Chase (Savage Kings MC Book 1)

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Chase (Savage Kings MC Book 1) Page 11

by Lane Hart

  “What?” I ask, finally rolling over to get up on my hands and knees, so I don’t have to keep looking at his face upside down.

  “I had the girls at the club suck my dick while you were on the news.”

  He did what now?

  When I realize what he’s saying, I bite down on my lip to keep from smiling.

  “That’s…sort of sweet, I guess,” I tell him.

  “It’s fucked up is what it is,” he says as he pulls himself up using the edge of the table and then fixes his jeans.

  “A little bit,” I tell him. “I thought of you whenever I was with someone else,” I admit.

  “I don’t want to hear about you and other men,” he says, scrubbing a hand down his face and shaking his head.

  “They weren’t very good,” I assure him. “Or as big as you.”

  Giving me a small grin, he says, “Well, I guess that’s okay then.”

  “You’re the only man who’s made me come while we’re fucking,” I add. “Probably because I made them all use condoms, which desensitizes everything.”

  “I fucking always use condoms,” Chase informs me. “You’re the only woman I ever trusted not to lie to try and get knocked up.”

  “That would be a shitty thing to do,” I agree as I swing my legs around and climb down off the dinner table. Chase’s parents would be scandalized if they knew we went down on each other where they had family dinners.

  “The club girls are desperate to be someone’s old lady,” he says. “I wouldn’t put it past one of them.”

  “Are the other guys as careful as you?” I ask.

  “No. And they’re idiots,” he replies with a chuckle. “Now how about I see if there are any eggs still in one piece and make you breakfast.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him. “Thanks for not knocking anyone up while we were apart.”

  “Thanks for not getting knocked up while we were apart,” he tells me, then slaps my bare ass. “Put some clothes on and quit distracting me before we both starve to death.”

  Laughing, I walk over and pick up the black Savage Kings tee and put it on again with nothing else.

  “The bearded skull looks sexy as hell on you,” Chase says when he looks over and sees me dressed again. “You were made to wear it.”

  “Do any of the other guys have old ladies?” I ask.

  Getting out the pans he needs from the cabinet, Chase says, “Torin’s married. I think I mentioned that the other day. Kennedy is expecting their son any time now.”

  “You’re gonna be an uncle!” I exclaim. “That’s so exciting.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to meet him. Kennedy’s huge, so it shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “Good for them,” I say.

  “Then there’s War. He has a former old lady who’s fucking insane, so he has sole custody of his three-year-old son.”

  “Wow,” I mutter. “I bet it’s not easy being in the MC and having kids.”

  “This shit the last few days is not the way we normally do things,” he says, reaching into the grocery bag to pull out the eggs, a pack of sausage and a can of biscuits. “Usually it’s pretty calm. All I know is that things are probably gonna get worse before they get better.”

  “Was the highway guy the first one you…you know?” I ask.

  “First man I killed? Yeah,” he answers. “After that, shit just started snowballing out of control with Hector.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “The last few days have been big news days. Speaking of which, I need to go to work this afternoon.”

  “Call in sick, sweetheart. At least through the weekend,” Chase says, turning away from the kitchen counter to cross his arms over his chest. “Torin asked me to give him a little time to figure this fucking mess out. If that doesn’t work, I’ll take care of Hector myself. Then it’s back to normal.”

  “Right, back to normal after you kill the bad guy,” I say like it’s that simple.

  “Please take some time off,” he asks again, even pulling out a please. “I need to keep you here, with me.”

  “And how do you plan to convince me to stay?” I ask with a grin.

  “I have my ways,” he replies before he turns around and gets back to work, knowing I’ll cave.

  “Can we go to the clubhouse and then take your bike out?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I can take you to the clubhouse,” he agrees. I wait for him to mention the bike, but he doesn’t say anything further about it, just like he dodged my question about taking me for a ride earlier.

  I get the feeling that Chase is still thinking about the wreck that happened years ago and is worried about having me on the back of his bike again.

  Hopefully, I’ll be able to convince him to change his mind.

  Chapter Nineteen


  After breakfast, Sasha and I went back to bed, but not to get any sleep.

  Everything was going great too, until I took another quick shower. I walked back into the bedroom just as Sasha was ending a phone call with someone. When I asked who she was talking to, she simply told me it was work stuff.

  I didn’t push her because things are so fucking good between us. But it’s been an hour, and Sasha’s barely said a few words to me. Something’s on her mind; I just don’t know what.

  “You okay?” I ask her as I cut the engine on my truck in the Savage Asylum parking lot.

  “Yeah,” she answers. Glancing over at the neon sign on the building, she says, “Guess I’m a little nervous about going in and seeing the women who took my place.”

  “No one could ever take your place, sweetheart,” I tell her honestly. Reaching over the console, I grab her hand and bring it up to my lips to kiss her knuckles. The gesture may not seem like much to her, but in the MC, the only hand a King kisses is his queen’s – his old lady’s. It’s how the other brothers know that a woman’s been claimed by a member to make sure they show them some respect, unlike the club sluts who get shared like public domain.

  “Come on,” I say, letting her hand go so we can get out. Before we walk through the door, I grab Sasha’s hand again, intertwining our fingers, then step into the bar.

  No shit, the whole place goes silent, other than the jukebox playing a rock song through the speakers. Every head turns in our direction; jaws are gaping, eyes are about to bulge out of their sockets. It’s the damndest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Everyone meet Sasha. Sasha, meet everyone,” I say since we seem to have the floor.

  “Hi!” she says with a grin and a wave. Wearing her leather pants and sexy shirt again, it’s easy to see why she has every man’s eye in the room. The jealousy wafting off the women is so thick I nearly choke on it.

  I lead her up to the bar, hoping the onlookers will fucking get on with it already and stop staring.

  “What can I get you?” Turtle asks. He’s an older fellow, my dad’s age and balding. While he’s never been patched in as a member, he’s been a hang-around for twenty years now. He helps Fast Eddie, our oldest member, with his salvage yard business and towing company, which means the Kings keep them busy. A few nights a week Turtle also bartends for the hell of it.

  “Beer?” I ask Sasha.

  “Sure,” she agrees. “Bud Light.”

  “Two Bud Lights,” I tell Turtle.

  “Coming right up,” he replies.

  “Chase,” Maddox says when he steps up to me at the bar. “Torin needs to see you.”

  “Fuck,” I mutter. Not ready to let my brother meet Sasha yet, I ask her, “Will you be okay up here?”

  “Yeah, sure. Go,” she says. “I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl.”

  “I know, but I’ll have Maddox stay with you,” I tell her.

  “I don’t need a babysitter, Chase,” she groans, hopping up on the bar stool with a roll of her blue eyes.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight,” I warn Maddox before I give Sasha a quick kiss on the lips.



  “If looks could kill,” I murmur to Maddox between sips of my bottle of beer. “Well, then I think you and I would both be dead; you simply because of your proximity to me.”

  “The claws are definitely gonna come out,” he agrees before he spins around on his stool when three blonde women walk up to me. I’m pretty sure that my flimsy shirt has more material than the three of their outfits combined. One is wearing a fishnet stocking dress, for chrisssakes, which means her nipples are poking out two of the holes.

  “Can I help you, ladies?” I ask with my most pleasant, friendly reporter smile in place.

  “Don’t get your hopes up, honey,” the fishnet chick says. “If Chase Fury takes you downstairs, it’s just for you to suck his dick. Doesn’t mean you’re special.”

  “Oh,” I say with a nod, trying to bite back my jealousy. They may have been with Chase before, but never again. This afternoon I got a call from D.C. letting me know that I got the correspondent job. I didn’t tell Chase, because I’m going to turn it down. They gave me a few days to think about it, but I finally feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. So, I better set these women straight, because I’m not going anywhere.

  “Well,” I start. “Since I took care of sucking his dick a few hours ago, he’s probably all good, but thanks for your concern.”

  Beside me, I’m pretty sure Maddox spews a little of Chase’s beer that he took over.

  “See, that’s all he’s looking for, sweetie,” the girl in a black leather dress with a silver zipper unzipped down to her navel says. “It’s not a good sign if he left you up here. That means you’re fair game for the other brothers. He won’t even remember your name tomorrow. Hell, he’s probably already forgotten it.”

  “Wanna bet?” I ask.

  “Bet what?” the third slut asks.

  “When he comes back, I’ll prove you all wrong,” I tell them. “Do you really want to embarrass yourselves? Wouldn’t you rather go find someone else’s dick to suck?”

  “Wow, what a bitch,” leather dress girl mutters under her breath.

  I look at each woman one at a time and then the rest of the bar, most of whom are watching our little drama unfold, and I realize something. Setting down my bottle on the bar, I stand up, towering over all three of them, because I’m over six feet tall when I’m wearing my high heels.

  “I get it now,” I tell them. “Congrats, girls. You were the best Chase could do when he was trying to find my replacement. But that’s all you’ll ever be to him, and I can’t wait to see the look on your faces when you realize it.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “What’s up?” I ask Torin, who is sitting in his usual seat at the head of the table. I’m starting to realize he’s spending way too much time here.

  “I need to ask a favor,” he says.

  “Okay?” I say. Since I’m in a hurry, I don’t take a seat, hoping he’ll get to it. I should’ve brought Sasha down here with me. The club girls can be catty; but at the same time, Torin still thinks of her as nothing but a nosy reporter.

  “Can I borrow some money?” Torin asks through gritted teeth, telling me it cost him his pride to ask me that.

  “How much?”

  “Four hundred,” he says, and I know he means four hundred thousand.

  “So a million dollars is what Hector wants from you?” I guess, since Kennedy said he took six hundred out of their account.

  “How the fuck did you know that?” Torin asks.

  “A little detective work,” I reply. “And you know I’ll give it to you, but it won’t end there. Hector is gonna keep asking you for more money.”

  “I fucking know that, okay? That’s what he’s been doing for months. But what choice do I have?”

  “Set the meet and then kill him,” I suggest.

  “I told you that I couldn’t do that.”

  “Then you’re fucked,” I say, because it’s true. “And we both know what he’s gonna want after you pay him – you to hand me over to him.”

  Torin shakes his head. “I won’t fucking do that.”

  “He’s already asked, hasn’t he?” I realize. God, I’m slow sometimes.


  “Fucking great,” I grumble as I cover my face. “I’m tired of sitting around and waiting for the other shoe to drop,” I tell him. “Tonight, I’m putting together a crew, and then we’re gonna track this shit down that he’s blackmailing you with.”

  Torin takes a deep breath, and I know he’s going to argue. He suddenly lets it out in a long sigh. “You should know what you’re looking for. It’s a video. It’s not on a computer, though. Reece has already been getting into Hector’s systems to check. He thinks it’s probably on a flash drive somewhere. Hector knows I can’t control you and expects you to keep causing trouble. If you do this, you better do it quietly,” Torin finally warns me.

  “I will. But you need to put everyone on notice. War is coming, and everyone needs to get ready. I’m gonna have Sasha stay here with the prospects tomorrow if we can set it up by then. You probably should get Kennedy to come in too. Will you stay here with them?”

  “Yes,” he agrees.

  “Don’t give Sasha any shit either, Torin. You can’t point any fingers except at yourself for this mess.”

  “I fucking know that!” he shouts.

  “Good,” I say before I head back upstairs.



  “Hey, sweetheart, you doin’ okay?” Chase asks when he returns and looks back and forth between the clueless girls and me.

  “Yeah,” I assure him, turning to kiss him in greeting. Running my hands up underneath his shirt that’s covered by his cut, I ask, “Can I show them?”

  He gives me a small smile and nods in understanding. I pull my hands out of his shirt to slip his cut off his shoulders, and then I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head. The women gasp before he even turns for them to see the tattoo, like seeing Chase shirtless is something new.

  “Better?” he asks me with a grin as I rub my palms up his abs and over his chest.

  “Much,” I reply. “Now just one more thing.”

  “What’s that?” he asks.

  “Could you please tell these ladies my name?”

  Smirking, he lifts an eyebrow and says to them, “This is Sasha Eleanor Sheridan, my high school sweetheart. And I’m hoping she’ll be my old lady.”

  Grinning so broadly my face may split, I remind Chase, “I already said yes ten years ago.”

  Nodding, Chase says, “Damn right you did.” Then, he takes my hand and lifts it to his lips.

  As he kisses my knuckles, the three cycle sluts stare stone-faced, then begin to slowly back away.

  Before they can disappear into the throng of people in the bar, Chase stands up straight and roars to be heard over the jukebox. “You hear that brothers? Meet my old lady!”

  All of the club members, and most of the other men in the bar, raise their glasses or bottles and cheer as Chase kisses my hand again.

  “Just as a friendly reminder to everyone,” Chase continues, staring down each of the three girls who are still backing away. “That means any insult to Sasha is an insult to me, and by extension the Savage Kings. Now, Turtle, pour everyone a round on the house!”

  The hollering and applause swells even louder at that proclamation, as Chase wraps me into his arms and brings me close for a kiss. We’re jostled and slapped in congratulations by his brothers as they step to the bar, but nothing can distract us now that we have found each other once more. After an all too short period, Chase breaks away from me.

  “I’m going to need you to hang out here with Maddox just a little longer, okay? I’ve gotta run downstairs and handle something, then we can have our drink.”

  I nod and take my seat back at the bar as he turns away, then raise my bottle briefly to the three girls staring dumbfounded as my old man disappears back into the basem
ent of the club.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Once I’m back downstairs, I head to the end of the hall, where one of my quietest, and arguably most dangerous brothers, has his room. Before I can lift my hand to knock, he is already peering out of the cracked door, opening it fully when he sees me.

  “Thought I heard someone coming my way,” Reece says with a slight smile. His room is dark, except for a flickering of neon lights, which give his clean-shaven face an eerie backlight.

  “Yo, Reece. Good to see you, man. I need your help,” I tell our IT guy without further preamble. Reece isn’t a man who likes to waste words or time.

  “What do you need?” he asks, standing aside and waving me into his room. I glance around his apartment, which is probably as sterile as his former barracks. He’s got a military cot in one corner, crisply made, and a desk near the back wall that faces the door. The only light in the room glows from the three large computer monitors. Thick bundles of zip-tied wiring sprout from the only other furniture in the room; some sort of shelf, which has a bunch of glowing boxes; and a giant air conditioning unit blasting freezing air on them. The room is colder than the city morgue, but Reece doesn’t seem to be bothered as he strides back over to his chair and pushes his back to the far wall.

  “Can you get me the name and location of one of Hector Cruz’s men? Not the bottom soldiers, but one of his commanders?”

  Reece waves for me to step over behind his desk with him. As I move closer, I can see that his three monitors all seem to be streaming video of different businesses and residences.

  “Torin asked me to keep tabs on Cruz and his crew after your incident the other day,” Reece explains, nodding towards the screens. “I logged myself into a bunch of their security networks to analyze their operations and look for their daily patterns.”

  Reece leans back in his chair, staring at a blank spot on the wall. I’ve seen him do this before when he’s cooking up a plan, and I know better than to interrupt him. I wait patiently, listening to the hum of the electronics around us until Reece suddenly leans over his keyboard and begins rapidly tapping on the keys.


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