Uncovering Desire

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Uncovering Desire Page 1

by Kacey Shea

  Uncovering Desire

  Book Two in the Uncovering Love Series

  Kacey Shea

  Copyright © 2015 by Kacey Shea Books LLC

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


  Cover Design: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Photography: Golden Czermak, Furious Fotog

  Cover Model: Chase Ketron

  Secondary Photography: Cindy Carpenter

  Female Cover Model: Courtney Johnson

  Editing: Brenda Letendre, Write Girl Editing Services

  Proofreading: Angela Stephens

  Formatting: Stacey Blake, Champagne Formats

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Uncovering Hope - Chapter One


  About the Author

  Books by Kacey Shea

  Author Links

  For all the strong, beautiful mommas with children who leave this world too soon.

  For all the soldiers who serve their country, returning with scars both visible and unseen.


  “Oh yes baby just like that.”

  “You like that don’t you?”

  “Oh yes, don’t stop. Harder!”

  You know you’ve made it in life when you find yourself sitting in the back of a taco truck listening to the sweet sounds of a man and his mistress getting it on.

  As much as I didn’t find joy in listening or watching what I was recording, I had to admit life was going pretty well at the moment. My private investigation firm was building a solid client base and business was booming. When my best friend Evie and I decided to give this PI business a whirl three months ago I only dreamed we would form a decent side business. What I didn’t expect was building a full-time career. Evie didn’t expect to find the love of her life. I guess we’re both pleasantly surprised as to where this idea led.

  Our very first client led us to investigate Tate Reynolds, a well-liked trainer at a popular gym in Old Town. It was my bright idea for Evie to get closer to Tate, first through personal training, and then through friendship, to conduct a full background check.

  Because our PI firm specializes in investigating cases regarding matters of the heart, we sometimes receive strange requests. The entire reason we investigated Tate was to prove if he passed a laundry list of requirements set forth by a woman who wanted to snag him as her trophy husband. Evie and Tate ended up falling in love with each other through the process and although the truth of the situation almost ruined their relationship, they found a way back to each other.

  It was a bittersweet reunion because while I wanted nothing but happiness for Evie, I also hoped that she might see me as more than a best friend after moving back. I had served two terms with the Army and we kept in touch during that time. I’m still trying to be happy for the new couple. Admittedly, I find nothing wrong with Tate, and he treats Evie with love and respect. She’s happier than she’s ever been and I know that’s a result of the love she shares with him.

  Sometimes I just wish I didn’t have my face rubbed in their happiness every damn day.

  “Oh yes! That’s it, ride me!”

  I glance at the tablet and then turn away. I’m recording every second of this sordid love affair, but I don’t want to watch it. From online porn you get the impression that watching others fuck is a turn on, but the reality is that the natural act between most people is not a pretty sight. I turn down the volume a little.

  Bang bang bang. I jump in surprise at the sudden knocking from outside the van. The door rolls open revealing two beautiful, smiling faces.

  “I’ve got popcorn!”

  “I brought candy!”

  Evie and her best friend Kate climb inside and scoot next to my makeshift desk among the boxes of catering supplies lining the van. Each woman eagerly peers over one of my shoulders. They really brought snacks, and my stomach grumbles with excitement as the smell of melted butter fills the tight space.

  “Wow, they didn’t waste any time getting busy! I thought you said they were supposed to meet at six?” Evie leans forward, pulling a hair tie off her wrist and wrapping her long straight brown hair behind her.

  “I’m glad we weren’t any later, we would have missed the entire show.” Kate flips her blonde tresses over a shoulder. Pulling a bag of candy from her purse she tears the package. A shrill scream gains our attention.

  The girls gape at the screen. I grimace. “Not much of a show if you ask me.”

  “Yeah, more like horror show… what the fuck is he doing to that poor woman?” Kate pops a chocolate in her mouth.

  “I don’t know. I stopped trying to understand people and the reasons for what they do a long time ago. Hey, QT, aren’t you supposed to watch the boys tonight? I wasn’t expecting you. Not that I mind.”

  “Would you stop calling me that?” Evie rolls her bright blue eyes. The nickname was one I bestowed upon her back in high school when her lack of coordination had her tripping, hence Quick Trip aka QT. She says she’s outgrown it, but I think it fits her perfectly.

  “Yeah, I was supposed to watch them but Carly was able to leave her shift early. Since Tate already had a full night of classes and clients booked I thought I’d come stake out with you. But it looks like we won’t be here much longer. Mr. Bigtime seems to be losing steam.”

  Carly was Tate’s sister and she and her two sons, Eli and Ezra lived with Tate. I didn’t know the details, but she split with her ex and was raising their two young boys as a single mom. It’s an unconventional living arrangement, but they are a package deal when it comes to Tate. Evie doesn’t seem to mind. In fact she often volunteers to watch the boys when Carly works a late shift at the hospital. I’ve met the boys a few times and they are good kids.

  Glancing at the screen I have to agree with Evie. Mr. Brian Culler seems more of a talker than a showman. He’s well on his way to finishing and I’m not sure his mistress is appreciative. The man is dripping streams of sweat onto her body as he pumps vigorously. Even with the sound turned down the rhythmic sounds of skin slapping fills the van. I’m pretty sure she isn’t getting much pleasure from the experience but her cries of ecstasy don’t support my assessment.

  “So how’d you get that camera in the room without anyone noticing?” Kate asks. She’s stuffing her face with popcorn and watching the screen with rapt attention, missing her mouth with several pieces for each handful. />
  Kate is Evie’s best friend and the three of us were close friends in high school. Kate and I grew apart after I left for boot camp and I’m still adjusting to the outrageous, sexy, promiscuous woman she’s become. She’s beautiful and alluring with her perfectly constructed outfits, made up face, and blonde hair. I find her attractive physically, but I don’t want to. I don’t condone her slutty behavior and it’s my biggest turn off. The few times I’ve felt a connection since moving back are moments when she seems more like the girl I knew before. These don’t last long and are doused by the reality of the woman she is today.

  Kate’s tenacity and gab skills are the reason we even gave this business of PI work a try in the first place. We’ve crowned her sort of an honorary member of the investigative team. Although she doesn’t work with us she often tags along to business meetings or helps out when needed. Without her savvy we would’ve never stumbled into this business. I owe her for that.

  “It wasn’t too hard. I bribed the cleaning crew with forty bucks and they let me in the room a few hours ago.”

  “Forty bucks? That’s it?”

  “This place charges by the hour Kate. You can get a room for sixty bucks a night. I’m pretty sure murders have been committed in that room. The staff isn’t paid well enough to care.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right there. But how did you know what room they’d be assigned?” Her blue eyes flick back to the show.

  “I’ve been tailing this guy for weeks and every Tuesday and Thursday while his wife attends community college he meets his mistress in the same room at the exact same time. Six o’clock in room nine.”

  She pops another handful into her mouth. “Sixty-nine. Nice.”

  “Yeah, a real romantic this guy.” I roll my eyes. More like disgusting.

  “Some girls don’t want romance. Some just want a night of passion. I get that.” Kate grins.

  “Yeah, I’ve no doubt.” Muttering I reach over to grab a handful of popcorn. Kate pulls the bag out of my reach.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Her voice is hard and accusing. I return her glare and wrestle the bag from her hands.

  “You know exactly what it means. I get that you prefer the one night stand over anything meaningful. Maybe if you—”

  “Children, enough!” Evie plays referee. I’m usually more polite with other people, but Kate gets under my skin and I can’t help but end up in an argument. Our attention is brought back to the screen as the chorus of shrill screams and grunts gains volume.

  “Oh god! Oh god! Oh… yes! Yes! Don’t stop!”

  “Is she faking?” I question the girls.

  “Oh, she’s faking it.” Kate nods.

  “Totally faking.” Evie agrees.

  The couple on screen separates and Mr. Culler rolls to the side, working to catch his breath. His mistress stretches, running her claw-like nails up and down his chest. She licks his sweat covered heaving chest. “Hey baby, can you get it up another round?”

  “Ha! See! Faking!” Evie laughs and points to the screen. I have all the intel and evidence I need to get back to Mrs. Culler who is planning on using it to extort an impressive settlement in their impending split. I don’t feel sorry this bastard doesn’t see it coming either. Good for her. I begin packing up my gear.

  “Do you ladies want to join me for dinner and a beer? I say we celebrate the close of another successful case.”

  “Oh yes! But no health food please… let’s go somewhere that’s sure to give me heartburn and indigestion.” Evie grins.

  “How about your favorite pizza joint, Joe’s?”

  “Oh god yes, you know me so well. It’s like you can read my mind.” She gushes and Kate and I laugh. The woman loves her pizza.

  “Alright. I’ve gotta drop the van back by Fernando’s so I’ll just meet you there.”

  “Tell me again how you ended up in a Fernando’s catering van?” Kate puzzles.

  Evie pipes in to answer. “Oh, it’s one of the places Tate and I stop in to eat at from time to time and he knows the owners pretty well. They overheard me talking to Tate about needing to find a van for undercover work and we struck an agreement. They let us lease it for a fraction of the cost of purchasing our own vehicle as long as we only use it during the times they aren’t catering. Since most of their catering takes place during lunch hours it’s a sweet deal.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “Plus we get free tacos and you know how I feel about free food.”

  “Okay, ladies, I’m all packed up so unless you’re riding with me, out you go.” I reach over and pop open the back door before making my way toward the front. Evie and Kate jump out onto the pavement.

  Kate shouts, “See you soon, Mr. Army!” before slamming the door shut. I hate when she calls me that. It’s like she’s mocking my choice to spend eight years of my life serving this county. I’m sure that’s not her intent but it grates on me every time she does. I’ve thought about telling her, but with the kind of relationship we have she’d probably just use the term more often.

  I start up the van and put the gear into drive, making my way toward Fernando’s. I crank the local country station, indulging my guilty pleasure of a little Keith Urban while I drive. Singing along to the heartfelt lyrics puts me in a hell of a good mood.

  This is the good life. As much as it’s sad to find proof of another man cheating on his wife, I’m coasting the little high I get from solving another case. Besides, it’s the stupid bastard’s choice to cheat on his wife of fifteen years, not mine, so kudos to me for finding the hard evidence.

  The one thing I know for certain, from both my time in the Army and still young career as a PI, is that people make horrible and selfish choices in life when no one’s looking. People may seem to have it all together but everyone has skeletons hiding in their closets. Is it so wrong I enjoy shining the light on those deep dark secrets? I don’t think so and any resulting consequences from my part in exposure doesn’t weigh on my conscience. If people live honestly they won’t have these kinds of problems to begin with.

  I pull into the lot of Fernando’s alongside my sleek black Ford F150. We have our own set of keys as part of the lease agreement so I climb into my truck and make the short drive to Joe’s Pizzeria. It’s an Arizona summer night, so even with the sun setting it’s hotter than hell outside. I’m glad my stake out in the van was short lived.

  It’s a Wednesday evening and the parking lot at Joe’s is more barren than usual. This place is a total dive, but serves amazing pizza and wings. Evie insists we have at least one meeting a week here. She likes to argue it’s a good place to meet because hardly anyone ever dines in the place and it gives us the privacy we need while discussing clients. I suspect she just loves the pizza. Joe’s makes most of their money off of takeout and delivery, because understandably most don’t come here for the ambiance.

  The girls have already commandeered the back corner booth when I walk inside. They are laughing, Evie telling Kate a story involving crazy hand gestures. I have to smile, I really am lucky to consider these two friends. I slide into the booth next to Kate as Evie finishes a story about Tate’s nephews. I pour myself a beer from the pitcher on the table and take a long cool sip.

  “Hits the spot doesn’t it?” Kate grins, taking a drink from her own glass.

  Joe comes by with a giant pizza, “The usual for my favorite customers!” he says in his booming voice.

  “Aw thanks Joe, but I wonder if you say that to all your customers?” Evie bats her eye lashes with a grin, earning a deep chuckle from Joe. “Only the beautiful ones, my dear. Enjoy!” He shuffles back into the kitchen.

  Evie inhales, moving her face close to the steaming pie. “So damn good.” She breathes deeply again and I shake my head. Kate rolls her eyes.

  “Whatever, Evie. You can’t act like pizza is sex when we all know you are getting fucked properly from your hot boyfriend.” Evie blushes and busies herself with dishing out slices. Kate’s
teasing but her comment is irritating. Logically I know Evie and Tate are sleeping together but I don’t enjoy hearing about it.

  “Change of subject please.” I glare before starting on my slice. Damn, this pizza is good. Evie moans as she takes a bite. Kate and I both give her a look and she wipes her mouth before apologizing. “Sorry! Sorry. I know I’m overly excited about the pizza. It’s just so good every single time. I’ll stop with the noises, I swear.”

  “So, Kate,” I ask, “How are things going at work?” Kate looks up with surprise, a faint smile crossing her face, blue eyes sparkling.

  “Very well, in fact the owners want to expand the studio space. I helped them put in bids on two different locations last week. We hope to hear back soon.”

  “Will you keep the current location open?” Evie asks.

  “That’s the only drawback… we are bidding on spaces in the North Valley because that’s the clientele they want to focus on working with, but if we end up getting one of the sites we will relocate and close the downtown office by the end of the year.” Kate shrugs and takes a drink. “I mean, it’s great for the studio and the owners have already informed me a raise would be involved, but I’ll really miss my five minute commute to work.”

  “Yeah, that sucks.” I agree. I still don’t know exactly what it is Kate does but it’s something to do with the studio’s public relations and keeping clients happy.

  Evie pulls her phone out and is grinning from ear to ear at whatever she’s viewing. She glances from the screen to Kate and I. “Hey friends, I hate to dine and dash but Tate just texted me. His client canceled and he has an hour until his last session of the day. I told him I’d come by and keep him company until he gets off work. Jon, is there any way you can drive Kate home? I picked her up on the way tonight.” She waits for my reply with hopeful eyes and I turn to Kate who looks a little put off by the request.

  “Yeah, I can drive Kate home. Kate, you okay with that?”

  “Yeah, fine. I guess.” She pushes her half eaten slice around her plate with a fork.

  “I’m sorry Kate, but you know I hardly ever get one on one time with him during the week. If you don’t want me to go I’ll let him know I can’t make it.”


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