The Defenders of Dusk

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The Defenders of Dusk Page 18

by Dane Barrett


  On returning to the centre of the wall, you observe that several of the smaller bowls of hot oil are now empty, while the bigger cauldron in the middle is still full and ready to be tipped. Your boots slip slightly underfoot, and you realise some of the oil has been spilt across the parapet. You tap Zabel on her shoulder to signal your return. She makes a downwards gesture with her hand before raising her voice over the calls of the other archers.

  “Orcs are climbing up the wall. We've tried pouring oil on them, but the men here cannot handle the heat emanating from the cauldrons. They keep spilling the oil on the parapet. Any ideas?”

  “They just need to get a hold of themselves and toughen up!” you reply.

  “Oh, is that the problem? Well seeing as I'm just a meek little thing, would you mind employing your rugged determination in helping me tip over the big cauldron in the middle?” You both step forward and take hold of the edges of the receptacle and are immediately assaulted with intense heat. You can understand why the guardsmen were struggling with these now, as you can barely breathe as you lift it. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your HEALTH, turn to 219. If the dice roll is higher than your HEALTH, turn to 291.


  As you withdraw your candle, you also locate some flint and tinder which you keep in a wax-sealed container in the same pocket. Nonetheless, it takes several attempts to make a sustainable flame catch, and each time the sparks you create do little to illuminate the cave. Finally, the candle retains a flame, but as you raise it up to reveal your surroundings, you find yourself suddenly enveloped in bright, white light. Your candle extinguishes itself as you raise your hands to cover your eyes. Turn to 287.


  “Quickly!” you exclaim. “Form up on me. We shall repel this beast before it can get into the city!” The guardsmen, and Babin once he has recovered his own battle blades from where he was keeping them in one corner of the tower roof, step forward to join you. You ready yourselves as the giant lizard and its rider vault over the battlements and lunge to the attack! You must fight them both at the same time!



  If you defeat both opponents, you toss them from the tower before making your way towards the stone steps again. Add 5 to your RESISTANCE points.

  “I'm heading back to the eastern parapet,” you announce. “Try to hold the tower for as long as you can.” Babin makes a hand signal, which may have been an affirmation but could have equally been a rude gesture. As you descend the steps, you hear the ominous sound of screams emanating from below, and so you quicken your pace to find out what is happening. Turn to 109.


  Lifting yourself silently up to the pipes, you carefully shimmy your way across the room, making sure to keep your arms and legs tucked into the shadows. It is hard work, but your strength more than handles the traversal, and you arrive safely beyond the broken portcullis before quietly lowering your legs back to the floor. You are now standing inside another tunnel which leads away from the rat room, twisting in several directions as it goes. This passage seems old and has been fashioned without bricks, suggesting this may be an extension to a natural cavern instead of being part of the city's sewer system. Turn to 383.


  You make it into the side passageway without being seen or heard and can now see it only proceeds a short distance before routing around back into the same room you just came from, but to a position located behind the guard's table. In the centre of this passageway is a ladder leading up to the next floor of the building. The sharp angle of the steps along with the sheer amount of foot traffic imprinted upon them suggests this ladder is actually the primary method for traversing between floors, instead of stairs. Not really surprising, being that you are in the peasant quarter and that stairways are probably a luxury here. Will you scale the ladder (turn to 340) or sneak around behind the guards and attack them (turn to 189)?


  You realise with horror, about halfway through your traversal, that you haven't gathered enough momentum to reach the window. With a gasp of anguish, you make a desperate lunge for the opening but know instantly that you are going to come up short and likely fall to the street below. Just then, an arrow whistles into the picture, embedding itself just below the targeted window. Stretching out your arm so that it feels like your shoulder will pop, you barely grasp the new hand-hold, swinging yourself upwards and into the window. Looking to the opposite building, you signal thanks to Zabel, who stands positioned with her bow at the ready. Suddenly there is a commotion above, and you observe Zabel hurriedly diving into a nearby window of her own. She has been spotted by somebody patrolling the rooftop and has been forced to retreat out of sight. Cross off the keyword EAGLE (you no longer have this keyword). Now safely inside, you find yourself in a small enclosure with a ladder leading into a hatch in the ceiling. There is nowhere else to go, so you climb the ladder and slowly open the door above. Turn to 377.

  360: He is taller than the other reptiles with longer claws which are already coated liberally with the blood of men.


  Upon arriving at the eastern parapet, you bear witness to the disturbing scene of guardsmen falling prey to the teeth and claws of several Gekka shock troops who have succeeded in clambering up the wall without ladders. There are only a few of the vicious creatures, though this unit is led by a particularly spirited and bloodthirsty leader. He is taller than the other reptiles with longer claws which are already coated liberally with the blood of men. You watch as Xanth attacks the Gekka leader, only to be swatted to the ground and mercilessly stomped with an immense clawed foot. You are about to advance forward to join in the fray when you spy a discarded spear lying in a pool of blood upon the parapet floor. You sheath your sword and kick the spear up into your hand, and with one hefty lunge, you hurl the weapon at the Gekka leader. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your STRENGTH, turn to 9. If the dice roll is higher than your STRENGTH, turn to 283.


  The dragon opens its mouth, displaying rows of sharp, yellowing teeth, and the inner depths of its throat begin to glow orange. Its eyes sparkle with a vengeful fury, and you know instantly that remaining here will not be to your best interest. Looking across the slopes just outside the cave entrance, you spot a formation of rocks following a stream of water which may provide enough cover to evade the beast's attacks. You leap away from the cave just as the dragon unleashes a fireball upon it. Reaching the rocks, you hurriedly sprint as fast as you can alongside the stream. A blast of fire to your left makes you stumble into the water, slowing your progress but providing cold relief from the heat. You can hear the dragon's wings beating now as it tracks you along your path. The formation of rocks eventually splits away from the stream, which becomes substantially wider ahead. Will you continue following the stream (turn to 61) or go with the path sheltered with rocks (turn to 52)?


  After an hour of discussion, Arinzo lays out the situation for everyone.

  “This is what we know,” he says. “Our enemies have attacked this city to capture the border crossing, along with its bridge, undoubtedly to service plans for a more extensive invasion of the Western Realm. They also hope to recover a key needed to free a now riderless war dragon from its magical restraining collar. While the collar remains in place, the dragon can only take orders from its rider, so our enemies may have lost control of the beast for now.

  “We also know that a man named Fagen, possibly a sorcerer or warlock, has created a type of magical dust with mind control properties, which he intends to spread into the water supply. He will then stage a rescue of the Mayor's Wizard in the hopes that he will put out the city fires with that same water, therefore spreading the dust over everything. If we could prevent the spread of this dust, it would be a boon to the defence of the city.

  “Which leads us to our captured city leaders. Th
e town guard still control the streets and outer defences, but has informed me that the Mayor and his Wizard are being held hostage in the upper tower of the Town Hall. We suspect magic to be at play there; otherwise, the Wizard Ullucus would have undoubtedly freed everyone by now. Rescuing them could do us a lot of good later.

  “Finally, Xanth has reported back revealing that a mercenary force has taken control of the border bridge. While their soldiers are the lowest types of scum, their leader is apparently an undead horror who rules his men with fear. Xanth believes that if we kill the leader, the rest of the mercenaries will flee.”

  Though members of your Guild are tired and injured, there is still much you can do to influence the political and military situation within the city. Below is a list of locations you may visit. As you choose a place to investigate, cross it off from the list below before you turn to the relevant passage. Once crossed off, an area cannot be visited a second time unless otherwise specified. Which location will you head to?

  The City sewer and water supply, turn to 216.

  The Town Hall, turn to 213.

  The border bridge, turn to 252.

  If all three locations above are crossed off already, turn to 206.


  “Any idea what that was?” you ask Arinzo. “Magic?”

  “I do not know, but being that it has passed, I deem it the least of our problems,” he replies. “The city is under attack. We need to get back to the Guildhall to regroup.”

  “What is happening?” says a new voice from above. Dangling from a street lamp is Babin, another member of the Guild. He is the smallest of your organisation, being born of both human and halfling. A half-halfling, if you will.

  “An assault,” replies Arinzo. “But from whom I do not know. Babin, I need you to find members of the Town Guard and help them gather information on what is happening. Be careful to identify them properly. On the way here I witnessed men dressed like guardsmen, but whose accents betrayed them as foreigners.”

  “Yes, sir,” the little thief replies before swinging down onto the road and vanishing into the shadows.

  “We need to go,” you say to Arinzo. “I can only shallow-breathe for so long, and this smoke is getting thick.” Arinzo motions you to follow him.

  “This way, but stay low. Now I wish we had brought our swords.” Turn to 186.


  As you prepare yourself for the inevitable, the dragon hesitates suddenly. Feeling something moving about on your shoulder, you are surprised to discover a small squirrel sitting there. The little fellow wiggles its nose and stares at you with beady eyes as it gnaws away on a small nut which had fallen out of the tree and into your collar. Then you feel something by your feet, and observe a family of rabbits dancing about your boots, seemingly oblivious to the massive beast casting a shadow over them. You turn around, peering about the edge of the woods as more animals, including wolves, bears and even several species of bird, emerge to surround you until you are approached by a beast you have seen before; a metallic golden deer. The stag positions itself at your side, its majestic antlers gleaming with its own internal light, and joins you in facing off against the dragon.

  “Can it be so?” asks Tannurat after clicking his jaw back into place. “You have garnered the support of nature itself?” His face now a mask of doubt and confusion, the dragon suddenly takes to the air and flies off towards the southern mountain range, eventually disappearing from your sight. Turn to 384.


  As you stare into the flowing water, dismayed at having arrived too late to prevent the deployment of the dust, you catch a glimpse of a shape in the reflective surface; something is lurking above you! Glancing up, you spot the winged rat-gremlin which attacked you earlier, suspended from the ceiling. As you draw your sword, eager to put this creature in the ground, you also notice a hulking form looming up from the tunnel floor nearby. You gasp in shock as you recognise the Filth-Demon from your earlier encounter in the peasant quarter. You have walked into a trap! The winged beast cackles gleefully at your predicament and readies its throwing knives to do battle!



  Note: Due to the Rat Gremlin's ability to fly out of range, you cannot inflict any damage upon him until the Filth-Demon is defeated. The gremlin will continue to pepper you with throwing knives in the meantime, so can still cause you harm.

  If you win this battle, turn to 398.


  You launch yourself out of your chosen window but realise too late that Fagen has already detected your presence! The sorcerer quickly shoots off a small jet of fire from his hands that hits you squarely in the chest. While Ullucus' magical enchantment protects you from the flames, you still do not wish to tempt fate with another fiery blast, so you scramble backwards out of the alley and hurriedly run down the next street until you are sure that you are out of sight.

  “You thought you had the drop on me, didn't you?” calls out Fagen from somewhere behind you. “It matters not if you come at me from above or below, I shall always prevail!” Taking stock of your surroundings, you quickly look around trying to find another way to ambush the sorcerer.

  Will you attempt to surprise him around an alley corner (turn to 146),

  drop on top of him from a balcony (turn to 296),

  attack him from under a drain grill (turn to 80),

  or hide in the shadows and try to sneak up behind him as he passes by (turn to 60)?


  You reach the top of the eastern tower to discover the ballista in pieces and Babin lying on the ground, wailing in despair while surrounded by the rest of his weapon squad. You rush over to kneel beside the little man, preparing for the worst.

  “My friend!” you say. “How seriously are you injured?”

  “Me?” he cries despondently. “I am unhurt, but for my heart being broken at the destruction of my beautiful ballista!”

  “Are you serious?” you ask with an incredulous look passing across your face. “That's what you're wailing about? A broken siege weapon? You fool! You got me all worked up! I thought you'd been seriously injured!”

  “Only my pride!”

  “That might change in a moment, comrades,” says one of the guardsmen, peering over the battlements. “Another lizard climbs our tower as we speak. Without the ballista, we have a bloody battle at hand!”

  Your mind begins to work overtime as you look around for some way to defend the tower from this incoming menace! Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your SENSE, turn to 25. If the dice roll is higher than your SENSE, turn to 356.


  You are dismayed to discover that the narrow tunnel terminates at a dead-end. As you push yourself against the wall, trying to get a better look at the ceiling to see if there are any other exits, you suddenly pass right through the rock and find yourself deposited upon a soft field of bright green grass. Peering about, you appear to have fallen into an underground grove, lush with vegetation. You are attempting to fathom how such a place could possibly exist here when you detect movement from some bushes ahead. With your hand on your dagger, you stand ready to face whatever may emerge. From the foliage walks a deer, but you can immediately tell that this is no ordinary forest animal. Its body is coloured a pure metallic gold from head to foot, but it is a living creature, and not some kind of mechanical golem. Its majestic antlers tower above its head, though you can clearly see that there is a piece missing. Do you have the keyword BONE? If so, turn to 175. Otherwise, turn to 106.


  You manage to get your fingers to the armband and snatch it up before it rolls away from you. The band is made from copper but has been inlaid with several stones which are fashioned from pink quartz. Glancing at the letter, you see it is nothing more than a short note made out to the Wight.

  General Visidious,

  Your brother is dead. He perished at the hands of an unknown assailant who infiltra
ted our encampment at Eastwood Ridge. Without your brother's ability as a dragon rider, Tannurat has become unruly and unpredictable. You, being the last remaining member of Dysidious' family, must attempt to get the dragon under some semblance of control-

  Your reading of the note is interrupted by the sounds of approaching footsteps. Will you try wearing the armband? If so, turn to 386. Otherwise, you put the items back where you found them before leaving immediately through your infiltration point (turn to 131).


  You manage to snatch Zabel by her hand but overbalance yourself on the edge of the broken stone which gives away beneath you. Both of you tumble downwards and land heavily upon the shattered debris below. Subtract 2 from your HEALTH. If you are still alive, you barely have time to recover before you are both set upon by four Gekka shock troops! You will need to fight two of your opponents at the same time!



  If you defeat both enemies, and Zabel has finished off hers, you are relieved to find yourselves suddenly surrounded by several town guardsmen who have stepped forward to assist you from their street position.


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