Passion For Change (Jamyson Brothers Madison Heights Book 2)

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Passion For Change (Jamyson Brothers Madison Heights Book 2) Page 3

by Denean Dawson

  “Oh, thank you. That’s so sweet.” Caroline smiled at him before taking the flowers to the kitchen to put them in some water.

  “Let’s get some glasses for this,” Jake said as he took the bottle of wine, and the two followed Caroline.

  Jack stood by the counter as Jake got some glasses and poured the wine, and Caroline had placed the flowers in a vase.

  “Thank you for having me over,” Jack said as he picked up a glass to toast with the couple.

  “Hopefully we’ll be having double dates like this soon,” Caroline remarked before she clinked his glass and took a sip.

  “Cheers,” Jake said as he took a sip of the dark red cabernet.

  Chapter Four, A Family Affair

  Jake enjoyed spending more time with his brother. They had talked a lot about what Jack was looking for and what he wanted for his new life while Caroline had finished up dinner and entertained Jonathan, who tried his best to help her in the kitchen. Jake was pleased with how determined he was to start getting more involved in the business. He was finally starting to believe that Jack meant what he said because the work he was doing at the office was excellent. Jack had never been more diligent and, by some miracle, his desk was still tidy. His new attitude seemed to bleed into their relationship as well. Jake noticed that Jack had been more attentive, more polite with him and his family. He even thanked Caroline for the meal.

  “Soon you’ll be living the dream just like me,” Jake pointed out, half joking, as he helped Caroline clear the plates away and clean up the rest of the dishes.

  “If washing some dirty dishes means I get to come home every night to a babe like Caroline, sign me up!” he replied cheekily.

  “There’s more to a serious relationship than that and you know it,” Caroline chided, shaking her head discouragingly. “Are you sure you’re truly ready for a relationship or are you just lonely?”

  Jake loved that Caroline always asked the right questions, always picked up on things he had missed. Caught up in Jack’s enthusiasm about finding love, he hadn’t considered whether or not his brother would be a good partner. Maybe he was looking at getting into a relationship for all the wrong reasons.

  “I know, I know,” Jack replied a little defensively. “But aren’t real relationships about growing together? Sure, I’m not perfect, but I’m not looking for someone who’s perfect either. Anyway, I haven’t even met anyone yet so I’ve got lots of time to work on myself.”

  Jake couldn’t help but smile a little at this reaction. Before, his brother would have brushed Caroline’s comment off, but it was clear now that he had actually spent some time thinking about what making a serious change in his life would take.

  “I’m teasing you. I know that you’re ready for a serious relationship,” Caroline said with a smile as she winked at Jack.

  “You’re so funny,” Jack replied dryly before throwing in a good-natured laugh.

  Jake tried not to think of what had happened between his brother and Caroline. He knew he couldn’t hold anything against either of them, but he also couldn’t believe he had pushed Caroline right into his own brother’s arms. He would’ve regretted that choice forever if Caroline had ended up with Jack. Jake knew that, if he had had to sit by and watch his brother be with Caroline, it would have ruined their relationship. He was glad that Caroline and Jack had made the decision not to take their relationship further themselves, because it had allowed him to finally admit to the strength of his feelings for her. He had known the minute he had met her that he wanted to be with her, he had just been scared in the beginning.

  “I know. It’s just who I am,” Caroline replied lightly.

  “You definitely are,” Jake said as he went up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Caroline turned to kiss Jake and he felt a strong desire to protect her. He knew he never wanted to lose Caroline. She had allowed him to believe in love again. He had gone through so much with his ex-wife that he had almost completely given up on love. So to have found someone so randomly, just when he needed it the most, made him all the more certain that they were meant to be. Neither of them had been looking for love, and neither of them had even been open to starting a relationship before meeting each other. But, somehow, it had all worked out so perfectly.

  “Aren’t they so cute together?” Jack asked Jonathan as he tickled his nephew.

  “Gross,” he giggled as he moved out of Jack’s reach and went over to the couch to switch on the TV.

  “Hey, Mr., we still have a guest over. What are the rules?” Caroline asked as she walked over to the couch and stood with her arms crossed over her chest, staring down at Jonathan.

  “But it’s just uncle Jack so why can’t I watch TV?” Jonathan moaned.

  “Why don’t we all watch a movie together?” Jack threw in from the dining room table.

  “I don’t know. I mean, we don’t want to bore you with our mundane life,” Jake said. He knew kid-friendly movies weren't exactly in Jack's home library.

  “Dude, please. I might have a kid of my own soon enough. I should get used to this kind of thing!” Jack rolled his eyes as he got up and walked over to the couch to sit next to Jonathan.

  “Alright, a family movie night sounds good,” Jake allowed as he sat down on the other side of Jonathan.

  Once Caroline had joined the group on the couch, the adults let Jonathan choose a movie. Jake enjoyed having his brother around, his family felt more complete. For too long he had been so focused on work that he’d missed all sorts of little moments like this one. He still felt bad for how absent he had been during Jonathan’s early years, but he was glad that he had made the choice to become more involved at home and in his son's life. Jonathan was growing into such an amazing person, which made Jake proud.

  “Does anyone want any popcorn?” Caroline offered halfway through the movie.

  “Ooh, yes please,” Jonathan eagerly agreed as he started to jump up and down on the couch.

  With a laugh, Caroline got up and went to the kitchen. Jake could hear her opening the packet and tossing the bag into the microwave.

  “Having fun?” Jake asked Jack, who actually appeared to be entertained by the animated movie.

  “Honestly, I am. I haven’t had many calm nights in recent years, so even though it's not my usual scene...” he nodded at the TV screen with a wry smile, “...turns out I’m having a pretty good time.” Jack turned his smile toward his brother.

  “I’m glad. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more than this, you know? I believe everything else has led up to it,” Jake said as he waved his hand around, gesturing to the life Jack so envied.

  Jake had always had his life together more than his brother, but it was only just recently that he had really noticed how good his life was.

  “I know what you mean. I never thought I’d get to this point in my life,” Jack replied.

  Jake had also thought that his brother would be a party boy forever. Some people were just suited to that way of life. When Jack had continued drifting and partying long after college, Jake had given up on the idea that his brother would ever settle down. “Truthfully, neither did I,” Jake said with a shrug.

  “I guess I most likely would’ve continued that way if I hadn’t met Caroline,” Jack said with a half-smile.

  Jake didn’t want to get into the meaning behind Jack's statement, so he just tried to be happy with the fact that Caroline had changed both of their lives for the better. He could appreciate the fact that Caroline’s light and presence made a difference in many people’s lives. He had also seen the effect she had on Jonathan. There just seemed to be more happiness and love since Caroline had come into their lives.

  “Well, I’m glad I can be a good influence,” Caroline interjected as she came over to the couch with an overflowing bowl of popcorn. She handed it to Jonathan who took it gladly and began shoving comically large fistfuls of popcorn into his mouth.

  “Slow down Jonny, you’r
e going to choke!” Caroline chided as she sat down next to Jake and nestled against him. Jake slung his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Caroline smiled, reached across Jake’s lap, and twined her fingers through those of his free hand.

  “You two are going to make me sick,” Jack joked with a gagging motion, sounding more like his old self. Internally though, Jack was imagining himself in his brother’s shoes.

  “Shh, you guys are making too much noise!” Jonathan complained as he stared intensely at the screen.

  Everyone chuckled softly as they hushed and watched the movie. Of course, the adults weren’t exactly interested in the movie, but they watched it anyway, Jake and Caroline basking in the glow of their new love, and Jack enjoying the taste of the new life he was working to achieve. It was a good evening for everyone, and once the movie was over, Jake walked Jack out.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jack said as they shared a quick hug.

  “See you then. Get home safe,” Jake said with a wave.

  After seeing his brother off, he went back to Caroline as she picked up the already sleeping Jonathan to take him to bed. “Here, let me take him,” Jake said as he gently took Jonathan and carried him to his room. He tucked Jonathan into his bed, kissing him on the forehead and pausing a moment to take in the innocence of his son sleeping peacefully.

  Jake then headed to the kitchen, where he helped Caroline finish the cleanup, packing dishes into the dishwasher before pressing start.

  “Tonight was lovely. I’m glad Jack wants to be an actual grown-up. He’ll make some woman very happy,” Caroline commented.

  “Do you think he would’ve made you happy?” Jake blurted. He really didn’t want to know the answer, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking. He wanted to know what Caroline truly felt about his brother. He was beginning to trust Jack more than he had in years, and he trusted Caroline, but he had been hurt before, and badly. He wasn’t asking out of jealousy so much as he was looking for reassurance that things weren’t going to change.

  Caroline stopped what she was doing as she looked at Jake with a small smile on her face. She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Maybe, I don’t know. I mean, he could’ve made me happy to a certain extent, but he wasn’t who I wanted. I wanted you, I’ve wanted you since we met,” Caroline assured him as she softly kissed his lips.

  A rush of relief traveled through Jake's body as he felt a sense of security. He had never felt so sure about someone before.

  “You’re who I want too. I’m so glad I got over myself and made you mine,” Jake said as he kissed the tip of her nose.

  Caroline hugged him, and a giggle escaped her lips. They held each other for a moment longer, staring lovingly into one another's eyes and feeling all the peace in the world, before they went back to cleaning.

  Chapter Five, Meet Cute

  Jack didn’t go directly home after dinner, he decided to go to the closest bar. He wasn’t ready to go back to an empty house. He didn’t want to be alone after seeing how happy his brother and Caroline were. He reassured himself he wasn’t falling back into old habits, he was just biding his time until his love life improved, that was all.

  As he hopped out of his car and strode toward the building, his phone started ringing, and Denise’s name flashed across the screen.

  “It’s rather late to be calling me, don’t you think?” Jack asked as he picked up the call.

  “I know, I know, but I just can’t wait until the morning,” Denise said, her voice laced with extreme excitement.

  “Alright, so what do you need to tell me?” Jack replied as he stood and stared at the doors of the bar.

  “I’ve found you the perfect date, the perfect woman,” Denise squealed into the phone.

  Jack could appreciate her enthusiasm and besides, he was willing to give anyone a chance. “Oh, really? Tell me about her,” Jack entertained Denise. She had been so excited about helping him in the first place and it was nice she seemed even more so now that she'd found someone for him.

  “Well, she’s beautiful, but not only that. She’s funny and smart, you’ll definitely like her,” she chirped.

  “She sounds amazing,” Jack said. Truthfully, he was just glad Denise had come through on her offer to set him up. He knew how to get a woman into bed, in fact, he considered himself an expert on the matter. But asking a woman on a date was a whole different story. There were just so many expectations.

  “Oh, she definitely is! Would you like me to send you her number so you can then take the next steps?” Denise asked.

  “That sounds good. I think I'm ready for my first real date.”

  “It’s about time! Well, let me go. I’ll see you tomorrow,”’ Denise said before hanging up without giving Jack a chance to say goodbye or, what he really wanted to say, thank you.

  Jack put his phone back in his pocket and looked at the entrance of the bar. Feeling like he was well on the way to living his dream life, the desire to go inside had left him. Instead, he decided to head home and call it a day.


  The next day, Jack woke up to find a message from Denise containing the number of the so-called perfect woman she had been talking about. Her name was Jenna, and from the picture Denise had also sent him, he agreed that she was a beautiful woman. He decided to send her a message instantly, no point in prolonging it, he thought.

  Jack typed, “Hi Jenna, I got your number from Denise. My name is Jack, and well, Denise seems to think we’d be perfect together. I was thinking maybe you’d like to meet for dinner tonight if you’re free? Looking forward to meeting you.”

  Jack hoped this was the right approach, he didn’t want to seem too aggressive. He hoped he had worded the message correctly and that Jenna would be interested in meeting him for dinner. To his surprise, she replied almost immediately, accepting the date, and after a few flirty messages were exchanged, they came up with a time and place. He was beginning to feel excited about the whole dating thing. Seducing a woman in a bar might be easier, simpler, but Jack felt ready for this new challenge.

  Jack glanced at his clock and realized he had to get moving or he’d be late for work. The new Jack did not want to be late for work. The day went by slowly. He did his best to focus on his work, but Jack was more than a little preoccupied by his date that evening. He kept imagining the conversation he might have with Jenna in his head. Jack was about to duck out twenty minutes early, but his brother called him into his office and asked him to review a particularly important client’s file. Not wanting to disappoint Jake, he reluctantly stayed to do the work. Finally, the task was completed, and Jack wasted no time in packing his things and hurrying home to change.

  “You’re late,” was the first thing she said when, at last, he stood before her.

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Work ran over,” he explained as he sat down.

  “You could’ve messaged me. I’ve been sitting here for 15 minutes waiting for you,” she replied frustratedly.

  “Well, I’m here now,” he said as he picked up the menu to have a look at what he wanted to order. He had not expected their first conversation to start on such a sour note. He couldn’t understand why she was being so grumpy about the situation, he had still shown up to the date even if he was a little late. He felt bad about making her wait, but he hadn’t thought it would be such a huge problem.

  With a huff, Jenna picked up her menu and looked through it herself. Although the date hadn’t started off very well, Jack was still interested to see if they got along. He was confident that, if Jenna gave him the chance, he could show her how charming he really was.

  “So tell me about yourself,” Jack coaxed, looking up from his menu at Jenna.

  “Well, I currently work in a jewelry store,” Jenna replied.

  “Oh, that sounds exciting. Do you have someone doing the company’s accounting? I’m sure my firm could take you guys on,” Jack offered.

  “Do you only
talk about business? Not only are you late because of your work but on the first topic you manage to twist it around back to your job,” Jenna growled.

  “I run an accounting company with my brother, of course I’m proud of that,” Jack replied, a bit bewildered and growing more on edge himself.

  “Well, we’re not here to talk about your company. We’re here to get to know each other on a deeper level to see if we could be a couple. That’s what dates are for,” she pointed out.

  Jack was annoyed with her attitude. Why couldn’t he talk about his company if they were supposed to be getting to know each other? It was a big part of his life. "I work, so wouldn’t that come up if we were a couple?” Jack pressed because he was confused by her comment.


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