Seeking Justice

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Seeking Justice Page 4

by Rita Lawless

  "Not at all," he replied. "What I'm doing is withholding my opinion."

  She propped herself up on an elbow and looked down at him. Zander loved her soft brown eyes, which seemed to be able to drill deep into his soul.

  "Come on, after all these years, you must have chosen a side. I'm sure half the city, probably half the county, has an opinion whether the treasure is long gone, or was really buried and never dug up again."

  "What about you?" he countered.

  Her shrug made her breasts wiggle, and it made his cock stir, despite the fact they'd just had incredible sex. "Come on," he said, deliberately using the words she'd just used. "After all these years you must have chosen a side. After all, this isn't your first Bandit Days."

  This time she laughed so hard, it made her cough.

  "What's so funny?" he asked when she'd calmed down.

  "I hate to tell you this, but I've never really paid attention to the story. That's why I asked you to tell me. I just thought it was a fun way for the town to get together and enjoy good food and beer."

  Zander trailed his finger over her breast. He circled her nipple, and then gently tweaked it. "And now?"

  "It's a bit too early to tell," she said. "I don't know the whole story, so I think I should withhold judgment until I've looked at the information Miss Agatha has gathered over the years."

  Zander lifted his lips to her breast, where he gently traced the trail his fingers had just taken. When he found her nipple, he sucked it in gently, savoring the soft intake of breath that escaped her lips. He suckled her for a few moments, letting the taste of her sink into his mouth.

  "Zander," she whispered. "It's too soon."

  "Oh no, darlin', you've got me up again." He pointed to his crotch. "See?"

  "Oh my, you are ready again." A big smile lit up her face. "Can I be on top this time?"

  "Love that idea." He captured her nipple again. She pushed down, and he took suckled her harder.

  "So good, Zander," she whispered. "I…."

  She lifted up and her nipple popped from his mouth. "You what?" he asked.

  "I'm wet for you," she said. "I want to…" she let her words trail off and she scooted away. "Lie down so I can climb on."

  "Bossy little lady," he said. "Maybe I should make you wait until we get back to the house."

  "Maybe you should do as I say," she said.

  Zander cocked his head. "This is not like you. You've never been one to take charge in the bedroom."

  "We're not the bedroom." She wiggled her finger at him. "We're near the creek, remember?"

  Now Zander could see where this was going. She'd had a spanking earlier, but she obviously wanted another one. This game was something they had done before, where she argued with him until he took his belt to her ass. It was always a playful thing, like it was right now. Obviously, Justice wanted the stimulation right now.

  "You know what I mean," he said, trying to sound stern.

  "I'm not sure I do know," she said.

  "Be good, Justice, and I'll give you ten hard swats with the belt." He left her body stiffen, and loved the way she sighed in anticipation.

  "What do I get if I'm bad?" she leaned over and kissed him, letting her tongue slip over his lips.

  "Fifteen," he said.

  "What do I have to do for twenty?"

  Zander put both hands on her hips and shifted her until she was on top of him. His cock pressed against her thigh. All it would take was one little move and he would be inside her, but if that happened, all chances of a spanking were out the window. He'd be too tired after he came to spank her.

  "Which do you want the most, baby? Spanking or sex?"

  Justice's brow furrowed as she obviously considered the options. Finally, she said, "Do I have to choose?"

  He stroked her hair. "Close your eyes."

  She did as he asked, and Zander stared up at her. He was struck once again by how beautiful she was. In the moonlight, her beautify seemed to intensify.

  "Tell me what you want, for us to go to the house so you can get a good, hard spanking, or do you want to screw here under the moonlight until we are both exhausted and fall asleep in each other's arms."

  Justice stretched her arms above her head, looking like a satisfied cat.

  "Let's fuck," she said, mischievously. "But, you have to promise me I'll taste the belt tomorrow."

  "I promise," he said. "Now take me inside you."

  Like he thought, a few wiggles were all it took. His hard dick was soon nestled in her soft, wet folds. Justice wasted no time in getting to the main event. She started to move faster and faster until she was bouncing so hard the truck seemed to move with her.

  Zander grasped her hips, holding on to her as she rode him like a stallion in a riding contest.

  "Zander, Zander, Zander," she said over and over. She grasped the edge of the truck, and Zander knew she was close. He decided not to help her along by fingering her clit because he knew from past experience she could come from fucking alone in this position.

  Seconds later, she proved him right.

  "Zander! So fucking good!" She screamed out. He slapped her ass as she came. When she started to slow, he slapped it again and again, and she started again, bouncing until he felt his balls tighten.

  "Oh yeah, my Justice." He came hard, shooting straight up into the most beautiful woman in the world. As he did, all sense of reality left him as she melted down into him. His cock pulsed inside her, pure pleasure seeping into his bones as she nestled against him.

  It wasn't until he heard the soft sounds of her sleeping that he realized he hadn't put on one of the condoms he'd been so careful to bring to the bed of the truck.

  * * * * *

  "You know, you should put up some sort of warning sign like, 'Careful, naked people in the truck.' I mean really, Justice, yuck."

  Emily's voice roused Justice from her sleep. She ran her fingers through her hair and stirred. Next to her, Zander mumbled something about his sister being a royal witch. It took a few minutes for Justice to realize it was light outside. At some point in time, Zander had covered them up. He must have picked up blankets from the house at the same time he'd collected the mattress.

  "Emily?" Justice sat up and looked at her friend, who stood about six feet from the truck. "I thought you were at the coast."

  "We came back early," her friend said. "When I saw your car at the house, I waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, we went home and when we came back to the house and you weren't there, we came searching for you."

  "You found us," Zander growled. "Now go away."

  Justice looked over at Zander. She could see he had what he called morning wood. At least Emily was standing beside the truck and wouldn't be able to see it.

  "Mom and dad are here," Emily said. Zander sat up, clutching the blanket to himself, and Justice couldn't help but laugh.

  "Not here proper," Emily said, "but they are at the house, and mom is cooking breakfast."

  "I'm going to slug her," Zander said as he lay back down.

  "Your mother?" Justice asked.

  "My sister," Zander said.

  "You'd better go," Justice said with a laugh. "We'll be up at the house in a few minutes."

  "I can't promise I'll save coffee," Emily said with a laugh. Justice watched her walk to her truck and get in. After she'd driven off, Justice laid back down and put her head on Zander's shoulder.

  "Want me to give you a blowjob? Or a hand job?"

  "Tempting," he said. "But I think we should just go up to the house. I'm surprised I'm hard. You wore me out last night."

  "I could say the same for you," she said. She snuggled against him. "Can't we just stay here?"


  Justice heard the surprise in his voice. "Why not? If we could have food delivered, and set up a bathroom under the tree with a toilet and shower, then I think we'd have it made. Of course, you might get bored with me after a while."

  "Not a chance,"
he assured her. "I'd love it as much as you would, darlin', but I think we need to get up, get dressed, and get to the house."

  "The three g's," she sighed. "Get, get, get."

  Zander pulled her into a kiss. "Last night was incredible," he said after the kiss had broken. "I think we should stake this place out as our own personal outdoor bedroom."

  He kissed her again, and Justice thought her toes would curl up in pure pleasure. "Would that be before, or after, we've found the bandits' loot?"

  "After," he said, dejectedly. "I know we have to do what Miss Agatha wants us to do. After we have breakfast, we'll go to the house and see what's what."

  "Sounds good," she said, just as Zander cried out.

  "Crap! I'm late." He jumped from the back of the truck. "I'm supposed to meet Leroy Butler about the intake with his mare this morning."

  Justice watched as Zander pulled on his pants, jumping around from foot to foot until he was on. His impressive hard-on was gone.

  While he buttoned his jeans, he pointed at her. "Get dressed!"

  "Another g," she said. She thought about playing this for all it was worth, but she knew Zander. He hated to be late, and if she teased him too much he would get mad, and it wasn't the type of mad that would end with a playful spanking. She got up and carefully made her way to the front of the cab, where she quickly pulled on her clothes.

  When they were in the cab and headed toward the house, and pulled down the visor and looked in the mirror.

  "Do you think Leroy will realize we're wearing the clothes we were wearing last night?"

  "He's a guy," Zander said. "Most men don't notice things like that. If he was a woman, I would say yes."

  Justice ran her fingers through her hair. She desperately wanted to brush her teeth and wash her face.

  "I can't believe we slept all night in the bed of the truck."

  "That mattress is comfortable," he said. She had to admit it was comfortable, and handy. Before they'd driven off, Zander had done something, she wasn't sure what, and the mattress had started to deflate.

  "We should have left it blown up, so I could give it a good wash down at the house," she said.

  Beside her, Zander stiffened, and she asked him what was wrong. He told her it was nothing, and she shrugged.

  "We'll wash it off at Miss Agatha's house," he said as he barreled down the room. The rough terrain made for hard driving, and she wanted to ask him to slow down, but she knew that wouldn't happen. As they neared the house, she heard him swear again when they saw an unfamiliar truck in the driveway.

  "That must be Butler," he said. "He probably doesn't think much of a man who keeps him waiting."

  "My fault," she said.

  "Yes, it is," Zander said, and for the first time that morning, she heard humor in his tone. "You'll get a few extra swats tonight for distracting me."

  "Good," she said as Zander pulled up at the house. "Do your thing, and I'll go to Miss Agatha's after breakfast."

  They looked around as they got out, and Justice realized the truck was empty, and Butler wasn't around. From the house, she heard a familiar voice call out. She turned to see Ben, Emily and Zander's father, standing on the porch. He had a coffee cup in one hand, and he waved with the other.

  "I thought you weren't going to be back until tonight," Zander said as they started toward the house. He hugged his father after he'd mounted the steps.

  Justice watched the two men together. They were the same size, and looked as alike as father and son could. Ben held out his arm and she went into his hug.

  "We caught an earlier flight," he said once he'd hugged them both. "I wanted to see mom as quick as possible."

  "Where is…" Zander pointed to the truck.

  "Your mother is feeding him," Ben said, "as if you have to ask. Come on in you two, and get some food. Then we're going to the hospital to check on mom. If they let her go, she's going to stay with us. You two can take her house."

  Justice always thought it was interesting that Zander's family accepted her so readily. Her own grandparents could care less if she called or not, and she hadn't talked to her mother in ages.

  Was that a sign, she wondered? Should she accept Zander's proposal, marry him, and move to Bluefield? It would make her a part of the McMillian family. She would wake up next to Zander each morning. She could be with people who were happy to see her every day, people who cared about her.

  Her stomach churned a little, and she thought it could be one of three things: hunger, nerves about doing the wrong thing, or a signal that she was thinking in the right direction.

  The only thing she had to do was figure out which was which.

  "Justice, you coming, darlin'?" At some point while she'd been thinking, Zander had moved to the door. Ben was already inside.

  Zander held out his hand and Justice took it. She needed to find the answer to her question. But, she wasn't exactly sure how to figure things out, and know she was doing the right thing.

  Chapter Four

  "I can't believe all this… stuff!" Justice stared at the boxes lined up on tables in Miss Agatha's basement. The walls were covered with newspaper clippings and photos of different pieces of land near Bluefield.

  "I never knew this was here," Emily said. They had enjoyed breakfast at the big house and then Zander had gone to help Leroy Butler with the intake of his mare. The horse would spend the next two weeks at the ranch while they introduced her to Matchstick, and let the two of them do their thing.

  Now, Justice and Emily stood there looking at the massive quantities of information. For her part, Justice wasn't sure where to start. After breakfast, Emily had called a babysitter for the twins so she could come to the house and help Justice get started on her quest. Zander's parents had gone into town to see Miss Agatha while the men were at the stables.

  "I don't know what—" Justice threw up her hands and exhaled a huge puff of air. "I had no clue that this story generated this amount of paper."

  The room wasn't very big, true, about the size of a walk-in closet. But still….

  "I wonder if she has this alphabetized," Justice said. "And the only way we're going to find out is to start opening boxes and see what's what."

  They decided to start at separate sides of the room. It didn't take them long to figure out that the boxes didn't contain that many pieces of paper. They were separated into years, with stories from the early nineteen hundreds. Those papers had been encased in plastic, and the stories had been copied so they could be read.

  Justice was surprised to find birth and death certificates and marriage licenses. It didn't take her long to realize in each case that the persons listed were named Smith, Thompson, Barton, Miter, and Ward.

  "I can't believe she's tracked down all this information," Justice said. "Some of these birth records come from San Antonio, and Austin, and as far away as Amarillo. She really did her research."

  After going through the first box, Justice realized Miss Agatha had treated this much like a genealogy search. She'd written to the people she could find, asking them if they had family stories about their ancestors being part of the bandits that had raided this area in the eighteen hundreds.

  Miss Agatha had made copies of each letter she had sent out, and she attached the answers to each letter. Most of the missives, Justice noticed, went unanswered. Those that were answered had negative words, saying they had never heard of the men Miss Agatha had mentioned.

  "It looks like she hit a dead end at every turn," Emily said. "That alone would keep her searching. You know Miss Agatha, she's got a stubborn streak a mile long."

  Justice laughed. "It's one trait she passed on to her grandchildren."

  Instead of playing innocent or disagreeing with her, Emily laughed. "It does seem to run in the family. Speaking of family… did you and my brother enjoy yourselves last night?"

  "We certainly did," Justice said. She took a seat in one of the two chairs in the room. "Does that bother you? If it does, you've ne
ver mentioned it before."

  "It doesn't bother me at all," Emily said as she sat down in the free chair. "I think the two of you would produce beautiful babies."

  Justice laughed. "Don't put the cart before the horse. The only thing we need to worry about right now is trying to get to the bottom of a one-hundred and fifty year mystery."

  "Fat chance of that happening," Emily said. "Poor grandma, she's going to be so disappointed."

  Justice rattled a piece of paper. "Don't give up yet. For all we know, Miss Agatha has found the answer already and she just didn't realize it. I intend to read all this info, and see what I can figure out."

  Emily shook her head. "There are thousands of pieces of paper here."

  "Then I better get started." Justice stood, the realization of what she'd just said settling in. There were indeed thousands of pieces of paper here, and it would take her forever to get through them.

  "Care to help?" Justice said just as Emily's text alert beeped. Her friend looked at the number and frowned.

  "I guess I need to get up to the house. They are releasing grandma today, and mom wants me to help settle her in to her bedroom. I know she wants to come here, but the doctor insisted that she stay at the big house."

  "It's is a good idea," Justice sighed. "I'm going to go upstairs and get a bottle of water, and then I'm going to text Zander. I'll let him know what I'll be up to while he's working. Shall we plan dinner tonight?"

  "Definitely," Emily said. "We'll have it up at the house, around six. Come hungry."

  "I never turn down food."

  When Emily was gone, Justice went to her car and retrieved her suitcase. After careful consideration, she selected one of the spare bedrooms. It had a queen-sized bed and a sliding glass door that led to the wrap around porch. It wasn't hard to imagine her and Zander having sex on the porch tonight. She hadn't known what she would be doing, so she hadn't packed any grungy clothes.

  The basement was hot, with not much ventilation. She thought about bringing the boxes upstairs, but that would take too long. What she needed was an old t-shirt she could cut the arms off and shorten the length, so that it would be cooler to wear. She called Zander, hoping he would have just such a thing. When she got his voicemail, she left a message telling him what she wanted.


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