Reviving Dade

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Reviving Dade Page 15

by Becca Jameson

  He set her on her feet before they both fell, and she scrambled backward. Her gorgeous blue eyes were dark and angry when she growled, “Don’t you have a suitcase to pack or something? Or better yet, why bother? You’re just going to die anyway. No reason to waste clothes. Just go in whatever you’re wearing. Who cares if you change? You’ll be alone anyway.”

  He swallowed, wishing she would calm down enough for him to try to apologize again. He’d done this. He’d brought this on himself.

  She kept rambling—her way of getting all her frustration out of her system. Interrupting her seemed like a bad idea. “I think I have a computer bag around here somewhere. You could take the laptop so you can play some video games or watch movies while you wait to die.”

  He gripped the back of one of the kitchen chairs, holding his tongue.

  She backed up and yanked open the pantry. “We’re all stocked with new snacks. You want me to pack your favorites so you’ll have nice things to eat in the hotel room?” She reached inside, grabbed a box of Cheez-Its, and threw them on the counter. “How about peanut butter granola bars? I know you like those.” They joined the Cheez-Its. “Oh, and Chex mix. You’ll need some of that.” The box hit the granola bars and fell on the floor.

  Dade inched closer, unsure what to do while she was so unhinged.

  She slammed the pantry closed and held out her hands. “Stop. Don’t touch me. Don’t you ever touch me.”

  “Blair…” She was killing him.

  She kept backing up until she was in the living room. “You win. I give up. Go. Slink off by yourself to die. Maybe if you don’t die, you can send a postcard letting us all know. Or better yet, take a new identity and disappear. It will hurt less than keeping in touch with the people who love you.”

  The lump in his throat made it difficult to speak. “Blair, stop. Please.” He followed her, but kept several feet between them.

  “No,” she screamed. She stomped her foot. “No. Don’t tell me what to do or feel or think. I’m done letting you dictate how things are. I’ve had enough of pretending it doesn’t matter and letting you run the show.

  “I’m falling in love with you, you idiot. And you’ve trampled over me for weeks.” Tears ran down her face, and she didn’t bother to wipe them away. “It hurts. You thought you could push me away to spare my feelings. Well, it didn’t work. I fell for you anyway. And you don’t get it. You don’t get that I’d rather hold you and care about you and love you through this entire thing.”

  She sobbed, trying to catch her breath, and then continued. “We don’t always pick who we love or what we’re going to do about it. I fell for you, and you tossed it aside to keep from dealing with any emotions. Obviously you don’t feel the same as me. I get that.”

  “I do, Blair.” The words came out rapidly.

  Her body jerked. Her eyes went wide. And then she shook her head. “No. You don’t. Because if you did, you would understand that I don’t care if you’re dying. I still want to be with you. Will it hurt? Hell, yes. But walking away would hurt more. If the treatment doesn’t work and you get sick, I want to hold you in my arms and comfort you. The fact that you can’t get that speaks volumes.” She turned around and headed for her bedroom, her shoulders falling.

  He followed her, rushing forward. Just as she stepped through the doorframe, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her close.

  She didn’t fight him, surprisingly, though he assumed it was because she was drained. “Let me go,” she whispered. “I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom.”

  “No, you won’t. You’ll listen to me as I stumble over trying to explain myself.”

  “There’s nothing left to say.” Her arms hung at her sides, and her head was tipped forward.

  “There’s a lot to say. You got to speak your mind; now let me speak mine.” When she didn’t object again, he found the will to continue. “I love you, Blair. So much it hurts. So much that I lie awake at night holding you in my arms wishing I could have more. So much that I find myself watching you move around the cabin instead of focusing on my computer half the time. I love you, baby.”

  She let out a sob.

  “You’re right. About everything. Maybe your next job can be as a psychiatrist, because you’re always right when you analyze me. I was wrong. All my thoughts were stupid. I wasted two weeks of what could have been special between us because I’ve been stubborn and idiotic. I’m so sorry.” He loosened his grip, spun her around, and smoothed a hand up her arm until he could brush her hair back from her face.

  She leaned her head on his chest. Silent tears were still falling.

  He swung her up in his arms again and carried her across the room to sit her on the bed. After grabbing a pile of tissues from the nightstand, he handed them to her.

  She wiped her face and blew her nose. Finally, she lifted her gaze to him. Her eyes were swollen and puffy. “You’re not just saying all that?”

  “No.” He shook his head and then cupped her face, tipping it back as he stepped closer to her, crowding her. He leaned down and kissed her gently. “No. I mean every word. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered against his mouth. “Can you stop acting like an idiot?”

  He smiled. “Yes. I promise. I’m so sorry. I won’t push you away again. I’ll share everything I know and what I’m planning.” He kissed her again, deepening the contact this time, grateful when her hands went around his waist and held him closer.

  He tangled his fingers in her hair, releasing the band that held it back so that the thick blond locks fell loose down her back. He ran his hands through it over and over while he kissed her. It was so soft, and it soothed him to stroke through the length.

  When she moaned into his mouth and lowered her hands to grip his butt, he instantly got hard. He’d denied himself for so long that an urgency overtook him, making him crave more.

  As her fingers made their way under his shirt, he reached for the hem of hers and drew it over her head. While she was still tugging on his sleeves, he cupped her breasts.

  She shoved him, causing him to lose his balance as he took a step backward. The kiss broke. Confused, he met her gaze.

  But her mission was immediately obvious as she reached for the button on her jeans and nodded toward his. “Clothes off. Now.”

  He smirked at her bossiness while he obeyed. When they were both completely naked, he stalked toward her.

  She backed up, crawling across the bed.

  He climbed over her, hovering above her body, staring down at her, thanking his lucky stars. Damn, she was beautiful.

  In another stunning move, she grabbed his shoulders and flipped him onto his back. Two seconds later, she was straddling him on her knees, her hands flat on his chest, her warmth against the edge of his erection.

  He moaned.

  She smiled. “Maybe I can be bossy in bed.” When she lifted, his length throbbed against her, and then she lined her channel up with him and lowered herself down until she was fully seated.

  His vision swam as all his blood rushed unexpectedly to his torso. When she lifted off and slammed back down, he lost his breath. His hand somehow made it to her waist, but she controlled the pace she set and the intensity. The entire time, she held his gaze, hers smoldering.

  Dade was so hard, it was a wonder he didn’t come instantly. A miracle, really, since she showed no mercy. She rode him at an excruciatingly slow speed, using her incredible leg strength to ease on and off him effortlessly.

  He watched her face, noticing every emotion as she enjoyed herself. When she slid one hand down to touch her clit, he lost it. He needed to change the direction of this show before he totally lost control.

  He gripped her hips and flipped her onto her back so fast, she was stunned. The connection was broken in the movement, but he spread her legs wide, lined up with her wet heat, and thrust into her before she could protest.

  Apparently she didn’t mind the change because a soft moan e
scaped her lips and her eyes fluttered shut.

  He slid his knees forward, lifting her hips off the bed, and remained inside her while he tucked a pillow under her ass.

  Her fingers grabbed at the sheets while her wild gaze found his. Her mouth hung open, but she didn’t speak. Good. He hoped he’d rendered her speechless. And the gap between her lips widened when he found her clit with his fingers and flicked the swollen nub rapidly.

  Instead of pumping in and out of her, he watched her face as she climbed to the edge. He kept playing with her clit, rubbing and circling and flicking the tip until she cried out, gritting her teeth, her entire body stiffening with her orgasm. He didn’t stop until her butt relaxed between his knees.

  And then he grabbed her thighs, drew himself out, and thrust back in. Heaven.

  She was soft and hard at the same time, pliant from just coming, but she also set her hands on top of his and gripped them for dear life, silently asking for more.

  He gave her more. He gave both of them more. Thrusting faster and harder while he gritted his own teeth until he finally came, buried inside her. The happiest man alive.

  Arms shaking, he slid out of her before he would have liked and eased onto his side, drawing her close.

  She turned toward him, wrapping her arm around his middle and holding him tight. “You okay?” she asked, tipping her face back to meet his eyes.

  He nodded.

  “You’re shaking.” She rubbed her hand up and down his arm.

  “I’m fine.”

  She looked extremely worried.

  He kissed her lips, trying to control his tremor. “Baby, I’m fine. This is not a symptom of some stupid form of anemia. I’m just overwhelmed with emotion. I just made love to the woman I’m so in love with she takes my breath away.”

  A slow smile spread across her lips, and she tucked her head against his shoulder and squeezed him as close as possible.

  Yeah, he was a lucky son of a bitch.

  Chapter 17

  “So, where do you need him to sign, Mr. Danforth?” Blair asked.

  “Please, call me Lawson.” Lawson Danforth turned out to be significantly younger than she expected. He was probably in his early thirties. Five ten. Lanky. Dark hair and skin. A full suit. He was very professional. He’d arrived fifteen minutes ago with Ryan and Tushar, and so far he’d spent most of that time staring at Dade.

  Dade stood on the front porch. He couldn’t get any closer to Lawson without the risk of infecting the man with AP12. It wasn’t completely irresponsible because there was a cure for AP12, but Lawson hadn’t been immunized, and there was no sense taking a chance he might be exposed.

  He was also a notary, which made things much smoother because the more people who came out to the cabin, the more danger Dade would be in. Keeping the number of folks who knew he existed and where he was located a secret was still a top priority.

  “Right here and right here,” Lawson said, pointing at a spot on two different pieces of official-looking paper he held on top of a thick bound folder. He glanced at Ryan. “This is the most unconventional meeting I’ve ever had with a client.”

  Ryan nodded. “And I can’t express to you vehemently enough how important it is for you to keep this to yourself. The only reason we ever contacted you and agreed to this farce was so that Dade could enjoy whatever money his grandfather left him. We spent weeks debating the merits of arranging this meeting.”

  “And you say he’s contagious with the same viral anemia that caused him to be frozen for ten years in the first place?” Lawson looked skeptical.

  Blair let Ryan handle this conversation, waiting patiently next to the men for Lawson to pass her the papers.

  Ryan nodded. “Not frozen exactly. It’s called vitrification. But yes. It’s complicated. He hasn’t been able to get the treatment.”

  “I see.” Clearly the man didn’t see anything. His gaze shot back to Dade. “The circumstances are extraordinary, but I can’t think of a single legal reason why we would need to be standing closer than this for your signature to be acceptable. I can see you signing just fine. I have all the proof I need to assure me you are indeed Dade Menke. So, I guess this is it.” He handed the papers and folder to Blair. “I just need the signed pages. Dade keeps the will.”

  She carried them to Dade, gave him a pen, and waited while he signed where she indicated.

  As she returned to Lawson, he spoke to Dade again. “The funds will be transferred to the account Ryan set up for you. I trust you’re aware of all this and have agreed to the arrangements. I can have the money deposited tomorrow. It won’t be difficult.”

  Dade leaned against the post at the top of the steps. “And you signed a NDA, correct?”

  Lawson nodded. “Yes. I assure you no one will find out about you from me. I’m a professional. I wouldn’t be in this job if people couldn’t trust me. I’ve kept some weird secrets. Yours might be one of the strangest, but word of your existence won’t leak from me.”

  “We appreciate you coming all the way out here, Mr. Danforth,” Tushar added. “I know it was unconventional.”

  “No problem. I’m just glad I could help fulfill Mr. Menke’s dying wishes. The older Mr. Menke,” he rushed to add. “When he first came to me with this crazy plan of his, I thought he’d lost his mind. But he must have had foresight, because he was right.”

  Dade cleared his throat. “Just out of curiosity, how much money are we talking about? I assume it’s got to be significant enough for you to go to so much trouble to find me, but you’ve never indicated exactly how much.”

  Lawson smiled as he handed Blair a sealed envelope. “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Please accept my sorrow on the death of your grandfather. I didn’t know him well, and it’s been a few years, but I know it’s fresh news to you. He was a good man. He probably should have enjoyed his life a bit more and saved a bit less, but I think he truly believed you would need the money more than he ever did. So he left it. And his gamble paid off.”

  “Thank you for everything,” Tushar stated. “We can take you back to your car now if you’re ready.”

  “Of course.” Lawson nodded toward Dade. “Have a nice day.”

  Blair was confused by the look on Lawson’s face and the strange little speech. She wondered if Dade had been able to see his odd expressions from so far away. Envelope in hand, she returned to the porch as Ryan, Tushar, and Lawson got back in the car. She stood by Dade’s side, waving as they pulled away.

  When they were gone, she handed him the envelope. “You think it’ll be enough to get us to Hawaii or someplace at least warm and sunny?” She was half joking. It would take several thousand dollars in airfare alone to make a trip like that.

  She had some money stashed away, and she would contribute whatever was necessary to get Dade someplace pleasant, but there was no way to know how long they would be there once they arrived, and they couldn’t live forever off her meager savings.

  She planned to take a leave of absence from her job. After several conversations with Temple, they had agreed that as soon as Dade received the treatment, if he wanted to disappear and go somewhere unspecified, he was on his own. The government couldn’t provide him protection if he essentially went rogue. Which meant they would no longer be assigning Blair to his detail.

  Which also meant Blair would take time off to accompany him. She wasn’t prepared to think beyond that plan. What ifs made her queasy, so she was noncommittal about how long she would be gone and when she might come back to the bunker and even if she would return. Temple guaranteed her three months’ unpaid leave without risk to her position. After that, they would need to renegotiate.

  Dade threaded his fingers with hers and led her into the house. “It’s cold out here.” He shut the door and shrugged out of his coat, hanging it on a hook by the front door. “Shall we see if we’re going to need a bus ticket or if we can afford a plane?” he joked, tapping the envelope he held in his free hand.

; She followed him to the couch and sat next to him, her curiosity piqued.

  He set the thick folder with the will on his knees and opened the envelope casually to pull out one piece of trifolded paper. Letterhead. Simple. One sentence. A signature. And a number that made her lean closer.

  “Holy shit,” Dade murmured.

  “Wow.” She glanced up. “You want me to hire a private jet or just buy the airline?”

  His eyes were wide with shock. “Who knew my grandfather was so frugal?” He set the letter on the coffee table and opened the will. “Surely there’s a logical explanation.”

  “Yeah, but it might take you a month to read all that.”

  He flipped through the pages, pausing every once in a while, until he finally reached the end and closed it. “Looks like he bought some bonds years ago and then later invested in very lucrative stocks. He got lucky, and then he held on to the proceeds.”

  “I’d say you’re the one who got lucky.”

  He dropped the folder on the coffee table with the letter, smiled at her as he stroked her chin, and then melted her heart with his words. “I definitely got lucky, but it had nothing to do with that will.” His lips descended while her heart picked up the pace.

  Two hours later they were lying in her bed, neither of them having spoken for several minutes while they caught their breath. She snuggled into Dade’s side, one leg wrapped over his thigh, her hand on his chest, her cheek against his pecs. “So, what’s the plan?” she asked.

  “You mean for lunch or the next few months?”

  She giggled. “Well, both.”

  “As for lunch, I suggest you shower while I make us something to eat because I’m starving, and I don’t want to have to pretend to enjoy burnt sandwiches.”

  She swatted his chest. “I’ve never burned the sandwiches. I don’t even cook them.”

  He chuckled low and deep, the sound vibrating against her cheek and making her content. When he was finished, he continued. “As for the extended plan, Ryan and I bumped heads earlier.”


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