Love by Dawn

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Love by Dawn Page 10

by Therese A. Kramer

  Would she ever find such a love? Her mind always drifted to the handsome cowboy. Sometimes her face felt hot from her own forbidden thoughts of him. How would it feel to have him make love to her and the feel of his hands on her body? The very idea caused her to tingle low in her belly, a rare and strange experience that confused and delighted her at the same time.

  With her mind far away, she didn’t hear Hunter come into the lodge and jumped at the sound of his voice. Mortified to be caught daydreaming about something no decent girl should be thinking about, she hid her warm face from him as he spoke.

  For goodness sake, it was one thing to dream, another quite embarrassing to recall in the light of day.

  “Blue Thunder and I are going hunting. We won’t be back for a few days. I just spoke with Blake and he assured me that he had no intentions in taking me back. Sis?”

  “Oh err, yes….” She frowned to clear her foggy head and embarrassment.

  “He’s visiting with his cousin now and will spend the evening. I’m sure they are talking about family so you can relax. I think you’re the farthest thing from his mind right now. He said he’ll talk to you in the morning.” Hunter leaned over and kissed her cheek. “See you in a few days.”

  Casey nodded. What did he say? Was it something about hunting and Blake talking to me in the morning? Humph! She had the feeling she wasn’t going to get off as easily as Hunter had. Now she wasn’t sure if she was happy or disappointed in not seeing him sooner.

  No, she felt shunned.

  Fickle girl!


  “You want me to do what?!” gasped Moon Glow. The look she gave her cousin should have fried him on the spot. She shook her head. “I won’t be a part of your scheme. If Star Gazer knew I helped you, I could never look him in the eye again.” Wringing her hands, she paced, still shaking her head, adamantly. She stopped momentarily and shuddered, “And what about Blue Thunder? No! You don’t know his awful temper. I....”

  Blake grabbed her tenderly by her shoulders. “If you don’t help me win Casey’s heart tonight, Star Gazer will challenge me and you know I rather not fight a good friend. If I beat him, that is if I do win the fight, he will be shamed in his people’s eyes. I know the pride these Indians have. Save face and all. And if he beats me…well, in either case, there’ll be no winners.”

  She winced but Blake spoke the truth and he knew it. She had told him that all Blue Thunder grumbled about was saving face among his people when he captured her and she fought him every step of the way.

  “Heaven help me cuz if you do not succeed. I do not feel right about this, but I will help you in your asinine scheme. If anything goes awry, I will claim innocence.”

  Blake prayed he could pull this off. He hoped the war paint and headdress were enough to disguise his hair color and features. He didn’t like doing this to her, but he didn’t like the thought of fighting Star Gazer any better. He had to get her away from here and he didn’t feel very good about this either. He did have a great deal of self-castigating to do, however… all’s fair in love and war.

  Casey was half-asleep when she heard the stirring outside the wickiup. Without warning, the flap quickly and noisily opened and she jumped, her heart slamming against her breast. She gripped her fur blanket for protection and tried to focus her eyes in the dim light. A man loomed like a giant in the opening; no one ever entered a dwelling unannounced. Were they being attacked? He came forward. She could barely see but knew he was an Indian. He wore a full headdress and his face was painted in a rainbow of vivid colors. His chest was broad, bare, tanned and glistening in the small fire; she lost her breath, but not from fright. The muscles in his upper arms bulged and copper bands adorned his wrists.

  Although she tried hard not to look at the rest of him, her blinking eyes went down his long muscular legs. He wore a loin clout, revealing naked hips. Chewing her bottom lip, she tried to control her nervousness. Never noticing him in this camp before, she wondered who this brave was? She opened her mouth to scream, but swallowed the sound as the brave came closer, not wishing to put anyone else in danger. Cold sweat filled her body. Were they being captured by a savage tribe? There were bloodthirsty natives who killed their own kind without blinking an eye. Raising her chin a notch she bravely looked into the intruder’s eyes. What she saw made her falter. This magnificent specimen of a man was clearly looking at her with lust; she had seen that look once before. Swallowing, she mustered up some courage to ask in a shaky voice, “Who, who are you? What do you want?”

  The intruder stayed in the shadows, and moved to the far end of the lodge. “Do not fear me,” he said in a controlled, deep voice. “I am War Horse.”

  Casey eyed him suspiciously, he spoke broken English, but the voice sounded familiar.

  “War Horse take Bright Star to mat!” His low voice came out blunt, but a little awkward.

  “What?!” She nearly choked on her own saliva at her outburst and was barely able to control her gasp of surprise. Oh, she knew what he meant, the insinuation brought an instant blush, shock, and anger. When a brave mates with a maiden, they are now married. But as angered and mortified as Casey was, a little voice in her head warned her that something was odd.

  Very, very odd. Why did the sharpness of his voice remind her of someone? What was he saying? He called her Bright Star. Apparently, he’s in the wrong hut.

  “Look, you have the wrong---”


  Too enraged to ponder over it, she stiffened her spine, and spat, “What nerve! Who the hell are you to come in here and threaten me?” So incensed at the personal intrusion, she let her hands drop away and she loosened her grip on the fur blanket. Casey had forgotten some of her fear and that she was nude under the blanket. Too late she learned of her mistake upon hearing the brave’s sharp breath. She gasped and then quickly retrieved the blanket. Helpless to halt her humiliation, she feared that she was blushing down to her toes and she was certain her flush deepened to crimson.

  She wanted desperately to bolt from the dwelling but her limbs wouldn’t obey her frantic command, so she did the next best thing, she bravely gave the Indian an alternative way out before he found himself in trouble, “I want you to leave immediately or I’ll scream,” she spat.

  “It will not do you any good because I gave Dasodaha five of my best ponies for you. You are now mine. I have seen you by the stream many times, Bright Star. I am of another Apache clan and my village is a day’s ride from here.”

  The Indian’s voice came out raspy and she knew the sight of her bare breasts got his attention more than she wanted. Casey couldn’t believe her ears; this whole situation was too confusing. Why would this stranger buy her and what right did Dasodaha have to sell her? She was white, not an Indian maiden. Her mind was in such turmoil that she couldn’t conjure up a clear thought and she didn’t know what to do. Hunter and Blue Thunder were not here to help her. Besides, she was having strange sensations in the pit of her stomach with this half-naked male overwhelming her small dwelling, and her in an undressed state. Clutching the blanket closer, she decided to tell him a lie. Maybe if she weren’t pure he’d change his mind and go away. It was worth a try.

  Holding her head up proudly, she said, “Look, I am not Bright Star. I’m a captured white woman and I’m not a virgin. I have been taken by many braves.” She waited nervous seconds, hoping he would be disgusted and leave, but all she heard in the shadow was a deep sucking of his breath. Had she surprised him with her bluntness? Good! Apparently, the brave was so taken back by her comment that he remained speechless for many scary second. Then she heard him take a deep breath, unable to keep the bitterness out of his tone, he bellowed, “You insult a chief’s son! Woman who speak with a sharp tongue suffer. Insult me again and I will return with a strong stick. Stop lying Bright Star. I was told you sleep in this wickiup!”

  Casey gasped. What had she done? And who would tell him such a lie? And who was Bight Star? Something was really off,
but she trembled seeing him come closer and her blood boiled with fear and apprehension. His nearness was causing her insides to turn to mush. The only other man who had done things to her senses was Blake.

  Blake? It hit her like a thunder bolt. That voice, those blue eyes. Blue? Why that son-of-a- bitch! No, she would control her temper. Why was he playing this game? Was he trying to get even with her for breaking Hunter out of jail? Did he lie to everyone and was he still planning on bringing her brother back? She didn’t trust him as far as she could spit. And spitting was not all she wanted to do. She eyed the cooking pot on the floor and itched to smash his handsome head with it. That low down polecat! Casey was so mad that red spots appeared before her eyes but she forced herself to stay calm so as to beat him at his own game.

  Never having seduced a man before, she wondered how hard it could be. It was probably like stroking a male cat until it purred. She bit back a smile. Blake would be purring before he knew what hit him. She meant that literally. So, he wanted to play dirty! Well, so could she! If she could render him unconscious, she and Hunter might have a chance to escape again. Maybe she could get Moon Glow to help in detaining him until her brother returned and they fled. She had discovered that she was a pretty good actress, play acting with the young jailer.

  Biting her lower lip until she caused tears to form, she sobbed, “Oh, please do not whip me. I’m sorry, and I promise not to insult you again.” It was not terror shaking her, but inner laughter she couldn’t control and she had to bite her lip again to try to stop her mirth. She lifted her hand to her mouth to cover a grin she couldn’t restrain then she lowered her head for fear he would see her amusement in her eyes. Not giving him a chance to respond she quickly added, “I will do anything you want.” She emitted a low sob, “but I don’t want to be parted from my brother.” It took a lot for her to swallow her pride, putting her own welfare behind her brother’s.

  Hiding a smug smile, the blanket clutched in her one hand and the pot in the other, Casey sprang to her feet and into his unsuspecting arms. With every intention to distract him, she stood on her toes, with the pot ready to do damage to his skull. She then snaked her arms around his neck, placing her head against his broad chest, she could feel his heart beat wildly. This was going to be easy she thought and pulled his warm mouth down to hers.

  The kiss made her brain explode in a thousand directions, causing an array of fireworks behind her eyelids. It caught her off guard and soon their tongues were dancing as if they had a mind of their own. She was so stunned at her own passion she soon forgot about Hunter and revenge. Even her belligerence fled as heat began to seep out of every pore on her body. Casey wrapped both arms around his neck, losing the blanket, her senses and all modesty.

  And, of course she let the weapon clang to the floor.

  Casey watched him remove the headdress and loin clout to stand proudly with no shame in the firelight. He was the most beautiful male specimen she had ever seen. Although she claimed to know many men, in truth, she had not and that brought her back to reality making her shrink away.

  When Casey had put her welfare before her own, he was jealous of her love for Hunter and would give anything to have her feel that way about him. Blake had scowled, not liking the way this was going. He thought by calling her Bright Star, it would make him more believable, but never suspected her to change her character and become so meek. He wondered if he had gone overboard with his cruel remark. He thought it had been a good bluff, but now he was sorry that he frightened her. It took great control not to go and take her in his arms and beg her to forgive him. He had glared, seeing her tremble and wondered if his plan was a good idea. At first she did surprise him with her effort to show bravery, but what did he expect? He knew she wouldn’t be intimidated easily, now he wasn’t so sure anymore.

  What did you expect? She is a woman, you fool!

  What he didn’t expect was for her to throw herself into his arms and Blake lost all control and pulled her back into his embrace. He placed feathery kisses over her face and neck, but he wondered how she could give herself so freely to a stranger. He was disappointed that maybe she had spoken the truth earlier. But his heart would not let his head reason with any clarity when his organ swelled with desire. Not able to stop the passion that engulfed him any more than she could, Blake picked her up and placed her down onto the fur blanket near the fire. This was not the way he had planned it, but this was the way he had hoped it would end.

  He saw the hesitation in her light eyes and quickly lay besides her taking her swollen mouth in his again. His tongue flicked into every cavity, hungry to taste every drop of her sweat fluid. He couldn’t give her a chance to come to her senses and put a stop to their lovemaking. God help him, he couldn’t turn back. His blood was on fire and only this bundle of soft flesh could extinguish it.

  His hands roamed virgin territory, bringing a throaty moan from her. His kisses moved lower capturing a taut nipple between his teeth and the sensation caused the girl to gasp with delight. He was going to torment her breasts as long as he liked. He had been with women before, but he never wanted to spend so much time in giving pleasure as he did with Casey. He would always make sure his partner received as much fulfillment as he, but the gratification he was receiving was more than he had ever experienced. When he believed that he was about to explode he opened her legs and entered her warm sheath.

  Casey gasped when the barrier was broken with a popping sound. He paused for a moment angered by her falsehood knowing that he entered her with more force that he would have if she hadn’t lied about being a virgin. He heard her gasp and stopped.

  “This is no time for regrets Blake. You played with my body so intensely, I thought I was being tortured, but a punishment I’d gladly go through again,” she purred and he moved once again, exploding within her with a curse on his lips. Too weak to speak they lay entwined in each others embrace. He knew that they had plenty to say to one another. Long moments later, Blake made the first move as he untangled her arms from around his neck. He was more annoyed than delighted that she was untouched as she claimed. She had played him for a fool and that angered him.

  “I want a good reason why I shouldn’t take you across my knee and tan your pretty hide; something I should’ve done a long time ago!” He was frowning something fierce, spitting out his next words, “How dare you lie to me?!”

  “Me? Are you trying to make me laugh?” she sputtered, nonplused. “Lie about what? What do you mean?”

  Oh, she was good trying to feign ignorance.

  “Don’t be coy, Casey! You know my point! You deliberately deceived me about all the braves you had.”

  “I don’t think I had a choice,” she stated, pointing out the obvious.

  “I should’ve knowed you were lying when you claimed to have been captured,” he railed.

  “How dare you lecture me about deception?” Casey recoiled and sat up, now appearing mortified by her nakedness. She tried to cover herself with the fur, but he grabbed her wrists and snapped, “I like you just the way you are.”

  The look Casey gave him spoke volumes. A hiss escaped through her gritted teeth with regretful thoughts, that insufferable smirk. Whatever possessed her to do such a thing? But she couldn’t deny the truth any longer. You intended to save your brother, but you had lost your heart to that tall handsome stranger. You didn’t do this for Hunter; you did it for Casey.

  A groan lay dormant in her throat. She tasted only shame and anger at herself, more than she did for Blake. Taking her frustrations out on Blake, she tried to free herself from his grip and spat, “You started this by trying to frightened me you… you big oaf.” She forgot how vulnerable she was and cursed him up and down. “I despise you!”

  Okay, despise was a bit harsh.

  With a guarded expression, he sighed, “We’ll discuss this when you’re not so emotional.”

  If he wanted to pacify her, the cowboy certainly missed his mark and he had a lot to learn about wom

  Casey blew at her unruly hair and retorted, “I don’t get emotional and I’m downright pissed!” She saw his irises turn to blue ice. Now, that really frightened her. Blake tugged her until they were nose to nose and she groaned in sheer frustration. He had turned her world topsy-turvy.

  “I don’t know whether to kiss your pouting lips again or strangle you!”

  He didn’t do either; instead he fell back on the dirt floor and laughed.

  Forgetting her nudity, she put her hands on her hips and scowled. “What the hell is so funny?” She hated to sound so whinny, but drat it all, this was such a frustrating dilemma!

  “You,” he pointed an accusing finger at her. “Ha!”

  “Me?” She was completely stumped.

  “You look like you’re going on the war path. Your face is smeared from my paint.” He was holding his sides with great guffaws. She touched her cheek and frowned at the tell-tall smudges and snorted, “Well, don’t laugh too hard because yours is a mess also,” she informed him having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  They looked at each other and she couldn’t be serious or even mad. Casey burst into laughter which quickly turned into long sobs that wouldn’t stop, just got worse. It was a release from the turmoil and worry of the past months. Her lover took her into the fold of his arms as light filtered into the dwelling and she knew she had fallen deeply in love at dawn. He let her cry herself to sleep with the knowledge that it was a new day and a new feeling.


  Blake woke before Casey and studied her pert beautiful face. He touched her silken wheat hair, delighting at its softness. Her warm body, snuggling so close made his manhood swell. No other woman stirred his blood the way she did and he knew he was falling in love with her. The idea didn’t scare him as much as he thought it would; never had he fancied himself loving someone and spending the rest of his life with that person. This little slip of a girl had found her way into his heart the moment he first found out she wasn’t a boy. Even with her dirty face and male attire, she did things to his senses.


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