Brother to the Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Series Book 8)

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Brother to the Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Series Book 8) Page 1

by Lexy Timms

  Brother to the Boss

  Book 8

  Managing the Bosses Series


  Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss



  The Boss Too


  UK: B016LS6EDQ

  Who’s The Boss Now



  Love The Boss



  I Do The Boss

  Wife of the Boss

  Employed to the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss


  Christmas Novella (3.5)

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Hot n' Handsome, Rich & Single... how far are you willing to go?

  Meet Alex Reid, CEO of Reid Enterprise. Billionaire extra ordinaire, chiseled to perfection, panty-melter and currently single.

  Learn about Alex Reid before he began Managing the Bosses. Alex Reid sits down for an interview with R&S.

  His life style is like his handsome looks: hard, fast, breath-taking and out to play ball. He's risky, charming and determined.

  How close to the edge is Alex willing to go? Will he stop at nothing to get what he wants?

  Alex Reid is book 1 in the R&S Rich and Single Series. Fall in love with these hot and steamy men; all single, successful, and searching for love.

  Find Lexy Timms:

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  From Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, comes a billionaire romance that'll make you swoon and fall in love all over again.

  Book 1, THE BOSS, can be downloaded at no! cost!

  “We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

  Mark Reid, with his brother, Alex, are building a dynasty of power. One behind corporate offices and tall sky-scraper buildings, the other through the elite social club of a high society golf and country club where the ridiculously rich can golf, talk business and hit a few balls.

  With Jamie more at home that at work, Alex finds himself longing to be with her instead of focusing on the billion-dollar empire he’s built. Trying to figure out some sort of balance, he realizes one of the two things he loves will suffer no matter what he does – family or Reid Enterprise.

  Meanwhile, Mark’s country club is hitting the news, and interest of every CEO and socialite around. Excited at how fast it’s growing Mark follows his brother’s work ethic even though he can barely keep up. His professional golfer, Erika, is doing whatever she can to help it succeed. Jealousy runs high between the two of them as over-work and beautiful, rich men and woman flirt inside the country club.

  The brother’s competitive nature begins to drive a wedge between the two of them and when a sneaky underdog decides taking down Reid Enterprise is his top priority; Alex is left in a vulnerable position. When the tables turn, Mark might be the only one who can save his brother this time, but will they fall back to old habits and push each other away?

  How far are you willing to go for your brother? How much are you willing to risk?

  ** Brother to the Boss is book 8 in the Managing the Bosses series. **

  Managing the Bosses Series:

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  * Gift for the Boss (Christmas Novella)

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Wife to the Boss

  Employed by the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss

  This is steamy romance, NOT erotica.


  Managing the Bosses Series

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Find Lexy Timms:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Senior Advisor to the Boss Blurb:

  Note from the Author:

  Find Lexy Timms:

  Managing the Bosses Series

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  More by Lexy Timms:

  Chapter 1

  The soles of Alex’s polished work shoes clacked quietly against the marble of the foyer as he crossed from the elevator to his office, a steady beat under the noise of his employees going about their business. He nodded to Justin at the secretary’s desk, and again to Miss Eriksson as she went by with her own quick tap-tap-tap of heels. He stepped through the door into his office, and shut it behind him.

  Standing at the desk, Alex looked out over the view from the window, Manhattan spread below him, and felt the heady rush of power. All of this, this building standing tall among the skyscrapers of one of the greatest cities in the world, he’d built. Reid Enterprises and everything that came with that was his.

  And yet, as he sat down at the big desk of sleek wood and logged into his computer to begin the day’s work, he couldn’t help feeling that something was missing.

  Less than a year ago Jamie had been here with him, working in the room next door now occupied by Miss Eriksson. Even after all the months that had passed since the twins were born, he still felt the lack of Jamie’s presence, and not only because she was the
best PA he or anyone else had ever had. He missed their trysts in his office, and the way she would smile at him when he passed her in the halls. Some days now she dropped in to leave things, or to run a meeting, but those incidents were few and far between. She had the twins to take care of, after all, and even with the nanny giving her a few extra hours each day, she refused to take enough time to come in to work for more than an hour or two, and usually just worked from home. Alex understood it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t wish she could be here with him, helping him keep the company he’d built running smoothly and out of enemy hands.

  Alex growled low in his throat at the thought. He’d been sure they were rid of Nicholas after what happened with Gina. He’d been kind enough to settle with the man out of court, and this was the thanks he got: a third of his company quietly bought out from under him. That was just another reason he needed Jamie here, with him. He’d lost his brother to the golf course, and his wife to stay at home motherhood, and as much as he hated to admit it was feeling a little lonely at the top.

  He’d never felt that way about his job before. Even back in the days before he met Jamie, when things were starting to be too much for him to carry on his own, he had never felt anything less than secure in his position. Now, he was trying to fend off interlopers without the family he’d become accustomed to working beside, and somewhere the surety that he could handle anything on his own had slipped.

  At least Mark’s business was going well.

  He hadn’t been by the country club as often as he would have liked after his brother officially opened — there was too much to do with his own business, and when he wasn’t working he was with the twins and Jamie, but he’d been hearing good things about it from clients who had visited. They’d had nothing but praise for the amenities, and for Mark himself, and Alex was proud of the little brother he’d once refused all but the barest of contact with.

  What the hell?

  Another client had sold half their stock shares, Alex saw when he glanced down at the computer screen. His jaw tightened. The company wasn’t in any real danger. He’d convinced two of the stock owners to sell to him, and he owned fifty-two percent of the company, but that didn’t mean that Sunrise Investments owning thirty-eight percent wasn’t a concern. The rest of the stock owners were loyal to him, but he’d thought that some of those who had sold were, too. Anyone would do anything for enough money, and Nicholas had enough money and enough charm to buy a lot of things he shouldn’t have been able to get his hands on. Like Alex’s stock. Like the secretary who had been with him since the birth of Reid Enterprises.

  It didn’t matter, he promised himself. He wasn’t going to let Nicholas tell him how to run his company, no matter how much stock he’d managed to gobble up. Alex owned Reid Enterprises. It was his, and no one else’s, and Nicholas certainly wasn’t going to take that from him. He shook his head, and settled in to get to work before the day got any later.

  Time passed. The lunch hour came and went, and Alex hardly gave it any notice. He was wholly focused on the numbers he was running, the calls he was fielding. Miss Eriksson popped in from time to time to give him some file or bit of news. It was two-thirty when he finally looked up from the screen he’d been staring at for the last two hours, and found Zander standing in the doorway of his office.

  “You know,” his senior advisor said, crossing the room and dropping into the chair across from Alex’s, “I’ve been standing there for probably ten minutes, waiting to see how long it would take you to notice me.”

  “I’ve got a lot on my mind,” Alex answered, hitting send on the email he’d been wrapping up. He raised his eyes again. “What can I do for you, Zander?”

  “You can eat something, to start. Emelei says you haven’t yet.”

  “I don’t see what business it is of Miss Eriksson’s if I haven’t eaten lunch.”

  Zander sighed. “It’s her business because I told her to tell me. And it’s my business because I got a call from your wife last week with orders to make sure that you weren’t forgetting to eat for entire days. I’d say she knows you pretty well.”

  Jamie had called to make sure he was having lunch? The knowledge warmed Alex. Just after they’d met, when she’d collapsed one day on his office floor from too much running and not enough food, he’d taken it upon himself to make sure that she was eating every couple of hours. Now it seemed the roles were reversed, and he couldn’t bring himself to mind too much. It was nice to know that his wife was thinking of him.

  “Fine,” he said. “I’ll eat something.”

  “Good.” Zander stood, and dropped a file on his desk. “After you eat, that’s the Berwick file. The analyst in charge wants you to take a look at it.”

  Alex reached for the file, and Zander cleared his throat.

  “If you don’t eat, I’m calling Jamie and telling her. Read the file after.”

  “You’re overstepping your bounds, Zander,” Alex warned, but he smiled anyway.

  Zander just grinned at him and slipped out of the office again.

  Maybe, Alex thought, watching him go, Jamie would like to satisfy her concerns with her own eyes. It had been too long since he’d seen her. He reached down and picked up his phone, hitting the speed dial, then lifted it to his ear and listened to it ring.

  “Hey, baby,” Jamie said, picking up on the second ring. “What’s up?”

  She sounded a little breathless, like she had just been running, or laughing, and Alex smiled.

  “Trying to keep up with the twins?”

  “Something like that. You’d think washing a baby’s hands would be easy, but it’s surprisingly difficult, especially now that they’ve learned to walk. Give it a month and I’ll be chasing them all over the house.”

  Alex laughed. “You eaten yet, baby?”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “No,” Jamie said. “I was busy feeding the kids. Why?”

  “Just wondered if you might like to leave them with the nanny for an hour or so and come meet me for lunch.” He held the phone a little tighter. “I miss you.”

  “I would love that,” Jamie answered. He could hear her smile even through the phone. “Give me ten minutes to get ready, and I’ll be on my way. Where are we meeting?”

  “That café a few miles from here?” Alex suggested. “Easy stuff to eat in a reasonable amount of time, and they have a nice atmosphere.”

  “Sounds good,” Jamie said. “I’ll see you then.”

  “See you then.”

  Alex hung up the phone, and glanced down at the file that Zander had dropped on his desk. He had ten minutes before he had to leave. It wouldn’t hurt to take a quick look at it, see what the analyst was having a problem with. He’d told Zander he would wait until he had eaten, but the man wasn’t his boss. Or his mother. He opened the file.


  “There you are,” Jamie said as Alex hurried into the restaurant fifteen minutes later than he’d meant to be.

  She stood up from her seat and Alex stepped forward to wrap his arms around her, kissing her long and slow in apology as much as in greeting. It took a moment, but she melted against him the way she always did, warm and soft and perfect, and Alex held her closer, reluctant to pull away.

  “Sorry, baby,” he said when he finally drew back. “I decided I had time to take a quick look at something while you were getting ready, and it took a little longer than I thought. I didn’t mean to leave you waiting.”

  She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “I suppose I can forgive you this time. But next time you invite me to lunch and show up late, you’re getting it.”

  “Getting what?”

  Jamie looked thoughtful. “I don’t know,” she decided. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. So I’d better not come to it.”

  “I promise never to be late again,” Alex said sincerely, and her attempt at a stern look dissolved into the smile he’d known was hiding under it.

  “Alright, then, you’re f
orgiven. Now, what are we going to eat? I’m starving.”

  Alex was hungry, too, and he took a few minutes to look over the menu, deciding what he wanted to order.

  “How are the twins doing?” he asked when he’d made the decision.

  Jamie, still looking at her menu, held up a finger, and Alex waited for her to finish picking the dish she wanted. His mind drifted back to work. There was still so much that needed to be done to keep Nicholas off their backs for good. Some of it was strategy, but some of it was going to require luck, and he wasn’t sure that would be enough. Before the attempts to undermine his company had come to light, he’d been slowly giving more and more of his work to Zander, but now he couldn’t afford to let someone else take the lead, which meant more time at work. And more time away from his family. It wasn’t a circumstance he was particularly happy about.

  “Okay,” Jamie said. “Sorry, baby. I’ve figured out what I want now.”

  He dragged his attention back to her, and smiled. “So. The twins?”

  “They’re doing just fine,” she said, closing her menu and setting it aside. “They miss you during the day, though.”

  Alex sighed. “I miss them during the day, too. You know that. I want to be home more, but this mess with Nicholas…”

  “I know.” Jamie reached across the table and entwined her fingers with his. “We’ll get through it, though. Just like we’ve made it through everything else.”

  He wanted to believe it, but this time felt different. Last time, he’d had Jamie at his side through everything. He hadn’t lost her support, but not being able to be with her and not being able to be with his children was taking its toll. Alex wasn’t sure how he could balance the two. Keep both of them afloat with everything trying to pull his business under. What if his family was dragged down with it?


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