February Burning: A Firefighter Secret Baby Romance

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February Burning: A Firefighter Secret Baby Romance Page 48

by Chase Jackson

  Trent stepped back, separating himself from me, and my legs quivered. I felt spent, a bubbly excitement filling me after the intense sex, and I couldn’t take my huge smile off my face. I was happy.

  “You two are amazing,” I told them and felt my breathing accelerating when my eyes fell on Caleb’s erection.

  He’d just come and he was already hard for me? Once more, my pussy convulsed and I clenched my thighs together. What were they doing to me?

  “I wish we could fuck you again, but the other guys might come back at any moment. Training should be done by now,” Caleb said and shook his head.

  “Yeah. I understand that, and it’s okay.”

  “Here,” Trent said, taking a wet paper towel to clean me. “Let me help you get that sauce off.”

  His eyes were burning into me as he cleaned me, and my pussy warmed. My nipples hardened again, and it took all of my control not to jump on him and start everything again. Several minutes later, we managed to get everything off and I put my dress back on.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Caleb muttered. “You have no idea how much we want you, do you?”

  “Yeah,” Trent agreed. “It’s impossible to resist you.”

  I shivered under their piercing stares. They made me feel desirable, and it was such a potent feeling. I loved seeing them losing their control because of me, which is exactly how I felt next to them. I was without control and completely drawn to them.

  “Resist me? There’s two of you! It’s unfair how much I want you both.”

  I approached Caleb and kissed him, pouring all my feelings into the kiss. Trent came and stopped behind me, and I leaned into his body, needing to get closer to them. I turned around and slammed my lips on Trent’s, pushing my tongue inside his mouth fervently. My heart was beating too fast, my whole body buzzing with need and want. They were great kissers.

  I kissed Caleb again, moaning when Trent’s hands slid down my back and cupped my ass.

  “Fuck. If we don’t stop this right now, I won’t be able to control myself, and we really don’t have time,” Trent growled.

  I giggled, finally breaking our contact. It was unusual how quickly my body got used to them, seeking their nearness and touches. All I wanted now was to be with them, but they were working, and I didn’t want to push it too much. “I know. I’ll go now.”

  “We’ll see each other soon, right?” Trent asked me, and I looked between each of them. They were gorgeous.


  I kissed them one more time before I finally left the firehouse to go back to my hotel. I felt high on them, reliving last night and this morning with them again and again. The bubbles of laughter rose up my throat when I thought about the chocolate sauce. Where did that idea come from? They were full of surprises. It was incredible how much they turned me on, helping me forget about everything but them.

  Even now my pussy was throbbing, and I had a hard time focusing on my surroundings. They were playing with me, slowly consuming me until there was nothing more left but the raw pleasure... I loved the way my body responded to them—like I was made for them—and I especially loved how they reacted to me. I wondered what our next time would be like...

  Okay, I had to seriously stop now. I’d just slept with them and I acted like I was without sex for years. I chuckled to myself, crossing the street in front of my hotel, but then some gloomy feeling filled me abruptly.

  I reached my hotel room, and this feeling became worse. I walked in front of the mirror and looked at myself, noticing my exhaustion. All previous pleasant feelings disappeared in a matter of seconds and all that was left were loneliness and despair. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Caleb and Trent felt like a dream at this moment—something intangible and fleeting—because I could easily lose them like I’d lost everything so far.

  I had no home. I had no possessions. I had no idea what I was going to do next. I couldn’t talk to Granny about this because she was already stressed enough, and I didn’t need to bother her with my insecurities. As much as I wanted to share my problems with Trent and Caleb, it felt a bit soon, and it would only make me uncomfortable. They had already helped me with money—not to mention the night of the fire when they successfully distinguished it and saved us all.

  I felt lost, and I needed a way out. I hoped that someone would give me job soon and I could get a grip on my life.

  I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to relax. I’d been so tense these last few weeks—so hard on myself—and I needed to stop doing that. I needed to learn to be more positive and believe that things could be alright. Maybe there was something good after everything that happened. Maybe I could do things right this time.

  I wanted this to be my chance to start over—to go to college and start my life. I could work and go to college. It would be difficult, but I had to begin somewhere. If I always postponed going to college just because we were out of money, I would never finish it, so it was the time to make a leap of faith.

  Whenever I contemplated about the future everything was so vague, and it scared me. I thought about Caleb and Trent, and flutters appeared in my stomach. How did they fit in the puzzle that was my life? I’d already fallen hard for them, and now I had to put them into the equation too.

  I wondered what my life would be like with them. I’d never imagined I would get drawn to two men at the same time—especially not to the kind and sexy men such as Trent and Caleb. They were caring, considerate, brave, and too hot, and it was too easy to picture myself next to them.

  We would share everything, and we would be one big family... I would feel safe next to them, and in return I would be their support and always be there whenever they needed me...

  I pressed my hand against my chest, trying to calm down my racing heart. Indeed, it was too easy to imagine the peaceful future with them. Did they feel the same? Maybe it was too soon to speak about feelings, but if I only knew how they felt... It was clear that they needed me as much as I needed them, but was there anything else beyond that? Was this something more serious?

  I wanted to reach out to them, but I stopped myself. I decided to wait a few days before I talked with them again.

  I needed time to think about everything carefully. If I was supposed to finally put my life on the right track, I had to have some time alone to plan my next steps. It would be a good time to see how we stood and if there was something more to what we already had.

  The phone in my room rang, and I flinched, surprised that someone would call me. Only Granny knew my room’s number, and for a moment a sense of dread filled me. Was she okay?

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hello, honey.”

  “Granny. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  She giggled. “Oh Bree. You’re always worrying. I’m perfectly fine!”

  I exhaled silently, relieved to hear this. “I’m sorry. You know me.”

  “Yes. Always the worried one. Seriously, Bree. I’m perfectly fine on my own. I know you always want to be next to me and take care of me, but I wish you would take care of yourself more.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re always too preoccupied with me and my needs. I want you to live your life for a change. I want you to think more of yourself and your needs. Even if we weren’t together, I would be fine because I would know that you were giving your best to live your life to the fullest.”

  I smiled, grateful to her for these words. “Actually, I was thinking about starting college soon. I’ve kept postponing it, but I have to stop that. If I don’t go to college now, I might never get that degree and do what I love.”

  “Oh Bree. I’m so glad to hear this. I completely support you. For a moment there I wasn’t sure if you were intent on getting that degree or not... You will be an amazing teacher. I’m so sure of it.”

  “Thank you, Granny. I needed to hear this.”

  “Don’t you worry about anything. I’m always here to support you, and wh
atever you decide to do with your life, I’ll always be there for you.”

  I closed my eyes again, feeling much calmer. An overwhelming peace settled inside of me, because her words helped me regain confidence. I could do this. It was difficult right now, but this didn’t mean that it would last forever. I was stronger than this.

  “Just like always, Granny, you’re the best.”

  We chatted for a few minutes before she ended the call, planning to watch some soap opera she’d started watching recently. This conversation with her helped me a lot, and I was sure I was ready to face whatever would come my way.

  She was right. I had to think more about myself and try to live my life. Hopefully, Caleb and Trent would be the major part of it. Only time would tell.



  I was working out in the gym, having spent more than an hour here already, but it didn’t have any effect. I was restless and I had a lot of pent up energy that just kept increasing. The week had been pretty hectic, and there were several victims, which was something that stressed Trent and me the most.

  Even though it wasn’t our fault because the building had already been swallowed by fire by the time we arrived, I couldn’t help but blame myself. There must have been something I could have done, and not knowing the answer annoyed the shit out of me.

  It wasn’t the only thing that bothered me. It had been almost a week since Trent and I had seen Bree, and I was worried as hell about her. She didn’t have a phone, and we didn’t know the number of her hotel, so there was no way for us to reach her. Bree was on her own, and it worried me that we hadn’t heard from her at all.

  I knew that we’d met her just recently, but I already felt something for her that I couldn’t give a name to. It was something I’d never felt before, and it made me want to get involved. I wanted to know where she was and how she was doing, especially since she’d lost everything and got separated from her grandmother.

  There was so much I wanted to know about her, and even though one week wasn’t much, I missed her. I missed her smile and the way she made me feel when she was next to me. I needed to touch her—get to feel the warmth of her pussy again... Her ass...

  “Man, you look tense,” Brian told me, riding a stationary bike next to me.

  “Tell me about it,” I muttered, uncomfortable because of the sudden erection. Just thinking about Bree made me horny in a second.

  “You need to get laid.”

  I agreed. “Yeah.”

  “If you want, we can go for drinks tonight. There will be a plenty of women.”

  It was unusual but since I’d met Bree I had no interest in other girls at all. I had eyes only for her, so I wasn’t surprised that his suggestion didn’t make me excited at all.

  “I’ll skip, bro.”

  He arched his eyebrow, looking at me like he couldn’t believe me. “Are you sure? Up until recently you were the first to go after some chick, but now you’re all disinterested and shit?”

  I put the dumbbells back in their place and shrugged my shoulders, deciding to speak with Trent. We had to go and find Bree. We’d been busy and all, but we had to check up on her.

  “Something like that.”

  “Hm, if I didn’t know you better, I would say you’ve already found a girl. I smell love and shit in the air.”

  I looked at him, slightly taken aback. Love? I hadn’t thought about it at all, and I had no idea what my feelings were, but the truth was that she meant something to me.

  “Well, anything is possible,” I told him mysteriously and winked.

  I ended my workout, leaving Brian before he decided to play detective and ask me questions I wasn’t willing to give him answers to.

  I found Trent alone in the kitchen, reading some newspapers.


  “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  “I was thinking about Bree. We haven’t seen her for days and I’m worried about her.”

  He frowned. “I know. I feel the same way. I was just thinking about her. She’s all alone in that hotel, and it’s weird that we haven’t heard anything from her at all. Did we scare her away?”

  “I don’t know, do you think?”

  “Well we did put a spoon up her ass.”

  I laughed when he smiled at me. “Yeah. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty crazy about her. I can’t stop thinking about her, and I have this need to protect her, if you know what I mean. I want to keep her safe. So that’s why I think we should go and find her right away.”

  He pushed the hands through his hair, and I noticed the same exhaustion on his face that I’d felt these days. We had a lot of work, but not hearing from Bree at all made things worse.

  “I feel the same. I have it bad for her and I want to do everything to make her happy. I agree with you. We should look for her.”

  “I’m glad you feel the same. I can see that she wants us both, so I think that as long as we can share her, it’s a perfect situation.”

  “I think so too. We’ve never done this before, but it feels so right with her. I can’t think of any other way but sharing her. We can make her both happy and give her the support she needs. Besides, it’s so hot when we share her pussy. It’s the best.”

  I laughed, shifting on my chair because my cock decided to grow fully hard again. There was something irresistible in the way she fucked us—looking so sexy each time she came...

  “Then we have to tell her that. We have to let her know that we want to keep her.”

  “Yes,” he said. “I don’t want us to lose her or anything.”

  He grew silent for a minute, looking as if he was thinking carefully about something. Then he said, “We can talk with the guys from the Red Cross and see where they’ve placed her. I’m sure they will give us an address, there’s got to be someone there who owes us a favor, and then we can go there directly and ask for her.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “Okay. Then let’s go.”



  I was reading some book I’d bought several days ago, trying to drown the feeling of boredom that had crept into me. The TV in my room provided me with the noise I needed so I wouldn’t feel completely alone.

  I thought about the guys a lot. I missed them, and I wondered if they felt the same. I’d needed time, but almost a week had passed and I wanted to see them. Were they okay? What were they doing now?

  These were just some of many questions that twirled around in my head. Maybe I should go and see them tomorrow...

  I flinched when I heard several knocks on my door. Who was this? No one knew I was here, except Granny, but there was no way she would come here.

  “Hey, Bree! It’s us—Caleb and Trent!” I heard Caleb say through the door, and my heart accelerated. Oh God. They came!

  They knocked on the door again and I jumped up from my bed, taking a quick look in the mirror. Uh oh. I looked bad! My ponytail was a mess, and I was dressed in a simple t-shirt and undies. I shook my head, sighing in resignation, and opened the door.

  “Guys,” I greeted them, breaking into a huge smile.

  Oh God, they looked even more adorable than the last time I saw them. They were wearing jeans and shirts, both looking so muscular and sexy that I wanted to jump on them and get them deep inside of me. I was aroused just at the sight of them, which proved how much they affected me.

  I couldn’t believe they showed up here. “What are you doing here?”

  They didn’t respond immediately, checking me out slowly. Their eyes left a burning heat all over me, making breathing almost impossible. I wanted them so much.

  “You look too good, Bree,” Trent muttered, his voice slightly hoarse.

  I blushed. “Are you serious? I’m in my jammies, so there is no way I look good.”

  “No, are you serious?” Caleb asked me, his green eyes glimmering with lust as they moved over my breasts, mound, and legs. “You look perfect no matter what you wear.”

  My heart was beating fast, and for a few moments none of us moved as we looked at each other. It was too easy to imagine all the things I wanted them to do to me, and it only made me hotter. Then I remembered they were still standing in the hallway. “Oh, I’m sorry! Please, come inside!” I stepped aside to let them in and inhaled their scents greedily as they passed next to me. They stopped in the middle of the room and looked around it with curiosity.

  “We’ve been worried about you, Bree,” Trent said, turning around to look at me. “We didn’t hear anything from you, so we wanted to see how you’re doing.”

  Something swelled in my chest. They were worried about me. They cared.

  “And we brought you dinner,” Caleb added and I noticed the bag with the take-out food he’d been holding.

  They were such sweethearts. I couldn’t believe them. “Thank you so much, guys.”

  I approached them and hugged each of them, but this quickly turned into the heated kissing. I couldn’t catch my breath, ending up in between their solid bodies. Caleb put the bag down without even breaking the contact with me, moving his hands all over my back as Trent kissed my neck.

  I was trembling, immediately lost in the whirlwind of emotions. I returned their kisses with the fervent need and tried to cover as much of their bodies with my hands as possible.

  “Fuck, baby. We missed you so much,” Caleb said and pushed me to sit on the edge of the bed. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He moved his hands over my thighs, creating fire on my skin.

  Trent knelt next to Caleb and took my hands into his, looking at me seriously. “How are you holding up?”

  I swallowed the lump that appeared in my throat, becoming all emotional. “I’m okay. I wanted to take some time for myself to think clearly about my life and options... Everything has happened so fast, and I needed to find the solution to my situation.” I was melting under their gazes. They made me feel secure—like all my problems could be solved easily—and they gave me the strength I needed just by being here. “I missed you too, and now that you’re here... You have no idea how much this means to me.”


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