The Duchess and the Spy

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The Duchess and the Spy Page 24

by Marly Mathews

  “From now on, you will tell me everything,” he ordered softly, staring at her with his intensely sparkling blue eyes. Ah, how she loved those eyes.

  “Yes, I shall tell you everything that you need to know,” she agreed, stilling whatever disagreement was about to come out of his mouth, with her own sweetly wanting one. She ran her hands through his hair, hungrily kissing him. He played such an intoxicating game, as he began to gently nudge up her nightdress.

  She knew what she would be giving him, and she knew that when she became his wife, she would be emotionally bonded to him, even if she weren’t truly in love with him. She had promised herself never to sleep with a man, unless she loved him, and she knew that what she felt for Christopher was probably the closest thing to love that she would ever be given the chance to experience.

  She ran her hands down his bare back, and stared in expectation at the loose fitting trousers that he had the decency to put on before he had climbed into bed. She knew the basics of lovemaking, though she was still very inexperienced. In France, one was usually exposed to scandalous murmurings among the men and woman. The conversation usually concerned their latest conquests, and Isabella smiled as she realized that her husband would be her first and God willing only conquest. She had absolutely no wish to live the life of a courtesan, Cyprian, or anything resembling that of a fallen woman.

  She let out a thrilled sigh, when she felt his hand slowly traveling up her legs. He was intent upon ridding her of her nightdress. Never one to shirk away from something, she pulled away from him, and boldly took off her nightdress though she felt quite exposed afterwards.

  “You are beautiful,” he raved softly, awe present in his voice. He climbed onto the bed next to her. She stared at him wide eyed, as a small sense of nervousness erupted within her.

  What if she was making a colossal blunder? What would she do then? She looked away out of sheer modesty, when he quickly relieved himself of his own clothing.

  “Christopher, perhaps we are acting in haste.” She was scarcely able to get the words out, before he covered her mouth with his. His tongue danced against hers, as if they were dueling, and she moaned at the shivers that he sent through her. A burgeoning fire was being created within her, and she knew that if he ceased doing what he was doing so well, she would die in his arms. His hand gently settled around her one breast, as she shivered again as a delightful thrill of pleasure raced through her, as he gently caressed his finger across her already puckered nipple.

  “Perhaps,” he murmured, pulling away from her wanting lips. “I shall endeavor to go as slowly as possible. Though I confess I have never laid eyes upon such perfection.” He lowered his head, and gently placed his mouth around the nipple that he hadn’t yet gotten to. She arched against him, at the unfamiliar yet strangely wonderful feeling. His mouth was hot, and his tongue was sending waves of fire through her. Fire that was enticing her to act in ways that she had never thought possible. She clung to him, and ran her hands across his back, as she accidentally traced her hand across his buttocks. She removed her hand as if it were on fire, and instead placed them at her side.

  He glanced up at her in amazement. “You are mine, and I am yours. You may do with me what you will,” his eyes glinted with warm blue fire. Unfazed by his announcement, she carefully wrapped her arms around him again, as he slowly paid careful attention to one breast and then the other. She was in heaven, as he sent another wave of pleasure through her. But when his hand, slowly trailed down across her abdomen and then to that one private place she reached her hand down and pushed him away, glaring at him all the while.

  “And what do you think you are doing, Christopher?”

  “I am making love to you my darling. I shall make it as easy for you as possible,” he murmured, placing her hands around him, and then slowly retracing his steps.

  She breathed in deeply, as his exploring hand found her curls that were already quite damp with her desire. Pleased by the discovery, he slowly opened her honey folds with his one finger, and heard her gasp in alarm. She was tight, yet she would fit him perfectly. He plunged his fingers in even deeper, and found the pearl that would give her the pleasure that she deserved. He felt her tighten around him, and smiled as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her in a gentle yet, urgent way. He felt her tightening around him, as she gasped again and again.

  She had never thought that she would feel this way. She was flying of that much she was sure. He was handling her with such gentleness, that she believed she would begin weeping. This man who had talked so cruelly to her in the past was now the closest sweetest person to her. Her heart thrilled as she stared at him, just as he covered her mouth with his when she felt something strange explode within her, and then rush throughout her entire body.

  “Oh, Christopher!” she sighed, as he stared down at her with a smug, yet highly contented expression on his face.

  “You, my dearest, are exquisite,” he whispered, gently pulling his fingers from her satiny folds. He felt his own passion flowing through him, and knew that he would not be able to control himself much longer. He could feel her attempting to take control of her breathing, as she stared at him with bright big emerald eyes. “My darling, there is far much more to come,” he promised huskily, his eyes sparkling with happiness. He knew that she was ready, and yet he did not know how to make it as easy for her as he could. She was a maiden, that much she had made clear earlier. Ashley had not been an innocent, and neither had any of the other women that he had ever been with.

  “I am sorry but you will have to feel some pain.”

  “I am not afraid. Indeed, I am never afraid when you are with me. “

  “You are enchanting, my sweet wife.” He kissed her, and then slowly readied himself. He slipped off his trousers, and tossed them on the nearest chair. She stared down at him in complete surprise, and furrowed her brow at him.

  “I do not think that we will be acting wisely, for I do believe that we are not physically compatible.”

  He laughed at her conclusion, and tenderly pushed a lock of hair away from her face.

  “Let me assure you my dearest, I am quite confident that you and I are as compatible as any man and woman have ever been.” He stared down at her heaving breasts, and felt a catch in his throat at the beauty of them. She was his, his wife, and he would never let her go, not ever! He made sure that all of his weight was distributed on his arms, and then he slowly eased himself into her. She felt him beginning to enter her, and felt a momentary sense of panic overtake her.

  He was so very large, that she suddenly regretted even allowing him into her bed, though he had taken his time, and had been so uncharacteristically gentle with her. She felt a surge of gratitude towards him, and wondered if it was something much deeper.

  He stopped suddenly as he felt her barrier. He groaned and frowned, as he realized that he would have to give her pain, in order to eventually give her pleasure, and he would give her pleasure. He knew that not all women experienced pleasure every time, but with Isabella he would make sure that she never felt used or saddened, after their lovemaking.

  “Hold tight, my dearest,” he murmured, as he inhaled deeply, and thrust into her as quickly and as deeply as he could. He heard her cry out, and felt her fingernails rake against his bareback. He began soothing her, and gently kissed her. His feathery kisses brought her back to reality, as the searing pain slowly began ebbing. He had become quite still within her, and she barely felt him there.

  “Perhaps, we should stop now,” she suggested raggedly, looking at him hopefully. “I think that I have had enough of this blasted lovemaking for one day,” she concluded hoarsely, as he stared down at her with sweat on his brow. He was attempting to control himself, realizing that he had precious little time to give her a chance to adjust to his invasion.

  “It will be fine. You will be fine,” he promised, gently circling her nipple with his finger. She tensed and then began relaxing, as he slowly began moving within h
er. She tried to move beneath him, but then stopped when she saw the expression in his eyes. She was flooded with an inexplicable urge to comfort him, and she pulled him down and kissed him as passionately as she could. He felt the passion in her kiss, and he smiled as he tenderly wiped away a tear on her face.

  “I am so sorry that I caused you pain,” he murmured, his voice becoming hoarse.

  “Christopher, all I need is you, don’t stop.” At her invitation, he began to move within her, giving into the want that he felt. She moved to place her hands on his buttocks, and he smiled when she did not shrink away.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he instructed softly, as he quickened his pace even more. She obliged him as soon as he made his suggestion, and gasped as she felt him sink even deeper within her. She felt an unexplainable friction forming inside of her. He thrust into her again and again, as she made to keep up with him. She felt blissful, even though she still did not know how she would feel at the end of their lovemaking. The bed was creaking, and she wondered if it would maintain their weight.

  She felt him, continue to thrust gently within her, as he slowly inserted one finger, and rubbed that ultra-sensitive spot. She bit down on her lip, to contain a scream of pleasure, as he consumed her mouth once again, just as she felt herself beginning to shatter. Then he cried out, as he filled her with his seed, and then collapsed on top of her. She didn’t feel his weight though, and knew that he would not crush her. He was still inside of her, and she wondered why he hadn’t moved out of her.

  He was shuddering. He knew that he was. Never had he experienced anything like what had gone on between him and Isabella. She was special. He knew that now. For whatever reason, she ignited fire within him that he hadn’t thought existed. He never wanted to leave her. He wanted to go on and on, without ever leaving her side and he suspected that he could probably spend days with her making love to her over and over again. He had never felt such a complete release before in his life, and he was happy to know that she had climaxed just before he had met his own orgasm, or he would be very saddened right now. She had given him everything, and he knew that he would never be able to make up for the unjust way that he had treated her in the past.

  “Christopher?” her voice was unusually timid. Slowly, her breathing became even once more. “What just happened between us?”

  “You, my dear, have just made me the happiest man in the world. And we didn’t need your magic to make that happen,” he murmured contently, gently nuzzling her. She laughed, as he nipped at her ear, and gently began caressing his back.

  “I feel quite wanton. I do believe that I may have screamed,” she murmured, staring at him with flaming cheeks.

  “You did,” he agreed smiling whimsically.

  “So did you,” she reminded him, smiling wickedly at him, as he did something that surprised her to no end.

  “Your turn,” he said suggestively, as she found herself straddling him.

  “You are insane,” she murmured, as she tried to move off of him.

  “Well, if you aren’t up to it, then I completely understand,” he said slowly, even though he was at the moment resettling her over him. “If you are too sore than I will understand, Bella, there is always time for this later.”

  Overwhelmed by everything that had been going on in her life she collapsed against his chest and began sobbing. She had waited so long to have a good cry, and she was tired, she was as weary as an old woman. Here she was, completely safe, and tucked away with a man that she could in all reality fall madly deeply in love with. And she couldn’t. Happiness always eluded her. Her life was filled with unexpected tragedy, and she was not willing to allow Christopher to become yet another casualty.

  “I was just joking,” he murmured softly, wrapping his arms around her, as tightly as he could. Why was it that whenever she reached a euphoric pinnacle, her house of cards always threatened to crumble down around her?

  “It’s not that,” she replied, between sobs. She tightened her hold around him, and sighed as she felt the solidness of him, inside and around her. She wanted to remain like this forever. She never wanted the realities of her life to touch her again. She needed her Saint. No matter how hard she tried to be strong and willful, she needed someone to help her when she got in far too deep. And she was in up to her head, and didn’t have the faintest idea of how to solve the bargains that she had made. Christopher was indeed her special match.

  He stood up to her when no one else would. He gave her everything that she deserved, and then some.

  “You do know that I have accepted you as my wife, and I will endeavor to make you happy, even though we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot.”

  “I know,” she said hiccupping, and then lifting her head and kissing him once ever so lightly on the lips. She let out a loud yawn, rested her head back onto his chest, and promptly fell asleep.


  Christopher lay awake much longer after that, holding her sleeping form in her arms. He would protect her, whatever the torture was that was coursing through her head, would be conquered. And, he would be the conqueror.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jane Brandon flew down the stairs of Covington House, and ran to the man that was standing in the front entryway. She flung herself into his arms, and heard her children’s laughter as they followed her in great haste.

  Julian Brandon hugged his wife as tightly as he could, and then waited for his youngest children to come and greet him. He had been away far too long, and his youngest child was staring at him with quizzical half-afraid eyes.

  His heart broke at the sight, and he knelt down until his son, felt confident enough to come to him. Then he swayed, as Jane noticed his hesitation, and moved to support him. His head was swimming, and suddenly he knew what had been so very wrong about the bitter wine that he had drank the night before.

  “Christopher,” he groaned, as Jack came up beside him.

  “He’s at Wyndham Hall with his new bride. We just received the missive this morning,” Jane murmured softly, gazing at him with her gorgeous brown eyes. God, how he loved her!

  “Fetch him, and make haste.”

  Concerned, Jack knelt down. “Why, Father?”

  Marianne led the youngest children away and out of earshot.

  “Because I’m dying,” Julian answered. Jane let out a horrified gasp, and wrapped her arms possessively around him.

  “Do not say such a horrible thing, my love.”

  “I am only speaking the truth. I fear that someone has indeed poisoned me. Ah, my dearest, Janie,” he murmured, watching the agony tear across her features.

  “Jack, dispatch a rider to Wyndham Hall, and then fetch all of the physicians from Whitehall. Your father will not die, for I will not allow it,” Jane said regally, clasping onto him for all that she was worth. “Marianne,” she called out. Marianne ventured into the room. “Would you and Elizabeth please take your sister and brother up to the nursery, I foolishly gave their nursemaids time off.”

  “Of course, Mama,” Marianne said, moving back toward her younger sisters, and brother.

  “And Marianne, after that I would be grateful if you would run down to Ryder Hall, and fetch your Aunt. I shall need her in the coming hours.”

  “It will be all right, Janie,” Julian said, kissing her hand gently. He knew that her heart was breaking for him, but they needed to act quickly, he had to get his affairs in order before he died. Jack nodded his head, and kissed his mother. “Jack, you must bring me Christopher. He shall know what to do.”

  Jack nodded his head again, and fled from the room.

  “You shall not die, my dearest love.” Jane’s gorgeous brown eyes were filled with hope.

  “Everyone dies, my sweet.”

  “Yes, but I know it’s not your time. Don’t you remember the time that I was shot, and you believed that I was dead?”

  “I remember,” he shuddered, clasping her hand tightly and bringing it up for his lips to gently c
aress it.

  “Well, being the idiotic fool that I thought you were at the time, you flashed me a roguish smile and told me that I would live because you would not allow me to die. Well, my love, I am returning the favor. You will live, for I shall not let you die.”

  “That’s why I fell in love with you, dearest Jane.”

  “I know, you always loved my determination.”

  “No, because you never let go,” he answered, as he pulled her to him. “Besides, only the good die young.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Isabella awoke with a groan, as she tried to disentangle herself from Christopher’s tight embrace. She sucked in her breath at the feelings of tenderness that seemed to sear through her very being. She glanced back at him, and was just about to reach for her discarded dressing gown, when she felt him pulling her back toward him. She gasped, as she ended up falling across his chest, and her red hair, flowed over his muscled chest. She stared down at him, in complete disgruntlement, as she heard her stomach growl loudly.

  He grinned at the sound, but pretended not to notice it, gently pulling her face down towards his. His lips brushed over hers ever so lightly. Breaking the kiss, she smiled down at him. “Good morning, or should I say early afternoon,” he murmured softly, caressing the side of her cheek. She leaned into his hand, and kissed it softly.

  “I am quite famished,” she admitted, watching him. His hand stroked her side down to her breast. She shivered, feeling another thrill race through her. He kissed her again. This time his kiss was filled with hunger, and passion and she leaned down to wrap her arms around him. She was still in unfamiliar territory, even though she had enjoyed their earlier lovemaking. The pain had been a definite detraction, so she pulled away from him, and touched her lips gently. “I would like to have some breakfast,” she began, as he slowly ran his hand up and down her back. “Don’t do that,” she snapped, jumping up and away from him. “I confess that I am grouchy in the morning so pray, do not continue to prick my temper the wrong way.” She wrapped her dressing gown around her, and winced as she stood up. “I should be fine once I can have some coffee or tea. Daphne always knew not to speak to me until then. I’m awful and I know it.”


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