Dr. Boss

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Dr. Boss Page 13

by Ivy Blake

  I had about twenty minutes to make it on time so I was rushing through the early traffic. Their office building took up nearly half a block, and it took me two separate elevators just to get to the right place. But I entered the top floor, where all their offices were.

  “Excuse me, I am trying to find Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Moyer’s office.” I stopped at a desk that seemed like the information desk. She just led me to yet another floor.

  This one was buzzing with the sound of printers and people bustling about. It seemed more like the right place.

  “Hello, I need to find Mr. Sawyer’s office? And Mr. Moyer as well.”

  The receptionist was nice enough to lead me the right way.

  “Of course, right this way. Do you have an appointment?” She stood up from her desk, her smile was kind. The first one I had seen all day.

  “Not really.” I said nervously. Should I have made one? They didn’t seem that tight on security or anything.

  “It’s your first day?” She was short and chipper, a lot like their other assistant Jana. At least I thought she was their assistant.

  “Yes. I’m just an intern though.” I clutched my purse and binder to my side nervously.

  I was not only nervous about the job, but about seeing them again. They made business suits look like gold bars. Especially last night. I couldn’t top thinking of being so close to Logan’s bed…

  “Well, you get the office to yourself then.”

  She led me down a long hall, where the rooms were private and only the doors were glass. I peeked at the people in there. There was a good mix of men and women. The women looked like powerhouses, like I think I look when really, I was just kidding myself most of the time. It made sense that the women they employed would look like absolute bosses. I had a feeling you had to ignore their sexual advances to get the job, though I doubted they would hit on applicants.

  “Really?” I managed. Goodness, my throat was so dry I sounded like I had a sore throat. I needed to get a hold of myself.

  “Yeah, their interns stay in the office next to theirs. But, you are the only one that made the cut this time. I’m Amy, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She seemed really nice. She was average height with brown hair pulled back into a bun, and wore a simple black skirt suit. I suppose the dress code was really professional.

  We reached the end of the hall and came to a sort of common room. There were two doors adjacent to each other, and the office was closed off with black shutter blinds. The center room had sleek, gray leather couches and a mini kitchen with a coffee and doughnut bar. I love doughnuts, this wouldn’t be good for me. I only had a moment to admire the space before she tugged me to the side, where another door was on the opposite end. The rooms shared walls, and I wondered how thin they were.

  “This is it.” She opened the door to a wide space.

  There were two large desks with two desktops on them. There was a space off to the side with a leather couch similar to the one in the main room.

  “It’s nice.” I set my bag down on the table in front of the couch. I wasn’t sure which desk I wanted to claim yet anyway.

  “Yeah, they treat us well here. Speaking of, I will go and tell them you are here.” She smiled kindly and left.

  My heart did a few pitter patters before I realized I would be seeing them. Get a hold of yourself!

  I scolded myself. But it was nearly impossible. Those two were so sexy and imposing, I could not imagine being in their presence in such a small and enclosed space. At the school, there were passersby everywhere. And the restaurant was packed. I barely made it out of their apartment before acting out my lifelong fantasy of being shared by two sexy alpha males.

  I was in deep shit.

  I quickly checked myself; my hair and clothes before I deemed myself acceptable. Just as my palms started sweating there was a heavy knock on the door. I felt my heart in my stomach as my throat clenched.

  I cleared my throat, “come in.” I sighed in relief when my voice had come out at least a little bit normal.

  They appeared one after the other. Shoulders broad, faces calm and chiseled by the gods. Jake was rocking a one-day shadow, his dress shirt slightly undone and tie loosened while Logan had a clean-shaven face, his jawline clenched and his blue tie bouncing off of his eyes. I stood, knees wobbly and all as I took them in. Jake shut the door behind him and smiled kindly at me. His eyes were dark as he looked at me, he didn’t make a secret of looking my body up and down.

  “Hello, sit please.” Logan gestured to the couch I was already sitting on before.

  I sat down nervously, thinking they would sit on the love seats but instead, they sat on either side of me. I was surrounded by their manliness and intoxicating musk. I couldn’t tell whose was who, but I smelled a light cologne with fresh soap and detergent, and then a rougher cinnamon scent with a sharper cologne. I was almost dizzy.

  “How was your day?” Jake asked, on the other end of the couch he sat with his legs open, as if he were inviting me in…

  “It was good. Long, but good.”

  I felt Logan chuckle. I turned to him, and he smiled kindly.

  “I thought you may want to go over some things.” I hadn’t noticed the folder he was holding until he set it on the table.

  I nodded, “yes, of course.”

  I scooted closer to the table, and then it was impossible to breathe. They both came closer, so much so their legs touched either side of mine. Trapping me. They were so warm, no; hot. Their touch was burning a hole in my dress.

  “We thought we should start with the basics. Maybe you could shadow us for a bit, since we are working on a new development. You can see how we do things from start to finish. Once we meet with legal and financial and all that boring stuff, we can make way with your start-up.”

  I stifled a giddy smile. It all seemed so real. Legal, financial, my start-up. I knew I was right to insist they didn’t buy me off, what was really crazy was that they didn’t press about it or throw around big numbers to try and sway me. I felt respected, and that meant more than anything.

  But I also felt like I would explode if I didn’t touch one of them. Or one of them didn’t touch me. If I wasn’t sure before, I knew it then. I needed their hands on me. I needed their touch, I needed them. I wasn’t sure how long I could last.

  “If you have any questions, come by anytime. Our doors are always open.” Jake said.

  I turned to him; his eyes were hooded over with desire. He wanted me. I turned to Logan; he had the same look. Only he tried to hide it. Could it be because he was a professor? I guessed so.

  “Thank you.” I cleared my throat, and smoothed my clammy palms over my dress.

  They smiled and stood. I missed their warmth immediately.

  “If you stick around for a bit, we can give you an official tour,” Logan added before he shut the door behind him.

  A tour? No way I would make it through that. My mind had gone elsewhere the entire time they were here. Thinking of their hands on me, or their lips exploring me. My pussy clenched the entire time and I felt an undeniable pool of wetness between my legs. I leaned against the back of the couch, shuddering from anything but the cold. I needed a relief, something.

  If I didn’t want this job so damned much—need this job; I would just go in there and act on all the looks they had been giving me for forty-eight hours. But I did need the job.

  My core was melting at the thought of them. I closed my eyes as I sighed, not believing I was even doing this. But I needed it. I slid my fingers between my legs. Their scent was still in the air, surrounding me. My fingers slid between my panties. I could still feel the power of their legs against mine. I brushed against my clit and groaned. I remembered the sound of their voices, washing over me, claiming me. I fondled my clit quickly. I was already so close to the edge. I imagined it was their hands, their hot breath in my ear. Their powerful bodies touching mine. I clenched harder, my sex gushing as I fell faster an
d faster. I inhaled sharply, their scent still everywhere in the room as I fell off of my climax. I hadn’t even touched myself in so long, it was so fast.

  I used a napkin from my purse to clean myself. Feeling so out of body, I couldn’t believe I had done that. What was worse was that it didn’t help anything. My body had come alive for them, thirsty and wanting.

  They were the only ones that could relieve me.



  I jacked off ten times in the last two days trying to get rid of my hard on. It was no fucking use. Madeline was a minx of sorts, and she had me all fucked up. The only thing that would make my hard cock go away was the thought of sticking it in another woman. Crazy, right?

  It was just something about her. Maybe that she was smart, or had such natural intelligence in the business world. Anyone would have taken the money and gone with it. Finished college and been able to say their idea was invested in by one of the biggest companies in business. But not her. She was ready for the hard work, on top of how hard she was already working.

  Then she had to go and wear that dress. It was innocent, a simple office dress but damn, did she make it look like a wet dream come alive. I imagined bunching that blue fabric up to her soaked pussy and pounding it while I watched her suck Logan off.

  We had to have her.

  We saw the looks she gave us. She wanted us too, I needed to make that fucking happen but fucking Logan said to wait. I doubted she was going to run off, that blush across her chest and cheeks wasn’t innocent at all. She has been thinking about fucking us too. She didn’t even flinch when we pretty much trapped her between us on the couch. She must have been thinking about our hands on her, sharing her.

  Back in the office I jacked off again, and as soon as I was done cleaning up I was right back to where I started. Only one thing could make it go away. I forced it down by reading boring as shit emails and arguing with Logan over the budget. I don’t know why he insists on keeping things so low, like he was waiting for a scandal to drown us all. We vet every employee to the tee, they might as well be applying to work for the CIA.

  I guess I couldn’t blame him though. Logan grew up in lesser parts of town. I grew up in a tudor-brick home with parents who were never around. Logan knew how to struggle and go hungry, and I had no clue. So sometimes I just had to go with it. Money wasn’t his motivation, and that’s what made him so dangerous.

  Once I finished up with that, I headed back home. I couldn’t make it through another second with Madeline. While Logan was testing waters or whatever the fuck he had been doing, I stayed the fuck away before I ruined everything.

  For two days I kept my space and watched Madeline from a distance. In her subtle dresses and skirts and pretty pink blouses. The girl was…intoxicating. I might explode from my desire for her. But finally, I’d had enough.

  I wouldn’t wait anymore.

  I knocked on her door and awaited a response.

  “Come in.” I groaned. Her voice even, so soft and bell like. I couldn’t stand it.

  Inside, she was sitting at her desk, wearing a light gray dress with thin straps. Her silky-smooth arms exposed. Her body was flawless, I wondered what she did to keep her hips so round and stomach relatively flat. I liked something to grab onto, something soft to press against me. She was soft everywhere.

  “Hello, would you like to join Logan and I for lunch?” I leaned against the door frame, and she turned and smiled at me with an odd look, then smiled softly.

  “Yes, I’d love to. My first time being able to be here all day and I get a lunch invite?”

  “Yep. We like to treat our people well around here.”

  She stood up and flashed that sweet smile of hers as she grabbed her purse. I swallowed and made way for her to walk past me. She smelled like she showers in fucking berries and vanilla extract. I almost went weak in the knees, dizzy from her scent. I followed her hips as she walked out the door, not looking away until Logan was there.

  He made small talk as we got in the limo to take us to lunch. I was glad Madeline came early today, apparently, she didn’t have class or work on Fridays. I stared at her for most of the drive over as she talked to Logan. He was a lot better at pushing his desire aside and being a normal person. Me? I was mute.

  We sat down in a private booth of a fancy lunch place. We came here every once in a while. We ordered and told them not to disturb us. Madeline sat in the middle of the circle booth, and we sat on either side of her. We inched closer to her, until our legs were trapping her just like before.

  She sat up straight, the crease of her ass and thigh getting tighter in the dress she wore. I shot Logan a look, and he nodded once before sipping his drink

  “How do you like the job so far, Madeline?” It was the first time I hadn’t called her ‘Miss Jackson,’ but she didn’t protest.

  “It’s…” she paused when my fingers trailed up her knee, not stopping until I reached the hem of her dress, “good. I like it.”

  Logan closed his hand over her other thigh, dangerously close to her sex. I felt her stop breathing for a second, then she looked around nervously.

  “No one can see us.” I whispered in her ear, then kissed the hollow beneath her ear so softly she shuddered in response. Then, she nodded ever so softly.

  I knew Logan was the type for this. I wasn’t patient enough and I lacked basic self-control. I gripped her thigh and spread her leg open a little farther then Logan’s hand disappeared and she bit her lip to stifle any noise.

  We had waited long enough, and I was jealous, but I would take this for now. Just watching her give in to her pleasure, watching her let go. I wanted more.



  My flesh burned from their touches, and I decided to stop resisting my urges. I couldn’t keep fighting off the lust that grew more potent each day. I wanted them both since the moment I met them, and it was impossible for me to resist them anymore. Logan was a professor at my college, so if anyone found this out I would be in big trouble, but somehow the rational part of my brain had shut down.

  Jake pushed aside the plates and food, making some space on the table. He grabbed my waist and dropped me on the wooden surface, claiming my mouth as he worked on the buttons of my dress. I moaned into his mouth and pressed against his erection, my desire pooling on my panties.

  “I can feel just how wet you are through your clothes. You want us that badly?” Jake muttered and pressed his lips against mine again, thrusting his tongue deep into my mouth.

  His hands on my now naked shoulders set my skin on fire. Logan sat beside me and helped Jake slide the upper part of my dress down, leaving me naked from the waist up.

  “No bra. Just perfect,” Logan muttered and covered my breasts with his large hands. My nipples rose to meet him, turning into two hard, sensitive nubs that begged to be touched.

  “You taste perfectly,” Jake said. “I’m dying to know what your pussy tastes like.”

  I cried out and rubbed my core against him, urging him to get my clothes off me. Realizing what I wanted, he pulled the dress down and threw it aside.

  “You’re so sexy, Madeline.” Logan kissed my neck, creating a sizzling sensation that burst through my body. His soft lips opened, allowing his tongue to play with my sensitive skin, and the pleasure became something I could barely handle. It was intoxicating and turning me into a hot mess.

  I slid my hands down their chests, reveling in the feel of their sculpted muscles beneath my palms, and reached their crotches at the same time. Their groans mixed with my moans when I groped them both, impatient to get them inside of me.

  “You’re driving us crazy,” Jake muttered and pushed me down. He bent my legs and placed them separated at the edge of the table, stepping in between them. He ripped off my panties and pressed them against his nose, inhaling the scent. Oh my. “You smell so damn good. Now, let’s make you feel amazing.”

  Before I could even say anything to that, he brought his fi
ngers to my mound and thrust them inside of me, bringing me mind-blowing sensations. Logan claimed my lips as Jake pumped me hard, and my juices poured out of me in unceasing waves, covering Jake’s fingers. I was quickly lost in the intensity of their touches, growing wetter with each rough thrust.

  Logan’s fingers played with my nipples as he kissed my neck, and all these simultaneous sensations brought me too quickly to an orgasm more powerful that anything I’d ever felt. I repeated their names again and again as the pleasure ripped through me, but before it could end, they switched places.

  “Wait until you feel this,” Logan growled and gave me an open-mouthed kiss directly on my clit.

  “Logan! That... Oh...” I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence, thrashing against the table in ecstasy as he sucked on my swollen clit. Jake pressed my hands against the table so I wouldn’t move, while Logan held my legs in place. I was completely restrained, but that only added to my pleasure, and before I knew it, I got close to my climax again.

  Just when I was about to crash, Logan released my clit and moved his tongue quickly around it, winding me up.

  “Logan... Please... Make me come...”

  He growled, his fingers digging into my thighs, but he didn’t do what I needed him to. Instead, he slid his tongue down to my hole and pushed it inside. I arched my back and cried out his name, my legs convulsing forcefully. I was dripping wet, soaking his face, and seconds away from coming...

  “Now it’s your turn again,” Logan told Jake and stepped aside, earning a protest from me. My pussy was throbbing so fast, and I wanted to beg them to let me have what I needed the most.

  Logan unfastened his belt as Jake latched onto my clit, finishing what Logan had started. I was seriously close to my release now, clawing at the table as the pressure became too much. His lips and tongue did extraordinary things to my clit that made the pressure reach the bursting point too fast.

  “Jake! Fuck!” I pressed my pussy against his face, grinding shamelessly as my orgasm went on.


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