Star Wars - The Han Solo Trilogy - Rebel Dawn

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Star Wars - The Han Solo Trilogy - Rebel Dawn Page 25

by A. C. Crispin

  No, he gritted. Im not lettin you go running off and leaving me with no answers this time!

  Hah wasnt sure exactly what she did-some un-armed combat trick, but there was a sudden twist, a jab in a nerve, and abruptly her hand was free, and his own was throbbing. He looked down at it, feeling his eyes widen, and then back up at her. Youve changed, he said. You have really changed. He wasnt sure whether it was a compliment or an accusation.

  I had to change-or die, she said, flatly. And dont worry, Im not going to jump up and run away. I need to talk to you, and thatg exactly what Im going to do. If youll listen.

  He nodded, grudgingly. Okay. Im listening.

  First of all, let me tell you that Im sorry for the way I left you. Im sorry about a lot of things in my life, but thats the one I regret most, she said. But I had to do it. Otherwise youd have never made it through the Academy.

  Fat lot of good it did me, Hah said, bitterly. I got cashiered less than a year after getting my commission. Cashiered and blacklisted.

  For rescuing a Wookiee slave, she said, and smiled at him-a smile that made his heart lurch. I was so proud when I found that out, Hah.

  Han wanted to smile back, but the anger was still in control, and he found himself saying, I dont want you to be proud of me. I owe you nothin, sister. I did it all on my own.

  He could tell that gibe hurt her. Color stained her cheeks, and her eyes flashed, then, for a moment, it al-most seemed as though she were lighting back tears. Then her face was under control again, cold and chis-eled. I know that, she said quietly. But I was still proud.

  I hear you got a real thing for Wookiees yourself, Han said, and the edge in his voice was sharp enough to draw blood. Or so Katarra and Ralera told me.

  You were there? On Kashyyyk? She smiled. I helped to organize the Resistance group there.

  Yeah, I hear youre some kinda officer in the Corel-lian Resistance, Han said.

  Im a commander, she confirmed, quietly.

  Hah slanted her a look. Well, now, that impressive, aint it? For a scared kid whod never fired a blaster, youve come a long way, Bria.

  I just did what I had to along the way, she said. Promotions come fast in the Resistance. You should think about joining up, Hah.

  It was said lightly, but some nuance in her tone told Han she wasnt kidding. No thanks, sister, he said. Ive seen the Imp forces up close and personal. No way your Rebellionis got a chance against them.

  She shrugged. We have to try. Otherwise the Em-peror is going to swallow us all whole. HeS evil, Han. I think he engineered that whole business with the Battle of Nar Shaddaa just to get rid of Sam Shild.

  Oh, yeah, Hah said. Good old Sam Shild, Dar-ling Shild, wasnt it? You made such a cute couple.

  She winced at the sarcasm. As I explained to Lando, that wasnt what it looked like.

  It looked pretty bad, Bria, Han said. Not one of my better days, you know? To see you there, cooing at him...

  Her lips tightened. I was on assignment. I know how it looked, but Shild wasnt interested in me that way. I was lucky. But Ive done things for tile Resistance I didnt much like... and Ill do them again if I have to. Whatever it takes.

  Han was mulling over what shed said. You really think the whole invasion of Hutt space was something the Emperor engineered? But Shild did it! How is that possible?

  I was with him, Han, and something very strange was going on, believe me, Bria said. Shild changed, Han. It was scary. Between one month and the next, he became a different man. Suddenly he was plotting to take over Hutt space, and started talking about over-throwing the Emperor.

  Han shook his head. Thats crazy.

  I know. I cant account for it, except... she hesi-tated. If I tell you, youll think Im losing it. What? Tell me.

  She took a deep breath. They say the Emperor has . . . abilities. That he can influence people to do things. Some kind of mental influence. Like mind-reading?

  I dont know, she said. Maybe. I know it souncks impossible, but that the only explanation I can come up with that makes sense. Shild was popular and ambitious and corrupt, and he posed a threat to the consolidation of power. So the Emperor just . . . encouraged . . . Shild ambition until he destroyed himself with that as-sault on Nal Hutta.

  Han frowned. Wha t about Greelanx? How did he figure into the plan? And who killed him? I kept expect-ing thein to pin it on me, but they just hushed it up. I never heard anything about it on the news. Han re-pressed a shudder at the memory of standing in that locked room next to Greelanxs office and listening to that loud, uncanny breathing, that heavy, ominous tread ....

  Bria leaned forward, and, unconsciously, Han did too. Her voice dropped to a whisper, a bare thread of sound. They say it was... Vader.

  Han was whispering too. Vader? You mean Darth Vader?

  She nodded. Darth Vader. Hes the Emperors...

  She hesitated, searching for a term. ... enforcer.

  Han sat back. Hed heard of the guy, but hed never encountered him. Huh, he said. Well, Im just glad they didnt try and finger yours truly.

  Bria nodded. Rebel intelligence later discovered that Admiral Greelanx was under Imperial orders to make the attack fail. The Hutt bribe was incidental. My guess is that it was all a set-up from the beginning, part of an hnperial plan to discredit and eliminate Shfid. And to hurt Desilijic and the smugglers. Youll notice that Besadii, who supplies the Empire with slaves, wasnt affected.

  Han thought it over. It still sounds crazy, but you do hear things about the Emperor. Spooky things. I always just dismissed them as people bein hysterical. He laughed shortly and took a swig of his ale. Pretty scary... if its true.

  She shrugged. Neither of us will probably ever

  know. But this is ancient history, now. Not what I came

  to talk to you about. Han, I-

  Brias low-voiced conversation broke off as a couple of smugglers slid into the booth opposite theirs. Hah looked around. Place is filling up, he said. Want to get outta here?

  She nodded. Han followed her out onto the street, and they walked briskly, without talking, until they were on a quieter side street. The glidewalk was broken, and there were few sentients around. Han looked at her. You were saying?

  She looked over at him. Han, I need your help.

  He recalled what Jabba had told him. With the as-sault on Ylesia?

  She nodded and smiled. Quick as ever. Yes. Jabba bankrolling us. Were going to take the whole planet, Han.

  Now it was Han turn to shrug. Not my problem, sister. Ive changed, too. I aint in the charity business. I only play for profit, these days. I dont stick my neck out for anyone.

  She nodded. So I hear. Im not asking for charity. It profit Im talking about. More credits than youd make on a hundred smuggling runs.

  What do you want from me, then? Han realized that his anger at her was building, though he wasnt quite sure why. It was almost as though hed have been hap-pier if she had asked him to help her for old times sake, or something. But that didnt make any sense.

  The Rebel Alliance is still very new, Hah, she said. Our people have guts and loyalty, but most of them arent seasoned fighters. My own Red Hand Squadron has experience, but we cant handle this job all by ourselves.

  Han stared at her in surprise and more than a little unease. Red Hand Squadron? You command Red Hand Squadron?

  She nodded. Its a good group. Weve seen some action.

  Ive heard of it, Han said. Ive heard you give no quarter to slavers.

  She shrugged and didnt answer. Anyway, as I was saying, the Resistance needs help to get us down through the Ylesian atmosphere. Experienced pilots to guide our ships in. Maybe some help with the fighting, but, letg face it, youve seen the Ylesian defenses. A bunch of Gamorreans and other losers who sleep on duty. Its not the ground assault Im worried about, its their blasted atmosphere. The Corellian Resistance has already lost one ship there.

  Han nodded. He was mad clear through, but he was hiding it well. He wanted to hear the whole thin
g be-fore he let her have it. That atmosphere is tricky, all right. But the average smuggler pilot has detit with worse. So . . . you need pilots to guide your ships in, maybe provide some armed backup. In return for what?

  Spice, Hah. You know that Besadii has been stock-piling it. Choice andris, ryll, carsunum, and, of course, glitterstim. Theyve been trying to drive the prices way up, and there are warehouses stuffed full of it. Well split the take with the smugglers.

  Hah nodded at her. Go on ....

  She looked at him. And for you and me . . . there will be Teroenzas treasure room. Picture how much hes added over ten years. Hundreds of thousands of credits worth of antiquities. HeS bound to have maybe a million credits worth of stuff... maybe two. Think about it.

  How many troops do you have?

  Tm not sure yet. I have to report back to our com-mand ship for this sector. Weve asked for aid from any Resistance group that wants to help, paicularly the Bothans and the Sullustans-there are a lot of Sullus-tans and Bothans on Ylesia. We figure they may want to be part of the rescue.

  And youre goifig to free the slaves.

  Well take them along with our share of the spice. And before we leave, well reduce those factories to slag, along with everything else. Were going to shut that hellhole planet down for good.

  Han considered. What about the priests? The Exul-tation could be a powerful weapon. Ive seen it knock people on their butts who werent expecting it.

  She nodded. Jabbag taking care of them. Theyll be assassinated before we ever land.

  Han looked at her, and felt cold rage wash through him. How dare she? Come back and cLk me to get in-volved with her little revenge scheme? Youd better get your timing down pat.

  Yes, she agreed. This will be the biggest military operation the new Alliance has ever tried. We hope to get recruits from it, as well a the spice. Financing a revolution is an expensive proposition.

  Ambitious, Han said, dryly. Why not just attack Coruscant if you want to commit suicide?

  Itg doable, she insisted. Ylesia isnt that heavily guarded. Han, you were there. Remember? Oh, Im sure well encounter some resistance, but my people can deal with that. Your friends can stay out of the shooting until we secure the place. The combat experi-ence will be good for our troops. If we can pull this off, it will be an example to inspire other planets to join the Alliance. Our only hope of defeating the Empire is if we unite.

  Han looked at her. And this is why you came to me. To get me to contact the smugglers for you, encourage era to join up with the Resistance for this little mission.

  Lando told me that you and Mako Spince are peo-ple theyll listen to. I knew you. I dont know Spince.

  Han finally let his impassive mask drop, and glared at her. So what youre sayin is that you dump me ten years ago, ignore me that whole time, and then you come back thinkin Ill help you put my friends lives in danger. I dont trust you, Bria. Ive heard about Red Hand Squadron, all right. You aint the woman I used to know, and thats plain.

  I have changed, she said, her eyes holding his. I admit it. So have you.

  Lando told me you still cared about me, Han said, coldly. I think you were lyin to him, plannin even then to use me. You dont give a hoot about me about anything we used to have. You only care about your revolution, and you dont care who you walk over to reach your goal. He snorted. And all that bilge about Sam Shild . . . sure. Right. You expect me to believe a man like that would keep you around if you werent- werent-a- Han finished with a word in Rodian used for the lowest class of streetwalker.

  Brias mouth dropped open and her hand found the grip of her blaster. I-Ian tensed, ready to go for his own, but her eyes suddenly flooded with tears . . . and he knew then she wouldnt draw. How dare you?

  I dare a lot these days, sister, Han said. And I say what I think. I dare to think youre a real lowlife comin back here this way. You can forget sucking me in again with your pretty face. Ive changed, all right. Ive gotten smart-smart enough to see right through you.

  Fine, she said, blinking back the tears. You just turn your back on both me and a fortune. I dont call that smart, Han. I call it stupid. And the idea that a drug runner is putting on moral airs is really laughable, you know?

  Im a smuggler, Hah shouted. We have our own code!

  Yeah, running drugs for Hutts! she was yelling too.

  You and Jabba! Birds of a feather!

  The idea that she would class him with the Hutts was the last straw. Han spun around and started to walk away.

  Fine! she cried. Ill go see Mako Spince, thats what Ill do. He cant be as dumb as you!

  Her unwitting pun made Han laugh nastily. Fine, he snarled, not turning around. Have fun gettin him to talk. Goodbye, Bria.

  He strode away from her, his bootheels clicking against the permacrete, his head high. It felt good to leave her standing there, looking after him.

  It felt real good ....

  Durga faced Prince Xizor image on his comm unit. Guri has explained your difficulty, the prince said. I will dispatch two companies of mercenaries under the capable command of Willurn Kamaran to Ylesia. Com-mander Kamaran Nova Force will help you keep Teroenza in line until he can be dealt with Which should be speedily, my friend.

  Thank you, Your Highness, Durga said. As Guri may have told you, I will share the profits from Ylesia with you this year, to recompense you for your help. Fifteen percent.

  The Faleen princes mouth curved down, and he shook his head sadly. Durga, Durga... I thought you had some respect for me. Thirty percent for the next two years.

  Durga batted his bulbous eyes in disbelief. Worse than I ever imagined/He drew himself up. Your High-ness, if I granted you that, I would be deposed as leader of Besadii.

  But if you do not have my troops in place, and soon, you will lose Ylesia altogether, the prince pointed out, truthfully.

  Twenty percent, one year, Durga said, feeling ac-tual pain as he spoke the words. They will not have to be there long, remember.

  Thirty percent, two years, the head of Black Sun said. I do not negotiate.

  Durga drew a deep breath, feeling the ghosts of bruises and injuries from his battle with Jiliac awaken. Very well, he said, sullenly.

  Xizor smiled pleasantly. Fine. The mercenaries will embark as soon as possible for Ylesia. It is a pleasure doing business with you, my friend.

  It took every bit of willpower Durga could summon to say, Very well, Your Highness. Thank you.

  He cut the connection and slumped in despair, imag-ining what Aruk would say to all of this. Im trapped, he thought. Trapped. All I can do is try to make the best of it ....

  Han did not sleep well that night. Thoughts of Bria and her proposition raced through his mind like an as-teroid on a collision course. I cant trust her... can I? I dont want to see her... do I?

  He dozed, and dreamed of mounds of glitterstim, which mutated without warning into piles of credits. He leaped into those piles, rolled around in them, shouting joyfully, and suddenly Bria was there with him, and he was holding her, rolling over with her, kissing her in the midst of piles and piles and piles of credits . . . more wealth than hed ever imagined ....

  He jerked awake with a gasp, and then lay there, his arms behind his head, staring into the darkness.

  Maybe I ought to do it, he thought. This might be my big chance to make that big stake. I could get out... make a bundle, and retire. Find myself a nice little place in the Corporate Sector and just let the Empire go to blazes all by itself....

  He lay there, tossing and turning, punching his pil-lows in frustration, until he could stand it no longer. Swinging out of bed, he headed into the fresher, then dragged on clean clothes. He also combed his hair, re-flecting ruefully that the haircut had gone beyond the realm of should get one to want to be mistaken for Chewies cousin?

  Then, carrying his boots, he tiptoed out through the dark, silent apartment, not wanting to wake Chewie, or Jarik, who was sleeping on the couch. He was almost at the door when he stubbed his toe on so
mething un-yielding and heard a plaintive electronic bleat.

  ZeeZee! Han dropped his boots, swore aloud, then snarled at the antiquated droid, who was babbling apologies in its twittering, querulous voice.

  Shut up! Han snarled, and slammed out the door. He was back a second later to collect his boots, and then gone again.

  The Smugglers Rest was on the border of the Corel-lian section. Hah arrived there before the place was even open, and had to buzz for the night-clerk. It sud-denly occurred to him that he didnt know what name Bria had registered under, but hed barely begun to de-scribe her, when the bored clerk brightened. Oh her, he said, licking his lips. She expecting you, buddy?

  Lets just say shell be glad to see me, Han said, sliding a credit piece across the counter. Okay, sure. Room 7A.

  Han went up in the ancient turbolift, and then walked down the dark, noisome hallway. He tapped on the door. Moments later, he heard her voice, sounding wide-awake. Whos there?

  Its me, Bria. Hah, he said.

  There was a long pause, then the locks clicked and the door swung open into the darkness. Come in with your hands up, Brias voice said.

  Han walked in as directed, and only when the door was closed behind him did the lights come on. He turned to find Bria wearing a nightshirt that was too short for her, her blaster in her hand. What do you want? Her voice was anything but friendly.

  Han found it hard not to look at her long, shapely legs. Uh... just wanted to talk to you. Ive... Im... reconsidering your proposition.

  You are, eh? She still didnt look friendly, but at least she lowered the gun. Okay, give me a minute.

  Grabbing her clothes, she disappeared into the fresher, and came out again a minute later, fully clothed, down to her boots.

  Hah nodded down at her right leg. Whats in ihe boot?

  Hold-out blaster, she said, with a small, feral smile.

  A nice little ladies model.

  I see, Han said. He sat down on the edge of the rumpled bed, feeling her warmth still amid the covers. Bria sprawled in the rooms single chair. You go lookin for Mako after we... parted?

  I made some inquiries, she said, and her mouth twisted. Found out why you were laughing when you walked away.


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