Dear Neighbor

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Dear Neighbor Page 4

by River Laurent

  “Because the Super’s at his kid’s school show, and it doesn’t let out until ten.” Max shook his head, then muttered, “I really didn’t need his whole life story.”

  “Three hours?”

  “It’s a good sign that you can still do basic math.”

  “Ugh.” I couldn’t believe my luck. I truly couldn’t.

  “No chance in getting back to work to pick up the keys, huh?”

  I frowned as I thought about it. My passkey was on that keychain and the building was completely secure at night. “No. Like the guard wouldn’t even let me in without it.”

  Max blew out a long breath. “Well, there’s only one thing to do.”


  “You can wait in my place if you want. It’s only three hours. Not a tragedy.”

  I side-eyed him. “You don’t have anything better to do?”

  “Would I offer if I had anything better to do?”

  “So, if you had something better to do you would leave me sitting out here.”

  He smirked. “Probably. Come on.”



  I was determined to stand on my own since I still had a modicum of dignity left, or so I told myself. What I did not have, I soon found out, was coordination. I couldn’t seem to make my legs work. I heard him sigh, then felt his hands grip my biceps as he lifted me up. The fact that he could do that so easily was not lost on me.

  When we got in the elevator, I leaned against the wall and watched him openly. In the light, he looked even better than he had in the dark.

  “What?” he asked, looking down at me out of the corner of his eye. He had at least a half-foot on me even though I was in heels.

  “Do you think it’s weird? Like, does it ever feel weird to you?”

  “Does what feel weird?”

  “Living as one of only two people in our whole building?”

  He waited a moment, then nodded. “Not really.”

  “You won’t cave in to those bastards, will you? They can buy everybody else out, but they can’t buy us. We’ll stand our ground and fight them until the very end,” I declared dramatically.

  He stared at me. “To the very end,” he agreed softly.

  “I woke up this morning and felt like I was in one of those disaster movies where only a few people are left.”

  “Like The Stand.”

  “Oh, that movie was awful.”

  “Terrible,” he agreed. “The book was much better.”

  “But you see what I mean.”

  “I do.” He grinned. “Well, at least you’re not totally alone. Otherwise, you’d still be sitting out there on the steps.”

  “You don’t know that. I might know people in the neighborhood.”

  The doors opened, and Max stepped out with a knowing grin. “Who?”


  “Joe who? And don’t say Smith.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” I put all my effort into walking a straight line as we made our way down the hall.”

  “So, you don’t know anybody in the neighborhood. Just admit it. it’s not a crime. This is New York. It would be weird if you did.”

  “Okay, I don’t.” I leaned against the wall while Max unlocked the door.

  He grinned. “So, I’m kind of your savior right now?”

  “I could just as easily sit out in front of my door for the next three hours.”

  He stopped just short of opening his door. “You’re right. See ya.”

  “No, no. Come on. I was just kidding.”

  He smiled—he had a really, really nice smile, when he bothered to show it off—and opened the door.

  “Whoa.” I dropped my purse just inside the door, stunned at what I saw. “This is waaaaaay bigger than my place! How many bedrooms is this?”

  “Um, three?”

  “Wow. Your living room is twice the size of mine. Maybe three times.” I walked around, running my hands over the furniture. All new, all very nice. Mine was from Ikea or Goodwill. His had actually come from a furniture store, and it actually matched. “And your view!”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty nice.”

  “My view is of the back alley. This is better than nice.” I could see the entire street out his living room windows, not to mention the city skyline over the tops of the roofs across the street. “This is fantastic. I can see why you don’t want to leave. I wouldn’t, either.”

  “It’s nice,” he said again. “I like the area.” He paused then added meaningfully. “And the scenery.”

  His comment flew over my head for a second as I stood by the window, but as the meaning of his words sank in, I felt my cheeks redden.

  “Then how come you’ve never been very nice to me when I’ve run into you before?” I asked, turning halfway.

  He slid out of his suit jacket, folding it carelessly over the back of a leather club chair. I could make out the size of his shoulders and biceps through the cut of his white shirt. My stomach fluttered a little—maybe not a good thing, considering the amount of food and booze in there. I’d always been a girl who loved a solid set of shoulders, and his were impressive. Much like the rest of him, come to think of it.

  “I’m not always great with strangers,” he admitted. “And I’m usually lost in my own head when I’m alone.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He grinned, shaking his head. “I mean I’m usually distracted. I have a million things going on in my head all the time. That’s all. People take that as rudeness when I’m just…oblivious, I guess. Not something I’m proud of.”

  I looked him up and down, trying to decide if he was sincere or not. Then I gave up since I was no judge of character in my condition, and his smile and dimples were too distracting.

  “You want something to drink?” he asked.

  I brightened. “You have any wine?”

  “Yeah, but I was thinking water might be a better idea right now. No offense, but I like my furniture puke-free.”

  I was just about to protest when a nasty belch worked its way up my esophagus. Oh, sexy, I thought in panic. I managed to keep my mouth closed, turning my head away from where he stood. “Yeah,” I agreed when it had passed. “Water’s great.”

  I watched as he walked into the open kitchen, which also happened to be three times larger than mine. It was very sleek, all black and chrome. Very masculine. I wondered how much work he’d had done in there. I would have asked, only the sight of his tight butt was more interesting just then. He was bent and pulling two bottles of water from a low shelf in his fridge.

  I suddenly hoped the Super took all night to get there.



  “Come. Sit.” Max sat on the black leather sofa, then patted the spot beside him. “Take a load off. I’m sure your feet are killing you in those things.”

  I looked down at my heels. “These? They’re probably my most comfortable shoes.”


  “Not impossible. Believe me, I have way less comfortable ones than these.”

  “Now it sounds like you’re bragging.” He crossed one ankle over the other knee, looking completely relaxed yet panty-meltingly hot at the same time. If the bottle of water in one hand had been a martini, he could’ve passed for James Bond. He was just so overwhelmingly marvelous.

  “I’m not bragging. I’m just saying.” I sank gratefully into the buttery soft leather. “Oh, my. This is very, very comfortable,” I gushed.

  His eyes crinkled. “Yeah, it’s comfortable.”

  I pointed to the massive flat screen that took up most of the opposite wall. “How much does something like that cost?”

  “Do you always ask the price of things when you visit somebody’s apartment for the first time?”

  “No, but I do babble incessantly.”

  “Gotcha.” He looked at the TV. “It was a gift, actually.”

  “A gift?” I blinked. “Who the hell gives gifts like that?”

A client of mine.”

  I looked at the TV, where we were both reflected. “Is your client a King? An Arab Prince? A Mexican drug lord?”

  He threw his wonderful head back and laughed. He had a great laugh, deep and resonant. “No. He’s even wealthier than that, actually.”

  “Not to brag or anything,” I shot back but messed it up with a stupid giggle. I had to stop myself, but it was as if my mouth had a mind of its own.

  He looked at me seriously. “No, not at all. It’s a fact. He is.”

  I tilted my head to the side, seeing him through new eyes. “What do you do?”

  “I work with rich people.” He raised the water bottle to his lips. The end of that part of our conversation, obviously. Just as well, since I couldn’t think straight while I was sitting so close to him. He had this intense masculinity that I just couldn’t resist. I crossed my legs in his direction.

  “So, Max. What should we do to pass the time until the Super gets here?”

  He looked over at me out of the corner of his eye, and I wasn’t sure whether I saw a knowing smirk play along the corners of his mouth. “Gee, I don’t know. What do you think we should do?”

  Shoot. I didn’t expect him to lob the ball back in my direction like that. I had no follow-up line. Boy, was I rusty with flirting. I tried to remember how Josh and I originally started out together.

  Josh. It all came rushing back at once. My chin trembled before I could stop it.

  “Um… Are you okay?” Max looked alarmed.

  “Sure, I’m fine.” Only the word “fine” came out in a loud, bleating sob. The dam broke, and all the pent-up pain and disappointment of the day came pouring out of me.

  “Jesus,” I heard him say. “What happened?” He handed me a box of tissues. I tried to thank him, but I was crying too hard.

  “My…boyfriend…my…ex-boyfriend,” I said bitterly.

  “Ohhhh. Is that why you went out and got ripped up?”

  I nodded, then blew my nose. It sounded like a cross between a tugboat and a trumpet. So hot. Who wouldn’t want a piece of me just then? “He…we were dating for over a month. I thought he was going to take it to the next level,” I sniffed pitifully.

  “That sucks.”

  “You don’t even know the half of it.” I let out a wail. I didn’t even care anymore that I sounded like an idiot. I’d gotten started, and there was no stopping me.

  “What’s the rest of it?” he asked. I felt his hand on my back. He didn’t rub, he didn’t pat. He just placed his large warm hand on my back. Somehow, that was enough. It was quite lovely, actually.

  “He has a girlfriend!”

  “Oh, the bastard.”

  “And she’s pregnant.”


  I nodded empathically. “She emailed me at work, called me out, and sent me a picture of the ultrasound of her baby. I still can’t believe I never once suspected that I was the other woman,” I wailed inconsolably and leaned my forehead on his shoulder

  “It’s not your fault, Mimi,” he soothed.

  I wasn’t looking up, and even if I was I wouldn’t be able to see through the tears in my eyes, but it was so great being so close to him I could have stayed there forever.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I didn’t tell you the worst part,” I hiccupped.

  “Don’t tell me you’re pregnant too.”

  I gasped. “Oh, God, no!”

  “Then it’s not that bad.”

  “He’s my boss.”

  “Oh, God.”



  I nodded and sniffed. “He’s not my boss, but he’s a manager and I have to see him every day. I just hate it that I got involved with somebody at work because only stupid people do that.” I looked up at Max through a veil of tears. “I’m not a stupid person. I swear, I’m not stupid. You have to believe me. I’m holding my heart in my hands.”

  “I believe you.” His smile was kind, even sweet.

  I wiped my eyes. It felt like the worst was over, which was a relief.

  “Feel a bit better?”

  “No fair,” I muttered to myself.

  “What’s no fair?” he asked.

  “You don’t get to be so gorgeous and be a nice guy, too.”

  “Gorgeous?” He had been leaning in, close to me, but straightened away. “I wouldn’t call myself gorgeous.”

  “Oh, come on,” I cried indignantly. “Is your mirror broken? Or do you have really poor eyesight? Is that it?”

  He chuckled. The sound caused another strange flutter in my stomach. I looked at him. “My stomach is fluttering.”

  “You’re not going to be sick, are you?” he asked anxiously.

  I couldn’t believe he could make me laugh when I felt so completely crushed, but he did. I tried to hold it in, but before I knew it I was laughing like a hyena. Couldn’t stop. He just stared at me.

  “Ugh. I’m the worst.” I held my head in my hands. “I’m so that girl right now.”

  “That girl? What girl?” His hand was on my back again. He rubbed back and forth—not sexily, not like he was coming on to me. Just in a friendly sort of way. It was sort of amazing, though.

  “The one who makes bad decisions. She gets sloppy drunk and does stupid things like go to a stranger’s apartment and cry her eyes out like an idiot and tell him all her embarrassing issues. What a loser.”

  “Hmm. Would it make you feel better if I told you something embarrassing about myself?”

  I looked at him through my spread fingers. “Oh, please. Like you have any embarrassing stories.”

  He grimaced. “I’m a human being. We all have embarrassing stories.”

  “Well, then, yes.” I sat up, pushing my hair back over my shoulders sloppily. “Please. Soothe me with your embarrassment.”

  “Uh, let’s see. When I was a kid, I played indoor soccer for maybe two seasons. I wasn’t totally athletic back then. I was sort of a nerd.”

  “Bull…shit,” I slurred. No way, was this guy ever a nerd. Not even in a past life. I felt quite aggressive about the fact.

  “I was. I could show you some pretty tragic school pictures from those days.”

  “I will hold you to that.”

  “Anyway,” he continued, “I had never scored a goal before, and suddenly the ball came my way. I was so excited because the goal was open, so I kicked it in. I thought I was a living god, you know? I mean cheering, waving my arms around, the whole thing. Only nobody else on my team was cheering.”

  I gasped and covered my mouth with hands. “Oh, no. It was your goal, wasn’t it?”

  He nodded, rubbing a hand over his face. “Yeah. I scored on my own goal. It took years to live that one down.”

  I leaned my head back dreamily. “I can imagine. That’s a pretty embarrassing thing to do.”

  “Believe me now that I was a nerd?” He said with a laugh.

  “You were a nerd,” I agreed slowly, even though secretly, he was even more of a sex god in my mind now that he had turned out to be totally the opposite of what I had expected. There was nothing sexier than a man who could laugh at himself. He put me at ease, he did his best to make me feel better. And he looked good enough to eat, on top of everything else.

  “You should probably move your bed,” I said suddenly.


  “I can hear you having sex,” I stage whispered.

  His eyes grew to twice their size. Up close his eyelashes were longer than a camel’s.

  “The headboard makes an awful racket,” I added.

  He folds his arms over his chest, his eyes alive with amusement. “Is the noise keeping you awake?”

  “Nope. I use ear plugs, but once a picture fell off the wall, and hit me on the head,” I said coolly.

  His lips curved into a slow sexy smile. It was like watching a speeded-up video of a flower blooming. I couldn’t look away.



be it was the wine. Maybe it was all the emotion—feeling bruised, vulnerable, taken advantage of, or maybe it was just that languorous smile. It made my teeth ache with lust. No matter the reason, I leaned in and kissed him before I could think twice about it.

  “Mmph!” I took him by surprise, clearly, and he tensed at my sudden move, but that only lasted a split second. Suddenly he was kissing me back, and I was holding his stubble-roughened cheeks between my palms. His lips were so soft and strong at the same time.

  His arms slid around my waist and tightened, and I let him pull me in. His tongue darted over my lips. I opened them, groaning as he explored my mouth. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and bit it. I gasped, and suddenly the kiss changed. It was no longer exploring but taking. My mouth was crushed possessively. I was stunned. Letting go of his face, my hands roamed over his powerful shoulders and the steely muscles of his arms, my brain exploding in pleasure and awe at his body.

  I had never been kissed like this.

  Something inside me snapped, and I lost control. My breath came out in a hiss, and he thrust his tongue into my mouth. I sucked it mindlessly. This was what I wanted all along. Scrambling into his lap, I straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He went with it, running his hands over my back, my butt. I moaned, thrusting my tongue into his mouth.

  We both panted, grunting, desperate.

  I scooted closer and felt his thick hardness rubbing me between my legs where I throbbed for him. I rocked my hips against him. The lust was incredible. It was a thing that had a mind of its own. It made my head sing and my blood roar in my ears.

  He groaned, gripping the back of my head with one hand, digging his fingers into my hair as he held me still. He drew my bottom lip between his and sucked before biting, gently, making me draw breath in a long hissing sound. The motion of my hips never stopped—if anything, my rocking sped up as the ache between my thighs grew more urgent. His free hand slid under my skirt, cupping my butt. I moaned, throwing my head back, ready to lose myself in him.


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