His Twisted Choice

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His Twisted Choice Page 7

by Amelia James

  He leaned forward and drummed the end of his fork on the table. “That’s a good possibility.” Then he speared the chicken.

  “Did it ever piss you off to see me with another guy?”

  “Only when I didn’t trust him. Or when you were fooling around with a complete loser.”

  “Angry sex is fun, remember?”

  He grinned. “Hell yes.”

  “Why’d you arrest the guy?”

  “Because the loser pissed me off….”

  Will marched across the dark, smoky room and shoved his badge in the guy’s face. “Chicago PD. You’re under arrest.”

  The loser turned pale and a bead of sweat smeared the press-on tattoo on his neck. “What the hell for?”

  “Will, what the fuck are you doing?”

  He ignored me. “Possession. Spiking this young lady’s drink while she was in the restroom. Should I go on?”

  Dripping-tattoo boy reached into his pocket, and Will reached for his gun. He dropped a bag of something illegal on the bar. “Don’t search me. That’s all I got.”

  “Fine. Ed, you and Mark take care of this guy.” Two uniformed police officers dragged my former prospect out the door. “Come with me, miss.”

  He tried to escort me out, but I yanked my arm from his grasp. “Oh hell no. I was doing just fine until you got here.”

  “I’ll arrest you, too.”

  “Me? Why?”

  His gaze dropped to my short skirt and crossed thighs. “Public nudity.”

  I gasped and my naked pussy tingled. “How did you know?”

  “I watched. I saw everything.” He adjusted his pants and grabbed his handcuffs, then he slapped one around my left wrist and closed the other end on his right. “Let’s go.”

  “No, no, no.” I beat on his shoulder while he pulled me out to the parking lot. The cold metal binding chafed my skin as I yanked him back.

  Will bent me backward over the hood of someone’s car and kissed me, sliding our linked hands under my skirt. “If it’s really over between us, I’ll let you go, but don’t use boredom as an excuse.”

  “I want variety.” But I spread my legs for his familiar fingers. “You knew that when we met. I live for excitement.”

  “I’ll give you excitement, darlin’.” He grabbed my hair and pulled me upright, causing me to stumble into him as he stopped in the middle of the full lot and looked around.

  “Forgot where you parked?”

  “Nope. I’m not taking you back to my bed until you come willingly.” He jerked our bound arms and dragged me between cars. “This will do.” He tested the back door of a police cruiser. “He left it unlocked? Dumbass.”

  “This isn’t your car!”

  He grunted and shoved me into the back seat. I slid across to the other side, but he wrapped his free arm around my waist and trapped me against him.

  My hearted hammered as I stared into his darkened eyes. He never got angry with me, no matter how much I provoked him. He enjoyed watching me push him, indulging in my rants, but tonight, that slow fuse had reached the ignition point.

  My restrained hand followed his as he lifted my skirt and exposed my pussy. “Were you really going to fuck that guy?”

  I shifted, sliding my thighs apart. “No, he was just a warm up. It’s been so long since I’ve flirted, I needed to practice.”

  He licked his lips. “You never stopped flirting. I’ve seen you tease men, driving them crazy because they couldn’t have you. You liked it, especially tormenting Alex.”

  My pussy dripped at the mention of his name. “Jealous?”

  “No. Jealousy is weakness. Letting you have your fun, even at my expense, is….”


  He shook his head and plunged his finger into my cunt. The metal links bit into my thigh until I let his hand pull mine down with it. I stroked my clit while he thrust in and out. We made me come hard and fast, my cries magnified and shock waves multiplied in the small space. I kept my eyes open, watching for the officer to return to his car. A man walked by, stopped and looked back at us. We made eye contact, and I watched him watch me. I gasped and bit my lip as the idea of having an audience shot me over the edge. Oh shit! He smiled and moved on after I finished. Sweat stuck my thighs to the vinyl seat.

  I grabbed the back of Will’s neck with my bound hand and kissed him, yanking his fingers away from my throbbing flesh. He bit my tongue. I chomped his lip. He pulled our hands to my breasts, and we fondled them through my thin cotton shirt, making my nipples harden and shoot tingling sparks to my still- exposed and aching pussy. I reached for his erection, forcing our hands to his crotch, then unzipped while he opened his belt. He wrapped his big hand over mine and we stroked him.

  “You need to come before the cop gets back.” I increased the pace. “I’ll go home with you. Willingly.”

  “No. We’re going to fuck here.”

  “Oh Jesus!” I groaned as he pulled me onto his lap, spreading my thighs over his legs. “If we get caught….”

  “We won’t.”

  My heart raced and I searched the parking lot through the back window of a Goddamn police car. This. This! More excitement than I’d ever imagined with Will. “You’re a dirty cop.”

  “No.” He grabbed my hips and shoved his hot cock into me. “I’m a nasty cop.”

  I laughed and rode him, and he grabbed my ass with both his hands and mine, digging into my flesh while he pounded me. My head hit the roof so I leaned back, resting against the cage between the front and back seats.

  He lifted my skirt again, and we played with my clit and teased his cock with our connected hands.

  I shook the metal cuff on my wrist. “Let’s take these home.”

  “As you wish.” He thrusts turned urgent, driving.

  “I want you to come.” I ground down on his cock. “I want you to come in the back seat of your friend’s car.”

  He grunted.

  “Do it. Do it nasty.”

  Will growled and slammed his hand against the screen, smashing my wrist into the metal barrier. Pain wracked my arm and I cried out. We hooked our fingers into the grate and fucked like caged animals, snarling and scratching. My thighs clenched around his as he exploded into me, and I rode one wave after another.

  He laid his head on my pounding chest. “I love you, Talia.”

  My heart stopped. “You what?”

  He looked at me and caressed my cheek. My limp fingers followed his, tangling in my damp hair. “You don’t have to say it back. I know you’re not ready. I just want you to know… I’ll do anything to keep you happy.”

  Words caught in my throat, but I choked on my response when the door jerked open and a gun clicked in my face.

  “Step out of the car slowly.”

  “Stand down, Ed.”

  “Will?” The gun lowered and an officer peered into the car. His gaze immediately targeted our joined hips. “Shit, man!” He jumped back.

  Will pulled my skirt down and eased me off his lap. I adjusted my top while he zipped up and climbed out.

  “Dude, you can’t fuck a suspect.” The poor guy jammed his gun in its holster.

  Will unlocked the cuffs and handed them to me. “She’s not a suspect. She’s my girlfriend.”

  Ed gave me a suspicious look. “Is that right, ma’am?”

  I put my left hand in Will’s right, no longer bound by metal, but by my heart. “Yes. I’m with him….”

  I pushed my chair back from the table. “Excuse me.” The bathroom had to be down the hall. I spun in to the first open doorway and slammed it behind me. My damp panties begged to be peeled off. I slid them to my ankles and leaned back against the door with my fingers lodged in my wet cunt. “Oh Will, I want you….”

  I remembered him handcuffed to my bed later that night, naked and helpless while I tormented and teased him. Sucking his cock, biting his nipples, finger-fucking my pussy until he begged me to let him do it. But I never told him I loved him—not that night.r />
  “I love you….” I glanced down between my legs and saw Alex’s wild eyes. Shit! What am I going to do? “Both.” The word I’d accidentally spoken echoed through my head as my body rocked against the door.

  When my breathing returned to normal, I washed my hands and walked down the hall. A desperate groan and the unmistakable sound of a zipper being yanked up came from the dining room. I peeked around the corner and caught him leaning back with one hand resting on his crotch, gasping for breath as he raked damp hair from his eyes.

  Will grunted and scooted his chair under the table as I sat down.

  “Was it good for you?” I stabbed a mushroom to keep from biting my tongue.

  He laughed and shook his head. “At least we didn’t fuck each other.”

  I chased the last mushroom around my plate with my fork, then abandoned it. “Is that what we want?”

  His shoulders sagged and he pushed his full plate away. “No, but it’s what we have to live with.”

  Damn it. I was hoping another idea would blossom. Maybe it needed more sunshine and water. And time. “Maybe you can live with it, but I want to rip your clothes off.” Before he could agree, I added, “We’ve got to include Alex. I’ve got to grow up and learn to put you guys first.”

  “We all do.”

  Hope fluttered in my heart. “Do you think we can? We’ve been screwing each other for so long. Can we have a normal relationship?”

  “Normal is boring.” He grinned and reached across the table. “But I think we can have something—no idea what—if we trust each other.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Alex trusted me to come over alone. Neither one of us expected you to be home. He doesn’t know we’re here together.”

  His lips made a grim line. “Yes, he does. I called him to give him an update on the case. Told him I was going home for lunch. He said you might be here.”

  He knew Will and I would spend our lunch break just a few feet from his bed, but he didn’t try to stop us. I checked my phone. “He hasn’t called. No text messages. Do you think he’s testing us?”

  Will checked his phone and shrugged. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “That bastard.”

  He swallowed half his iced tea in one gulp. “We need to earn his trust.”

  “Why him? You’re the one I cheated on.” I stabbed a strawberry on a spinach leaf.

  “He thinks you’ll do it again. And I told him I could take you away.”

  I swirled my tea, clinking ice cubes against the glass. “I thought you told him you’d back off.”

  “Words mean nothing to Alex. He needs proof.”

  Proof. The man never believed anything without hard evidence. Does he believe I love him? “Then I’ll go home and prove it to him.” I polished off that last mushroom and devoured my salad.

  Will finally ate something, then he smiled and stood with me. “I’m glad you came… over.”

  I laughed. “Me too, and I’m glad I’m leaving. You know I mean that in a good way, right?”

  He walked me to the front door. “Yeah, I do.”

  I stopped. “Oh, I lied about not eating before I got here. I figured now might be a good time to start being honest.”

  “I like a girl with a healthy appetite.”

  “Thank you for lunch.” I reached for his arm but pulled back. If I touched him or kissed him, I might not be able to leave.

  “My pleasure.” He swatted my ass as I stepped out to the porch.

  I spun and rubbed my butt. “You’ll never give up.”

  “Don’t want to.”

  “Good.” I dared to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then ran to my car.

  Normal is boring. Will understood my craving for excitement. He always had.

  Is trust boring? Not with the three of us.

  Procedure's Bitch

  “Claire, what time does my next appointment get here?” I hovered over her as she pulled up my calendar on her computer. I could’ve done the same thing from my desk, but I’d spent the entire lunch hour and then some planted in my chair, and my legs tingled as I walked across the room.

  “Three o’clock.” Her phone rang and she jumped on it.

  I twisted my wrist. Ten minutes after two. Talia’s little delivery trip should’ve been finished an hour ago. Most likely it had turned into lunch—Will never passed up a chance to cook for someone—but even so, she should’ve called me by now. Did she fail my test?

  My cell phone rang, so I scooted back to my office and closed the door behind me. “Hi, baby.”

  “Hi.” Talia’s cheery greeting echoed in my ear. “Will liked the bow.”

  I couldn’t help grinning. We’d fought over that. A bottle of Jack with a pink bow? Way to pussy-up a man’s present. “So you saw him there?”

  “Yeah, he came home for lunch, and invited me to join him.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “It was. We had a good time.”

  Her natural, easy tone left no room to poke holes in her statement. If I’d had her in front of me, her eyes and body language would have given away signs of deception. But she’d never believe I trusted her if I subjected her to a cross-examination every time she saw Will. Do I trust her?

  I glanced at the clock on my credenza. “Long lunch.” Damn it, she’s your girlfriend, not a defendant.

  “Oh, I’ve been home for an hour. Got buried in my emails. I have a new case. Yay!”

  “Awesome.” I caught myself smiling again. “Gotta get ready for a meeting. I might be able to get home at a decent time tonight.”

  “Hey, will you do me a favor?”

  A sexual favor? Anytime. “Sure, babe. What do you need?”

  “Call Will and ask him to go out with us tonight?”

  Not what I was anticipating. “All three of us?”

  “Yeah, we need to blow off some steam.”

  Does that mean she’s still pent up? “Okay, dinner, drinks, shoot pool, or what?”

  “Whatever you guys want to do.”

  That gave me an excuse to interrogate Will. Don’t do it! “All right. I’ll let you know.”

  “Cool. I love you.” Her happiness flowed right through the phone.

  “I love you, too. Bye.”

  Call Will? We’d gone out a couple of times, just the two of us, since I’d laid out his options at the game—had a few beers, shot some pool, flirted with waitresses. Felt like old times, but adding Talia to the mix made my fingers tremble as I pushed the buttons to dial his number. I took a deep breath and waited for him to answer.

  “Hey, man.”

  “Hey. Talia wants to go out with us tonight.”

  “She didn’t get enough of me at lunch, huh?”

  I’m gonna wring his fucking neck. I stomped on the urge to rip his story to shreds. “She thinks you need to get out and get a life.”

  “Ha. No kidding. Where does she want to go?”

  “She said it’s up to us. There’s this dive bar I used to hang out at before Talia moved here, with greasy burgers and soggy fries, but they’re cheap. Great beer. They have a pool table and darts.”

  “You sure do love to slum it.”

  “I only do fancy if I’m gonna get laid.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Text me the address. Meet you at six?”

  “Yeah, that should work.” Um… wait. The bar had lots of dark corners, storage rooms, and easy access to the back alley where I’d taken many a girl for illicit contact. Will could sneak Talia away, and I’d never find them. I needed to keep him busy.

  But you trust them, right? “Bring Claire along.”


  “Why not?” She’d make a great referee—a buffer between me and him, Talia and him.

  “Okay. I’ll call her.”

  “See you later.” I hung up the phone and opened my door. Claire’s cell phone rang as I strolled to the conference room, my nose buried in the file for my meeting. I left the door open and tried to look busy, rearranging my

  “Sure, sounds like fun.” She glanced at me, and I pretended not to notice. “I gotta get back to work. Bye.”

  Where’s my damn pen? I patted my pockets as I snuck back to my office.

  Claire quirked an eyebrow at me. “A double date with my boss?”

  I stopped in my tracks. “Uh… yeah. Talia wanted all of us to go out, so I thought Will should have someone there for him.”

  “Okay, but this is strictly off the record. If I get a little crazy, you can’t hold my actions against me.”

  Get as wild as you want, darlin’. That’s your job. “Same goes for me.”

  “Got it.” She greeted my three o’clock appointment and escorted her to the conference room while I searched my desk for a pen.

  Gonna be an interesting night.


  “What kind of hellhole have you dragged me to?” Talia shivered and scooted closer to me as ashes dropped from the sweaty bartender’s cigarette and landed in the lipstick-stained glass someone had left on the bar. He picked it up and winked as he wiped off the oily wood. We sat down and ordered a couple of glasses of their house brew.

  “It doesn’t look like much.” In fact, it looked worse than the last time I’d been here. The neon logo that had flickered behind the bar was completely burned out, and the fake wood panel wallpaper had peeled, revealing smoke-tinged paint underneath. The ceiling fan spun off-center; only half its battered blades remained. I took a swig, hoping a good buzz would bolster my courage. Ahh… just as good as I remember. “But they have a microbrewery in the back, one of the best I’ve found.”

  Talia took a cautious sip. “This is good.” But she wouldn’t touch the bar. “Let’s go sit somewhere….” She glanced at the seating area and cringed.

  We found a table in the corner where the vinyl tablecloth looked clean in the dim light, and straight-backed wooden chairs no longer wobbled. I sat beside her and rubbed her thigh under the table. “So how was your day, babe?” Did I just ask her that?

  “Good. Oh! I forgot to tell you!” She clapped her hands together, and her eyes sparkled. “I put in an application for an apartment today.”


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