The First Timers

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The First Timers Page 9

by Hayden Ash

  “Hmm, is it too much to get to spend every day with the woman of my dreams?” He laughs. “Let me tell you something, little girl, as corny as it sounds, there’s no place I’d rather you be than right by my side.”

  BOOK 8: Professor’s Virgin

  Hayley I

  “Hayley Gold. I’m a Senior at Wintergreen High,” I mutter to the officer.

  He’s a young, rookie cop who probably got the job because of a brother or uncle or something. Once you’ve been pulled over as many times as I have, you know how to analyze authority types with incredible speed, and I can automatically tell by the unsure, yet cocky way he looks at me that he’s unsure of himself, but really wants to hide this fact.

  “How long is this going to take? I’m really late for class,” I tell him.

  “That depends on how cooperative you are,” the young cop says, making no attempt to hide the fact that he’s looking down at my cleavage.

  “Fuck off,” I say.

  “Easy there, I’m an officer of the law,” he smirks. “C’mon, I know bad girls like you love to fuck.”

  “It’s a fucking speeding ticket,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m leaving now.”

  “Ok, but, next time I pull you over I might not be so nice!” he tells me.

  I get back into my car, roll up the citation in a ball, and throw it behind my shoulder.

  Then, I speed to school at ninety miles per hour—chugging an energy drink, because I’ve been going out all week and I barely even know what day it is right now.

  I pull up to the senior parking lot and sneak in front of some frat-douche trying to park his girly, little convertible ever so gently into the wide-open spot.

  Then, I jump out of the car and speed walk to the front of the school, while the guy screams at me that I’m a “cunt-whore who no one wants to fuck,” even though he and most of the football team try to fuck me almost every day.

  And, then, as I reach for the big, rose-colored doorknob, the door, itself, flies open fast in front of me, and he appears, the school’s incredibly attractive Lit. Teacher, Mr. Westwick.

  I temporarily stop breathing as he stares at me intensely. I look away and feel an itch in my chest, so nervous as I consider what he’s thinking and what he might say to me.

  Then, I feel him firmly touch my shoulder, his fingers feeling like a warm massage on my body.

  “Shouldn’t you be in class, Ms, Gold?” He asks me.

  “Shouldn’t you?” I ask.

  “What was that?” Mr. Westwick says, stern.

  He takes a step towards me, his face so strong and intense. I get lost looking up into his dark eyes and feeling the heat from his massive, muscular chest falling down on me.

  “Your father might have practically paid for the new library himself, but don’t presume to think that you are above anyone else!” He says, pointing his finger in my face.

  I know that I should feel angry or invaded or something, but all I can think about as he holds his finger two inches from my face, is that I wish he would just grab me with those massive hands of his hands and pin me hard against the brick wall behind me. And, then, I wish he would put those fingers he’s waving at me into my mouth and make me suck on them hard.

  “Ms. Gold, are you listening to me?” He asks, angrily.

  “Huh? Oh, no, I’m not,” I say.

  Then I brush past him—taking my phone out so that I can use it to look behind me and make sure that he’s staring at my ass through my grey leggings.

  God, I want him so badly that it hurts. I’ve wanted him all the back since orientation day as a freshman here. He’s always been so hard on me, and sometimes I daydream that he does this only because he’s secretly in love with me.

  I’m one of the hottest girls at this school, and one of the few remaining virgins—mostly, because I’ve only ever wanted him, and, as stupid as it sounds, I’m still holding out hope that my dreams might come true, even though it hasn’t happened in four years and I only have a few more weeks until graduation.

  “Hayley, I have something to tell you!” I hear some girl yell to me.

  I turn to her and then am violently thrown back against some lockers.

  Then, she slaps me hard in the face, and I fall back down on my ass.

  As I try to get to my feet, three other girls appear and start kicking me all over. I cover my hands over my face and take the beat down.

  “Hey, what the hell is going on here?!” Mr. Westwick roars.

  He breaks up the little girl-gang, and they all run off in different directions.

  “You can run, but you can’t hide, ladies! Suspensions all around!” Mr. Westwick yells after them.

  Then, he bends down and helps me to my feet.

  “Are you ok?” He asks me.

  “Yeah,” I say, not looking at him now.

  “What was that about?” He asks.

  “Nothing,” I say. “Like you said, I’m just the rich guy in town’s spoiled little brat who everybody hates.”

  “Hey, I didn’t mean it that way…” he says. “Let me take you to the nurse’s office.”

  I ignore him.

  For the first time in a long time feeling a little hurt—not by the girls or by what he said to me before, but about the concern he’s showing me right now. I don’t know where it’s coming from, and it honestly makes me uncomfortable.

  As, I walk away down the hall, I look at my schedule and see that my next class…is his class.

  Mr. Westwick I

  “The Governor is still considering sending his daughter to our school in the Fall. We have to do what it takes to give ourselves the best chance of making that happen,” the Vice Principal says to the Principal, who’s sitting at the head of the table.

  “What you’re proposing though, Karen…” The Principal says, leaning back in his chair.

  “Oh, c’mon, Mitch. She’s an ungrateful, entitled, spoiled little princess. And, let’s just be honest, the only reason this is even a discussion is because she gives you a hard-on!” The Vice Principal says.

  All of the teachers in the room besides myself shake their heads at the Vice Principal. The reason that I’m not shaking my head is not because I don’t think Karen is a hateful, little troll who feels threatened by an eighteen-year-old girl, but because I do, in fact, think the Principal has a hard-on for her, and it makes me want to stomp his fat, squishy face in.

  “You watch it, Karen. One more outburst like that and I promise you that you will be looking for another job,” the Principal warns her. “Now, the reason that the situation is delicate is that, as we all know, Ms. Gold’s father has been exceptionally generous to us. And, his son will be entering the freshman class next year—unless, of course, his big sister gets expelled.”

  “The girl embarrasses our school every chance she gets! She got into a fight with Gloria Nunez, the captain of our softball team, breaking her arm and causing us to lose the season. She got our gym teacher, George Shaw, fired for supposedly watching her in the shower even though we know that little knobtease probably asked him to watch…” The Vice Principal says.

  “That’s enough, Karen! My God!” I yell, suddenly. “Are you listening to yourself? First off, Gloria, herself, admitted to starting the fight with Ms. Gold, and second off, are you really going to sit here and excuse Shaw’s action of watching a, at the time, underage girl take a shower because he might have had an invitation by that underage girl to do so? As if he’s the victim?”

  “You know, I think it’s fascinating how much interest you show in Hayley Gold,” the Vice Principal says to me, a faint smirk on her face. “I saw you break up that fight just fifteen minutes ago. You were very…protective of her.”

  “What are you trying to say, Karen?” I ask.

  “I would think it’d be obvious. I mean, we’ve all heard the rumors that the students' gossip about you and Haley Gold having sexual tension…what was it I overheard one of the students saying the other day? Oh, yes, that ‘Hal
ey and Mr. Westwick are obsessed with eye-fucking each other every chance that they get…’”

  “Enough of this shit,” I say—getting to my feet. “I have a class in a few minutes. Karen, you get warned by the Principal every week that he’s going to punish you in some way when you have one of your outbursts. But, I’m not warning you—I’m telling you: if you make an insinuation about Ms. Gold and me again, I will destroy you, your reputation, and any chance you have of ever getting hired again in this entire state. That’s not a threat. It’s a promise.”

  Haley II

  “Sorry, I’m late, students…” Mr. Westwick says.

  He walks through the door and to the front of the room calmly, but still radiating so much power that it feels like my body is vibrating with his every step. Even though I still have anger towards him, I can’t help but feel nothing but lust.

  “I hope you all did your reading of Paradise Lost,” he says to the class. “Ms. Gold, what was your interpretation of the Satan character?”

  I look down—stunned. All of the teachers know that I don’t do readings, and even though they hate it, they accept it, and never put me on the spot about it. Why is this happening? Why is he doing this?”

  “Um, I mean, he’s pretty bad, I guess,” I say.

  The whole class starts snickering and staring at me like I’m the biggest idiot they’ve ever met.

  “Interesting, and how do you reconcile that with the criticism of Milton that he is far too empathetic to Satan—going so far as to make him a hero, of sorts?” Mr. Westwick asks.

  “I don’t…” I begin saying.

  But, then, I start feeling my body heat up in anger. I do not like being put on the spot. Mr. Westwick knows that. It’s time he sees the bitch.

  “I’ll say that Satan might seem like a good-hearted, intelligent teacher to the rest of the fallen angels, but he’s actually just a manipulative snake, which is why that’s the form he chooses to take when he corrupts Eve…” I say, smiling.

  Everyone’s eyes dart back and forth between Mr. Westwick and me—realizing that a war has begun between us.

  “Correction, he doesn’t corrupt Eve…he tempts her. Milton makes it clear that Eve has complete free will to decline his offer,” Mr. Westwick snaps.

  “Satan played on Eve’s naiveté. I mean, he’s God’s most powerful angel and Eve is basically an untested experiment that God intentionally made to be far weaker than the angels and even weaker than Adam!” I fire back. “In other words, Satan is an arrogant, fuck-head with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He represents the worst in all of us—the most greedy, the most lustful, the most morally depraved worthless dogshit of the universe!”

  “That’s enough, Ms. Gold. Your language is inappropriate and, per usual, your antics have proven a great distraction to the rest of the class,” Mr. Westwicks says.

  “Oh, fuck off!” I tell him, leaning back in my seat.

  “Enough, Ms. Gold, please exit this class, immediately!” He yells, pointing to the door. “Return after the class has let out so that we can discuss your future at this school.”

  Mr. Westwick II

  I lean over my desk, still able to smell the sweet scent of her perfume circulating through the room.

  I close my eyes and imagine her soft, supple breasts and how perfectly shaped they are as they sit tightly under her top. I can sense the feel of them in between my fingers, and the sensation makes me incredibly hard. And, I know how wrong this is, but I don’t care because I have waited long enough and I do not only lust after her, I love her.

  I understand it all—the anger, the chaotic acting out for attention. It’s all a cry for help, and I will be that help she needs. I will set her straight, and I will fix everything. She is gorgeous, yes, but her looks don’t hold control over me. In fact, I know that it is I who actually holds control over her.

  And, I know that she will only feel my mouth on her tight, virgin pussy if I allow her. She will only feel my hard, muscular body against hers if I permit it. And, she will only feel my rock-hard cock pound her entire body if it’s what I desire.

  “Ok, I’m here,” she says, in an extremely bratty tone, as she enters my classroom.

  “Sit here,” I say, gesturing to the desk in front of me.

  “I’d rather sit in the back, actually.”

  “I didn’t ask you what you’d like to do, I told you what you are going to do.” I tell her, controlled, and yet forceful.

  “I, um, fine,” she says.

  Then, she sits down on the desk in front of me—extremely uncomfortable because, I imagine, she never does what anyone tells her.

  “Not there,” I say. “There.”

  “You want me to sit on, like, the desk itself?”

  “Obviously,” I tell her.

  She gets up and sits on the desk, looking nervous now, for the first time like a pouty, little teenage girl who doesn’t know what’s going on—vulnerable and innocent.

  “Now get up and turn around,” I tell her.

  “Um…ok?” She says, slowly getting to her feet.

  Then, I push her hands down hard against the desk.

  “Hold on tightly,” I tell her.

  “What?” She asks.

  Then, I raise my hand and slap her ass extremely hard—crushing it against my palm.

  “OH MY GOD!” She screams.

  “Shh…” I say, covering her mouth, and pressing against her so that my cock presses hard against the part of her I just slapped. “Now, stay like this until I lock the door.”

  I walk over to the door, lock it, and walk over to my desk. Then, I pull out a silk scarf, and wrap it over her mouth, through her long, platinum hair, and around her entire head.

  “Bite down on this,” I instruct her.

  She looks up at me, her innocent, blue eyes starting to fill up with tears.

  I slap her ass extremely hard again—leaving dark-red hair prints across it.

  Then, I slap her ass again and again and again, until I see that her expression turns from one of pain to one of pleasure.

  I pause and see the anticipation in her eyes—wanting, with every fiber of her body, to be hit again.

  But, I don’t slap her ass another time. This is not about pleasing her. It is about teaching her how to be a good girl for me.

  And, I can tell that by the look in her eyes that this is her wildest fantasy come true.

  Hayley III

  He lifts me back up and makes me stand still for a full five minutes, while he inspects my entire body, ravishing me with his eyes.

  My pussy quivers in anticipation for what he’s going to do to me next, already craving his hard dick in my tight pussy.

  The tape holds my mouth shut tightly—preventing me from saying something cruel to get him to loathe me, and, therefore preventing me from pushing him away like I do everyone.

  He takes my top off, placing it neatly on one of the other desks, and then takes off grey leggings, and then my sneakers. Finally, as I remain seated on his desk, he pushes me on my back and takes my thong off with his teeth.

  Next, he takes his belt off, and I watch his slacks fall down to the floor. Then, he pulls out his cock and puts my hands on it. My hands are so little, and his cock is big, gigantic, actually, and as I stroke it, I can barely hold it up—it’s that heavy.

  Then, craving it so badly, I try to put it in my mouth, but he puts his hand on my forehead—blocking my mouth from touching his cock.

  He grabs my hair and yanks my head back hard.

  “No, you have not deserved this, yet. This is not your reward, it’s your punishment,” He says, his words making my entire body weak as hell.

  He lifts me up and throws me against the desk, then pulls my ass up high in the air, and, before I know it, he’s inside of me—his long penis touching places of my pussy that I didn’t even know existed.

  He starts pumping is dick in and out of me hard, so hard that it hurts, and I’m crying my eyes out as he fucks me r

  Yet, once again, it’s only a few minutes until all of the pain turns into all of the pleasure, and, then, instead of just taking it, I slap my pussy back deep on his cock. And, my eyes go cross for a moment as I cum all over his thick, juicy cock.

  He yanks me up by my hair—continuing to pound my pussy, but now whispering in my ear that I can’t continue to be a spoiled little brat. I’m going to be his good, little, well-behaved girl. I’m going to act like the intelligent woman that I am, and do everything that he says, and fulfill his every, single wish.

  And, from now on, I’m going to call him ‘Daddy.’ And, even though I have a dad, he’s now nothing but a walking ATM machine to me.

  Mr. Westwick is my one and only, and he will raise me to be the woman I’m capable of being because he’s the only real man capable of guiding me there.

  And, then, he puts me on my knees, and I grip his legs, begging him with my eyes for him to shoot his semen all over me. He rubs his dick, slippery wet from my cum, up and down.

  Then, he shoots a massive load of cum onto my face and breasts. I grin and then I lick the rest of the cum off the head of his cock.

  Hailey IV

  He picks me up and, finally, takes the duct tape off of my mouth and immediately I jump into his arms—kissing him deep and with all the love I have to give, which is, surprisingly, a lot.

  “I love you…Daddy.” I say, nervously.

  “I love you, too, little girl. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you four years ago,” he tells me.

  “I want to tell you something…I saved myself for you, Daddy. I saved myself for you because for these four, long years I’ve thought about nothing besides you because I knew you were the one for me!”

  “ Darling, I am the only one for you. And, you’re the only one for me. The only girl in the world I could ever love, and I will gladly lose everything—my job, my career opportunities, and even my entire life so that we can be together.


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