Darling's Desire

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Darling's Desire Page 13

by T. D. Hassett

  Zack scurried off the deck, holding his sleeve up to his bloody nose. He shook out his long coat, reminding Ross of a wounded moth fleeing. “It must burn your hick ass that I was her first,” he bravely called out from a distance.

  “You sure mucked up that job, but don’t worry, I’m going to make sure I’m her last. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and put my fist through your head a few more times.” Ross scowled down at his nemesis, enjoying the way Zack stumbled in his haste to run away with the long coat wrapped around his legs.

  * * * *

  “Everything’s okay?” Darling asked, furiously mixing together flour and salt in the kitchen. Her back was stiff, and her hands were working far too fast.

  “He’s gone, and he won’t be bothering you anymore.” Ross walked over to the sink to wash his hands, anxious to get any trace of Zack and the rabbit off him. “Did you check on Beauty Belle?”

  “She was sleeping on her doggie bed in your room, and the door was shut. I don’t think she ripped up that poor rabbit. Do you think Zack did that?” She stopped stirring the dry ingredients and turned her blue-eyed gaze to him.

  “Shit, baby, I dunno. He certainly looks like enough of a freak to do something like that. Hell, he’s got so many piercings you’d swear the dumb ass fell down a flight of stairs with an open tackle box.” Ross chuckled and resumed drying his hands.

  “Says the guy with a nipple piercing,” she tossed back at him before cracking an egg into a small bowl.

  “Well, you sure seemed to like that little hoop. I’ll get the other one pierced if it would turn you on.” He stepped up behind her, pushing her hair from the back of her neck and dropping a kiss on her skin.

  “I’m serious, though, Ross. Do you think Zack stabbed that poor animal? Could he be the one messing with the house?” She stepped away from him, turning to look him right in the eye. “He seems to think that I had something to do with him getting kicked off the tour.”

  “I’m no CSI man, but I think that rabbit was dead before anyone put the screwdriver to it. It was just some nut job who wants to play games with you. We should probably call the sheriff again. Hell, I’ve never spent so much fucking time with the authorities as this week, and I’m in a fucking band that used to—Well, never mind about that.” He shoved his hand through his shaggy hair and shook his head. “I’m not sure you should be staying here. Enough is getting to be enough. Crank calls, fires, weird drunk neighbors, and now skewered road kill to top it off. If it’s money, I’ll pay. We can rent some place around here that takes dogs, hire a security guard to watch this place, and call it a day.” He reached for her, but she stepped back again.

  “No. No way. This is the last place I was with my mom, and damn it, it’s my inheritance. I’m not walking away, whether it be over destructive teens or a dumb man-child of an ex-boyfriend.” She threw the whisk into the sink. “I am going to”—she poked her finger at his chest in emphasis—“For once, I’m going to stand on my own and make my choices, right or wrong. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with my life, because teaching just isn’t right for me. I think I want to do what calls to me and let the chips fall where they may. I love to bake and write recipes based on what works.” She shook her head and returned her gaze to his. “The house is paid off, so all I have to come up with is tax money and utilities. I’ve got another eight weeks of pay coming to me, and my roommate in New York really wants to let her boyfriend move in so…so, I’m free to flee and figure it all out.” A tenuous smile lit up her face. That trace of a smile was better than seeing fireworks reflected in her eyes.

  “Then that’s what you should do. But you could still let me help a bit. I mean, not only am I an ace taster of baked goods but—now don’t make that face, hear me out—but I could get you a place with a bigger kitchen for a time while the local po-po Five Oh figures out what’s going on around here.” He pulled her into his arms.

  “Ross. You are great, but you barely know me. You can’t just rent me a house; this isn’t like Pretty Woman where you swoop in and rescue the poor struggling girl.”

  He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Damn, baby, that would be easy. This is much more like a cross between Friday the 13th and The Amityville Horror. Spooky lake, weird shit happening, and a girl I keep trying to get into bed.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled her face into his chest. “You’re really not funny.”

  “Darlin’, there’s nothing funny about this. You remember when we first met you mentioned the contractor died by falling on his screwdriver? Well, that same thing happened to Thumper, and I don’t think that bunny was performing maintenance work.”

  She pulled away from him. “I’m calling the cops.”

  Chapter 26

  She would not let some punk kids drive her out of her house. Ross was just being paranoid, wasn’t he? Sheriff Brickman wouldn’t even bother coming over. He basically told her over the phone that it was an issue for animal control, not the police. She thought about mentioning her ex-boyfriend’s visit but decided that if he had dropped the animal on her doorstep, it was just to be an ass. Although why he’d bother doing that if he wanted to try and get back in her good graces was a mystery. However, what Ross had said about the similarity between Mr. Jenkins the contractor and Thumper, woodland creature, was bothering her. It just seemed too contrived to be mere coincidence.

  She shoved the wet ingredients into the refrigerator, too flustered to continue. She couldn’t help it; baking usually calmed her right down when she was worried or stressed, but it was almost midnight. Ross was sitting at the breakfast bar reading. That shouldn’t have been enough to throw her. But it was Ross, in her kitchen, reading and glancing up and catching her watching him. She kept darting her eyes back to the counter and trying not to blush. There was just something about his bad boy looks in contrast with the reading glasses that made her swoon. She idly wondered if Becket fans realized that the tough-looking tatted drummer was fond of pastry and the classics of literature? Suddenly she was overwhelmed with questions about his life and music. She’d tried so hard not to sound like a crazed fan, but her curiosity couldn’t be contained. She’d slept with this guy, couldn’t she ask a few questions? What would it hurt?

  “So, what are you reading?” Well, that was original. Grrr.

  He looked up from the page. “Why, you interested in a bedtime story?” His voice caressed her.

  “I was just curious, you know, since you are always reading or writing music. Not what I’d have expected from a rock drummer and former Texas ranch hand.” She sat down at the breakfast bar.

  “Well, now, how many of us rock drummers and ranch hands have you known?” he challenged.

  “One,” she said.

  “Good, I’d hate not to be special.” He winked suggestively. “I’m reading Laughter in the Dark, and I don’t like it. But once I start something, I can’t give up until I’m done. Stubborn that way, I guess.”

  “You must be really bored in this town. I mean, you could be in Europe right now, probably going to big parties and being with your friends instead of stuck here. And all over a stupid bureaucratic hiccup.” She turned in her chair, not wanting to see his reaction.

  Ross grabbed her arm to stop her. “Hey, I’m mad about missing the practices and the chance to see some stuff, but I’m really glad I’m here.”

  “Why would they hold up your visa? I mean, you were never a suspect or anything, were you?” she asked, not sure she really wanted to know.

  “I was nowhere near my boat when Lisa drowned, but she did have drugs in her system and more was stashed on the boat. I don’t do drugs.” He hung his head a bit. “Okay, I’ve done some drugs in the past, but I’ve been clean for years now. I spent six weeks in an Arizona rehab to get straight, and I never want to go through that hell again. Scout’s honor.” He held up his palm.

  Darling couldn’t help but laugh over the gesture. “Were you ever even a Boy Scout?”
  “Hell no, but I believe in being prepared. So in the spirit of ready for anything, how about you and I go take a nice, hot shower, rinse off some of this bug spray and summer stickiness, and get sticky again?” His smile was anything but little boy, more like wicked and promising. She was a moth to his flame. She knew with certainty that the heartbreak she felt after Zack dumped her was going to be a blip compared to how she’d feel when Ross left. Whatever. Carpe diem was going to be her new motto.

  “Race you up the stairs,” she called as she sprinted out of the kitchen.

  Chapter 27

  Darling didn’t even make it to the stairs before Ross overtook her. He threw her over his shoulder and bounded up the stairs as if she weighed no more than a feather. He pushed the bathroom door open with his foot and put her down next to the huge walk-in shower. He adjusted the water temperature and slid her tank top and jeans off her before stripping out of his own clothes. She hopped into the steamy water, anxious to rinse off the summer sweat and sticky bug spray she’d applied for the evening outdoors.

  Ross stepped in, murmuring his approval at her nakedness. He was a sight to see. He ducked down to let one of the multiple showerheads soak his hair, running his hands through his long tresses and giving the wet strands a shake. Her mouth watered at the eyeful of gorgeous nude man standing before her. His well-muscled chest and arms flexed teasingly with his every motion. His tattoos and nipple piercing screamed out sin in the flesh. He kissed her, pulling her slippery wet body next to his and ran her long, blonde hair under the pulsing water.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  She was putty in this man’s hands. He measured out a dollop of shampoo and began massaging it into her scalp and working it through the ends. He grabbed a fluffy white washcloth and squirted a glob of body wash on it to gently clean her. He spent extra time washing her breasts, letting the soft cloth rub her now swollen nipples over and over. She leaned back into his chest and felt his erection prodding her butt cheek. She held her arms up over her head and wrapped them around his neck so that he could bend forward a bit and kiss her ear. He hummed softly against her cheek and resumed washing her with the soapy cloth. Soon he washed between her legs, grasping her leg behind the knee and guiding her foot to rest on a built-in pedestal in the shower wall. He slowly washed her, carefully parting her woman’s folds and rubbing the cloth in little circles over her clitoris. She felt his erection getting bigger, and her breathing hitched.

  “Are you sore?” he asked and answered his own question. “Hmm. Probably…perhaps something different?” His smile was wicked.

  She was soaring on passion and adrenalin but wanted more. She wanted to touch him, stroke his…his everything.

  Ross rinsed the soap from her hair and guided her to the corner of the shower, seating her on the tub’s edge. He went on bended knee and carefully arranged her legs around his neck. She knew what he was going to do and couldn’t wait. This would be another first for her. She was all attuned to these new experiences; her carpe diem philosophy was being put to the test. He reached for her pink shaving cream and her razor, raising his eyebrow in question. Did he want to shave her legs for her? She was about to ask when he poured the lotion on his palm and rubbed it over her already trim mons. Aha. Well, why not?

  He answered her mental question. “You’ll feel more friction when you rub your bare puss against me.”

  Sounds promising. With a few careful strokes of the razor, what little hair she had down there was gone. He put away the tools and dropped down to his knees again.

  Ross teased her with soft kisses all around her belly and thighs. He parted her folds again and laved her with long, slow strokes of his tongue. She tipped her head back against the cool tile and tried in vain to stay still. Her calves tightened up against his shoulders, and he chuckled and blew against her sex. He gave a slight pull to her legs, making her slide out a bit more, and she was left perched precariously on the edge, more off the ledge than on. He started to concentrate more on her clitoris, sucking and licking in swirls around the swollen nub. He dipped the pad of his thumb into her, and she let out a moan. He was matching the circling motions of his tongue on her with the strokes of his thumb in her. Darling didn’t know how much more she could take before she screamed.

  He added his index finger to his thumb and stretched her with the wedge of his two digits. Just when she got used to the different sensation, he pulled his index finger out, leaving her with just his rough thumb. She sulked a little bit from the loss of that sensation, but her disappointment was short-lived. She felt him sliding his wet index finger along her perineum, and he was prodding against her anus. Fearing what he was about to do, she stammered out a shy, “No, not there,” but Ross just looked up at her and gave a stern shush before resuming his activities.

  “I need to study you and learn what you like.” His finger was back at work, circling her opening, gently slipping in as her muscles tightened over this foreign intrusion.

  Very soon, though, he had pushed his finger in an inch, and the easy strokes matched the motions of his thumb in her vagina; his tongue still pleasured her clitoris. So much stimulation had her hanging onto her sanity by a thread. She was outmaneuvered and couldn’t hold back any longer. Her orgasm started all the way in her belly, and it vibrated out in stronger and stronger waves. Once she was coming full-on, he stopped the licking so that he could look up at her face while she was climaxing. It was the most intense feeling she’d ever experienced; the pulsing and contracting seemed to radiate throughout her body. As she came back to earth, she looked more clearly around the steamy shower, suddenly embarrassed at how she’d bucked her hips and yowled. She pulled her legs shut, feeling awkward and exposed. Were those noises all coming from her? Was this what she’d been missing because—Oh crap, she couldn’t think straight.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed watching something more. You are so beautiful,” he said with a husky voice. “You aren’t broken—you just need careful loving.”

  She tried to stand up and slipped back onto the shower ledge. Her legs felt like they were made of Jell-O, and she feared falling on her face in front of him while trying to exit the shower. She was reprieved from an ungraceful departure as he moved her back under the hot spray. Ross chuckled and helped her up, pulling her languid body next to his.

  She grabbed the soap and lathered up, turning around so that she could put him in her soapy hands. He smiled back at her and let her have her fun. The soap made his hardness so slippery that she could slide her hand up and down his long, thick shaft and palm his testicles in her other hand. He leaned back a bit so that he was against the tile wall and watched her face intently.

  “You’re going to make me come if you keep that up,” he warned.

  She blushed nervously. “I hope I can.”

  He reached out to rub her breasts and pinch her nipples playfully while she stroked him faster and faster with the warm soap. His hand tightened on her breast, and he began pumping himself into her hand. With a groan, he jerked his hips, and soon she felt his cum sliding down his shaft and onto her hands. She was so proud of herself. Ross was sucking in lungfuls of air and bracing himself against the wall. She’d had the most intense time of her life. She’d had her first ever orgasm, and she got a rock star to spend himself in the palm of her hand.

  He kissed her again, and they rinsed themselves off. “You will be the death of me doing that,” he rasped and reached for the towels hung neatly near the shower.

  “Hmm. I feel the same. That was just so…so…”

  “I know.”

  Chapter 28

  “What kind of music you got on your iPod?” Ross asked, picking up the device and already scrolling through the offerings before Darling had a moment to answer.

  “Oh, mostly pop music and some country, a little bit of rock, and some show tunes.”

  He hmphed, thumbing through the song list frowning. “You don’t have a single Becket song on here, noth
ing. How can that be? We’re huge. And your best friend married one of the members.” He looked at her, a crease marring his forehead.

  “Huge, huh? How modest you are, Mr. World Famous Rock-and-Roll Drummer?”

  “No, seriously, not even the greatest hits collection.”

  “Well, I imagine that Madison has all the Becket albums on her iPod, but since I’m not married to a member of the band, I never felt the need to go out and buy it. Besides you guys are on Apple radio all the time, practically overplayed.” She turned away from him and resumed slathering cream cheese on her bagel.

  “Ha. Well, Darling, you’re just gonna have to make some changes. I mean, haven’t you even seen us play? Didn’t Madison take you to a concert?” He dropped the iPod back onto the table. This girl really needed to go out and have some good times. Go to a concert, get some ink slapped on her pale skin, and well, heck, he knew just the tattoo that she should get.

  “Actually I accompanied Madison to the show in New York, but I got there late and Madison was mad at Link, so we had to leave early. Can’t say I really remember you.”

  “What! You don’t even remember me? I’m the drummer, just the entire percussion of the band. Jesus, woman. What you trying to do to me? Stomp on what little self-esteem I have?” Ross clutched his heart as if he was truly in physical pain, and Darling giggled. It was a beautiful sound.

  “Okay, of course I saw you play, and of course you looked really, really hot. Happy?” She passed a plate of bagels toward him.

  Ross reached for one and relaxed back in his chair, crossing his tattooed arms over his naked chest. “So you think I’m hot? How hot?” He watched her with that devilish expression.

  “Well, I think you are very hot based on all the sweat that was pouring off you. I mean you’re moving so fast, and how much heat do those spotlights and all that put on you? You appeared practically melted by the time your solo ended.” Darling giggled some more, taking a bite of her bagel.


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