One Hot Night

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by West, Megan

  Copyright © 2016 by, Megan West

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locals is coincidental.

  Sexy Excerpt:

  … He reached around to her back and unzipped her dress. She wiggled her body so the dress would slip off and fall to the ground. Immediately, he pushed her back up against the wall and messaged her breasts. A breath knotted in her throat as her back smacked against the wall. He was aggressive and forceful and it made her blood boil. He licked and sucked both of her nipples in turn until each one budded into hard pebbles.

  “You ever done anything like this?” He asked with a devilish smirk.

  “What?” Marisa breathed out. “Do you mean go home with a stranger?”

  Kurt chuckled and shook his head. He took both of her wrists with each of his hands and pinned them to the wall above her head, her breasts heaved with each hot breath. He held her pinned there with just one of his hands while his other landed on her waist.

  “Like this,” he whispered gruffly against her ear before playfully biting her neck...

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  Chapter One

  The moment the chime of the doorbell filled her house a bright smile full of life stretched her lips. Marisa gave her reflection a final glance before rushing over to open the door. The moment she laid her eyes on Saul, her boyfriend, her smile grew wider. It had been over three weeks since they had last seen each other. She thought she would end up going crazy from missing him so much. Saul had just returned from a business trip during which he had been so busy the two of them barely even spoke.

  She immediately leapt up and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in and smother his face with sweet, little kisses. What she didn’t notice was the way he hugged her back was half-hearted. She also failed to notice how reluctant he seemed to accept so many kisses from her soft lips. It was as if he hadn’t missed her at all. Marisa was too wrapped up in her happiness at seeing him after so long to realize the feeling wasn’t mutual.

  “I fixed lunch. I made sure to have it ready for you,” she mentioned happily before pulling him inside the house with a firm hold of his hand. Another thing she didn’t notice was how loosely he held her hand in return. She had to soak up every second he was there. That was all she focused on. Saul sat down at the table while she fluttered about in the kitchen to fix his plate. After a few short minutes, she set his plate in front of him and smiled.

  “Thanks,” he muttered before straightening up and picking up his fork.

  Marisa squealed with a grin stretching across her face before scurrying back into the kitchen to fix her own plate. “Don’t wait for me,” she called out as she picked out a fork. It was just a few minutes before she sat across him and chattered on and on about how her weeks had gone by so slowly without him. She practically told him everything she had done. But she failed to notice his complete disinterest as he toyed with his food instead.

  It wasn’t until they finished eating that Marisa finally asked, “So how was the trip, sweetie? They kept you so busy!” She had no idea he thought she was too chatty and interested in her own life. Saul had found time to think during the business trip and he had come to the conclusion that Marisa was incredibly annoying at times, this being one of them.

  So when he quietly said, “I want to end this,” it came as a total shock to her. Marisa sat across the table from him in a daze.

  “Saul,” she finally whispered weakly. She couldn’t believe what he had just said. “I just wanted to spend some time with you. I missed you. I didn’t think-”

  He shook his head. “It’s not that, Marisa. This isn’t some knee-jerk reaction. I’ve thought about this and, honestly, I want to end our relationship.”

  She felt victimized and was making no effort to hide it. This had come out of nowhere or at least it seemed that way to her. She had absolutely no idea what to say. Marisa was completely dumbfounded and she could already feel the pain of losing Saul running through her body as her heart thumped inside her chest.

  All she had been looking forward to the past few weeks was seeing him but now he was ending their relationship instead. Now she felt like all those kisses she had showered him with hadn’t been enough. She felt hot tears welling up in the corners of her eyes and she wanted to fight them while he was still there, but didn’t have the energy. The silence dragged on for what felt like a century with the two of them staring at each other.

  “Marisa,” Saul finally said to break the silence, his tone of voice serious. “I’m sorry if you’re shocked but I do, I want to end this. It hasn’t been working for a while now.”

  Marisa was sent into a coughing fit when she opened her mouth to respond but only ended up choking on her breath. Saul was instantly kneeling beside her and gently patting her back to help but this only ended up upsetting her even more. She shoved his arm off and stood up, walking away from him.

  “You want to end this,” Marisa finally said angry. Of course this came as a total surprise. If there had been any signs of it not working out, like he claimed, she had completely missed them. She was beyond upset and unable to say anything. There were too many thoughts spinning in her mind and feelings whirling around her body. She felt weightless from all the tingles and racing thunder in her chest.

  “Marisa,” he said quietly. She didn’t want to feel like he pitied her but when she looked into his eyes, that was what she saw. “I decided I wanted to end things between us on my trip but I didn’t want to do it over the phone.”

  She wanted him to stop talking. She wanted to scream until he finally shut his mouth. Everything he said just made it worse.

  “So you had already decided when you came over but you still let me hug you, kiss you, and feed you?” She was filled with anger and disbelief. “Why would you let me go on like that? Why didn’t you just say it from the start?” Marisa glared at him before turning away and pacing back and forth.

  She wanted to throw out every ounce of the hurt and anger she felt but knew it was impossible. This was too much. He had gone too far. She felt his eyes following her every movement. After a few minutes of pacing back and forth, she finally stopped and looked directly at him. “You said we haven’t been working for a while now so how long have you felt that?”

  “Marisa,” Saul pleaded quietly with a pained expression. It was obvious he didn’t want to answer the question. She figured he found it uncomfortable and pointless and, in all honesty, she also knew it was pointless to have it. Even if she knew how long he had felt that way it wouldn’t change what was happening.

  Although she felt she deserved a better explanation she didn’t want to waste time having that conversation when her relationship was clearly over. There was no way around that. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes as if she felt physical pain. But no matter what she knew to be true, she couldn’t stop herself from pressing forward.

  She took a deep breath. “Just answer the question. You sprang this on me and pretty much said the breakup was coming, even if I didn’t see it. You can’t just say that but not expect me to wonder about it.”

  “So you really do think I’m just springing this on you?” He sounded genuinely shocked. Marisa stared at him wondering how it was so hard for him to comprehend. With every passing
minute she felt more and more like a fool. It felt as if he had just thrown a glass of ice water on her face. A chill ran straight down her back, making her shiver.

  “I’m obviously missing something,” she said dryly.

  He let out a heavy sigh, “Marisa, I haven’t been happy for some time now. I haven’t even acted like I was happy but you missed it. You missed all the signs. I started feeling it even a couple weeks before going on my business trip, I just wasn’t sure what my feelings meant. Then I figured it out on the trip but, Marisa, I’m sure of it.”

  “So whatever sparked these feelings, whatever that is, it’s enough for you to end this?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her mind couldn’t even process everything Saul was telling her no matter how hard she tried.

  He rubbed his fingers over his eyes in frustration. “You want the truth, right? Fine. You’re always so damn self-absorbed, Marisa. You didn’t even notice major things like the fact I haven’t been happy and I’ve been acting differently because of it! You don’t listen to what I say because you don’t even bother paying attention. Everything you have to say is always right or always more interesting than whatever can come out of my mouth. How is it possible you didn’t notice the way I greeted you today? How? Just think about it and then see if asking whether or not it’s enough to end this makes any sense.”

  She just gaped at him. She didn’t have a clue what to say. On top of everything, he was attacking her as if the situation weren’t hard enough for her to wrap her head around.

  “You know what,” she said, “I think it’s best if you leave now. Maybe you were right. I guess this conversation didn’t need to happen. I don’t need to take this from you so get out Saul.” He scoffed and looked at her in disbelief. After a moment he shrugged and just turned on his heel before walking out the door without a single word or look back in her direction.

  Marisa dropped down onto the couch and rubbed her fingers over her eyes before rubbing the sides of her head. She could feel a strong headache coming on. She took a few deep breaths as she tried to push out any and all thoughts related to what had just taken place. It was over. Her relationship with Saul was really over. There was no going back.

  She had no idea but that would end up being the last she would ever see of Saul. She would never talk to him after that again.

  Chapter Two

  Marisa had never been in such a long or committed relationship before Saul. He had been her first major relationship. To say she never expected it to end so abruptly was an understatement. No matter how much she thought about everything he had told her, she couldn’t piece it all together in her mind. None of it made sense. She knew it would be difficult to get over the relationship and she wasn’t looking forward to it.

  She knew she would inevitably miss him a lot but it was really the actual part of moving on that scared her the most. Despite this, Marisa knew brooding over it was totally pointless and would only end up dragging out the process. She wanted to get to the point where she could appreciate the memories of her time with Saul and cherish everything they had together without feeling any bitterness. It was pretty clear from that moment, however, that it would take some time to get to that point.

  There still remained hope in her. She turned on the television and flipped through channels mindlessly. She wasn’t really paying attention to anything on the screen because, as much as she fought it, her mind continued to drift back to the last words Saul had said to her.

  She never thought he felt she was self-absorbed. She certainly had never thought of herself as being self-absorbed and couldn’t recall any instance in which she had been told she was. She tried recalling a time someone else may have called her out in it but there was nothing. Was he finding flaws in her that didn’t exist? She supposed he had just been searching for an excuse to break up with her and that was the best he had come up with. Instead of giving in to such endless and painful feelings, she took a sleeping pill and went off to bed.

  The following night she called her friend, Carla, and invited her over to talk about everything that had gone down with Saul. Even while she had been at work her mind was filled with memories of him. It wasn’t until she was driving home that she actually relived their final conversation and felt on the verge of some sort of breakdown. She pulled into her driveway and instantly called up Carla before getting out of her car. It was only twenty minutes later that they were both sitting on Marisa’s couch with wine glasses in hand.

  “It was so sudden,” Marisa started off.

  Carla took a sip of wine from her glass and remained quiet so that Marisa could continue on with what she had to say. Marisa appreciated that her friend had always been such a great listener. That thought brought up Saul’s claim that she was self-absorbed. She wanted to ask Carla about it, even if it might end up putting her friend in an awkward position. But the two of them had always been completely comfortable and honest with one other. She knew this wasn’t something she would be able to ignore and move on from without talking about it.

  “Well he said it actually wasn’t sudden but it was me. He told me I just didn’t pick up on any of the signs.” Marisa was looking at her friend carefully trying to gauge a reaction from her, but there was nothing for her to draw from.

  “What did he mean by that? Was he really showing signs? I mean, I know you say you didn’t see anything but maybe you realized in hindsight.”

  “No,” Marisa replied. “He said I was too self-absorbed to notice them. He actually said that was one of my biggest problems.” She stared at Carla but tried not to be too obvious about it to avoid making things weird. Carla’s face remained the same, just as expressionless as when they started talking. But she knew Carla was thinking about what she had just said. After a couple moments of silence, Marisa finally mustered up the courage to ask, “Do you think I’m too self-absorbed?”

  Carla sighed and looked at Marisa. That was the first real reaction Carla had shown since their conversation had started. “Look,” she said, “You know I’ll always be honest. You know I can tell when you want the truth.” Marisa held her breath and nodded already having an idea of where this was headed. “I hate to say it but honestly, I can see where he’s coming from.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Marisa cried out in an accusatory tone. If this was true about her then why, after all these years, had Carla never bothered to point it out? It felt like she had been cheated.

  “Well, it has never really been something that bothered me so I didn’t really pay attention to it,” Carla admitted. Marisa looked at her carefully before adding, “I also didn’t think it was something I needed to tell you. I don’t know, it never occurred to me I was supposed to tell you.”

  Marisa leaned forward and placed her elbows on her legs. She buried her face in her hands. She didn’t want to cry but there was a deep sadness in her. She felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened with Saul and now she had to take in this revelation about herself. She wanted to think it was a sudden revelation but knew it was more likely she had just never stopped long enough to pay attention to the signs around her.

  “I ruined my relationship,” she finally said hollowly.

  Carla scoffed, “Just because you have a flaw the other person didn’t accept does not mean you messed up the relationship. It takes two for that to happen. You two ended up being incompatible. It doesn’t really boil down to much more than that.” Carla rubbed reassuring circles on Marisa’s back and she leaned into the touch. They stayed quiet for a few minutes. The only sounds in the apartment were filtering in from the street outside through the slightly open living room window.

  Marisa let out a long, drawn out sigh before leaning back against the couch. She started slowly going over the last month of her relationship with Saul but couldn’t think of any instances that she should have picked up on anything. It was one of those times where even hindsight wasn’t clear. In fact, it all seemed rather fuzzy and convoluted.

��Well,” Marisa said and finally broke the silence, “If I’m really that self-absorbed I guess it’s a problem I should work on.” Carla turned to look at her. It seemed like she was agreeing with what Marisa had just said but also seemed to have some doubts. Marisa tilted her head and asked, “What’s that look about?”

  “Well,” Carla replied, “If you’re serious about this, I mean, maybe I can help you out somehow. That’s all.”

  “Hm you jumped on that awfully fast,” Marisa said a bit more defensively than she had meant. It was partly a joke, but she realized right at that moment she was maybe not ready to joke about it. Not even close. The truth was she wasn’t entirely sure how to feel right then. She glanced over at Carla and noticed the way her friend looked pretty disappointed.

  “Carla,” she said in a much softer tone of voice to smooth things over even though she had no clue what else to say.

  Carla gently placed her hand on Marisa’s shoulder and said, “I’m not trying to jump on anything other than jumping at the chance to help you out. I know this is something that will keep affecting you and it worries me.”


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