Captain's Choice: A Romance

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Captain's Choice: A Romance Page 3

by Sierra Darcey

  “I did.” Jillian enjoyed the obvious happiness that glowed on his face and hated to spoil the moment. “But he wants a chance to fight for my love. I couldn’t talk him out of that idea.”

  “I’ll talk him out of it.” Damian pounded a fist into one hand.

  “No, no violence on my ship.”

  “I don’t want to be pitted against someone else, if you love me, then be with me, no games.”

  “I agree, and in a week this will all blow over when he is back in Antares with his own kind.” Jillian cocked her head to one side. “But out of curiosity are you saying you wouldn’t fight for me?”

  “I’m saying I shouldn’t have to. You shouldn’t make the man you love jump through hoops.”

  Jillian understood Damian’s point. “I am going to politely discourage him to avoid any diplomatic issues. But I don’t think we should sleep together until he’s gone. We should keep professional around each other and him. It’s just six days,” she said quickly when she saw him objecting, “then he’ll be returned to his world and we can resume our -” she struggled for a word, “fun.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Damian walked over to her and stood very close. He played with a strand of her hair. “Don’t break my heart, Blondie.”

  “I don’t want to.” Jillian felt her heart racing faster as it always did with Damian’s close proximity.

  Damian gave her one last long, fiery kiss before heading back to work.

  Tae, since he was feeling better, took to walking around the ship. At first this was disconcerting to the crew, but since he looked something like a golden Greek Adonis, half the woman on the ship were in love with him. But the look of devotion in his puppy dog eyes was strictly reserved for Jillian, following her every move, which in turn was making Damian crazy.

  Although the Antarean was large and muscular with hard features, Jillian found him to be an elegant man with refined manners. They spent a great deal of time together talking about themselves, their past and their families. Tae explained to her that he had been on a scouting mission, but had been attacked by some of the inhabitants of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Antareans, he explained to her, were pacifists and would never fight back. His people did not even possess any weaponry; believing there was just no need for it.

  But Jillian was most fascinated to hear about life within Antares. Tae explained his people’s longevity was due to the fact that time passed much more slowly inside of Antares compared to the rest of the universe. It was almost like time travel, he explained, that they could spend a year within Antares and upon returning to the outside world only a few weeks would have passed.

  Tae reached for her hand. “Let me take you home with me to my planet and show you how our life could be.”

  Jillian pulled her hand away. “No, I couldn’t possibly-”

  “One time. You promised to give me a chance.”

  She was desperately curious and she would be the first human to ever set foot within Antares.

  Tae leaned in and spoke in a low tone, “And you must let me make love to you when I can be an active participant. Give me the opportunity to show you what it could be like, then you make your choice. That is all I ask.”

  Jillian was amused at the offer but had no intention of having sex with Tae again. No matter how adorable he had become to her. She felt sure once he returned to his own world he’d get over this infatuation.

  Still, Damian and she had only had that one night together. And now the flyboy had done nothing but scowl at her for the last two days. What was the likelihood things would work out for them in the long run? Damian being so volatile, there was no guarantee the two of them would last for very long. He might go back to his hostile ways, or find himself another woman. The two of them really were different, almost as different as Tae and her.


  Antares was extremely bright and the heat intense on approach making it a difficult landing. But the docking area itself, was totally encased to reflect the heat and control the temperature. The rest of the crew remained on board while Jillian and Tae took an elevator from the landing site down into the heart of Antares.

  With Tae as her guide and ambassador, Jillian was greeted by the Antarean officials and found the people here intelligent, peaceful and reasonable, nothing to be feared. Although when she saw a small Antarean child staring at her with wide eyes it made Jillian aware that she was the strange looking alien in this world.

  Even though Antares was a star giving off heat on the outside, inside it was cool and green like earth was a long time ago. After the initial introductions and formalities were completed, Tae took Jillian for a private tour.

  After several hours of sightseeing, Tae took her to a nature preserve. They went on a short hike, ending at a secluded waterfall. “Wow, this is beautiful.” Jillian said.

  Tae gave her a genuine smile. “It pleases me that you find it to your liking.” He kept putting an arm around her and holding her hands, it seemed he always wanted to be touching her. He spread out a blanket, they both sat down and he produced a basket of traditional Antarean foods.

  “This is delicious. And this area is so beautiful. You know it’s really like earth, only even nicer.”

  His gaze was steely and direct, “so it would not be a hardship for you to live here, then?’

  She didn’t answer.

  He changed tactics. “Let’s go for a swim.”

  “But I don’t have a suit.”

  “A what?” he asked.

  As Tae began to undress she realized he didn’t have a suit either. “A bathing suit, it’s clothing you wear in the water.”

  Tae looked incredulous, “clothing you wear in water? That makes no sense.”

  “You’re going in naked?”

  “Of course.”

  “What if someone else shows up?”

  “Anyone coming here would be coming for the purpose of swimming would they not be similarly exhibiting a lack of attire?” Unabashedly, he stood in front of her naked, without an ounce of insecurity.

  “So they’ll be naked too?”

  “Of course, my love, you are being silly.” He leaned in chuckling and shaking his head, “are you not the same woman who brazenly made love to me so passionately in the hospital wing?”

  Yeah, well, that would be me, she thought.

  “And now you’re bashful?” He kissed her forehead. “Get undressed. I’ve seen everything already, I’ve experienced everything already.” He stared, “I wouldn’t mind experiencing it all again.”

  Still she stood there.

  He shook his head and laughing turned his back to her.

  She supposed it was stupid to be so self-conscious, but to her it felt like the first time she would be naked in front of him. Jillian slipped off her jumpsuit.

  Without looking back he put out a hand for her and led her down the bank.

  The water was warm and felt like silk against her skin. When she was in up to her shoulders he turned and smiled at her. She loved his smile and returned it. They swam circles around each other.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to escape me?” Tae asked in a friendly way, but Jillian could tell he was hurt.

  She stayed still. “I’m sorry, it’s just-”

  “Shh, I know.” Standing waist deep in water he placed his arms gently around her drawing her to him. His lips were soft and tasted like honey, a kiss sweet and tender; involuntarily she leaned in to him.

  “There he is!”

  Jillian turned to see where the voice had come from and saw two couples had arrived smiling and waving. Oh, crap she thought. Surprised and embarrassed Jillian dove into the deeper end. When she came up Tae’s eyes were filled with amusement. He stepped out of the water and without any embarrassment at all, hugged the two women and shook hands with the men. All of them were obviously Tae’s friends and it was also apparent by their shy glances towards her that they wanted to meet

  Double crap.

  Tae whispered something to them and all four stripped down, apparently he thought if they were all naked too, she would be less self-conscious, but no, this wasn’t working for her either. She could certainly be a wild woman in the bedroom, but this situation was very different. Jillian caught his gaze and sensed how important this was for him. I’ve had to be braver in worse circumstances than this, she thought, mustering her courage she stepped out of the water.

  Even though Jillian was embarrassed she attempted to act normal and not stare. The faces of the females had more refined features and were quite beautiful, and although she tried not to look, she couldn’t help but notice their amazing bodies. The features of Antareans having grown on her, she found the men attractive too.

  Tae introduced Jillian to the first woman, named Nahi, who gave her a shy hello then came forward and hugged her. The other woman did the same. Needless to say it was a bit disconcerting to Jillian. When the first man came forward she was a little prepared, but it was still weird to hug a naked man she’d just met. The last man, whose name was Jahae hugged her hard and close and kissed her cheek. For Jillian, it was difficult to figure out what was inappropriate and what wasn’t.

  Tae and Jillian and the first couple sat on the blanket sharing wine and talking. It was certainly strange just sitting around nude, but the company was pleasant. Jillian started to get used to it or the wine was affecting her, she wasn’t sure which.

  The other couple had disappeared behind some bushes and Jillian wondered what they were doing. There was some noise, but no one on the blanket, except her, seemed to take notice. Jillian tried to follow the conversation, but her attention kept being diverted to the noises behind the bushes. She finally leaned over and saw the couple in missionary position going at it with wild enthusiasm just a few feet away.

  “Don’t mind them,” Nahi said, “They’re newly matched.”

  Jahae chuckled and gave Jillian a sheepish grin. To his partner he said. “I remember when we were first matched.”

  “And I, my love,” Nahi said, looking at her soul mate with adoration.

  Jahae said to Tae, “As it must be for you two, we’ll leave you.” They went for a swim.

  Tae reached for Jillian’s hand to bring her to standing, “Come, there’s something I want to show you.

  Tae and Jillian walked along the rocks until they entered the area behind the waterfall. It was a small, cool alcove, with the wall of water providing all the privacy anyone could want. Tae pulled her in to the edge of the waterfall, the two of them laughing and holding onto one another as the water poured over them. Tae kissed her letting his hands roam over her body. Jillian, caught up in the moment let her hands do a little roaming, too. They moved to a drier area still kissing, still exploring each other’s body. His style was much less forceful or urgent than Damien, still there was something pleasant in a man who had the patience to take his time, and engage in long bouts of foreplay.

  Leaning her up against the smooth rock he lifted one of her legs. His gaze openly wanting. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

  Jillian hesitated, but couldn‘t deny the desire she felt for him. She took a deep breath. “I want you,” she breathed out.

  Maintaining eye contact as he slowly entered her, she gasped. He smiled. “You are gorgeous. You feel gorgeous.” Slowly he went in and out, up and down. Although he showed obvious signs of pleasure, still he seemed in no hurry. She felt the urge to bite down on something it felt that good. Nearing climax it began to be difficult for Jillian to remain standing. He sensed it and lifted her keeping himself inside her. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her a few feet to a flat stone covered in smooth moss that cradled her back nicely. Given he no longer had to put energy into standing he put all his energy into pleasuring her and renewed his attentions with increased vigor.

  Antarean men sure had staying power! A heady feeling of overwhelming pleasure encompassed her whole body to the point she thought her eyes might roll back into her head or she might pass out. But she didn’t want him to ever stop. The orgasm rocked her whole body and he came at the same moment. Panting, Tae rolled onto his back, then lay on his side to face her, his arm propping his head watching her.

  She laughed at the look of satisfaction on his face. “I’ve never - ” she breathed out.

  “Good.” He kissed her cheek.

  Jillian ran a hand along his thigh. “Do you always have - can you always last so long?”

  “I am a young man.”

  Jillian laughed, “Yeah, a hundred.”

  “Relatively speaking. I guess it slows a little with age.”

  “A couple thousand years?”


  She could live with that. “How is it you… ‘finish’… exactly when I do?”

  He looked puzzled. “Oh, you mean.”

  She nodded.

  “I’m able to control it, to wait for you then - finish.”

  Talk about finishing touches. “Well, now I feel like I might need to rest for a few days.”

  “I hope not,” he said.

  Despite her limbs feeling like jelly, she amazed herself by feeling energized instead of tired like she expected. They returned to the pool and went swimming with his friends. She was surprised by her total lack of embarrassment. The other couple obviously knowing what they had been doing, but there was no judgment or lewdness, they were simply happy for them. She wondered at humans and her own puritanical views. Why should sex be considered dirty? Why couldn’t people talk about it or celebrate it? Especially when there was this much love and respect involved. The second couple joined them briefly before running off to the bushes again. She could understand now why they felt the way they did.

  A little while later both couples left, leaving Jillian and Tae alone on the blanket. Jillian rested face down as Tae gave her a long, slow massage making Jillian feel extremely relaxed. Then he stopped and just sat there, next to her, not touching.

  Jillian looked up at him, curious.

  With a serious look on his face, Tae said. “I am waiting for you to touch me.”

  Jillian sat up, then smiled and with two hands to his chest pushed him down onto his back. She got on top of him and he let his arms fall to the sides, open to all the pleasure she could give him. She rubbed her hands down his chest moving lower and lower. When she took him in her mouth, feeling his body tense in surprise, she paused briefly, then continued. After a bit she remembered his staying power and wondered how long this might realistically take. The moment she thought it, he came.

  It was her turn to lie on her side next to him, head propped on one arm, with a satisfied smile on her face.

  His eyes were dazed. “What was that?”

  “Didn’t you like it?”

  Tae turned his head to look at her. “Obviously, but I’ve never - ”

  “Good.” Jillian smiled. “At least I’ve done one thing you hadn’t before.’

  Tae propped himself up on one arm. “No, really, no one here has ever done that.”

  “No one?”

  Tae shook his head.

  “Ever?” Jillian’s face registered her surprise.

  He shook his head, again.

  “You sure?” Jillian found this hard to believe.

  “Positive. Antareans- are aware of each other’s thoughts.”

  “Like reading minds?”

  “Not exactly, it’s like thoughts float out and any Antarean can pick up on them.”

  “Like I was wondering when you’d - finish and then you finished?”

  Tae nodded sheepishly. “So, if anybody knew about this - we’d all know about it.”

  “Guess they will all find out now.”

  Tae looked over at her curiously. “Can I do that - to you?”

  “If you want.”

  “Oh, I most definitely want.” He got between her legs putting a knee over each shoulder, then wrapping his hands around he
r bottom.

  Jillian propped on her elbows, watched him with amusement. All men should be this enthusiastic, she thought. The world would be a much happier place. He looked up at her with eyes of love, his desire to please her was obvious. This was definitely going to be hard to walk away from. What could there be in the world better this right here?

  Jillian taught Tae what to do to please her, he was an eager and apt student. His staying prowess seemed to branch out to all areas. She had never experienced anything like it. Spent and exhausted Jillian looked at Tae. “I want to sleep with you.” She smiled, “just sleep, curled up in bed with you, cozy and warm and peaceful.”

  Tae kissed her forehead as her eyes closed. “I think that can be arranged, my love.”


  Three days Jillian had spent with Tae, yet when she returned, to everyone on the ship, Damien included, only a couple of hours had passed. She found Damian sleeping in her bed, and smiled down at him as she pushed a few strands of hair away from his forehead. He must have missed her and now that Tae was back in Antares…he no doubt assumed they’d continue their relationship and in the morning, fly off on another mission.

  It wasn’t that easy for Jillian. Tae was a wonderful man too, and she didn’t like the idea of leaving him behind. As she lay down to sleep next to him, she was certain Damian would never understand.

  When he woke Damian rolled over on top of her. Smiling at first, but then his face quickly changed, “What’s happened? You look different.”

  “Nothing’s happened,” Jillian said, but she knew her voice sounded false and she couldn’t meet his gaze. Trying to inch out from under him he grabbed her.

  “Tell me - Wait were you with him?”

  Maybe Damian would leave her now, perhaps the choice would be made for her. “Yes,” she shrugged not wanting to lie to him. The guilt stuck in her throat, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t! So what‘s going on, are you in love with him?”

  “I gave him the chance he asked for. I tried hard to find something wrong with him, but there just wasn’t any reason not to be with him. He’s great but-”


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