Saving Courtney (Bryant Station Curves Book 4)

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Saving Courtney (Bryant Station Curves Book 4) Page 10

by Rayne Rachels

  Courtney’s stomach twisted and churned, causing her to gag. She tried pushing away from him, but he refused to let her go.

  “You will lay with those animals, but you don’t want to be near me?” He actually sounded offended.

  “Let go of me!”

  Jared leaned down and captured her lips with his. The kiss was hard and cruel. There was no tenderness or desire, just lust and the need to dominate and punish.

  The kiss shocked Courtney. The foul odor of sulfur filled her mouth. Her stomach rolled and gurgled. The nausea was almost as unbearable as the demon’s kiss. Courtney bit down as hard as she could on Jared’s lip.

  His eyes flew open. He roared with rage. Jared pushed Courtney, but she refused to let go. He snarled and shoved her away from him.

  Courtney staggered backwards. She spit several times, trying to get the blood out of her mouth. She wiped her lips with the back of her sleeve. “Don’t ever kiss me.”

  Jared touched his swollen, bloody lip. “You stupid bitch!”

  Courtney did not see the slap coming until it was too late to even block it. Jared’s hand caught her cheek and jaw. The force of the blow twisted her sideways. She heard a sharp crack and pain radiated out from her cheek. Black spots filled her vision.

  Jared grabbed Courtney’s hair and forced her to look at him. “If you ever do that again, I will break your arms and legs. You don’t need them for what I have planned for you.”

  “I’m not going with you!” Courtney hit him as hard as she could with her fists. She scratched the hand wrapped in her hair.

  Jared laughed. “It is going to be a pleasure breaking your spirit.” He leaned closer. “And I will break it…over and over.” Using his grip on her hair, Jared forced her to walk with him toward the base of the mountain. He stopped in front of what looked like an overgrown trail that wound its way up to the mountain.

  “I am not going up there.” Pain and fear laced Courtney’s words.

  “You are going up.” Jared shoved her toward the trail.

  Courtney shivered. The fear-induced adrenaline that kept her from feeling the cold was starting to wear off. She wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head.

  Jared grabbed one of her arms and twisted it.

  Courtney screamed. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Do you start walking or do I keep twisting until the bone in your arm snaps?” He grinned.

  “I’ll walk,” whispered Courtney. Defeat slinked around her. Her body screamed with pain.

  “Good choice.” Jared released her arm.

  Courtney drew in a deep breath and let it out as she rubbed her arm. She did not know how much more she could take. She had to get away from Jared. He enjoyed the pain he inflicted on her. No…it was more than just enjoyment. He fed from her pain and suffering.

  “Start walking.” Jared pushed her.

  Courtney bit her bottom lip to keep her mouth from getting her into more trouble than she already was. She needed to focus on finding a way to either kill Jared or get away from him, if she could. The idea of killing him or anyone made her blood run cold, but she knew this was not a normal situation.

  There was nothing normal about Jared.

  He was a demon.

  She had known it all along, but a small part of her had tried hiding from the truth. Maybe if she had been honest with herself when she first encountered Jared, her brother would still be alive. Maybe if she had been honest about herself…Courtney cried out when Jared poked her in the middle of her back.

  The demon enjoyed torturing her. She did not know how much more she could take, but she knew, in her heart, she would not be able to live for any length of time like this.

  But did she have the strength…the will to do the alternative?

  Courtney pushed the thought aside. She did not want to think about that possibility, at least not right now. She would have to wait.

  The trail abruptly ended.

  Courtney slowly looked up.

  She shook her head. There was no way she could do this. Walking up the steep trail was one thing, but this…there was no way. She could not climb up the side of the mountain, not when the mountain rose up in front of her like a wall.

  “Keep moving,” hissed Jared. He poked her again in the middle of her back.

  “I can’t climb that.” Courtney stepped back.

  Jared grabbed Courtney by the back of her neck. “You will climb… and you will keep climbing until I tell you to quit.” He squeezed her neck, digging his claws into her soft skin. He smiled at her scream. “Do you understand?” He did not wait for an answer. He shoved her toward the mountainside.

  Courtney stared at the wall of rock looming in front of her. She remembered watching a television show where a bunch of men and women went rock climbing. They made it look so easy, but Courtney knew better. The women were thin with athletic builds. They used muscles Courtney knew she did not have.

  There was no way she could go mountain climbing, even if she wanted to do it. She outweighed those women on the television show by a good fifty pounds or more. Then there was the athletic part. Courtney’s idea of exercise did not involve anything more rigorous than walking, and it had been months since she had even done that.

  How was she going to scale this mountain?

  Fear and panic sifted through the pain radiating through her body. Courtney closed her eyes. She took several deep breathes and did her best to push the fear and panic aside. She knew she had to if she wanted to survive, and she did.

  Images of Todd and Harrison flickered through her mind. She wanted to be with them. There was no way around it, she loved them with her entire being.

  “Move!” Jared shoved her.

  Courtney stumbled but managed to stay on her feet. She glared at him. “You are so going to pay for that and everything else,” she muttered.

  The demon’s laughter bounced off the stone, making it sound even eerier.

  * * *

  For the next forty minutes, Courtney searched for places to put her hands and feet as she used every muscle she had and every ounce of her strength to pull herself up the side of the mountain. Several times, she lost her footing or her hand slipped, sending her sliding down until she was able to grab something to stop herself. The higher she climbed the colder the air grew. Her hands were numb and raw in places where she had scrapped off skin.

  More than once, Courtney stopped herself from looking down. She knew if she did look down, her fear of heights would paralyze her, and there was no telling what Jared would do to her if her fear caused her to stop moving.

  A pair of hands reached down and grabbed Courtney’s wrists, causing her to scream and slip. Courtney knew there was no way she could stop herself from falling. She closed her eyes.

  The hands clamped down around her wrists. Courtney’s arms felt like they were being jerked out of their sockets. She could not scream. Her heart pounded in her chest. Whoever held her, pulled her up and over the edge. Sharp rocks dug into her stomach and thighs.

  Her wrists were released, and Courtney collapsed into a pile. She did not have the energy to move or even open her eyes. She hoped the rocks she had loosened hit Jared in the face as they tumbled down the mountain.

  “Get up. We don’t have time for you to take a nap.”

  Courtney groaned. She forced her eyes open and looked up. Jared stood over her. “Why can’t you just fall off the mountain?”

  Jared hissed. He grabbed Courtney by her hair and started dragging her.

  Courtney grabbed at Jared’s hand, trying to keep him from ripping out her hair as he dragged her across the top of the mountain. Stones and sticks poked and dug through her clothes and into her skin, but she couldn’t do anything except endure it.

  Jared suddenly dropped her. It did not take much effort on his part to shake off her hands. “Get up and take off your clothes.”

  Courtney just stared at Jared.

  “Get up.” Jared kicked her hip. “Take off
your clothes.”

  The pain barely registered because of the various other injuries covering her body were hurting and bleeding. Courtney rolled to her side. She did not want to obey Jared, but she could not lay there either.

  Courtney dug deep, searching for anything to give her the strength not to give up.

  Would your bears want to see you like this? Would they want you to give up hope?

  Courtney was not sure where the voice came from...probably her imagination. I haven’t given up hope, but I don’t want them to suffer because of me.

  They will suffer without you.

  They will find someone else to love. Courtney was sure of that. She had no illusions of being that beautiful and unforgettable.

  They will only have one mate. Would you deny them happiness?

  Bitch, muttered Courtney, but she pushed herself to her feet.

  “Get your clothes off.”

  Courtney shook her head. “That’s so not going to happen.”

  “You must be cleansed of their odor on the outside and on the inside. I will not have their offensive odor on you when I plant my seed in you.”

  Courtney’s eyes widened.

  Cleansed inside and out.

  His seed.

  She shook her head. Anger ignited deep inside her. It lit her eyes. “You can take your seed and go to hell, because there’s no way I’m letting any of that near me.”

  “You will take my seed. My spawn will grow inside you, and when it is born, it will destroy the shifters. Finally, I, and the others, will rule both worlds like we were meant to before the gods created those abominations.”

  Courtney was shocked. The demon wanted to use her to destroy the shifters…to destroy the very men she loved and was trying to protect. “No way is that going to happen.”

  Jared’s face changed. The human features slowly fading away. “You are the chosen. You will be the vessel for my spawn. Your blood will give them the strength they need to destroy the gods’ pets once and for all.”

  Courtney took several steps backwards. Her muscles screamed in protest. Cuts and scrapes stung and bled. An eerie calm descended over her. The corners of her lips slowly turned up and a smile spread across her face. “You can take your plans and go straight back to hell with them.” There was no question in her mind. She knew exactly what she had to do to save her bears…to save Todd and Harrison. She just hoped, one day they would be able to forgive her.

  Chapter 10

  Todd and Harrison were already out of their truck when Scott pulled up next to old man Bleechman’s abandoned car. “Have you got anything?” Scott asked as he got out of his SUV. He slipped the knife Abby had given him into the back of his jeans.

  “He had her in the trunk.” Anger and fear rolled off Todd in waves. “I smell her blood too.” Guilt ate at his insides.

  You left our mate alone, snarled his bear.

  I left her with her other mate…with Harrison.

  “We’ve got to get to the top of Sugarloaf. I pray to Mother Bear he hasn’t done anything to harm her. I can’t believe I was so stupid. I should never have left her alone.” Harrison’s bear pushed and shoved, trying to get out so it could find and protect Courtney. It only fueled Harrison’s anger at himself for not staying with Courtney and protecting his mate, as he should have.

  “Quit blaming yourselves. The demon orchestrated everything to get her alone. Right now, we have to focus on finding Courtney and saving her.” Scott took a deep breath. The stench of sulfur was still in the air mixed with Courtney’s vanilla and cherry scent.

  Have knife. We kill demon.

  That’s the idea. Scott told his bear.

  His bear growled. They let demon take her. They not good enough mates. They let demon take sister.

  Scott wanted to agree with his bear…to point the finger at someone. We are not much better. We were supposed to be protecting her too, and look at how that went.

  A distant scream ripped floated down to them.

  * * *

  The twins and Scott took different routes up the mountain. They hoped at least one of them would be able to rescue Courtney, while the other took out the demon. They reached the top of the mountain within minutes of each other.

  Todd glanced at Scott and Harrison. He nodded and stepped into the open. The sight of Courtney’s torn, bloody clothing pierced his heart. Anger rippled through him.

  Courtney was hurt.

  His mate was hurt.

  Todd growled. His bear was close to the surface, ready to attack the demon.

  “I wouldn’t come any closer, if I were you, Sheriff. Something might happen to sweet Courtney.” Jared sneered at Todd. “But then, maybe she prefers me to you. I am quite convincing.”

  Courtney’s heart skipped several beats. Was Todd really behind her? She wanted to turn around and look, but was afraid to turn her back on the demon. “Todd, if that’s really you, leave.”

  The demon laughed. “Looks like I’m the one she wants.”

  “Don’t believe him. Please, just go.” Courtney swallowed. “I love you. Tell Harrison I love him and I’m sorry.”

  “Isn’t that so sickening? If I were you, I would go, unless you just want to watch me plant my seed deep into her belly.” The demon laughed. His face lost what little human features it had left. Jared was completely gone. Only the demon remained.

  “And I told you there is no way that will ever happen!” Courtney knew her time was up. She had to act now.

  “Harrison, grab Courtney!”

  Courtney grabbed one of the branches lying around her. She knew the demon would kill her bears if she did not do something to stop him. “Go back to hell!” Courtney lunged at the demon. She used every ounce of strength she had left and drove the jagged edge of the branch through the demon’s chest.

  The demon screamed.

  Todd and Harrison yelled at Courtney.

  The demon stared at the branch sticking through its chest. It looked at Courtney. The surprise in its eyes slowly turned to anger. “What have you done?”

  “I told you to go back to hell.”

  The demon screamed.

  “Courtney, look out!”

  Courtney heard Harrison yell. She heard the growls of bears. The side of her face exploded with pain. Her vision shimmered with black spots and silver sparkles. She heard her name, but could not tell who called it. She felt her body fly through the air and then she hit something hard and bounced several times. The impact forced out what little oxygen she had in her lungs. She kept rolling.

  Blackness swallowed her.

  Todd screamed. He dived for Courtney but missed her by inches. He watched…stunned as she rolled down the side of the mountain.

  His bear roared. It shoved its way to the surface.

  The demon’s laughter filled the air.

  The thirteen hundred pound Kodiak bear wheeled around and charged the demon. Joined by its twin, the bears ripped the demon to shreds. By the time Scott reached them, there was nothing left of the demon for him to stab.

  The bears roared.

  Scott tucked the knife into the back of his jeans. “We have to get to Courtney.”

  The bears recklessly charged down the side of the mountain. There was little care for their safety. Their sole focus was getting to their mate.

  In his human form, Scott followed at a slower pace. His bear roared its grief for its lost sister. Scott blinked several times. This was not supposed to happen. Courtney was supposed to live.

  The anguish filled roars of the twins echoed through the valley.

  * * *

  The pecan trees gently swayed in the soft, warm breeze. Courtney closed her eyes and turned her face up to the sun. The warmth felt good against her cool skin. The scent of fresh grass and wild flowers tickled her nose, making her smile. Somewhere in the distance, she heard the splashing of water bouncing off of rocks.

  “You look beautiful.”

  Courtney opened her eyes and spun around. “Hage
n?” Her eyes widened. “Is it really you?”

  “Yeah, baby girl. It’s me.” He held out his arms.

  Courtney squealed and ran to him. She flung herself into his open arms.

  Hagen caught his sister and spun around. When he stopped, he hugged her even tighter. “I’ve missed you, kiddo.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’ve missed you too.” Courtney could not believe her brother was really with her. She froze.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Courtney slowly pushed away from her brother. “Am I dreaming?” Her voice was soft and barely audible.

  “No, you are not dreaming.”

  Courtney’s whole body shook. She took several steps away from Hagen. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Are my bears safe? Harrison and Todd…are they alive?”

  “They are alive. All the shifters are safe. You did it. You stopped the demon from harming the shifters.”

  “Then I’m dead.” Tears ran down her cheeks…not for herself, but for the pain, she had caused Todd and Harrison.

  Hagen walked up to Courtney and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t cry.”

  “I’m not crying for me. I’m crying for Todd and Harrison, my bears.”

  “Courtney, you have some choices you will have to make.” Hagen rubbed her back.

  “What do you mean?” she asked amid several hiccups.

  “You are not dead. At least, not yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your body is at the bottom of Sugarloaf Mountain. You are alive, but barely. There is a lot of damage…not just on the outside. It’s a miracle you are alive at all. Your bears are with you. They are willing to trade places with you. They are actually pleading with Mother Bear.”

  A look of horror covered Courtney’s face. She shook her head. “No! They are not to trade places with me. I want them to live…to have a family and cubs.” She took a deep breath and let it slowly out. “I love them too much to change places with them. No! It’s not happening.” Courtney moved away from her brother, and wrapped her arms around her waist. She stared at the pecan trees.


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