Strike Eagle

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by Doug Beason

  Colonel Doug Beason, USAF (ret)

  Strike Eagle

  Col. Doug Beason


  When last contacted, Air Force Two, with the vice president of the United States aboard, was flying high over the Philippine jungle.

  On board was not only the vice president, but the “football” that gave him the power to initiate nuclear war. For in Washington, D.C., the U.S. President lay dying.

  At the newly reconstituted Clark Air Base, the orders went out: Air Force Two, aloft or downed, had to be found. The vice president, alive or dead, had to be brought back.

  The hunt was on. The race against time and the ultimate terror had begun … in an action-packed military thriller of supersonic suspense and explosive excitement—


  Smashwords Edition – 2014

  WordFire Press

  ISBN: 978-1-61475-135-9

  Copyright © 2014 Doug Beason

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the copyright holder, except where permitted by law. This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover design by Kevin J. Anderson


  Art Director Kevin J. Anderson

  Cover artwork images by Shutterstock

  Book Design by RuneWright, LLC

  Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta, Publishers

  Published by

  WordFire Press, an imprint of

  WordFire, Inc.

  PO Box 1840

  Monument, CO 80132

  Electronic Version by Baen Books



  To those that have lived in the Philippines


  Publisher’s Note

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The author realizes that the Air Force bases and some of the organizations depicted herein are real, but the people and incidents connected with these locations are entirely fictional. The opinions expressed herein, explicit or implied, are purely those of the author and do not reflect the views of the United States, the Department of Defense, or the United States Air Force.

  When this novel was first published, the author had never been involved in or had access to, either officially or unofficially, any aspect of high power microwaves beyond the basic physics research stage such as that published in numerous scientific journals. This novel is based on pure speculation, gleaned from material assimilated from Aviation Week, and Space Technology and Defense News.



  To Kevin J. Anderson and Michael Berch, Esq. for their editorial insight and suggestions; Colonel Terry “Moose” Millard, Lieutenant Colonel “Mongo” Monahan, Major Dave Harris and the 1550th Combat Crew Training Wing, Major Wayne Crist and the 3rd TFW, Captain Jim Beason, and Alan Gould for their technical details; Richard Curtis and John Sibersack for making this happen; Billy Joel’s “Storm Front,” for inspiration; and Tamara, Amanda and Cindy—as always—for being there and putting up with me.


  Principal Characters

  The Family

  First Lieutenant (1Lt) Bruce Steele, USAF (ASSASSIN)

  Ashley Woodman—Bruce’s ex-wife

  Joe Steele—Bruce’s father

  Cheryl Steele—his mother

  Fred Steele—his (deceased) younger brother

  The Boys and Girls

  Captain Charlie Fargassa (FOGGY)—Bruce’s backseater

  CATMAN (1Lt Ed Holstrom)—F-15E pilot, Maddog 3

  ROBIN (2Lt Steve Garcioni)—CATMAN’s backseater

  SKIPPER (Capt Thorin A. Olsen)—”Maddog” Flight Commander, Maddog 1

  PANTHER (Capt Enriqueta Y. Bonita)—SKIPPER’S backseater

  REVLON (Capt Heather Rheinquist)—F-15E pilot, Maddog 2

  DIGGER (1Lt Lucius Brown)—REVLON’s backseater

  Clark Air Base (reopened after U.S. departure in 1991)

  Lt. Col McConnell—Squadron Commander, 333rd Fighter Squadron

  Ms. Hosteader—Housing counselor

  Capt. Richard Head—MH-60G helicopter pilot (FOX 1)

  Capt. Bob Gould—MH-60G co-pilot

  Tech. Sgt. “Mooselips” Noresteader—Bruce’s crew chief

  Principal Characters

  CMSGT Grune—Instructor, Jungle Survival School

  Abuj Qyantrolo—Negrito jungle survival instructor

  SSgt “Zaz” Zazbrewski—MH-60G flight engineer

  SSgt Hank McCormack—MH-60G gunner

  SSgt Sal Flores—MH-60G gunner

  Maj Gen Peter Simone—Commander, Thirteenth Air Force

  Major Stephanie Hendhold—his aide

  Col William F. Bolte (LIGHTNING)—Commander, 4th Fighter Wing

  Michele Bolte—his wife

  Nanette Bolte—his daughter

  SSgt Evette Whiltree—Air Traffic Controller

  CMSGT Figarno—her supervisor

  Major Brad Dubois—4th Fighter Wing Flight Scheduler

  TSgt Merkowitz—Gate Guard

  Col Ben Lutler—Commander, 353rd Special Operations Group

  Juanita Sanchez—Major General Simone’s secretary

  Other Locations

  Major Kathy Yulok—SR-73 pilot, Kadena AFB, Okinawa

  Major Ed Prsybalwyki—SR-73 co-pilot, Kadena AFB, Okinawa

  Admiral Greshan, USN—Fleet Admiral 7th Fleet, Yokosuka, Japan

  Gen Westschloe—Commander, Pacific Air Forces, Hickam AFB, HI

  Chaplain (Commander) White, USN—Base Chaplain, Subic Bay

  Taco Charlie—Okinawan restaurant owner

  Oniksuki—Taco Charlie’s grandson

  Sabine Aquinette—Agency operative, South Korea

  Roger Epstein—Agency Station Chief, South Korea

  Yan Kawnlo—North Korean terrorist

  Minister Ieyasu—Japanese Minister of Trade

  Col Alan Merke—Division Vice-Commander, Kadena AFB

  President Rizular—President of the P.I.

  Col Pat Wingate—Aircraft Commander, Air Force Two

  Colonel Rader—Deputy for Operations, 313th Air Division, Kadena AFB, Okinawa

  Angeles City

  Yolanda Sicat

  Pompano Sicat—her father

  Lucila Sicat—his deceased wife

  Cervante Escindo—New People’s Army (NPA, or “Huk”) cell leader

  Barguyo—Huk terrorist

  Edgar—Huk terrorist

  Julio—Huk terrorist

  Tanila—Bruce’s father’s girlfriend

  Emil Oloner—black market runner

  Washington, D.C.

  Lucius K. Longmire—President of the U.S. (MAVERICK)

  Robert E. Adleman—vice president of the U.S. (LONESTAR)

  LtCol Merke, USAF—VP Adleman’s aide

  Harley Dubois—Secret Service agent

  Cyndi Fount—Director, CIA

  Francis Woodrow Acht—Secretary
of State

  Jerry Weinstein—Chairman, National Democratic Party

  Ensign Julia Clounch—President’s nurse

  Captain (Dr.) Barnett—Commanding Officer, Bethesda Hospital

  Ebert Zeringue—Secretary of Defense

  General David Newman, USAF—Chief of Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Juan Salazar—White House Press Secretary

  Mr. Kelt—State Department Philippine Specialist



  Fifteen miles south of Bagio City, Philippine Islands

  Cervante watched the road, waiting for the convoy, and wondered what it felt like to die.

  Lying on a tightly braided grass mat, he had wedged himself far enough back from the crest to make himself invisible from below. Propped in front of him, between the roots of a towering tree, his AK-47 had a direct line of shot to any point on the road. It was the only direction that Cervante could see for more than two feet without being smothered by the dense jungle.

  A fine mist filled the air, pushing the humidity up so high he thought he would have to pull out a machete and chop his way through it. Broad leaves collected the mist, pooling the liquid into thimble-sized drops before the weight of the water became too great for the leaf to hold. Thousands of such leaves filled the jungle; together, they produced a symphony of random drips. Birds chattered high up in the trees, adding to the cacophony. Cervante couldn’t hear any other sounds as he waited for the convoy.

  He shifted his weight on the mat. An array of grenades hanging from his belt poked him in the thigh; he wiggled to push them out of the way, and soon was comfortable again.

  Water drenched Cervante, but he had grown used to it as he waited for the precise moment to strike, as if he were the feared habu, the stealthy jungle snake that struck without warning.

  A faint sound caught his attention. It came from below, channeled down the foliage-canopied road like a whistle blast through a pipe. Cervante grew alert. The birds stopped chirping, leaving only the eerie sound of splashing water.

  He crept forward by pulling himself on his elbows. As he gripped the AK-47, he swung the automatic rifle back and forth across the road, ensuring latitude in his view. The sound grew louder: the unmistakable roar of trucks, the groaning of diesel engines as they chugged up the mountain road. The road narrowed to one lane just around the bend. He knew the drivers would be using parabolic mirrors, set by the curve, to see if any vehicles would be approaching from the opposite direction.

  Cervante could not hear his compatriots, but he knew that around him three dozen men were preparing for the attack. The fine wires that led to patches on the road, plastique, were the sole signs of the men’s presence.

  Cervante wished he had situated himself closer to the young man Barguyo—a boy no older than fourteen—who would throw the switch and detonate the explosives when the armored personnel carrier appeared; but Cervante had too many items to take care of, and not enough of himself to go around.

  It was the hardest lesson he had to learn: assigning responsibilities to the Huks and allowing them to work alone. It was a far cry from the way things used to be, but their ability to strike bigger targets, penetrate deeper into the establishment, had increased tremendously.

  Cervante was no longer a one-man operation, and the lessons pounded into him in the training camps north of the South Korean border would meet its first big test today. If the Huks were going to survive and turn things around, it had to start now. They had to strike the Philippine Constabulary at the very heart of its operation and steal the weapons that had been tapped to ferret out the Huks.

  Cervante could now make out the sounds of individual vehicles. The engine running at high gear had to be the jeep that preceded the convoy. It would be well ahead of the main body, and it should soon pass. The deeper roar came from troop and supply trucks, belching black smoke and grinding their gears in an attempt to climb the four-thousand-foot rise to Bagio City. Cervante wiggled to his side and pulled up five grenades. He left three hanging on his belt, in case the group had to flee back into the jungle and use the explosives for a makeshift booby trap.

  Seconds passed. Cervante blinked away perspiration that dripped into his eyes. It sounded as if the jeep were right on top of them.…

  The vehicle pulled around the bend. Five men sat in the overloaded jeep, rifles held loosely. All but the driver smoked cigarettes. The jeep took the corner recklessly, eliciting wild laughter from the passengers. The soldiers knew they were near their base. It was just the state of mind Cervante had hoped for: If the convoy’s commanding officers were jocular, then the troops would be in a similar vein.

  When the jeep disappeared from view, Cervante’s grip on his rifle tightened. The humidity continued to bear down on him; sweat rolled off his nose, but aside from an occasional wipe to remove the perspiration, Cervante focused on the road. Waiting.

  A puff of black smoke gave the first troop truck away. As it rounded the curve, the driver honked its horn to warn approaching vehicles of its presence. The truck lurched; a grinding sound came from the vehicle as the driver shifted to a lower gear. There would be more trucks, and Cervante had to wait for the precise one—too soon, and the convoy would combine forces and flush the Huks out; too late, and the convoy would speed up to outrun the ambush.

  Another truck passed, full of PC—the Filipino Philippine Constabulary troops, heading for their home base.

  Cervante counted the tenth truck before he decided. The driver had just put his cigarette back in his mouth and expelled a cloud of smoke when Cervante pulled the trigger.

  The windshield shattered into a thousand pieces. Gunfire erupted everywhere, enveloping the once peaceful jungle in a barrage of white noise.

  The truck veered wildly and flipped off the side of the road. It barreled through the brush and disappeared. Screams came from all around. The next truck did not have a chance to slow down. Blasts of gunfire peppered the air. The truck somehow managed to weave along the narrow road, then drove into the side of the mountain.

  Cervante rammed a new cartridge of bullets into the AK-47, throwing the spent package to the side. He continued to pump bullets at the next truck. Soldiers leapt from the truck and scurried down the hillside; those who stopped to take aim at Cervante’s unseen companions were mowed down in a barrage.

  Nothing came from up the road—the small PC contingent that had turned back to assist had encountered gunfire from the Huks stationed on the hill.

  Cervante waited for a full ten heartbeats before yelling the order to search the vehicle, but an armored personnel carrier crept around the bend. Bullets ricocheted off the vehicle. Cervante wet his lips. He hoped that the boy Barguyo would not hurry, would wait until the precise moment.…

  The APC stayed in its lowest gear, grinding up the steep roadway and firing bursts from an exterior gun mount. As the vehicle crept over the wires in the road, the plastique exploded. The APC lifted slightly off the ground, then stopped moving.

  Cervante struggled to his feet, pulling the AK-47 up with him. He flung himself down the slope and raced to the APC. Smoke billowed from underneath the vehicle. Muffled screams came from the APC’s interior. As Cervante moved to the vehicle, Huks started pouring out from the jungle. The men clutched various types of rifles and ranged in age from preteen to late middle-aged.

  Cervante pulled a grenade from his side. He snapped at the men still coming from the jungle. “Quickly, the supply truck!” He pointed with the grenade to the truck that had careened into the side of the hill.

  Dropping his rifle, Cervante scrambled on top of the armored vehicle. He tried to open the APC hatch, but when the access did not give, he pushed his foot against the lever and kicked; the hatch barely creaked open. He pulled the grenade pin with his teeth.

  A voice wailed from the vehicle in Tagalog: “Mother Maria, please help me!”

  Cervante tossed the grenade into the APC, then leaped to the ground, running. When he was thirty fee
t from the APC, a muffled explosion rocked the area; the screaming inside the vehicle stopped.

  A horn beeped down the road.

  Seconds later, a truck driven by a Huk sympathizer roared into view. The old man driving the truck slammed on his brakes at the sight of the smoking armored personnel carrier. Cervante motioned at the man.

  “Pompano! Get as close to the truck as you can.”

  As Pompano crept forward, Cervante huffed up to the supply vehicle.

  Two Huks threw wooden crates from the truck. Some cracked open, spilling bullets and rifles. Pompano positioned his truck, and a line of men quickly filled it with crates.

  Cervante pulled himself inside the PC supply truck and made a quick scan for anything they should take. Several large crates caught his eye. He felt his pulse quicken at the prospect of finding some heat-seeking missiles. As he scrambled over the jumble of crates, he made out stenciled lettering written in English:

  United States Army

  Battlefield High-Power Microwave Weapon

  Caution: Capacitors May Carry High Voltage!

  The boy Barguyo stuck his head in the back of the truck: “Hurry, we are ready!”

  Cervante pulled himself up. The gunshots grew louder. The Huks had taken nearly all the supplies … yet this “high-power microwave” device intrigued him. He snapped out, “Quickly, get me some help—we must take this with us.”

  Moments later, Cervante was sitting in the rear with his comrades. Their spirits were high, and understandably so: they had commandeered bullets, rifles, and enough supplies to last the band of Huks six months. The truck bounced as it sped down the winding mountain road.


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