Emergency Plan F

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Emergency Plan F Page 5

by Smoak, Ivy

  "Alright, you're all set," he said as he stood up.

  "I know I'm being horribly greedy, but can you do my front too?" I set my book down on the ground and turned over, giving him a perfect view of my breasts. I couldn't take my eyes off of his tan, chiseled abs or his erection pressing on his swim suit. There was no way he was going to be able to resist me.

  As he leaned over and squeezed sunscreen onto my chest, I started untying his swimsuit. He didn't seem to mind. He massaged the sunscreen into my breasts as I slid his swim suit down his muscular thighs. His thick erection sprung up and nearly hit me in the face.

  "I thought you might like if I suck your cock while you finish up with my sunscreen. It's really the least I can do to thank you," I said. I looked up to see the reaction on his face. But it wasn't Sean. It was some guy I had never seen before who looked like he was still in college. I screamed and shoved his hands off my breasts.

  "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Who the hell are you?!"

  "Pete, the pool guy. Who did you think I was?"

  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." My face flushed. I covered my chest with one arm and tried to block my view of his penis with my other hand.

  "Shit, are you going to get me fired for this? I was just going along..."

  I stopped listening to him. I was too embarrassed to talk to him anymore. I had let him feel me up. And I almost sucked his cock! My mind was spinning with embarrassment. What is wrong with me? Why did I ever agree to do this in the first place? Before I knew it, I had burst through the gate and was running home as fast as my heels would let me.

  "Rosie, is that you?" called the familiar voice of Sally.

  I ignored her and kept running. To try to make it less obvious that it was me, I cut through some bushes into my backyard and went in the back door. But the damage was done. Sally, the most gossipy neighbor on the block, had seen me running back from Sean and Phoenix's house wearing only heels, whore makeup, and my tiny bikini bottom. It was only a matter of time before the gossip got back to Connor.

  I'm fucked.


  "Okay, calm down," said Phoenix. She had come over as soon as I texted her ,"EMERGENCY!"

  "How can I calm down?! I nearly sucked your pool guy's cock after letting him feel me up. And then Sally saw me." I put my face in my hands. What was Connor going to do when he found out? I loved him. I loved him so much and I had probably just fucked up our entire marriage.

  "I don't see what's so bad about Sally. Why don't we just go talk to her?"

  "Oh God, have you not met Sally yet?"


  "Well I'm sure she already knows all about you. She's so gossipy. She literally knows everything about everyone in a five mile radius. It's possible that she's already told half the neighborhood."

  "But it's only been like thirty minutes."

  "You're right. It's probably closer to three quarters of the neighborhood that she's told."

  "Okay, I think I get the point," said Phoenix. "Sally cannot be trusted to keep this under wraps."

  "Correct. Maybe we should just come clean and tell our husbands what happened."

  "I guess we might have to. But won't Connor still be mad at you for letting the pool guy feel you up?" She unsuccessfully tried to stifle a laugh. "I still don't see how you could have mixed them up."

  "I was trying to play it cool and read my book! You wouldn't understand. You had to be there." I decided to steer the conversation away from my stupidity and back to trying to find a solution. "But yeah, I don't see any other options. I think we have to tell them."

  Phoenix thought about it for a second. "Let's call Lulu. She got us into this mess, maybe she will know how to fix it."

  I had a feeling it was a bad idea to turn to Lulu for advice, but Phoenix had already picked up my phone and made the call.

  "Hi, girls," said Lulu.

  "Hey, we need your help," replied Phoenix.

  "Just tell me how I can be of assistance."

  "Well, Rosie let my pool guy feel her up while she was trying to seduce my husband."

  "Jesus, Rosie!" exclaimed Lulu. "What made you try to have a threesome? Don't get me wrong, they can be a lot of fun and with proper planning, they can be a safe and beautiful experience for everyone involved, but it seems pretty inappropriate in this situation."

  "What? No," I said. "I didn't let him feel me up while Sean was present and being seduced by me. It was really just a case of mistaken identity. An honest mistake, if you ask me."

  "Oh, well that's a little better. But still, how do you mistake them? Was it a classic masquerade ball mix up?"

  "A what?"

  "You know. Everyone has masks on. Things get hot and heavy and then the masks come off and you realize you just slept with some stranger who had the same jaw line as your husband. And then he divorces you and you're alone forever with your seven cats."

  "Jesus, sorry I asked," I said. "But yes, I guess it was kind of like whatever the hell you just said. Only hopefully it will have a different ending."

  "In that case, I don't really see what the big deal is. I mean sure, it's pretty embarrassing for you, but unless the pool guy is friends with your husband, how is anyone ever going to find out? It's not like Phoenix's pool guy is going to come next door and say, 'Hey, I felt up your wife.' That would be a great way for him to get punched in the face."

  "I forgot to mention that Rosie ran home topless and the neighborhood gossip saw her," offered Phoenix.

  "Well that does present a problem," said Lulu. "But just like all relationship problems, I have a solution!"

  "Yeah?" I asked. "I was thinking that we should just confess what we're up to."

  "Oh no. No, no, no. Telling your husbands that you were plotting to cheat on them will just breed mistrust and jealously, which is the opposite of what we want."

  "You have a better solution?" I said.

  "Yes. But you have to be prepared to act quickly. It's time for Emergency Plan F."

  Chapter 12


  I walked in the door, kicked my shoes off, ran upstairs to change, and then collapsed on the couch. I felt like I hadn't been able to relax since...well, since Sean and Phoenix moved in. First I had spent the night working on Sean's basement, yesterday I had lunch at Phoenix's and then spent the night fixing the showerhead with Sean, and today had been super busy at work. I couldn't wait to have a quiet night in, ordering some food and watching the marathon of Castle that I DVRed.

  When will Rosie be home? Wait, wasn't her car outside? I looked out the window and sure enough, Rosie's car was parked in the driveway. I pulled out my phone to text her, but there were already a few messages from her that I must have missed.

  "Hey, Phoenix and Connor invited us over for dinner. Try to be home a little early to get ready." Then about twenty minutes ago, she had texted, "I'm heading over to Phoenix's, come on over when you're home. I put an outfit on the bed for you."

  Damn. There goes my relaxing evening. I went upstairs to check out what stupid outfit she had chosen for me. I was almost certain it would not be sweatpants, and thus, I was almost certain I would not be comfortable in it.

  And I was right.

  On the bed, Rosie had laid out a blue button-down shirt, gray dress pants, and some shiny black shoes. Where the hell did these clothes come from? I had never seen any of them before.

  I reluctantly took off my wonderfully comfortable sweatpants and changed into the stupid dress clothes. The shirt fit well but it was still uncomfortable, the pants were entirely too tight, and the shoes were badly in need of a visit from Dr. Scholl's. This better be a delicious dinner.

  In a few minutes I was all dressed and ready to go, and a few minutes after that I was knocking on Phoenix and Sean's front door.

  Phoenix answered the door. And oh my God, she looked incredible. Her black dress practically looked like it had been painted on her body. She was wearing an expensive looking gold and emerald necklace that dipp
ed right between her perky breasts, which were left mostly exposed by the deep V neckline of her dress. I could even see the top of her lacy green pushup bra peeking out above her dress. Her long legs looked great in her green stilettos, which matched her bra and the emeralds in her necklace.

  "Hey, Connor," she said.

  I looked up at her face, which I suppose was the first place I should have looked anyway. Her long dark hair was in loose curls and her eyes were outlined in black with a little green on the eye lids, but what really caught my attention was the bright red lipstick on her soft lips. It was impossible to not think about her sucking on that popsicle. Or my cock.

  "Hey, sorry I'm late," I said as I shook the thought away.

  "No problem. Come on in!"

  Phoenix grabbed my hand and pulled me into her house. Rosie and Sean were standing in the kitchen laughing about something. It seemed a little strange how close they were to each other, but what really caught my eye was Rosie's outfit. She was in super sexy red heels and a white dress. Her dress was a little different than Phoenix's, but the neckline was just as revealing and the bottom was just as short. Her blonde hair was in some sort of fancy braid that probably had an equally fancy name.

  "You finally made it," said Rosie. "I was beginning to think tonight would just be a threesome. Er, three people. Like, a threesome of people. People not having sex with each other."

  Is Rosie drunk? "Geez, I'm glad I came when I did," I joked.

  Phoenix looked up from the salad she was making. "You didn't have anything to worry about. I would never share Sean with another woman if I didn't get something in return." She glanced down towards my penis and smiled.

  Is she serious? She seems kind of serious.

  "Oh yeah, Phoenix did mention that we're swingers, right?" asked Sean.

  My mouth dropped open a little bit. What the hell is happening?

  "Dude, I'm just messing with you," said Sean as he started laughing.

  "I dunno," said Phoenix. "Rosie didn't look that shocked. Wait, are you guys swingers?"

  "No," replied Rosie and I at the same time.

  "Oh my God, what would you guys have done if you came over and we really were swingers?" asked Phoenix. "How crazy would that be?"

  "Pretty crazy. I mean, I can't imagine Connor watching me suck Sean's cock. That would be weird. And what if one of the guys finished before the other? Would they just watch their spouses bang it out? Or maybe just leave? Or snuggle?"

  What is she talking about? "It seems like you've put a great deal of thought into the logistics of swinging. Is there something I should know, Rosie?"

  "What? Oh, no. I mean, yeah, I've thought about it for novels. Readers of swinger novels are fickle beasts. Get one little detail wrong and they'll give you a 1-star review."

  "I've always wondered how swinger couples find each other," said Sean. "Do they just invite friends over for dinner and then at some point casually mention, 'Hey, screw dinner. Let's just all have sex instead.' "

  "But how awkward would it be if the other couple says no?" asked Rosie.

  "Yeah," I said. "It seems to me like they probably meet up on some sort of chat room or something. Or maybe they just bring it up casually before dinner to see how the other couple responds to it." I looked accusingly at Phoenix and Sean.

  "Hey, don't look at us," said Sean. "Rosie's the one who started talking about threesomes."

  The oven beeping ended the conversation.

  "Dinnertime!" announced Phoenix.

  Chapter 13


  Phoenix brought the salad out while the guys took seats on opposite sides of the table. The wine had already been poured.

  "Can you help me grab the rest?" asked Phoenix.

  "Sure." I followed her back to the kitchen.

  "So, are you ready for Emergency Plan F?" she asked when we were out of earshot of the guys.

  Now?! "Can't we wait a little while? I think I need to have a few more drinks first."

  "Relax. We're going to do it after dinner. But I do have a few things planned during dinner."

  "Which are?"

  "Just go with the flow." Phoenix smiled mischievously as she shoved her hands into oven mitts and grabbed the pan of chicken.

  I took the bread basket and we went back into the dining room.

  "This looks amazing," said Sean, scooping up a healthy portion of chicken.

  Phoenix reached over and put her hand on his before he could dump it on his plate. "Don't eat too much. You really don't want to be too full to enjoy dessert."

  "What's for dessert?" asked Sean.

  "You'll just have to wait and see."

  "But what if I don't like it? Then I will have wasted my opportunity to eat tons of chicken."

  "Yeah, I think we need to know what it is," added Connor.

  Phoenix turned to me. "Back me up here. Don't they want to save room for dessert?"

  "Absolutely." I decided to change the topic. "So where'd you guys live before this?"

  "In the city over by the Museum of Art," said Sean. He started to elaborate on why they moved, but I was having trouble focusing. I couldn't stop thinking about Emergency Plan F. To help prepare myself, I took a huge gulp of wine.

  Within a few minutes, my glass was almost empty.

  "Wow, Rosie," said Connor. "You're really going to town on that wine."

  I shrugged and drank the last few drops out of my glass. "It's good wine."

  "That it is," agreed Phoenix. "Here, let me get you some more." She got up and went into the kitchen. When she reappeared a minute later, she was holding a bottle of Pinot noir. "Say when."

  "Just fill it all the way up," I said.

  She grabbed my glass off the table and started pouring. Halfway through, the glass slipped out of her hand. I stood up to try to dodge it, but it was too late. My dress was covered in red wine. My white dress.

  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," said Phoenix.

  "It's okay," I said. Maybe I can get out of this. "I'll just run home and change."

  "No way," said Phoenix. "We need to soak it immediately." She unclipped the top of my dress and unzipped it. Before I could protest, she had grabbed the hem of my dress and was pulling it over my head. In the middle of dinner. Oh my God.

  Chapter 14


  Rosie's face was bright red by the time Phoenix was done pulling her dress off. And it wasn't from the wine. In addition to her new dress, it appeared she had also purchased a set of lacy red lingerie for the evening. She looked amazing.

  "Phoenix! What are you doing?" she screamed. She put her hands over her cleavage, despite the fact that her dress hadn't really left any of it to the imagination in the first place.

  Phoenix didn't bother to answer, she just ran out of the room with the dress. Rosie followed and gave Sean and I a great view of her ass in her red thong.

  "Does Phoenix always strip your dinner guests?" I asked.

  "No. Only sometimes."

  "That's good."

  "By the way, that was quite the little lingerie set Rosie had on. Did you guys have something sexy planned for after dinner?"

  I shook my head. "Not that I know of."

  "That's not what it looks like to me. What size Cowboys jersey should I order for you?"

  "Hey, don't get ahead of yourself. Phoenix isn't exactly dressed like a nun tonight."


  The doors to the kitchen swung open and the girls walked out. Phoenix had removed her dress, so both girls were just left in their lingerie, heels, and jewelry. I had seen Phoenix in bikinis on her YouTube channel, but seeing her in lingerie in person was different. How is it possible for her to have such a tiny waist and such big tits? I looked down to make sure my napkin was covering my growing erection.

  "What happened to your dress?" asked Sean as the girls took their seats.

  "I washed it too just in case any wine got on it. You guys don't mind if we eat in our underwear, right?"

Not at all," said Sean.

  I definitely don't mind. "Man, if I didn't know better, I'd say that this is just phase two of your plot to see if we're down to swing," I said.

  Everyone at the table laughed and then we got back to eating our dinners. I popped a few pieces of chicken in my mouth and then wiped up the sauce with a roll. It was tough not to take seconds, but I didn't want to miss out on whatever incredible dessert the girls had made.

  "So how long have you guys lived in the neighborhood?" asked Phoenix. She seemed totally comfortable making small talk and eating dinner in her underwear.

  "About a year," I said.

  "Are we your favorite neighbors?" she asked, leaning towards me slightly. The necklace hanging in her cleavage was impossible not to stare at.

  "Right now you're a close second behind Mr. Martin next door. I dunno, I just love it so much when he comes to the door in his boxers and yells at me for walking in his yard while I'm trying to mow our grass."

  "Well if that's what it takes to be your favorite neighbors, I'm sure Sean will be happy to do the same for you," offered Phoenix. "Do you prefer him to wear boxers or briefs?"

  "I've always been a sucker for a man in tighty whities."

  "In that case, I'm going to start mowing the lawn," said Rosie. She had hardly eaten a bite, but she had managed to empty another glass of wine.

  "I guess I can do that," said Sean with a laugh. "If that's what it takes to be your favorite neighbors."

  Phoenix patted him on the leg. "No need for that, honey. After dessert, I'm sure we'll be their favorite neighbors." She shot Rosie a sly look and Rosie smiled back.

  What are they up to?

  Rosie pushed her chair back and stood up. "Phoenix, what do you say we go get dessert? I hope everyone is still horny for it."

  "Horny?" I asked.

  "Horny? Who said anything about horny?" Rosie laughed nervously. Her face was a little flushed from all the wine. "I said hungry. I hope everyone is hungry. Horny wouldn't make any sense unless it's like the most orgasmic dessert ever."


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