Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series Page 4

by Reese Madison

  Scared he’ll do what?

  “Later.” I know they can hear us over the movie.

  He let his arm drop down between us and covered my hand with his.

  “We need to talk about this, too.” I tried to take my hand away, but he held on. Instead of making a scene I let it go and looked out the window.

  Drake squeezed my hand twice then dropped the pad in my lap when I wouldn’t look at him.

  I looked down to read: Stop pouting. You’re stuck with me.

  Just what I need, another stalker. Why are men so possessive when it comes to me?? I had a stalker in high school, a lot of the reason I went Goth.

  Then in college I tried to shake the image only to end up with another possessive jerk of a boyfriend, so, I went hippy/hobo. He finally lost interest when some cheerleader type bimbo looked his way. Thank God.

  Then Daniel. He was cool until our wedding night. That was a wicked eye opener. Now I have Drake. Drake Colson no less. Could someone conjure up a better devil incarnate? I doubt it.

  Drake took the pad back, then returned it more carefully this time, tapping it twice on my thigh.

  I sighed glancing up at the girls to make sure they’re not paying attention to us before reading: Stop ignoring me.

  I turned and stole his pen to write back, I’m not ignoring you. This isn’t easy for me.

  He leaned forward taking the pen, Sit back and stop pouting. Come here. He let go of my hand and tucked my shoulder under his arm. Rebecca rolled her eyes at us before looking back to the movie trying not to smile.

  Drake put his chin on the top of my head as he took up the pen and paper again.

  Your money stays in your wallet today.

  I shrugged. Seems I’m out of power, again. Why do these men keep taking over my life? Am I allowing it to happen? Is there a sign on my back?

  He poked me a few minutes later to read again.


  “Nothing. We’ll talk about it later.” I tried to get out from under his arm, but he added weight and hugged me closer. “You’re lucky the girls are here or I’d punch you in the nose.”

  No foreplay in front of the kids.

  I turned and looked up. He tapped me on the nose, kissed my forehead, then pointed to the girls who just launched themselves at the longest window.

  “Dave and Busters!!! Yeah!!!” Both girls put their noses to the glass as the car came to a gentle stop.

  I sat up and whispered into Drake’s ear, “You’re just trying to give them something to do so you can get me alone.”

  He ignored my comment and took Ashley into his lap. She had crawled over as the driver came around to get the door. “Mommy will you play too??”

  “Absolutely.” I assured her earning a scolding look from Drake. I’m not sure if he’s scolding me for making the wrong assumption, or offering to go play and leave him on his own.

  Drake handed the hostess his credit card and pointed to the package he wanted for all four of us. I couldn’t believe it when he got himself the same unlimited play card. He handed me the menu to order whatever we wanted, and pointed to the picture of what he wanted, a giant burger from hell. Good taste.

  The girls dragged me off to play the dance game. Since the game was near our table Drake was able to hang out and watch while waiting for the food and drinks to arrive. When they did he whistled getting our attention to come back to the table.

  The girls dove into food and drinks while I sat back to catch my breath. “Whew! I thought I was in shape working three jobs, but that dance game kicked my ass.”

  Drake took my hand under the table and put in his lap. The table hid what he was doing.

  I couldn’t make a scene, and quite frankly I’m shocked at how big, and hard, he is. Evidently watching me dance turned him on. I remembered the other night when he was practically drooling while I mopped and sang. I guess my craziness turns him on.

  Drake likes my kids, and with seventeen orphanages he must have a special affection for their welfare. I hope to learn more about him, but then again that would be bad. I shouldn’t be getting him involved in my mess.

  I took my hand back and used it to pick up a slice of pizza. WE shouldn’t be hungry, but the dancing and general festive mood of the day have turned us into little piglets.

  After lunch the girls wanted to play again, so they grabbed my hand and dragged me back out onto the game room floor. I could not believe my eyes when Drake followed. Neither could Ashley. She was so ecstatic she grabbed his hand and dragged him to every game, twice.

  Drake played all the arcade games with her, none of the dance ones, and all the riding games, like motorcycles. That was his favorite, obviously. Rebecca had more fun racing him on those bikes than I’ve ever seen her have doing anything. Great, I’ve got a future biker chick on my hands.

  He let her win a few times, even dropped back to let us three girls race amongst ourselves. In four hours he showed more kindness to us than my ex had shown in twelve years.

  Since we had the most expensive package they offer we got free French fries while they heated up our leftover pizzas for dinner. When they came out with fresh pizzas Drake slipped the teenage server a hundred dollar bill.

  “I need a job here.” I joked.

  Drake leaned back writing on the pad for minute while the girls and I devoured hot fresh pizza. We’re going to pop if we keep this up. So much for the aquarium. I can’t tear these girls away from free play at D&B’s. That would be cruel.

  The pad appeared in front of me next to my plate. You don’t work anymore. I’ll take care of you.

  I picked up the pad and shoved it back into his front shirt pocket. “I think we’ll sleep like logs tonight. I’m sorry they didn’t want to go to the aquarium.” I turned to look at him.

  He’s eyeing me funny.


  He pulled the pad out and flicked it into my lap.

  I set it on the table. “You don’t mean that, and even if you did I wouldn’t allow it.” I decided to go join the girls. Drake stayed behind to have a beer.

  The rest of the night was a blast. Drake joined us again after his beer. Ashley was thrilled of course. Rebecca took a little while, but she lightened up after she beat him a time or two at various games. Drake really is good with kids, even though he hasn’t said one word to them, they still seem to gravitate towards him. I know the feeling.

  By eight the girls were yawning on their feet. They fell asleep in the limo on the way to the hotel.

  “I feel bad wasting the driver’s day, and your money. Those poor girls weren’t leaving that arcade for anything.” I laughed admiring how they slept so soundly.

  It’s too dark for pen and paper, so I was basically talking to myself.

  “Thank you for this weekend. I’m not sure I can ever top that, but at least you know you’ll be immortalized in the minds two little angels.”

  He hugged me and lifted my chin to kiss my forehead.

  I leaned in and pulled my feet up to enjoy this moment. It won’t last long, but it could get me through a lot of sleepless nights to come. I’m not sure if it was on purpose, or if my shirt had ridden up, but his hand on my stomach gave me goose bumps. It’s been so long since a man has had a tender touch for me I started crying silently.

  The tears were easy to hide until I got the sniffles. Then I sat up and grabbed for a napkin to blow my nose.

  Drake waited until I was done and ran the back of his finger down my cheek.

  I gave him a half smile, “I’m okay. These are happy tears.”

  He leaned forward and took my chin in his fingers so I’d look at him. Before I could read the look in his eyes he closed in and kissed the corners of my eyes and down my cheeks, finishing with soft kisses to my lips.

  His blue eyes seemed sympathetic for a moment before he sat back pulling me down under his arm.

  “I hope you’re the good kind of crazy.” I don’t mind a little crazy, just as long as nobody gets hurt. />
  * * *

  Am I crazy? Probably. I don’t blame her for thinking I’m a little off my nut. Everything I’ve done this weekend is out of character, except for my ability to make kids smile. The kids in the orphanages use me as a jungle gym when I come around. They worship me because they know they’d be dead, or worse, without the giant safe havens I build for them. Built. Time to hand the reigns over to someone else.

  As much as I appreciate their appreciation, today was different. Ashley and Rebecca don’t really need me. Sherry could have afforded a perfectly fun weekend for them, but since I was butting in on her time with them, I felt inclined to pay the way.

  Sherry’s ex is going to be a problem. Joe did some digging and found out his family goes way back to the old Hollywood movie days. The days of money and power. If you survived the independent film age when unions threatened to take over, you knew you had money. Daniel’s family not only survived, they thrived. No doubt on illegal and shady business dealings, along with a good bit of bullying.

  Sherry’s ex-husband is essentially the heir to very large film empire. Money and power probably seep from his pores like cheap vodka from a hobo. I saw a picture of Daniel in the e-mail Joe sent, but I want to meet this fuck in person. Anyone who could hurt my sweet little Cherry is on my hit list.

  The tricky part is the fact that he’s the girl’s father. Even though they haven’t had one nice word to say about the man, I still have to take that into consideration. I hate my father too, but I don’t wish him dead. There are enough other people who do that.

  The car came to a stop so I handed off the little one to her mother, and carefully took the older one from the car. She stirred long enough to say I smelled good. Weird.

  The driver followed us with our bags while the bellman watched the car. I paid the driver at Sherry’s door while she tucked the girls in bed. Finally I got a few minutes alone with my delicious little Cherry.

  She left the door propped open by flipping over the metal lock to prevent it from closing all the way. That must mean my time is limited.

  I watched her stretch her arms and legs. “Oh man. I worked muscles I forgot I had with all those games today. I have to take them to school in the morning. Don’t worry, I called a cab to take me there and bring me back. You’ve already done too much. I’m free until noon if you want to have breakfast when I get back from dropping them off?”

  I nodded and crooked my finger for her to come closer.

  She danced around on her little toes nervously twisting her fingers together. “You wasted your time and money with me, us, this weekend. I’m not available. I’m single, divorced, but I can’t date. I can’t even think about dating.” She looked up, “He likes to hurt me in front of the girls. I can’t let that happen again. We can be friends, and I’m happy to pay you back for this weekend, but I can’t keep kissing you.”

  My blood boiled so loud I groaned.

  “Please don’t be mad.” She begged.

  Damn voice still won’t work. Maybe I should try the meds the psychiatrist gave me. Fuck. I grabbed the pad of paper, which is about done, and wrote: Not mad at you. You are mine. Tell me how you got nothing in this divorce.

  She sighed and turned like she might go back inside, instead she was just checking on the girls. When she turned around I got the whole ugly story.

  “I married Daniel shortly after college. We hit it off, liked the same things, and had the same values and political goals. All the things they say you should have. I thought we were on the same page until our wedding night. That’s when he told me I wasn’t to get pregnant, and if I wanted to work it better be for charities his mother manages.”

  I cringed.

  “Agreed. My birth control failed and within a year I was pregnant. He was livid, but since it wasn’t my fault he didn’t divorce me like he said he wanted to. Instead he declared me housebound and took on a mistress or three to fill his needs. I was too fat and ugly, therefore denying him his rights as a husband.

  “Anyway, his family is so fucked up they went along with everything, praising and kissing his ass the entire time. He took to drinking more and more over the years. He blamed me for being trapped in a marriage he didn’t want, with a kid he didn’t want.

  “I sat back and focused on Rebecca doing my best to appease him enough to get by. As Rebecca got older she started asking questions. Questions that she started asking her father, not just me. It made him mad, so he drank more. Long story short I’m allergic to all forms of birth control, they either fail, or by body rejects the implants. Anyway, he got mad enough at the questions one night and forced himself on me. Almost ten months later to the day, Ashley.”

  I felt sick to my stomach. Such a beautiful child from such a hideous act. I’m definitely killing this guy.

  “Yeah, that’s not the half of it. The reason I’m telling you all this is because Daniel is one evil bastard. He only let me have the divorce because I agreed to walk away with nothing, even the girls. I only walked away because by staying I was inviting him to put on more shows to ‘force the girls to grow up’, or so he claimed. He ignores them for the most part now, but he keeps a close eye on me.

  “I left two years ago. Been divorced a year. He’s never far behind me, over my shoulder, watching, waiting for me to fail so I’ll run back to him with my tail between my legs. I fully expect his patience to run out one day and I’ll be dragged back kicking and screaming. He used to lock me in the house all the time. It wouldn’t take much for him to do it again.”

  I reached for her, but she’s already backing through the door. “I’m too tired Drake. I’m sorry. I wish I could give you more, but I don’t have it in me. I’m spent. Damaged, and entirely focused on those two angels behind me. Please try to understand I can’t risk doing anything that would lead to them being hurt.” Tears are running steadily down her reddened cheeks.

  I nodded and crossed my arms to lean back against the railing. That sick bastard won’t get to her tonight. Or any night. Not on my watch. My Cherry. Cherry and her little angels.

  She shooed me away, “Go to your room.”

  I just looked at her. Make me.

  She shook her head. “Fine, stand there all night. I’m not coming back out.”

  I know. That’s not why I’m standing here.

  “Drake. Go to your room.”

  I felt my eyebrow go up. I don’t think my own mother ever told me to go to my room.

  It’s like she can read my mind, “You’re a brat.” Her smile didn’t escape me as she shut and locked the door.

  * * *


  “What honey?”

  “He needs a blanket.” Ashley informed me.

  “Who?” I moved the curtain aside. “Oh good grief.” I ran to the door and fumbled the lock before getting it open. “Get up Drake. Get in here.”

  He looked up as if he hadn’t been sound asleep on his folded arms. It looks like he just sunk down and curled up where he literally fell to sleep.

  I made sure Rebecca had the door and held out my hand, “Room service just called. Breakfast is on its way. Come on, you can join us.” He stood taking my hand, but not for assistance. “Did you sleep out here all night?” I dragged him inside and showed him the chair.

  He shrugged out of his cut and draped it across the back of the chair before sitting down.

  Ashley piled all on the blankets on him until it turned into a game of Where’s Drake? He participated by sneaking his head out from various corners of one blanket or another.

  Breakfast arrived in the heat of the game, so Rebecca and I took advantage of the bacon while they were busy and it was hot.

  “Hurry up girls, we need to leave in one hour.” I reminded them handing Drake a cup of coffee so Ashley would go eat.

  Drake sat my butt on his thigh before sipping from the cup.

  I tried to stand up thinking this is inappropriate, but he’s got a finger through my belt loop. Finally I looked at him, �
�I need to get them ready for school.”

  He touched his cheek with his thumb while holding the coffee cup. He’s got some long fingers.

  “You want me to kiss your cheek?”

  He nodded once, then yawned.

  I leaned in and pressed my lips to his still cool cheek with stubble. He’s a rugged devil, that’s for sure. “There. Happy?”

  He shrugged, but patted my lower back as if I was free to go. As soon as I stood, he stood, grabbed a pancake and three pieces of bacon to make a quick taco, and left us to finish our morning without his looming presence.

  At least when I drop the girls off at school I get to see some old friends. We don’t have much in common these days, but they still pretend to give a shit. It’s sweet considering the caliber of people they are.

  One thing I’ve learned since living in Arizona is how very different the people there are. Arizonans in general have a different mindset. It’s hard to describe unless you’ve lived there for a while. Maybe suffering the extreme heat of the summers there a time or two forges a bond between people. It’s hard to tell because the bonds I see are either between me and my girls, or between bikers I work for.

  One of my closer girlfriends and fellow mother of two came over first to say hello. “Michelle!! It’s so good to see you again!” Jackie hugged me so lightly it was annoying. Seriously, why bother?

  I gave her the same hug back, “Good to see you too. How is everybody?”

  She went on and on about shit I no longer care about. It’s amazing how your perspective changes when your life goes to shit. I can’t believe I used to like this bitch. She’s so fake.

  A couple other mothers came over to say hello and pretend they missed me too. I went along knowing that’s all I can do. It made me sick to think about how I was obligated to be social with people like that. Superficial bitches.

  On the way back to the hotel I found myself envying them. They might be materialistic, and completely focused on their kid’s activities rather than the kids themselves, but those moms get to see their kids every day. The knife named Daniel turned a little harder in my gut. He’d love to know how I’m feeling right now. It would make his day. Another reason I’m glad I left.


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