Naughty Spanking One

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Naughty Spanking One Page 2

by Miranda Forbes

  “We shall be very very comfortable together and you will find my massage has a soothing bite.”

  It was an invitation brooking no refusal; a summons delivered with dark depths of hidden meaning and sensual promise. Marijka gift-wrapped her command with a regal smile as she took my hand, her ice-blue eyes devouring me and coveting the curves of my tits and arse like a Siamese cat eyeing a saucer of cream.

  Ice can burn! I blushed at her icy-hot gaze, feeling my body tingle and my clit throb in anticipation of the ‘afterglow’ pussyplay that would follow the sort of stinging therapy the ‘Ice Queen’ was rumoured to dispense to her chosen few.

  As a single and successful career girl in PR, I have assiduously cultivated a no-nonsense veneer to my ‘femme’ personality, but beneath that façade I am a submissive softie who craves the imperious attentions and intimate caring control of a strict Domina. The thought of Marijka Heart-throb undressing me to bare my shapely derrière and subjecting my dimpled cheeks to the discipline of a hard spanking brought a wetness to my crotch and a flutter to my breast.

  Marijka had been the Domina of my lonely fantasies ever since she hired me. Had I found my longed-for conquisita? Could I melt this Scandinavian ‘Ice Queen’ between my thighs? There was only one way to find out. I accepted her offer! I can’t do femme fatale smouldering looks, but my glowing eyes and flushed face betrayed me. She knew I would give her my body in total wanton submission to her sensual demands and pleasure.

  On Monday morning I cancelled my cheap return flight, checked out of my modest two-star back-street pension and moved in with Marijka at the grandiose Negresco on the Promenade des Anglais; the finest, most luxurious hotel on the French Riviera.

  If you wish to be dommed and disciplined as a prelude to pussyplay by a seductive ‘Grace Kelly’ look-alike, the Negresco’s opulent Louis XIV suite, with its majestically canopied bed and strategically placed mirrors, is as good as it gets when it comes to a suitably decadent venue. It proved an appropriately opulent setting for Marijka Bernstrøm to seduce and take Adele Adams, her petite submissive English-rose Press Officer, to her bed and breast on that fateful Monday night!

  But Marijka was not to be rushed into shaking Eve’s Tree. Adams had to wait for her promised apple!

  “We have the night before us, Adele, dearest! First we shall soak our gorgeous gams in a warm, perfumed bath and then buzz our ‘Brazilians’ together! Afterwards we shall enjoy a candlelit dinner a deux at an intimate little restaurant I know in the Old Town, run by Chantal and her gorgeous girlfriend. I shall give your darling derrière its well-deserved ‘massage’ later.”

  The look and the lick that came with her promise twanged my sexual antenna to a vibrant thrum!

  It was nearly midnight before we parted company with Chantal at her restaurant ‘Le Chat Gourmand’ and we paused for a nightcap on the way back at the ‘Sappho Bar’, another of Marijka’s intimate little hideaways-for-girls in Nice’s old town.

  As Marijka intended, I was dreamily relaxed, but feeling hot and wet with anticipation for her touch, when she finally closed the door to our luxurious suite, kicked the killer heels off her dainty feet and led me by the hand into the mirrored bedroom.

  “It’s time to unwrap my present!” she whispered with a throaty giggle, and turned to undress me. Her breath was warm on my neck as she unzipped my dress and peeled it off. I was wearing a white, satin-panelled, open-bottom girdle that I hoped effectively accentuated my more positive attributes, while concealing less desired figure-faults within in its moulding embrace. It, and the six taut suspenders holding my white lace-topped stockings, framed my naughty bits; brazen Brazilian and dimpled derrière! At this moment I felt like a ‘Virgin Bride’!

  Marijka stood back to admire the view, smiled and smouldered with silent approval of all she surveyed – rich cream for the Pussycat! She freed my heavy breasts from their constraint to expose their firm beauty, (I’m very proud of my perfect 34D tits). I tweaked my nipples to excited erection and presented them to her in wanton surrender.

  “Adele, my darling!” she breathed, as she moved to sample the goods. She cupped their warmth appreciatively, bending to suck at the luscious fruit I was offering her ‘On Special!’

  “Undress me!”

  I hastened to obey my Viking plunderer, disrobing her of her shimmering ice-blue wrap-around Mylar blouse with a plunging neckline that exposed rather than concealed her bra-less, firmly contoured 32Ds. She had nipples as large and dangerous as icebergs! Their hard points tempted my lips with their taunting arousal. I fondled them briefly on my way south, my hands lingering to caress the lissom lines of her back and buttocks. I knelt at her feet. My face nuzzled the lips of her silky-smooth Venus in submissive adoration as I undid her suspender belt and slowly peeled down the Dita von Teeze stockings from her shapely legs. She stepped out of them, turned and pulled the bed’s richly brocaded coverlet back to sit down on the soft Egyptian cotton sheets, positioning herself strategically to admire her reflection in the giant wall mirror.

  She patted her thighs in silent command. London’s ‘Ice Queen of Fashion’ was about to transform her Press Officer’s submissive fantasies into painfully blissful reality.

  She placed me across her bare thighs, forcing me to arch my back, the better to display my dimpled pink cheeks and expose my pouting pussy to her gaze and to the mirror’s reflection. It was a deliciously humiliating and helpless pose.

  “You, my elskling, are a flirtatious slata. The look you gave Chantal in her restaurant was positively lascivious and I will not tolerate such lewd slutmanners from my pretty Press Officer. I am about to smack your very naughty bottom!”

  She caressed my bared warmth beneath her hand, speculatively kneading and pinching the soft cheeks exposed so helplessly to her gaze, before running a fingernail along the crack of my cuntlips. Her touch was like an electric shock; a thrilling jolt of pure ecstasy. I moaned and wriggled, desperate now for the heat of her spanking hand and that liberating catharsis of pain I so desired.

  “Yes, Mistress!” I cooed. I wiggled my butt provocatively, narcissistically worshipping our joint reflections in the giant mirror.

  “Naughty Press Officers deserve to have their bottoms smacked! I shall have to give you a proper bare-bottomed spanking that you will not soon forget!”

  She began to spank me. She slapped each bouncy cheek alternately in methodical rhythm, covering every inch from the dimple at the base of my spine to the sweet spot where soft thigh meets rounded cheek. I moaned, dreamily at first. Tears began to flow as the stinging strokes turned my cheeks from warm rosy glow to a fiery furnace of heated flesh beneath the hard impact of her hand. She thrust her knee against my rapidly moistening cunt as she ratcheted up the severity of her blows, spreading the heated crimson blush across my quivering globes. My cheeks bounced erotically in the mirror’s reflection, blushing to the beat of her hand, taking on an ever deepening crimson hue beneath the onslaught. I watched her raise her arm to deliver each stinging slap, swinging her ripe breasts into full reflected view each time she struck.

  I squirmed and wriggled beneath her hand of love, rubbing my belly lasciviously against my Domina’s bare knees. I felt the onset of a flowing wetness as my ‘Ice Queen’ brought me ever closer to the ecstatic release that would bond my pain to her pleasure.

  Suddenly the blows ceased. I felt a hand caress between the cleft of my now burning cheeks. She gently parted them to explore the glistening jewel within my pussy. Her moistened finger sought the pink bud of my button, tarried a moment to rim the twitching flower, before sliding lower to the aroused wetness of my open love-labia, now swollen in plump sensuality. I squirmed appreciatively, arching my back to entice the welcome visitor to enter my portal, explore and stay awhile within its tight embrace. The wandering finger felt for my hooded pearl, coaxed it from its hiding place, rubbed it gently to excited hardness, before delving deep into the dark, juicy, cuntgrip of my vagina. Two fingers began to move sensuousl
y in and out, bringing a soft mew of pleasure from my lips. I could feel glistening trails of cumjuice trickle down my inner thighs onto her knees. I bucked my hips to the slippery, oscillating rhythm of the most sensual frigging of my life!!

  I could finally stand it no longer.

  “Turn me over, my darling ‘Ice Queen’! Take me! Fuck me!”

  I struggled against Marijka’s hold while squirming to suck her fingers ever deeper into the quicksand of my cunt.

  “How dare you!”

  My Domina pressed down firmly on the small of my back and removed her questing fingers from their sensual exploration.

  “How dare you attempt to change position while I discipline you. For that, I shall punish you further.”

  A veritable hail of blows descended once more on my poor tortured bottom. My squeals of pleasure quickly turned to tears of anguish. My entire world shrank to nothing but the burning fire consuming my defenceless cheeks beneath that hail of stinging blows. Torment and ecstasy became one in the sweetness of pain.

  I came!

  At last, after what seemed an age, the metronome-like blows ceased. I lay in a limp, near-comatose state on a post-orgasmic plateau of euphoria while my dear disciplinarian caressed my bruised and reddened globes, absorbing the heat emanating from my punished flesh.

  Marijka’s hand began to unfasten the suspenders of my stockings to gently caress the back of my thighs.

  “Your spanking is over and you’ve come all over my knee, you slurpy little slut! Get up! Kick off your heels! Slowly strip for me, starting with your stockings! Slip out of that girdle and flash me some flesh!”

  I undressed obediently before Marijka’s lingering appraisal, cupping my breasts at her and posing provocatively before the mirror. If she wanted me to play the slut, I would play! A hidden harlot lives imprisoned within me, like a genie waiting to be freed from a bottle. Marijka accepted my sluttish invitation to play, unleashing that wanton genie. She ran her sensuous fingers lasciviously over my breasts and hard nipples, lingering to tweak them before continuing down my body to caress my belly and heated bottom. The hard hand that had so cruelly spanked me, now glided delicately up my inner thighs to caress my dripping, swollen lovelips. My Domina bent forward to lick my Venus, her serpentine tongue flicking my sweetness, relishing the delicate flavour of my orgasmic juices and savouring the bouquet like a connoisseur sampling a fine wine.

  “Adele, my delectable English rose! I have plucked your flower! Now I am Mistress of your body! I claim it as my prize in perpetuity!”

  She pulled me roughly onto her and rolled over, pinning me beneath her.

  “Now I plunder my treasure!”

  My breathless retort, “Yes please, Mistress!” was smothered by a demanding kiss. Our tongues entwined. The ‘Ice Queen’ slipped smoothly between my open legs and began to grind against me, breast to breast, cunt to cunt. She grabbed a hot handful of my writhing cheeks as she worked her body against mine. All pain was forgotten as we rocked with wild abandon in a moist embrace; a timeless rhythm of Sapphic sensuality. Her finger sought the tight welcome of my anal blossom. I began to shudder as my orgasm rose, my growing ecstasy bringing Marijka to her own peak. We locked in mutual passion as our climax took hold. It overwhelmed us in a flooding surge, a crashing wave of ecstasy transporting us to the far shores of bliss. Our juices mingled in a sacred orgasmic communion.

  We slept.

  It was late when we were awakened next morning by the sound of our breakfast being laid in the suite’s drawing room. In her typically organized fashion, Marijka had ordered us coffee, croissants and honey before retiring the previous night. There was a gentle knock on our bedroom door as the room-service maid entered and drew open the brocade curtains to allow the bright morning sunshine to flood the room. With a “Bonjour, Mesdames!” she tiptoed out again.

  “The coffee can wait!” my conquisita murmured and leaned over me to suck at a rapidly hardening nipple through the gossamer film of my nightgown. I reached sleepily between her legs to finger the moist warmth of her pussy.

  “Mmmmm!” she murmured and lay back, pulling up her lacy nightie to expose that ever-hungry cunt which I was soon to know so well.

  “Your first duty each morning will be to suck me awake!”

  So this was to be a more permanent arrangement? Not a one-night stand? My heart leapt with joy at the erotic vistas opening up before my eyes.

  “Oh my darling Mistress!” I murmured ecstatically.

  I put my head down between those Nordic limbs and began to fulfil my designated daily duty.

  I pride myself on my cunnilingal ability! I sucked, nibbled and tongued my Mistress’s exquisite pearl, coaxing it from its hooded concealment into hard and prominent arousal before darting my tongue and fingers into the musky recesses of her bower. I slurped her deliciously fragrant wetness greedily as it began to flow. She gripped my head savagely, pumping my face to her grinding conch, urging me to nuzzle even deeper into her soft furrowed recesses as she chased the smouldering glow that presaged the morning glory of her orgasmic release.

  “Suck me, my sweet! You are my priestess! Worship at my Femina altar!” she panted hoarsely, wide-awake now and directing my ministrations. She wriggled and thrust her hips upward to meet my lips.

  “Melt your ‘Ice Queen’! Bring her to burning orgasm!”

  My feverish tonguing worked in ardent frenzy and finally brought Mistress her explosive reward. She pressed my face fiercely against her pubes, rubbing my nose into her throbbing pearl, my forehead hard against the rippling muscles of her belly. She stiffened, clenched and unclenched her bottom cheeks clutched in my hands as her juices began to flow and then flood.

  “Drink at my fountain! Drink from my grail!”

  Marijka’s legs shuddered as the orgasmic wave flowed through her. She clasped my head to the rictus of her cunt in joyful delirium. I lay still, bonded as one with Marijka, bathed in the sunrise of our morning passion.

  The rest of the day was a jumbled blur of sensual highlights, joyful discovery and the growing realisation that my boss now regarded me as more than just a salaried slutslave at her beck and call.

  We came again in a soapy lather of ‘frigging lovesuds’ in the shower amid golden taps and marble fittings. Later, we were driven to Grasse, Europe’s centre of perfumery nestling in the hills above Nice, for a meeting with a master perfumier. It was here, as London’s ‘Ice Queen’ discussed the creation of a range of Marijka Fragrances to be launched in Britain in time for the Christmas season, that I realised that my love for her was returned.

  “Our first fragrance will be named ‘Adele’, after you,” she said and gave me a French kiss.

  I don’t remember much about the day, after that! We lunched somewhere in Grasse and dined that night somewhere in Nice, but I don’t remember where – I was too over the moon to notice such mundane things!

  I remember the night, however! Marijka made love to me again in an explosion of passion that had our senses reeling. There was a full moon that night and she drew the drapes back to let a shaft of silvery light play on our lovebed.

  She pulled back the covers. “Undress, my darling, and wait for your Mistress! I shall not keep you waiting long!”

  Marijka appeared suddenly at the foot of the bed; a silent goddess-like statue bathed in silver. She stood there, a Viking ‘Ice Queen’. She had strapped a rampant rod to her thighs; a rigidly erect long black dildo. It was an awesome sight in the pale moonlight. I lay awaiting my lover, my legs parted in welcome. I fingered my pussy provocatively, spreading wide the pink of my puffy labia to proffer my clitoral pearl to my conquisita.

  “Come, my darling Mistress! Come and fill your special joyhole. Your English rose needs you. Her hot slutty slit craves your hard fuck.”

  I raised my pelvis and thrust a pillow under my tender butt. “Here it is, waiting for you to ride me. Bitch me! Bitch your slut! Did you enjoy spanking my pretty arse yesterday? Will you spank me again tomorrow?
Come and fuck me, darling! Let me worship you with my body!. Smother my face with your warm, heavy titties!”

  I started playing with my open pussy, rubbing my clit to hardness; enticing my ‘Ice Queen’ to melt in me.

  She needed no encouragement. She slid between my legs without a word and thrust her black cock smoothly, deeply, powerfully, inch by inch into the enveloping tightness of my eager hole. I grunted, luxuriating in the fullness engendered by its rampant girth as I relaxed to accommodate the black beast of the night. Marijka pressed her lips to my gasping mouth, smothering my dirty talk, her tongue entwining with mine in a writhing serpentine frenzy. She began to pump her strong hips, impaling me on her weapon, thrusting the lance deep into the dark, slickness of my sluthole. Her thumping rhythm sent ripples of delight through my body from my hungry vagina. My cunt gripped my lover’s magnificent weapon, massaging it with my juices as Marijka thrust and withdrew, thrust and withdrew…

  “Oh my darling Mistress, fuck your Adele to heaven! I do love you so! Fuck your little English flower!”

  My hips rose to meet Marijka’s powerful thrusts. I took her gorgeous tits in my hands and squeezed them, kneaded them, pinched their hard nipples, clawed at those silvered pendulous roundels swaying before my eyes in the magic of moonlight. I urged her on to her desired orgasm, knowing she was taking me with her on her wild ride.

  Marijka was riding me with hard, thumping frenzy now. I could feel her rising climax and knew that the alter-dildo in the grip of her vagina was rubbing her clit to bring her to that satisfying peak of ecstasy which I so desperately desired to give her.

  “Fuck me, you dominating bitch! Ravish your English rose! Cock-whip your adoring Adele, you heavenly cunt-fucker! Rend me! Harder! Harder! You fucking bitch of a cockcunt!”

  Marijka began to quiver, pant and gasp, coming in an explosive flash of orgasmic fire. She took my lips in passionate kisses, sucking, tonguing, biting, smothering. Nostrils flaring like a spent racehorse after the gallop, she clawed at my heaving back and bruised buttocks as she hammered home. The orgasm coursing through her body transmitted its energy to me, pinioned by her hammer, her juices seeping out around the leather harness to wet my belly and pussy. I joined her to come; quivering and shuddering in shared ecstasy. I locked my legs around my spent ‘Queen’, embracing her as our juices commingled in flooding orgasm.


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