross off any locations already visited.


  You grin as you detect the satisfying sound of wood splintering. As the shutter falls away from the window, you twist your body sideways to allow yourself to slip through the opening, granting you access to the inner corridor of the clock tower. Turn to 122.


  As you look for a way to surprise the sorcerer, you rush out from between two buildings and find yourself entering a wide stre
et. Suddenly, Fagen materialises in front of you, seemingly out of thin air!

  “I tire of this cat-and-mouse chase,” he says to you with a disinterested tone. “It is time for me to finish this so I can get back to my work.” The sorcerer mumbles something under his breath, and a great war hammer sheathed in electricity appears in his hands. You start to back away slowly, peering about for some means to fight back, when a shrill whistle catches your attention. From within the nearest alleyway, you spy Zabel holding your longsword and your parrying rapier.

  “Lose something?” Zabel asks you, tossing your blades to you as she runs out to be by your side.

  “Ah, I was wondering where those went,” you reply flippantly, catching your weapons and turning to face Fagen once again.

  “Those will not help you, and neither will your friend!” the sorcerer mutters ominously. “Now fight me, thieves! Fight valiantly and die bravely!” Zabel looks at you with raised eyebrows. You shrug your shoulders.

  “He really hasn't shut up the entire time we've been fighting,” you say to her, before lunging forward to press your attack!


  If you manage to reduce Fagen down to 1 HEALTH, turn to 204.


  Write down the keyword SENT. After giving the orc's corpse one last kick to make sure it is definitely dead, you turn your attention to the contents laid out on the table. The crossbow isn't much use to you, and the cheese is stale, but the bottle is filled with mead. Suddenly, while you still have the bottle in hand, a voice calls out from below. Placing the orc sentry's helmet upon your own head, you peer through the window to see that one of the other orc guards has walked over to see if everything is okay. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your CHARISMA, turn to 253. If the dice roll is higher than your CHARISMA, turn to 285.


  You explain to the Wizard how you successfully intercepted those that intended to deploy the mind control dust into the water supply, but that the border bridge is still yet to be liberated from enemy control.

  “Then there is still much work for you to do,” he says, appearing sympathetic. “I do not have much to offer as my attention must be focused on putting out the fires, but I can offer you a minor enchantment.” Ullucus uses his fingernail to trace a pattern upon your hand while he utters a few words which are meaningless to you. A symbol materialises upon your skin, representing a temporary ward of protection. You may add one extra LUCKY BREAK to your CHARACTER SHEET (draw in a new square box next to the existing three). After thanking the Wizard for his help, you take some rest before preparing for your next mission. Restore 2 points of lost HEALTH, and then return to 362 and choose another option, remembering to cross off any locations already visited.


  “I will be satisfied to point my sword in whichever direction you order me to,” you say with a partial bow.

  “Looks like you've found another one,” says the orc, shaking his head in disappointment. “He thinks we actually care about his opinion.”

  “Quite right,” answers the man. “Another upstart who doesn't understand his place in the greater scheme of things. Let's kill him!” Both mercenaries brandish their blades and advance upon you, forcing you to do likewise to defend yourself. You must fight these two at the same time, and will need to finish them quickly before anyone else notices the altercation!



  If you win this battle in four rounds of combat or less, turn to 126. If at least one of your opponents is still alive after the fourth round of combat, turn to 279.


  While the orcs appear uninterested in their duties, they also don't look much like moving anytime soon. Both have a good line of sight of the area in front of the exit, so sneaking by them won't be possible unless you can convince at least one of them to move aside. Do you have the keyword FLUTE? If so, turn to 153. If not, will you fire a whistler arrow past the guards (turn to 284) or give up on the sneaky approach and step out of the shadows to reveal yourself, ready for a fight (turn to 150)?


  You take careful aim and hurl your throwing knife so that its blade slices across the face of the grain sacks, spilling the contents over the ledge like a cascading waterfall. Not only does this draw the attention of the orcs, who laugh at the bakery's misfortune at having their sacks burst, but they are quickly engulfed in a cloud of dry dust. As they laugh, cough and splutter their way through their mirth, you slip in behind them unnoticed and head inside the building (turn to 170).


  As you continue to shuffle your way along the stone ledge, you become convinced that the birds who make their home here are either taunting you or trying to play games. Placing themselves at your feet as a constant obstacle, you cannot afford to kick them away for fear of losing your balance. You satisfy yourself with cursing them verbally as you eventually spot another window not far from your feet. This one is positioned below your current location, situated beside a gargoyle which watches diligently over the building. From here you can see a piece of wire coiled beside the window where the latch would normally be located, suggesting the lock on the shutter may be broken and held together by a makeshift tie. You think you can lower yourself down to the window if you stand upon the gargoyle's head first, before reaching over to the coil of wire. Will you try to enter via this most recent shutter (turn to 84) or continue making your way along the outside of the clock tower (turn to 389)?


  You keep the plan simple and draw Zabel's bow and one of her regular arrows. Taking careful aim, you fire the projectile right through the orc's throat, which cuts off any sound the sentry might have made other than a few gurgling noises. As he dies, his body falls with a loud thump upon the enclosure's floorboards. Write down the keyword SENT. Entering the shed, you first confirm that the orc is dead before turning your attention to the contents laid out on the table. The crossbow isn't much use to you, and the cheese is stale, but the bottle is filled with mead. Suddenly, while you still have the bottle in hand, a voice calls out from below. Placing the orc sentry's helmet upon your own head, you peer through the window to see that one of the other orc guards has walked over to see if everything is alright. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your CHARISMA, turn to 253. If the dice roll is higher than your CHARISMA, turn to 285.


  This battle is taking too long, and you now spot several mercenaries rushing in from the middle of the encampment to join the fight! Terribly outnumbered and with your odds of victory now hopeless, you see little choice but to dive off the bridge and into the river. After plunging into the depths, you swim furiously, trying to make it to the city-side of the shoreline. You reach it, but not before some of the carnivorous river fish have taken several bites out of you. Subtract 3 from your HEALTH. If you are still alive when you reach the riverbank, you regroup with the town guardsmen stationed nearby to report the failure of your mission. Captain Jadu thanks you for trying and tells you that he will devise a new plan to take the bridge. In the meantime, you are instructed to return to the Thieve's Guild hideout. Return to 362 and choose another option, remembering to cross off any locations already visited.


  Fagen is taken aback by your sudden appearance from the window, and can't move fast enough to ready himself. You rock him with a straight kick and two punches before he shoves you back with wind magic. You collide with the window frame as the sorcerer lunges at you with his fist encompassed in ice. Before he can land his shot, you slap the open window shutter into his face, stalling his assault and stunning him. You leap up and bring an elbow down upon his neck, following this with a leg sweep which lays him flat on the ground. As he attempts to stand, you kick him against the far wall where he hits his head against the brickwork. Subtract 1 from Fagen's HEALTH. The sorcerer, angry at being manhandled, begins firing small shards of ice from his fing
ers, which pepper the wall behind you as you roll away to safety, retreating down another street. If you have lowered Fagen's HEALTH to 8, turn to 271. If not, continue reading.

  “You filth!” Fagen shouts after you. “You coward! Don't think that tactic will work for you a second time! Whether above or below, I shall be ready for you!”

  Once you are sure that you are out of the sorcerer's sight, you quickly look around trying to decide how to harry him next.

  Will you attempt to surprise him around an alley corner (turn to 146),

  drop on top of him from a balcony (turn to 296),

  attack him from under a drain grill (turn to 80),

  ambush him from another of the windows (turn to 366)

  or hide in the shadows and try to sneak up behind him as he passes by (turn to 60)?


  As you attempt to reach out for another handhold, your boot slips off a section of blue-stone which has become slick with age, and suddenly find your body toppling away from the clock face altogether. You desperately flail for a ledge or an outcropping; anything that might prevent you from plummeting to certain death. You find nothing, and glance down as you begin your descent to the inevitable. You've often heard that people who fall to their deaths perish before reaching the bottom of their drop. You never find out if this is true, as your head collides at great velocity with the edge of a balcony on the way down, releasing small parts of your brain out into the world. Your adventure ends here.


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