Passion For Change (Jamyson Brothers Madison Heights Book 2)

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Passion For Change (Jamyson Brothers Madison Heights Book 2) Page 9

by Denean Dawson

  “Marriage is more than just meeting a pretty girl,” Caroline informed Jonathan as she finished packing the last dish into the dishwasher before switching it on.

  “I know that,” Jonathan replied dramatically, making Caroline smile. She often forgot that he was still young because he acted so much older than his age most times.

  “Good, you must know that marriage is a serious thing and if you want to marry someone, you must love them and you must both respect each other. Among other things,” Jake advised as he walked over to the couch and sat beside his son.

  “Will you two get married?” Jonathan asked, peering over at Caroline as she walked toward the couch.

  Of course, she had pictured herself marrying Jake, but the two of them hadn’t spoken about it. She wasn’t sure if he was ready to even think of marriage after what had happened between him and Elizabeth.

  “Maybe, who knows,” Jake said. He smiled at Jonathan before looking at Caroline. It wasn’t the answer she was hoping for, but it did still give her a little bit of hope. She didn’t want to act hurt by what he said so she smiled back at him but didn’t say anything more on the subject.

  Chapter Fourteen, Anything for Danielle

  “Dinner was great, I really hope your brother and Caroline liked me,” Danielle said once she and Jack had arrived back at his apartment.

  “Oh, how could they not like you? You’re amazing.” Jack pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately to emphasize his point.

  “Of course you think I’m amazing, but not everyone else has to,” she said with a little laugh as they broke apart.

  She had really tried to make herself extra likable. She felt she needed to make the best impression she could. Especially knowing how important Jake was to Jack. She wanted Jack's family to like her because she believed she would be in Jack's life for a long time.

  “They’ll think you’re amazing because you truly are,” Jack insisted as he nuzzled her neck, planting small kisses all over her skin.

  It sent shivers down her spine, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. They hadn’t made it very far into his apartment before he had wrapped her up in his arms.

  “And besides, if they don’t like you, then that’s their problem,” Jack added while he let her go and moved further into his apartment.

  “But they’re your family. It matters what they think,” Danielle argued as she followed behind him.

  “I would like them to like you, of course, but if they don’t, that’s not going to stop me from seeing you and being with you. I’ve searched my whole life for something, something I didn’t know I wanted. Now that I’ve found it, now that I’ve found you, I’m not letting you go,” Jack said earnestly.

  Danielle could tell that Jack meant what he said. It meant a lot to her to know he would give his family up for her, but she knew she would sooner remove herself from the situation than allow that to happen. It wouldn’t be fair to expect Jack to give so much up for her even if they truly loved each other. “I would never ask you to give up your family for me. I can’t even imagine allowing you to do that, but I appreciate the fact that you love me so much that you’re willing to do that to keep me in your life,” Danielle said as she ran her hands through his hair before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

  The love she had for Jack was like no other love she had ever experienced before, and even if she never fell in love again if they were to separate, she would never put him in a position where he felt as if he had to choose her over anything or anyone.

  “I know you wouldn’t ask me to do something like that, and of course I hope it never happens. I just want you to know that you’re extremely important to me and that I would do anything for you,” Jack replied gently.

  “That means a lot to me, but let’s not get carried away,” Danielle answered.

  She moved into the kitchen and made herself a cup of hot chocolate, offering to make one for Jack too, but he declined.

  “Are you okay with me spending the night?” she asked as she sat on the couch, curling her legs into herself as she blew on her steaming mug of hot chocolate.

  “Of course I’m okay with it. Honestly, you could move in if you wanted to,” Jack replied.

  Danielle looked at him with wide eyes. They hadn’t discussed their living situation yet, and although they were pretty much always together, she hadn’t been sure if they were ready to move in together yet.

  “I just mean it would be nice to have you around all the time,” Jack added with a little gulp as he tried to walk back what he had said.

  “You want me to move in?” Danielle asked, still a little shocked at the conversation and how drastically it had changed.

  “I would. I really enjoy having you around, and we spend so much time together anyway. Why not take the next step and live together?” Jack asked.

  “Oh, Jack. Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be moving in together? Don’t get me wrong, I love you and want to be with you all the time too, but are you sure you’re ready for that?” Danielle asked.

  She had lived with one other guy before so she had experience when it came to living with a romantic partner, but Jack didn’t. She worried that he would run once he saw how it truly was living with someone. They were still spending a few nights apart every week and she wasn’t sure if he could actually handle living with her just yet. She liked the idea of it, but she didn’t want to push him into anything either.

  “I know I have no experience with being in a relationship, but what I know is that when you’re away, I can’t stop thinking about you and how much I want to be with you. I feel like we’ve already grown so much together and that means something to me. I’m ready to take it to the next level and move in together. That is, if you’re ready too,” Jack amended.

  Danielle looked at him, her eyes searching his face to see if he was only suggesting this because he thought it was just what couples were supposed to do. As usual though, he looked completely sincere. He wanted to live with her and she could see it all over his face. The more she thought about it, the more she warmed to the idea. “If you're sure that this is what you want to do,” Danielle leveled seriously, “then my answer is yes. I’d love to move in with you. Maybe things are moving a little fast, but it feels right to me.” Danielle placed her mug on the table next to her before reaching over and hugging Jack who was sitting across from her. They laid in each other's arms for a moment, content with the place they were in.

  It was decided that Danielle would give up her apartment, but in doing that, they would share the rent and everything else. She made it clear that she didn’t need to be looked after and that she wasn’t with Jack for his money. She needed him to know that she could hold her own. Danielle liked the fact that Jack never made her feel as if her opinions were less than his, and that she could do and be whoever she needed or wanted. He supported her with her bar and never asked her to slow down or work less, and he supported her decision to help pay rent because he knew it was important to her to show that she could look after herself.

  “Your family is definitely going to think we’re crazy now,” Danielle joked later that night as they cuddled in bed. They had only started discussing the move-in after making love twice. The first time had been frantic, driven by their excitement about taking the next step in their relationship. The second was slower, more sensual and passionate.

  “Who cares what they think? They should be happy for us, they should be happy for me because I'm finally happy and doing something with my life,” Jack replied.

  It was clear from the beginning of their relationship that Jack was a passionate man. He voiced his opinions with no worries and he also showed Danielle that she didn’t have to worry about what others would say. After all, it wasn’t about them. “You’re right. I just struggle sometimes. I’m so used to people judging me and saying things behind my back that I expect it to happen all the time,” Danielle admitted.

  “You shoul
dn’t let it bother you. At the end of the day, if you’re not happy with your life, who does that affect? People are going to judge you no matter what, but the people who love you—and I’m sure my family loves you just like I do—will understand. You’ve just gotta focus on your own happiness.” Jack kissed the top of her head.

  “When did you get so wise?” Danielle teased as she looked up at Jack with a smile on her face.

  “I guess I’ve just lived through it all. I’ve had people judging my every move and even now, when I have my life on track, there are people still judging me. But I don’t care. I’ll never let anyone take away my happiness,” he said seriously.

  His passion for life amazed Danielle and she only wanted to be as brave and carefree as he was. She was glad she had met him because, with him by her side, she knew she could be strong enough to do anything she put her mind to.

  “I love you,” she whispered as she kissed his bare chest.

  “I love you too,” Jack replied, resting his forehead against hers and looking into her eyes.

  Danielle knew that their relationship was still new and there would probably be a lot of things that could happen between them, whether they be good or bad. However, she knew for certain that she wanted to be with Jack no matter what. Of course, she had already known it, but every day he showed her more reasons why she wanted to be with him.

  “You’re too sweet,” she teased, and just like that Jack spun her around so she was on her back and he was on top of her, his body pressed gently against hers.

  He looked lovingly into her eyes as he leaned down and kissed her slowly and passionately. It almost took her breath away as she wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth for him. Jack made her body come alive under his touch, her moans softly echoing around them in the bedroom as he made love to her for the third time that night. She loved feeling the weight of his body on top of hers as he filled her and began to move his hips. She wrapped her legs around his waist so she could hold him close to her, the pressure of her climax building in her groin as she gave her body to him. His hands were tangled in her hair and his thrusting was getting faster. She could tell he was close to release, and seeing the pleasure on his face heightened her own arousal. She let go of all control over her body, losing herself in the delicious sensations, as an orgasm rocked her body. Danielle moaned Jack’s name and clawed his back with passion. Jack climaxed soon after and they fell into a deep, contented sleep. Danielle didn’t see any point in fighting the path they were on. She was happy and she was going to live her life the way she wanted to. She dreamed of babies and white weddings, the smile never falling from her sleeping face.

  Chapter Fifteen, Forever Girl

  Jack sat working at his desk; he couldn’t stop smiling. It had been a week since Danielle had moved in and he couldn’t be happier. It was still new, and they were still getting used to being in each other’s space most of the time, but they hadn’t had any major problems so far. Of course, Jack knew that it wouldn’t always be easy and he expected there to be moments of frustration, but he was happy with how things were going.

  “You’re driving me crazy with that look on your face. You almost look nuts,” Denise complained when she walked past Jack’s desk.

  “Are you still upset with me because I didn’t give your friend another chance?” Jack asked. He didn’t want to imagine that his oldest friend could be mad at him over something so stupid, especially when it had been almost two months since it had happened. The woman could’ve been really nice if they had gotten to know each other better, but it hadn’t worked out that way.

  “Maybe,” Denise said as she crossed her arms over her chest with a huff.

  “Oh, come on. Please get over it. She didn’t even give me a chance on our first date, so what’s the point? And honestly, Denise, it’s childish,” Jack fired back as he rolled his eyes.

  He was frustrated that she couldn’t get over the fact that, for once in her life, she hadn’t been involved in something. It was clear she liked being the go-to person for the brothers, always there making sure that they had everything they needed. Not feeling so needed had clearly done a number on her ego.

  “I am happy for you, I really am. I guess I just wish you would’ve given her another chance,” Denise said, calming down and looking at Jack sheepishly.

  “Isn’t it better that I didn’t give her another chance? If you think about it, I was already crazy about Danielle after the first night of talking to her, so just picture me going out with another woman and then just letting her down when I chose Danielle over her. Technically speaking, I saved your friend some heartbreak,” Jack stated as he shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows at Denise.

  Denise thought about what he said and Jack smiled to himself as her features twisted in defeat. He had made a very good point. He knew that he wouldn’t have wanted to have wasted anyone’s time, and he also didn’t want to hurt anyone. He had been looking for love and had found it easily, which he was grateful for.

  “Alright. You have a point,” Denise conceded as a smile grew on her face. Jack was happy that he had finally gotten through to her. “Maybe you two will get another chance some other time.”

  “Now don’t you go wishing that my relationship fails, because if all goes well, I’m going to ask Danielle to marry me,” Jack said.

  “What?” There was an echo to Denise's question as Jake walked by and joined their conversation on his way out of his office.

  “You’re going to ask her to marry you?” Jake asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about it. It may not be for a few months still, but I think I’m ready for that. I want to marry her and have babies with her. Can you imagine how cute our children will be?” Jack replied excitedly.

  Jack could see that both Denise and Jake thought he was going completely crazy, but he didn’t care. He was sure of himself. He had met someone at the right time and he was ready to make sure that he spent the rest of his life with her.

  “Don’t you think you’re getting a little carried away with all of this? I mean, you two have barely been together for two months and you’re already living together,” Jake pointed out.

  “Yeah, marriage is a serious commitment. It's not just a big party and then living happily ever after,” Denise cautioned.

  “Do you not like her? Do you not want me to be happy?” Jack questioned Jake. He didn’t want people trying to convince him that he was doing the wrong thing. Not like it would change his mind either way, but he still didn’t like people adding their own opinions when they weren’t involved in the situation. Denise hadn't met Danielle yet, but Jake had had her at his home and had seen Jack with her, not to mention Jake was his brother. They all knew what he'd been after when he'd started seriously turning his life around. Jake should be happy for him.

  “Of course I like her and of course I want you to be happy, but I just think this is moving too fast,” Jake chanced.

  “I appreciate your concern, I really do, but I’m a grown man and can make my own decisions. I know this is what I want, and as I said, I’m not going to ask her to marry me right away, but in the future, I would like it to happen. She makes me happy and I love her,” Jack said.

  Denise and Jake stared at him, neither of them knowing what to say, and he hoped they would just drop the subject and move on. His life wasn’t open for discussion, and even if they wanted to voice their opinions, it wouldn’t change his mind. He and Danielle were meant to be together. Everything had fallen into place so perfectly right from the beginning, and he knew that it meant something.

  “Okay, we get it. We just want to make sure that you’re not rushing into anything. Really, there’s no point in rushing things. You should just enjoy the early stages of your relationship,” Denise commented.

  “She’s right. The best parts of a new relationship are the moments in the beginning, so just make sure you’re not missing it while thinking of the future,” Jake added.

understand what you two mean, and I’m not missing any of the good things. Really, you both treat me like a child. I know that right now things are great, but you don’t know how I feel in here,” he said as he pointed to his chest.

  He could probably never express his feelings fully. They were too strong and too unknown for him to truly put words to them, but he knew that he would never want to feel that way about anyone else. He was sure that if he couldn’t be with Danielle, he wouldn’t be with anyone. He was convinced that they would never break up, and he couldn’t imagine moving on from her if they did.

  “Alright, alright. Well, do whatever makes you happy,” Denise relented before she turned and walked away.


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