Love by Dawn

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Love by Dawn Page 12

by Therese A. Kramer

  Wedged between Blake and Star Gazer, Casey sat in the circle. She was very uneasy with the attention she was receiving from both men. It was the first time Star Gazer showed his feelings for her and she believed he sensed that Blake felt the same towards her. Not wanting to hurt Star Gazer’s feelings, she smiled politely at his advances. She saw the angry look on Blake’s features and she smiled as sweetly for him. But it didn’t help, knowing that he wasn’t happy with the situation. She watched young men in fancy headgear dance around the flames. The smoke burned her eyes, making the dances look like spirits weaving in a haze. She seemed to be hypnotized by the cloudy movements until someone nudged her. Blinking to clear her vision, she saw Star Gazer’s smiling countenance. He handed her a long pipe with feathers dangling from the bowl and she looked at it as if it would bite. He chuckled. “Pass it to Blake,” he ordered, his white teeth gleaming by the fire light. If she didn’t know better, the stars in the skies had fallen into his irises.

  “Oh,” how silly of her thinking she had to smoke it. She obliged and Blake pulled a face. She whispered, “What’s the matter?”

  He whispered back through the side of his mouth. “The last time I tried one, I was green for days. But it would be rude of me to refuse.”

  Casey bit her tongue from laughing seeing his face drain of color. Watching him drag in a puff of smoke and chock, immediately turning his complexion pea green. Now that earned him a snort from her but she did feel bad, especially hearing Star Gazer chuckle. It didn’t surprise her to see Blake leave before her and she suspected the brave did that to him on purpose.

  She giggled. “You don’t play fair, Star Gazer.”

  He shrugged. “Blake used to play pranks on me when he stayed here. I miss our fun and some Apaches have sense of humor.”

  His dark eyes twinkled with laughter and she sighed. He had become such a good friend, almost like another brother to her. Her heart was heavy with the knowledge that he’d be hurt when he found out the truth about Blake and her. She had promised Blake that she wouldn’t say anything about their night of passion. As if she would. Making love without the blessing of a minister wasn’t something a girl would brag about.

  “Come I will walk you back to Laughing Tree’s wickiup.” He held out his large hand and she accepted his gesture wondering where Blake had gone. They walked past a few huts and Casey thanked him. He looked as if he were about to say something to her when Laughing Tree’s voice rang out for her to enter. She frowned and Star Gazer shrugged.

  “My aunt has a way of knowing when someone is outside her dwelling. It made it hard for Blue Thunder and me to sneak up on her when we were children.”

  “She has a sixth sense, like me,” explained Casey. Seeing Star Gazer draw his dark brows in thought, she elaborated. “She knows things before they happen; sort of a warning.”

  “Hmmm, you have the gift,” he replied.

  “You two are disturbing an old woman’s rest. Go nephew,” ordered the old voice from within, causing Casey to laugh and bid the Apache a goodnight.


  “No!” Star Gazer bellowed and then jumped up from his sitting position.

  Blake had come early the next morning to sit with the chief, Blue Thunder and Star Gazer for a friendly gathering. It was time for his friend to learn the truth. It wouldn’t be easy, but he had insisted Dasodaha be the one to tell his son. He believed his friend would respect his father’s words. Seeing the outraged look on Star Gazer’s face he knew he was mistaken.

  Boy, are you wrong.

  Once again, his gut turned and he wished that none of that had happened. Earlier, he told the chief that Casey and he had made love. In Indian’s eyes, they were now joined as one and were husband and wife, but Star Gazer did not see it that way.

  “The white woman is mine! I do not believe she is your woman,” the brave growled.

  Blake growled back, “She’s mine! I speak the truth!”

  “No! I will fight for her! Small one is mine!”

  Blake groaned inwardly. “I was afraid of that,” his voice barely audible. “Star Gazer,” he pleaded, “even if you win, she’ll not stay with you willingly.”

  Star Gazer shook his head adamantly, he wouldn’t listen to his words. Blake was also enraged by his friend’s refusal to see the truth and the brave jumped to his feet. He grabbed the Indian’s muscular arm and threatened, “I don’t want to fight, but I will to keep her.”

  Star Gazer’s eyes warred with his and the brave nodded. “Before sunset,” he spat and left the hut. Blue Thunder put a hand on Blake’s shoulder, “I am sorry it came to this. It is not good for friends to fight over woman. But I admit doing some fighting to keep Moon Glow. My heart aches knowing someone I love may not live to see another sunrise if the fight goes brutal.”

  Saddened, Blake looked at the chief just in time to see him wipe tears from his eyes.

  Casey and Hunter were among the other spectators to watch the match. Blue Thunder stood tall and unbending, ignoring his wife’s angry glances. She had argued relentlessly most of last night, forbidding the fight between her cousin, Blake and his brother, Star Gazer. His throat was still hoarse from words that didn’t penetrate Moon Glow’s stubborn streak.

  “You know I forbade this!” she had snapped.

  “Wife, I am weary of your words. We honor your request not to torture white eyes but these two have agreed to fight over Casey.” She had audacity to laugh and remind him that the Apache people weren’t as ruthless as the white man was led to believe. Then he had to remind her that her cousin was the one who started this. “Father and I can not interfere. Your cousin is a man,” he elaborated. “Now go to sleep, my head rings from all your complaining. End of discussion.”

  Today Moon Glow refused to talk at all. Her silence was more deafening than her chatter.

  Casey had cried most of the night before falling into a fretful sleep. Laughing Tree did her best to tell her that what ever happened was the will of the gods. She knew the Indian meant well but the words did nothing to lighten her spirits. If Hunter hadn’t been wounded, she and Blake could have left before Star Gazer returned like she had first insisted. But Blake didn’t want to run like a coward; instead he hoped that Star Gazer would understand so he went to see his friend. Star Gazer hadn’t and Casey wanted to wring both their necks, saving them the trouble. Men!

  She had pulled a few hairs out of her head and in a fit of temper. Disgusted with both of them she left Blake last night with the hollow threat declaring she didn’t care a fig if the two of them beat each other to a pulp. Now, she regretted her harsh words when seeing the two determined men stripped to the waist. Star Gazer began to chant in preparation for the fight, she wondered if Blake should do a little of his own praying.

  Swallowing the stubborn lump in her throat, she prayed for a miracle that neither man would be mortally injured. Their left wrists were tied to each other while the free hand held a long bladed knife. Hands held high, the weapons glistened in the sun and soon someone’s blood would dull the blade. Casey wanted to turn her head away and not watch, but she couldn’t pull her eyes from the man she loved. He stood proud, as did the Indian. Her eyes watered watching both parties step closer. Blake smiled at her to reassure her, but it was a tight smile, not reassuring in the least. Casey’s heart lurched, she could only fear the outcome. Last night she had a vision of him lying unconscious with blood covering his broad chest. Her legs weakened and she fell against Hunter.

  “Hang on sis; he’ll come out of this all right. You’ll see.”

  Her brother’s voice was sanguine and she nodded wishing she could be as sure. “Oh, Hunter,” she wailed, wringing her hands fretfully, “We’ve caused such trouble for people.”

  “Aw sis, none of this is our fault, now stop making us responsible for all that happened and have some faith in Blake. He won’t harm his friend and he won’t let Star Gazer hurt him either.”

  “Are you serious, they have knives?” She jabbed
him in the side to snap him into reality. “Knives can hurt, brother!”

  Blue Moon’s dog, Licks Too Much began to bark drawing Casey’s attention back to the event taking place in the camp. Nothing would be settled arguing with her brother, he was a man and they had no common sense when it came to things like this; male ego being as such. As both opponents circled, she never experienced so much fear in her life. Blake and Star Gazer were a good match, both men nearly the same height and weight. On wobbly legs, she held herself straight; it would do no good for Blake to see her faint to the ground.

  Dasodaha had spoken to her before and said that he had exhausted himself trying to talk words of wisdom to his youngest son. But the boy was stubborn, a trait he admitted to her he knew so well, seeing it in himself and Blue Thunder. This would be a fight to the finish he feared and sighed heavily, telling her that history is repeating itself. She knew she and Moon Glow whose hair was kissed by the sun have both brought unrest to the camp, first his daughter-by-marriage, who he loved with his whole heart and now her. There was always trouble with white eyes, the chief claimed and she had an awful sensation in the pit of her stomach for the unrest she had caused his people.

  There was a hush as the two fighters lurched for one another. They both missed their mark and Casey gasped in relief. Her relief was short lived, for the next moment Star Gazer struck out swiftly, slashing Blake’s upper arm. Blood immediately trickled down and she swallowed the vile taste that rose in her throat. They circled again, each waiting for the right moment to strike. It was Blake’s turn to find an opening and he sliced his opponent across the chest. A few gasps were heard as Star Gazer lost his temper and lunged.

  She groaned, but luckily Blake saw the move and side stepped his attacker who lost his footing and stumbled. He took that moment to kick Star Gazer in the back of his knees, causing him to fall face first in the dirt. The brave tried to knell and the crowd gasped, some mumbled. Blake then kicked the knife from Star Gazer’s unsuspecting hand. The Indian lay momentarily on the ground and she heard Star Gazer trying to suck back some of the air that was forcefully knocked out of him.

  Casey saw Blake smile a bit cocky now that his opponent had lost his weapon. The cowboy probably thought the brave would surrender, so he offered his hand. Star Gazer took it quickly, pulling Blake off his feet. Surprised and bewildered, he found himself on his back. The swift and unexpected movement loosened Blake’s grip on his knife and it went flying into the air. They were even, both unarmed with only one free hand. Star Gazer lunged and they rolled over and over in the dirt. She saw the two fools punching whatever and whenever they got the chance. Chins, noses, stomachs were being pounded by both men. They were creating a dust storm. Coughing, she and other spectators saw fists and legs flailing in all directions, making dry dust fly everywhere. A stray dog started to bark adding to the commotion. She could no longer hold back tears that flowed down her dust-streaked face. All she could see was dirt and blood covering both figures, and she wanted to scream on the top of her lungs for them to stop.

  She was so annoyed that two grown men would display such barbaric fighting over her, she began to feel disgusted with both men and marched toward them before anyone saw what she was doing. Without thinking of her own safety, she stood near the two tangled men and started cursing loudly every word she knew. Hearing her swearing, she saw Blake quickly extract himself from the tangled mess of extremities.

  Star Gazer, hearing the screaming of what he thought sounded like a wild animal, looked up to see Casey’s beautiful face contorted with rage. He was shocked at what she was doing. He as well as the by-standers looked bewildered. He had heard some of these strange words from the mouths of drunken white men but never a female. Most he understood but some were foreign to his ears. Covered with wet dust, her eyes firing with anger, she looked like a wild lady. He sat dumbfounded. No Indian woman would dare interfere with a brave’s fight no matter what the outcome; this woman would bring dishonor to them both. Star Gazer couldn’t believe she was the same beautiful creature he had loved secretly all this time. He decided that the gods had saved him from a fate worse than death. Still screaming like a she-wolf with her paw caught in a trap, she started to kick them both.

  Star Gazer conceded and said, “I not lose face over a crazy woman!” He reached for the knife closest to him cut the leather bindings and scurried away leaving his friend to receive more blows to his already battered body.

  “Ouch!” Casey kicked Blake again and he yelped. “Ow, dammit!” He looked up seeing Casey foolishly smiling. Although irked, he was not surprised on hearing the cursing and screaming. Annoyed but proud of her courage, he didn’t know whether to kiss or spank her; both ideas thrilled him. He had seen the look of astonishment on Star Gazer’s face that a mere slip of a female would interfere in a fight. To stop pain that was being inflicted by Casey’s feet, Blake rolled against her. She wasn’t heavy but her dead weight knocked the wind out of him when she landed on top of him. Feigning unconsciousness, he stayed motionless for some seconds hoping she’d believe he’d passed out. He must have been convincing because she took his bloodied face and placed it in her lap. She began to sob uncontrollably and he hoped she did not see the brief smile on his face.

  Swearing again she cried, “You thick headed son-of-a-bitch! You men can think of nothing else but beating each other to death. Well, it would have served you both right if you had killed each other.” She hiccupped. “Y-you are both animals and I w-wouldn’t love either one of you… so you fought for nothing! You dolt, you could‘ve been mortally wounded.”

  It seemed now that her anger took over her grief and her profanities were music to his ears, he opened his eyes. “Oh, sweetheart, you do have a way with words.”

  “Why you f-faking polecat!” she sputtered, her voice ragged with tears. Swiftly, he kissed her tear streaked lips not believing her words. Blake dragged himself to his feet and helped her up. They both looked a sight and after the initial trauma of what happened wore off, they laughed, shocking the whole tribe. Dasodaha announced that it was a draw to save his son’s face and his sad eyes showed some relief. Blake knew that this was certainly against tribal laws, but the way things have been changing lately, he knew the chief saw no harm in overlooking this.

  “Go back to your duties,” the chief ordered the amazed village. “There will be no more fighting amongst brothers. It’s settled. White woman is Blake’s.”

  Blake heard Casey sigh in relief and he knew he looked bloodier than he really was since his blood was mixed with Star Gazer’s. He also knew he would be sore for a couple of days. Casey said that she ached for him, but he was alive, that’s all that mattered.

  They left the bewildered red skins and went to the lake to wash away the dirt and blood. Standing knee deep in the lake, Casey splashed water on his battered face. “Humph! Your left eye is swelling some and you have a nasty cut on your upper lip.” She touched it with a finger and he winced. “Looks as if we won’t be kissing for awhile,” she teased.

  “Says who?” He grabbed her to him and planted a wet one on her mouth. He groaned, proving him wrong.

  She rubbed it in. “See I told you it would hurt,” she said a tad out of breath.

  “Lady, that was a groan of pleasure not pain,” he declared smugly, although it was half a lie.” But I do ache in another area.” His hint sailed right over her head.

  “Oh,” she gasped, “I forgot about your arm.” She looked at the cut. “We better have Moon Glow look at that, you might need stitches.”

  “Honey, the only thing I need is you.” And he pulled her closer to demonstrate his need, and to enlighten her where his pain was. Then he began to introduce her body to the feel of his hands. Could her eyes grow any wider? Her mouth opened to protest such a foolish notion when he planted another kiss on her lips. “Now do you get the message?”

  “But, but, your wounds?” she rasped. Her eyes grew darker, indicating strong emotions.

  “My wound
s can wait, I can’t.”

  She harrumphed again. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Again with the sweet talk,” he grinned.


  Summer Wind was also astonished as she watched the white man fight Star Gazer. If this Blake killed the brave, would Hunter and his sister be sent away from her village? Her heart was heavy with worry over the outcome of the combat. She didn’t want to see one of her own people harmed any more than she wanted to lose Hunter. He had feelings for her, this she was certain of because her mouth still tingled when she thought of his kiss. A tender kiss that spoke to her heart, what words could never say. What would she do if he was banished from her life?

  She, like her people, had watched in awe at the result of the fight. Her heart sang with relief when Star Gazer gave Casey to Blake. After the couple left, she stood and saw Hunter approaching. All her pent up emotions consumed her reasoning and she started to cry bitter tears.

  Hunter embraced her in his strong arms.

  “Summer Wind, please tell me what is the matter?”

  She wiped her tears on the back of her hand. He studied her wet face, waiting for her reply but she was humiliated and she lowered her eyes. She was embarrassed by his actions and her body tensed. Summer Wind was uneasy because they were being watched by elders and this was not fitting behavior for a maiden. He took her trembling hand and they walked to the edge of the woods, where she hoped the prying eyes would leave them alone.

  “Summer Wind?” Hunter sat her on a large rock. “Why are you crying like a silly goose?”

  She was in no mood for his teasing. She had come very close to losing him and was slightly miffed that he should find humor in this. She smarted, “Are all white people crazy?”


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