Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 47

by Kenneth Mullinix

Digger dug and dug, quicker and deeper than he has ever been before, around the backside of the crypt, then quickly through the dirt roof he fell, falling through the blue-lit world, into a vast opening of the Under Dark, into the underworld of unnatural beasts.

  George the Cave Troll lurched by Digger, almost crushing him underfoot. Right behind him Harry the Centaur was seen, smiling like a demon on the loose in the night, behind him, Olle the Ogre lurched by then coming out of the very backside of the Under Dark was, Dragon the Fire-Breathing Dragon.

  Digger quickly gathered himself hopping to safety behind a large rock, as a large drool from George the Cave Troll, splattered across his soft fur.

  Digger curled up in disgust.

  "Nasty beast," mumbled Digger as he cleaned his fur the best he could.

  "Now where are that evil book and Petar's jewels that he is so prideful about? I will level this playing field, soon enough" proclaimed the now ever more enlivened, and clear thinking little rabbit.

  Dragon the Fire-Breathing Dragon flapped both of his menacing wings in delight, as he made his way up the wide rocky trail pass Digger, who was deep in thought.

  "Freedom will soon be mine", boasted Dragon as he passed "I've been waiting three thousand years to return to the earthly skies, today is the day of my redemption".

  Digger did not falter.

  The narrow-minded rabbit now set forth downward on the path, deeper into the abyss. Seeing the slow moving black river again, and a few Bodhi Trees brought back strangely fond, yet horrifying memories of his past sinful life.

  He shuddered at the dark thoughts, they brought.

  He shook off the pull once again, of the Under Dark World. He continued to hop on a downward spiral, following the worn rocky pathway. A turn in the road, then another then a new vast opening came into view.

  Upon a long squint of his eyes, and a focus of his keen eyesight, a large bonfire burned in the far off distance, lit in the center of the infinite cave. He stood with eyes agape at what he was beholding.

  Strewn around the fire, and the very center of the cave, were the priceless jewels of the Neither World. They were within his grasp.

  He had done it!

  He had found the treasure trove of all the plundered jewels, of the world, since the beginning of time, they were all amassed within this one cave, within these silent, black earthen walls.

  He darted and hopped with wild abandon towards the stash of ill-gotten gains. Upon reaching the center of the cave, and hopping onto the tallest piles of gems and jewels, he pondered his life once again, thinking aloud to himself.

  "I could be a king, among kings! I could rule the Neither World! I could...I could..."

  Looking below his furry feet, he saw a diamond crested of one a kind tiara, a large flawless pink diamond, golden treasure chests filled with silver coins, golden coins, and rare heirlooms; large yellow-gold goblets, rarified cups made of pure silver, there were large amethyst, rubies, with other precious gems, all piled high upon plates of solid gold.

  "I will only take this one large pink diamond, no one will miss this" said the burglar as it disappeared into his front pouch.

  The prized bounty was endless and mindboggling.

  Digger was lost in wonderment, upon their viewing, but then another clear thought entered his mind. Where is the evil Book of Aka Manah that is my quest, not these jewels or gold, that I could use for my own betterment and power, also where is the Golden Heart of Mehan the Serpent? They must be here somewhere."

  He swiftly began searching about the golden treasures surrounding him, but to no avail when out of the darkest corner of the oversized cave a gravelly voice, and a horrifying slithering sound, was now heard thundering up the path.

  Another ghastly beast of the Under Verse approached.

  Digger instantly dove for cover inside of a large gold chest, all the while pushing aside a large deposit of pirated silver and gold coins.

  As the outsized creature approached the center of the cave, the ground shook below Digger's feet, dispersing great piles of plunder around him. The sounds of this living thing's enormous body skidding by, terrified the little rabbit to no end. A snapping sound echoed about. It was the sound of the great snake tasting the air.

  The hiding rabbit dared not to jeopardize his position. He held steadfast inside of his golden coffin, as the lingering danger subsidized.

  When he thought all was safe for the time being, he poked his two ears out of the golden casket. The horrific sounds of the snakes body slithering along in the off-colored otherworldly lights, kept diminishing.

  Now poking his head up above the lid of his hiding place, all Digger could see in the strange red and yellow firelight, was a long, thick, scaly tail of the great beast. Nestled on the tip of the ominous tail was a series of nested, hollow beads perched squarely on its tip.

  It sluggishly disappeared, around a large boulder in the pathway. Slowly moving upwards, making a most foreboding rattle sound, which was meant as a sizeable warning for all, that he was approaching and to beware.

  The ominous rattling clatter pierced deep into Digger's soul. His kind heart pounded wildly in his tiny chess.

  His pulse quickened as a singular thought came to mind: ...Apophasis the Destroyer has now been summoned by his son, and is on the move towards daylight.

  Digger sat back down on upon the pile of gold coins with his mind just racing. Looking to his left side, into the very corner of the golden coffin, there it was! The Evil Book of Aka Manah and the Golden Heart of Mehan the Serpent King, Digger could not believe his good fortune. He tried to raise a large golden cauldron to remove the treasures lying beneath it, but it was just too heavy. "I will etch this spot in my mind, and I will soon return with Louis, to retrieve them. I have found our salvation," said Digger to himself.


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