Love by Dawn

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Love by Dawn Page 3

by Therese A. Kramer

  Would he ever be able to make it up to her? What a fool he had been. She would have been better off if he had been killed.

  Damn, he would tan her hide if he wasn’t tied up like a steer. Just as he looked at her, she glanced from under the brim of the hat with a warning gleam in her golden eyes but she was stead-fast not to reveal her joy at seeing him. He had turned quickly away so the cowboy wouldn’t see the expression on his face.

  His sister just made his predicament worse…


  The only sounds that accompanied the three travelers were from birds that freckled the sky, or a horse’s whinny. But for Casey, it was just as well the rugged wilderness was placid and still, for she was deep into her own thoughts. She couldn’t shake the notion of what she felt when she looked at the tall stranger. Something stirred in the pit of her stomach. She rolled her tired shoulders trying to get the weight of her troubles off them, but she only pushed the pressure down her stiff spine. Although bone weary, she fought drowsiness and was determined to free her brother, no matter what!

  Before they stopped again to make camp, she noticed Hunter had sagged in his saddle. Her heart went out to him; she had yet to tell him of their father. Maybe her chance to free her brother would come tonight. When they finally stopped, the cowboy asked her to make a fire. He told her to get a can of beans from his saddlebag while he and Hunter went into the woods to relieve themselves. She nodded and turned her head.

  “Like to join us first?” he asked, as he continued eyeing her up and down suspiciously. Casey stiffened and tried not to show her embarrassment. “No… err, no thanks, mister,” she croaked. “Maybe later.” The truth was, she was ready to explode and she almost peed in her pants.

  The cowboy shrugged with indifference, “You have a good bladder and call me Blake.”

  “Err… yeah, mis…err, Blake,” she murmured and swiveled quickly, giving him her back before she hurried over to the thickets to gather up wood. Her body temperature must have risen to a boil because her temples pounded. That sensation was something new to her and she was annoyed at herself for letting it happen. She had to be careful around that cowboy. After she made the fire and heated the beans, she was desperate to relieve herself, but was mortified at the thought when excusing herself.

  After relieving himself, Blake assumed that the lad was just modest. The drifter was still young and probably felt small compared to grown men; he chuckled, remembering being young once. His mind had been on the young kid as they journeyed; there was something strange about the lad that he couldn’t put his finger on. Although, he couldn’t get a good look at him because of the dirt and hat, he thought his features were too fine for a boy. The dirt didn’t hide the twin dimples that appeared on the face when it smiled slightly at the mention he was welcome to tag along. Blake got a fleeting glimpse of the kid’s light brown eyes and he marveled how big they were. He was uneasy and couldn’t understand why the boy affected him so strangely.

  After the meal, he tied his prisoner securely to a tree. “Why are you taking him to Fort Tate?” asked the kid.

  He scowled into his tin cup and tossed the coffee dregs onto the ground. How could he explain that he was doing something that went again the grain?

  Casey just had to ask, as casually as she could manage, “Did he kill someone,” she added to threw him off track. He simply said, “No he didn’t kill anyone,” and left it at that. She figured he didn’t want to tell her the truth, so to cover up her disappointment she grumbled, “Don’t make me no never mind,” as she walked to Sadie to remove the saddle, giving the horse a good rundown and taking her exasperation out on her coarse hide.

  That night, she feigned sleep a long time before she heard Blake’s heavy breathing. She gave herself another five minutes before she decided it was time to put her plan to work. The moonless night was cool, but Casey was perspiring and her nerves were taut. She said a silent prayer as she quietly and slowly slipped out from under her blanket. Crawling a few feet, a twig snapped making her freeze; her nerves tensed. When her heart drove in her stomach, she gulped air to steady her uneven breathing.

  Fearfully, her eyes glanced at the cowboy and waited, but his breathing didn’t miss a beat. With another deep gulp of air, she continued to crawl to her sleeping brother. She reached Hunter’s side and whispered into his ear, he nodded and she was glad he wasn’t sleeping. She managed to get his feet untied and was working on his wrists when she was pushed forward and found herself eating dirt. A booted foot was on her back and she heard a rifle cocked.

  “Don’t move,” his voice hardened, “or you’ll never grow to fill out your breeches,” the cowboy warned.

  She was taken so unaware that for a moment, she merely stared at the ground with eyes wide and mouth agape. Frightened, she moved her head slightly and her eyes stared at the rifle pointed inches from her face. She swallowed, almost choking on dirt. There was a ringing in her ears and she dared not blink.

  “Sit tight or I’ll tan your hide!”

  Casey blanched. Would he dare? She wasn’t about to find out. Albeit, the thought frightened her, she found herself somewhat thrilled by it. That silly notion only lingered in her mind for a split second before she rolled onto her backside as if to protect it. She looked up at the cowboy, not missing his cold, hard features. Acting much braver than she felt, she stuck out a defiant chin, challenging him with her eyes.

  Let him try and spank me! She sneered inwardly but, upon seeing his expression was now one of annoyed tolerance, she lost some of her gumption. She saw her brother open his mouth to say something, but she caught his eye with a look that said, “Keep quiet.” He nodded and she knew he would be silent for now.

  Once Hunter’s feet were secure, Blake approached her. She found some courage, stood on shaky legs and began to slowly retreat, never taking her eyes off Blake’s angry face. She swallowed audibly putting one foot behind the other.

  “I…um, will leave you to your….”

  The enraged cowboy lunged for her. She screamed and kicked him in the shins, making him howl, but he didn’t release his hold on her arms and she winced in pain.

  “You little brat, I ought to....”

  Casey didn’t let him finish; her rebellious emotions turned to fury. A hard bite on his hand made him release her immediately. Still frightened, but angered by the way he treated her, she took this opportunity to turn and run. But Blake was too fast for her and she found her waist grabbed by two strong hands. His arms then became an iron vice around her middle and he carried her back to camp kicking and screaming.

  “You’re a hell of a wildcat, kid, but you better calm down or I’ll give you the whipping you were promised.”

  He squinted critically where she was keenly aware of his scrutiny and she shuddered. Surely, he had not meant his threat about his hands on her bottom. Unable to fight his strength, and with the feel of his hard chest on her back doing funny things to her stomach, she relented. Although angry that her attempt to free her brother failed, the security of Blake’s embrace was somewhat comforting. She hadn’t been held in anyone’s arms since her mother died. A feeling sad and lonely accosted her and she wished, for a moment, that she could be held lovingly by this stranger. He spun her around, rubbed his sore hand and raised an eyebrow. She didn’t miss the determined glint in his light blue eyes.

  She tried to step back but he grabbed her again. The warmth of his hand on hers shocked her and she didn’t like it. Or did she? She moistened her dry lips with her parched tongue.

  “Okay, young fellow, you want to explain to me what this was all about?” A muscle quivered at his jaw betraying his deep frustrations.

  Silence. A deadly silence.

  “Are you going to answer me?” he insisted.

  She stuck out her proud chin and remained adamant. Her stubbornness was Blake’s undoing and he began to shake her until her teeth rattled.

  “Damn! Are you trying to snap my head off?” she railed.

“Take your filthy hands off my sister!” It took a minute for her brother’s angry words to sink in before the cowboy released Casey, as if he had been branded by a hot poker. He looked too stunned to speak, but he raised his hand as if he was going to strike but he just tore off the hat that was wedged down on her head. Her hair unwound and cascaded down her back. He stood dumbfounded, clutching the hat. She bit her lower lip, trying not to laugh at the silly expression on his face, as his jaw flapped unhinged. But she didn’t miss the swift look of desire that skated through those eyes that moments ago were hot blue ice from anger. No man had ever looked at her like this and it was unnerving to say the least.

  “Casey, are you all right?” yelled Hunter from the shadow of the tree.

  “Yep,” she replied not taking her eyes off Blake. She was still quite shaken by her mixed emotions, but she steadied her voice to reassure her brother that she was fine. Her heart knew better. Frustrated and defeated, she snatched her hat from Blake’s hand and went to her brother. He didn’t stop her, but watched her throw her shoulders back then kneel beside him.

  “I’m sorry that I failed you, Hunter. How could I have messed things up so badly? I’ll never forgive myself if something more happens to you,” she rasped.

  “Please Sis, don’t blame yourself for what I got into. I’m a grown man now and I have to take responsibility for my own actions. I’m the one who should be sorry for messing up our lives.”

  She saw Hunter trying to blink back tears, not wanting to shame himself more. He turned, looking into the silent distance and avoiding her eyes. “I only wanted to get enough money for us to start over someplace where you could be with ladies your own age. Maybe meet a decent fella who could take better care of you than me or pa.”

  Casey wearily looked up remembering he didn’t know about their father. The memory brought back the horror of that night. Quickly, before her throat choked up, she told Hunter what had happened and her brother could no longer hold back his tears. She leaned over and held him as best she could, since he was tied securely to the tree.

  They cried for their father.

  Blake’s stomach knotted at the sight. He didn’t like this one bit and he was sorry he had promised to deliver the boy to the fort. Although it tore him apart, he knew a man was as good as his word and he had to keep his, no matter what. “Damn!” he cursed to himself and turned, giving them some privacy. This was getting too damn complicated!

  He sat by the fire still berating himself for getting mixed up in this mess. But now, more than before, he’d get Hunter to the fort if only to provoke that little wildcat. No words could describe what he had felt in his loins the moment her beautiful thick, flaxen-colored hair fell from its confinement. Pure carnal desire hit him full force and he tried his darnedest not to let her see the effect it had on his body. He had been too busy struggling to notice the smallness of her waist and the firmness of two small breasts. Damn, he needed a woman, but the one he wanted was off limits. But, he so wanted to be with her and if he let her brother go, he’d never see her again. No, his mission just became necessary for a different reason. No longer was this ordeal a burden on his soul, for now he saw this whole misfortune in a different light. And he held Casey responsible for his mood swing. Oh, this was going to be a very interesting trip.

  He shifted in order to watch the two until he assumed they were both asleep. Spitting his frustrations into the dirt, he envied the love the two shared. Blake never missed his family more than he did at that moment. He wanted to hold the girl and tell her everything was going to be all right, not understanding why he felt so protective of her. But he understood now why she made him feel uneasy and for that he was relieved. He never wanted anything but a female in his bed. Hellfire! He must be slipping, not to have noticed her soft body when in his arms, arms that long to hold her again. Blake felt like a first class heel. But if he wanted to get any sleep he would have to keep the girl where she would be less of a danger, next to him. Sleep? No way in hell would he sleep! He picked up the sleeping form and carried her over to his bedroll. She did not protest when she was lifted and carried away from her brother.

  Hunter snarled, “Touch one hair on her head and I’ll find a way to free myself and kill you,” he threatened through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t worry, little brother,” Blake spat over his shoulder,” she’ll be just as safe with me.”

  Hunter’s laugh was mirthless. “Sure she is! She’s as secure as a lamb in the jaws of a hungry lion!”

  He chuckled sincerely amused. “Whatever you may think of me, I don’t take advantage of innocent children.” He wondered if the bundle in his arms was as innocent as her brother said she was. When he placed her on his bedroll, the little hellcat came instantly awake but he didn’t give her time to protest the situation. Before a word was uttered, he grabbed her close and whispered in her ear that she’d remain at his side that night and if she caused any commotion she would indeed get the spanking she so richly deserved.


  Casey would not be surprised if her whole body blushed from head to toe. The urge to cuff him made her clench her fist, but she didn’t want to upset her brother. She lay submissively by his side and fuming through clenched teeth, she gave him a few choice words. Blake had the nerve to chuckled, “Such a big mouth for a sweet little thing.”

  She turned slightly, ready to tell him what she thought of his comment, but seeing his grin and beautiful white teeth, she knew he was baiting her. It rattled her nerves and she never remembered having been so sensitive before. Her brother and father’s jokes always made her laugh with them; this man’s teasing was like added embers on her nervous system.

  She glared at him infuriated. The looks she gave him should’ve made him at least a bit uneasy, but Blake seemed to have nerves of steel and he simply stated, “Be good Casey and be quiet. We both need some sleep,” he informed her losing the smile.

  “Cassandra, to you,” she snorted unladylike and rolled on her left side giving him the cold shoulder. Extremely smug with herself, she soon discovered that this was just where he wanted her. His rifle was shoved between their bodies and she tried to pull away. Too late, her right wrist was quickly tied; he was binding her wrists with his bandanna. She was pressed to his hard chest, feeling the rifle against her back. Her spine became like starch on a collar as she tried to move away from him. He chuckled again and she fumed, promising herself the first chance she got, she’d slap that smug face, making sure she used a fist. She lay for a long time with her back aching from holding herself so ridged.

  “Sorry, Casey, but this is the only way I’m sure to get some sleep.”

  She prayed he didn’t.

  The following morning dawned gloomy, bringing the smell of rain on its breath. Casey awoke slowly, sighing and liking the warm cocoon feeling she was experiencing. Semi-awake, she snuggled against the new sensation that was invading her. Touching her bed partner’s hard form, she sprang into reality; her eyes flew open. She was met with Blake’s twinkling blue orbs.

  She gasped realizing that she had turned in her sleep and was snuggled chest to chest with her tied hand over his head. Dear Lord! This was not right! But for some inconceivable reason, it really didn’t feel all that wrong. That notion made her groan inwardly. What was wrong with her? This man made her think like a senseless, immature child. And she was certainly not a child; the sensations in her breasts reminded her of that fact. He held her arm in an upright position, pinning her to him for what seemed to be long minutes. And this position she quickly realized made her more vulnerable. His face was close to hers, his hot breath tickled her cheek and she thought for a minute he was going to kiss her. Did she want him too? For a second she hoped he would, but never having been kissed by a man, except for a loving peck from her father, she wondered how she’d react. When he didn’t, she wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or disappointed.

  You cannot be distracted by romantic notions, warned her conscience.

  The handsome cowboy smiled and said, “Good morning, wild cat. Sleep well?”

  The best in a long time, she thought.

  Of course the truth lay dormant in her throat and all her hatred returned ten fold. Casey hissed and sat upright so swiftly she almost pulled her arm out of its socket. Pain caused her to wince and she was pulled quickly back so that her torso made contact again with Blake. Lying half on him, she tried to struggle, but her captor held firm with his free hand. There was heat at the small of her back were he applied slight pressure with his palm. Her eyes opened wide when she felt the bulge on her hip and she wasn’t so naive that she didn’t know the effect she was having on him. She couldn’t even swallow upon realizing that his arousal not only scared her but thrilled her too. Was her brother still sleeping or witnessing this embarrassing scene? She could only hope he was asleep and she only wanted away from Blake before she forgot herself and relented to his ardent display of affection.

  “Stop your wiggling sweetheart or I may not be able to keep my promise to your brother,” he whispered hotly in her ear making her innards tingle and causing her to gasp.

  “Let me go, you sonofabitch,” she sneered in a throaty whisper.

  “Tsk, tsk...” His lips twitched with amusement. “Do you have any idea how your raspy voice makes me all the more conscience of your sensuality?”

  She watched his expression go from casual jesting to aloofness, then grow serious.

  “We have to do something about that nasty mouth of yours.” His fingers pressed into her back. And he did.

  The kiss took Casey by surprise. When she opened her mouth to utter more choice words, he diverted her complaining with his tongue. The kiss astonished her. It was far from anything she expected and nothing like with her father or brother. She lay helpless, savoring the sensations she could’ve never have imagined. So caught up in the spell, she hadn’t realized that he had pulled away. Unconsciously, her head was limp in the palm of his big hand. Her eyes stayed closed until she no longer felt his lips and only a tingling sensation remained on her swollen mouth. Mortified to be caught in such a dreamy state, she felt heat clear down to her toes; this blushing was becoming a nasty habit. Annoyed at Blake and her own response, she pulled herself off him. There was a loss of warmth and the coolness of the morning air made her shiver.


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