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Mated Dragon's Fury

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by Marcy Jacks

  Fury 2

  Mated Dragon’s Fury

  Dragon shifter Rey Larson just wanted some peace and quiet to forget the ache in his heart and his loneliness. He never expected to find his mate while out flying, alone and injured in the wilderness, bleeding, dying. An omega werewolf. Skinny and pale, Rey has no choice but to cement the bond and give his mate some of his dragon blood to help him heal, or else risk losing him before he has the chance to have him.

  The plan works, and Rey takes his mate, and the man he suspects of abusing him, back home. One for recovery, the other for questioning. Rey’s only concern is with his mate and making the claim his body desperately desires.

  Threats to Aiden’s safety do not come from the outside, however. They come from within. Multiple confrontations that lead to violence might cause Aiden to doubt his new place in a dragon’s world and whether or not he can survive there.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 25,395 words


  Fury 2

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2018 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-979-7

  First Publication: February 2018

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada and when not writing about hot shifters, she likes painting, drawing, and video gaming.

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven




  Fury 2


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Rey Larson, dragon of the Fury clan, second-in-command, and all around badass motherfucker, just wanted a minute of peace and quiet to himself.

  Which he never told his friends about because that would sort of ruin the whole alpha vibe he liked to give off.

  Big, bad alphas didn’t exactly go off for their moment of Zen

  But he did, under the guise that he’d wanted to stretch his wings and hunt, which was partly true anyway, so it wasn’t as though he’d actually lied to anyone about anything.

  It was a nice night out, and since Silver, the commander of the Fury clan, had recently found his mate in Erin, a short and spunky little omega, Rey found he needed more time to be away from those two.

  They constantly and consistently always seemed to smell as though they’d been fucking five minutes before appearing in a room.

  There was only so much Rey could do about that before he had to leave.

  Silver was Rey’s best friend, and Rey liked Erin, despite the omega being a touch more trouble than he was worth, what with the Dog Catchers constantly sniffing around the territory.

  It wasn’t just that. Silver had seemed to forget, in his newly mated bliss, that a mating heat could impact the rest of the clan.

  Even Lightning had to vacate a room, and that guy was stoic as fuck.

  Whatever. Fresh air against his scales, beneath his wings, and across his snout was amazingly good.

  He could fall asleep up here, just gliding along.

  That would be amazing if it were possible.

  A new scent, however, caught him off guard, something that wafted up from below him.

  He snapped his attention downward, focusing his vision as though he were a hawk looking for a rabbit.

  Something was down there. Something interesting was down there.

  Blood smell. That could be the only thing so sharp as to reach him from all the way up here.

  Not in the sense that it was something he wanted to eat, however. This was something different. Something he couldn’t exactly place.

  It bothered him. Like an itch on the one spot on his back that couldn’t be reached, this made his heart race and his brain scramble to come up with a possible solution for what it could be.

  And he still got nothing.

  What the hell?

  Rey angled his wings and circled back around when he realized the scent was becoming too faint for him. He wasn’t able to hold on to it well enough with the distance he put between himself and…

  Whatever it was down there.

  God. His blood raced fast and hot. It was so damned strange, but good in a way. Why would this be good?

  Ray needed to see it.

  Angling his body and finding a good spot, he came in for a landing.

  It was tricky. Especially around here. There were streams everywhere that came down from the mountain and fed into the river.

  Not that he worried about getting his precious scales wet, but the rocks had a habit of being sharp.

  And now he could really smell it.

  Whatever it was.

  It was here. It was here, and he needed to see it. He needed to see it and smell it up close, whatever this interesting thing happened to be.

  Another dragon? No, not a dragon. This didn’t have the smell of a dragon. Rey turned his attention this way and that, searching out with his eyes, so excited that he was forgetting to do it with his nose and ears, the little holes against the side of his dragon head. He would have shifted back into a human, but Rey was fairly certain he was going to need his sharper senses.

  He moved, searching, always searching.

  The scent began to come off as something more…dirty. At first Rey assumed he’d moved in the wrong direction, but no. That wasn’t right either. This was something else.

  Sweat and body odor mingled in with the blood. Something else, as well. A chemical. Something sharp. Something that made Rey feel…not weak, not exactly, but not so close to his inner dragon. The scent was so heavy he was forced to shift out of his dragon form before he could lose all focus.

  When in his human shape, Rey brought his hands to the side of his head. He blinked a couple of times, chasing away the dizziness.

  What the fucking hell was that?

  “Jesus Christ.”

  He sniffed hard, shaking his head, but the feeling persisted.

  Then he knew what it was.

  The chemical the Dog Catchers used on the alpha
wolves, foxes, and coyotes they’d captured. The ones that had gone insane with that brain disease a couple of years back.

  Back when alpha wolves were still around. When there were any alpha animals that had yet to be infected.

  The dragons had been immune.

  Rey didn’t know why. Maybe something to do with the fact that dragons were reptiles and other shifters just…weren’t.

  The problem was that, nowadays, that chemical wasn’t just used on alphas. There were no more alphas. At least, none that Rey was aware of.

  Which meant the Dog Catchers were using that on the omegas.

  Omegas had also been immune, and yet the Dog Catchers hunted and chased them down. The public fear of getting rabies, of having shifters running around attacking anything alive was apparently too much for them to handle.

  He couldn’t blame them.

  Rey had seen first-hand what that disease had done to an alpha. Silver’s first mate.

  It had been fucking harsh. For both Silver and his mate, Ajax.

  Thank God he had Erin now. Otherwise Rey wasn’t sure how much longer the other man would have been able to handle mourning so hard.

  Rey had to find that omega. It had to be an omega. There was no way it wasn’t an omega.

  An omega in danger.

  There went Rey’s peaceful night.

  He moved around, trying to see in the dark. He struggled a little with this.

  Fuck, couldn’t the moon have at least been out? The starlight wasn’t exactly coming in great down this way.

  It was fucking brutal. Even with his vision and his excellent sense of smell, he struggled to pinpoint exactly where the omega was.

  Fuck. Had he gone through some of those freezing creeks? Was he running from the Dog Catchers?

  Was it even a he? Omegas were smaller and weaker than their alpha counterparts, but that was just as true, more so, for the female omegas. They tended to be even smaller than the males in most cases.

  If there was a woman omega out here, cold and sick, fuck, she could die.

  A small male could, as well.

  Or a child.

  Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

  Rey’s heart rate sped up the more he thought about it. The more he realized someone’s life was on the line.

  He did not want to come out here to find a dead body. He didn’t want to return home with one and have Erin see it or know of it.

  Erin was a strong omega, but knowing the Dog Catchers had been within an hour of him, and they were killing people, might be too much for the mate of their dragon leader.

  Rey began searching beneath the shrubs and bushes, pushing aside rose bushes with his bare hands and wincing as he was scratched and sliced by the thorns.

  Too much. That was too damned much, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to stop.

  The fear was rising. He couldn’t explain why he cared so much, but he did.

  This was important. If he didn’t find this omega then…

  Rey found him.

  He squinted in the dark.

  Definitely a him, and now that Rey stood over the smaller man, he got an even deeper inhale of that scent.

  Definitely a sharp chemical and definitely the stuff that cut off an omega from his inner wolf.

  Was this a wolf? He couldn’t be sure. The guy was short and small. Rey almost mistook him for a teenager, but no.

  A face like that, so tortured and gaunt, could only belong to an adult.

  Rey sank to his knees.

  He touched the man’s shoulder.

  There was still some warmth there. He sensed a heartbeat.

  Rey sighed, relieved. So much so that he didn’t have words for it. He couldn’t properly describe it, but it was definitely there.

  Alive. The omega was alive.

  Thank God.

  But it wasn’t just his scent. Now that he was no longer frantic, he could make out someone else around here.

  “Hey, wake up.”

  He shook the shoulder of the omega a little.

  God, he was so frail. Clearly malnourished.

  What the fuck had those Dog Catchers been doing to him?

  The entire point of the Dog Catchers was to bring in anyone who looked sick, to treat them, to make sure they were cared for until their deaths.

  That was the point of it, but that was almost never what was given, and the few times someone did receive excellent care, it was usually for the news cameras and reporters to eat up.

  This looked as though this poor bastard had been tortured. Like a prisoner of war overseas.

  It was utterly fucked up.

  Rey shook a little harder. “Come on, I need you to get up. You have to wake up.”

  He couldn’t fly away unless this man was awake and able to properly hold on while Rey flew home with him.

  The man groaned, his body moving a little, but not to get up.

  The man curled in on himself, as though he wanted to stay sleeping. As though he didn’t want reality to hit him just yet.

  Rey didn’t blame him for wanting to stay in his safe dreams for a little while longer, but he didn’t have the time. They had no time at all.

  “Come on. I got the scent of someone else around here. You have to wake up. Come on.”

  The man groaned again. He blinked those bleary eyes open. Finally.

  Rey sighed, again with the incredible relief he felt.

  He didn’t understand why, or where it came from, until the man looked at him with that dead expression and absolutely everything flared to life.

  Those eyes…those beautiful eyes, perfect eyes, eyes that made time stop and pulled Rey into them.

  They were gray, lovely with flecks of green in them. Just like the color of Rey’s scales. As though it were meant to be.

  The eyes of his mate. The man Rey was going to love and cherish for the rest of his life.

  His mate…was right here. Injured and weak, cold and wet, out in the open.

  And he was bleeding.

  Rey’s eyes flew wide as he noted the way the omega clutched at his middle, blood seeping through his fingers.


  Chapter Two

  Aiden was too tired to care that he’d been caught. He only wished he’d been able to get a few more minutes of sleep. He’d felt as though he hadn’t been able to sleep in years and that he’d only just managed to shut his eyes for a moment before someone shook his arm, pulling him out of his dreams.

  Nightmares. Dreams turned to nightmares, where he and his parents, who hadn’t even been infected, were arrested and taken away by the Dog Catchers.

  And now here one was, a handsome one, to be honest, looking down at him with an odd expression on his face. As though he didn’t know what to do about the omega he’d just caught trying to escape him.

  “Go away.” Aiden groaned and tried to lie back down.

  He didn’t care if this man beat him. He didn’t care if this man Tazed him or what he did. He might care later when the pain finally came, but for now, he didn’t care.

  Sleep. Sleep was good.

  Maybe he’d get lucky and this guy would lie down with him, allowing Aiden to soak in his body heat.

  That would be nice.

  Wait, was he dreaming again? He must be. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

  “No, no, come on sweetheart. You’re keeping those eyes open for me. Stay awake.”

  Aiden cried. He didn’t wait to stay awake. He wanted to sleep. “No.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. Come here.”

  Maybe he was still dreaming. He didn’t exactly feel right, but he was fairly positive that no Dog Catcher in the history of planet Earth would ever call him honey.

  Right. So he was dreaming. That explained why Aiden thought the man handsome, why he wasn’t afraid when he normally would be in the presence of a Catcher.

  And why it felt so good and why Aiden wanted it when the man pressed his mouth to Aiden’s and kissed him.

nice kiss. Warm kiss. Wet kiss.

  Strange-tasting kiss.

  No, wait, not kissing. This man was doing something to him. The warm and wet he felt sliding down his throat, that strange taste…it was blood.

  Why would this man give Aiden his blood? Was this something humans had picked up on?

  The man pulled his mouth back. Aiden moaned. He missed it already. He wanted more of it.

  Damn. If he was going to die soon, then at least he wanted to die enjoying more of that wonderful mouth.

  He reached up. He touched the man’s cheek.

  Rough. As though he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days.

  “Drink it, baby, drink it all down. It will make you better.”

  “Your mouth tastes like hopes and dreams.” Aiden giggled stupidly at that. Even in this odd mental state he’d found himself in, he knew what he’d said was corny and dumb.

  The man smiled at him. He brushed his fingers through Aiden’s filthy hair. His wrist had a bite mark on it from where he’d bitten himself and sucked on his own blood before giving it to Aiden.

  A romantic, healing, bloody kiss.

  That was nice. That was so nice.

  His cock lifted in his borrowed pants.

  Even through the haze of drugs and blood, he knew that wasn’t normal.

  Again, he couldn’t bring himself to care. How could he even start to care about something like that when this felt so damned good?

  Aiden reached out. He grabbed the hand of the Dog Catcher, the man who was going to return him to that prison, and he brought that hand to his cock.

  The man tensed for several seconds, and as Aiden moaned and thrust his cock against that powerful palm, it was suddenly yanked away.

  “Jesus Christ,” the man gasped, as though Aiden had been the one touching him. “No.”

  Aiden reached for his hand again. “Yes.”


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