Curvaceous Heart

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Curvaceous Heart Page 10

by Terri Pray

  Her eyes began to glaze around the time he got to the TOS side of things.

  “I’m boring you.”

  “No, you’re not; it’s just that you’re talking about things that sound a lot like work to me.” Sue winked, the dazed look vanishing from her gaze as quickly as it had appeared.

  “Oh, you’re bad.”

  “I think you’ve got a fairly good idea of just how bad I can be when the need arises.”

  That he couldn’t argue with. “Ah, but was that just a one-off?”

  “Why don’t we find somewhere a little more private to find out? And -- well, there are some other things I want to talk to you about, as well. About last night. Some of the things we did, I mean I did.” Sue faltered for a moment then looked him straight in the eyes. “I tried something with you last night, something I’ve never done before, though I’ve dreamed of it, and I need to know if -- if that’s something you want more of?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Alan spoke quietly, giving her fingers a quick squeeze. “You don’t have to. And we did say we’d take this time to let you think things through, or…”

  “We did it this way so I wouldn’t keep thinking you’d dump me after getting me into bed. Well, I’m nearly forty, I’m not a child, and if I don’t stop jumping at shadows, expecting every man to dump me, then I’ll never be able to enjoy my life. And quite frankly, I don’t want to live that way.”

  Forty wasn’t the end of the world, but she wasn’t a child any longer, either. It was about damn time she did something with her life instead of sitting on her ass waiting for the world to change around her. It wasn’t going to do that unless she forced it to change. And the very first person she had to work on was the one that looked back at her from the mirror every morning.

  So what if she would never be a size 5 or 7 or, hell, a 12, it didn’t matter unless she wanted to worry about it.

  “Then I’d be an idiot to turn you down.” He glanced down at his lap, then back at her. “I’ve been trying to keep my body under control since you sat down and I’ve failed miserably. All I’ve been able to think about was just how good you felt, how you moaned when I touched you, the feel of your lips around my cock and -- well, I’m damn glad you’ve decided to say screw the world.”

  “No, not screw the world. The person I want to do that to is you, or rather, erm, you know what I mean.” Her cheeks flushed crimson, liquid heat coated her inner walls, and she could feel her panties growing damp. “Look, I still need to know if what we did, beyond the final result, is something you like.”

  “Yes, I do.” Alan pushed back from the table and grinned. “I mean I did. You’ve no idea how many times I’ve dreamed of a woman who was willing and able to -- well, take charge. Shit, that sounds lame, I know. It’s a world I’ve explored only through chats, talking to people. I’ve never met someone I’ve felt comfortable enough with to take it further. Most women just laugh at the idea of a man like me wanting to…”

  “Wait, take a breath, and think. We need to take this conversation somewhere more private.” Was he insane? What if someone heard them, heard him? How would he deal with the funny looks he would get? Or the mocking comments?

  “Agreed,” he murmured.

  Her gaze lowered slowly to his groin. The outline of his cock pressed all too clearly against his pants even as he grabbed the newspaper from the table and used it to half shield his arousal. “Not that I mind you knowing, but unless you want to advertise what we’re about to do to the world…?”

  A part of her wanted to take out an ad on every television channel she could find and scream out that she was about to get fucked until she passed out, but he had a point. She wasn’t the type that let others know what was going on, even if it seemed like a good idea at the time.

  “Well, it might get us kicked out of the store, never to return, and I’d miss the coffee.” She winked and took his free hand, entwining her fingers with his. “So where are we going? Your place or mine?”

  “Mine, it’s closer. Unless you have any objections?”

  His home, with its wonderful bed, or hers, with her laundry in a pile in the corner of the room. Decisions, decisions.

  “Yours works just fine with me.”

  His grip tightened on her hand as they walked out of the coffee shop, not enough to hurt but a possessive clutch that sent a deep clench through her inner walls. Was it just his state of arousal or did he want her in other ways?

  I don’t know and I don’t care right now.

  Not entirely true. Something else was slowly growing in the pit of her stomach. A desire she didn’t want to admit to. One that had caused her to stumble more than once. The need to hear a word from his lips, four letters, short, sweet and oh so very dangerous.

  Does it really matter if this is love or lust just as long as it’s something I want and enjoy?

  A month ago love would have been a factor from the very start, but…

  “Sue, you’ve no idea how lucky I feel right now,” Alan murmured as he unlocked the car for her. “I’m not going to start making promises to you, or declarations, but I want you to know that it means a lot to me that you trust me.”

  Trust, lust, the two did blur into each other at times. Though she’d smacked more than a few friends over the back of the head for mistaking the boundary between the two.

  Hey, I’m not mistaking it, I’m just ignoring it!

  “Well, if it turns out you’re one of those fuck-them-and-leave-them types, I do know where you live and I can come and hunt you down.” Sue winked and slipped into the passenger seat.

  “If I hurt you then I’ll hand you a belt and you can take it to my ass.”

  Now there was a delicious image indeed. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Ah, yes. Your kinky side.”

  “I don’t have a kinky side,” she protested, the words half dying as she twisted in her seat to look him fully in the eyes. “Not much of one anyway.”

  “You do, you just want to ignore it. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have got such a kick out of me standing still and doing what you wanted last night. And even you admitted it was something you wanted to discuss with me.”

  “Hey, are you trying to tell me that I’m some sort of dominant?” Now that didn’t make sense, not from the way she’d let men walk over her on more than one occasion. Except she’d enjoyed it, the control, the time with him, and there was no denying the stories she preferred to read.

  “No, I’m saying you like to play the game on occasions. I guess you’d be -- just new to all of this, or perhaps a switch? I’ve done a little looking into this over the years. I won’t hide the fact that I’ve enjoyed the idea of finding a strong woman who could explore that with me.” He slipped the key into the ignition and started the car up. “Standing there, learning to control myself, letting you set the pace like that, was erotic. In more ways than I care to admit to right now.”

  He purred the last word and her hips twitched. What would it be like to feel his lips around her clit? That soft purr vibrating into her tight bud? Her vulva trembled and tried to close on the cock it wanted buried between her walls, but couldn’t have. Not just yet at least.

  “Erotic. And powerful. I’d never been given the chance to do that before.”

  “Well it worked very well for both of us. Perhaps I should let you set the pace again?” He glanced over, weaving the car through the traffic. “And I’m betting you’ve thought about doing something like that. You took charge easily, at least once you’d set your mind to it.”

  “Yes, well maybe a little,” Sue admitted, trembling slightly. Was she truly that easy to read? “I’ve got a small collection of novels stacked in my room that cover situations like this.”

  “Now that doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “So you truly didn’t mind my taking over?”

  “Not at all. If it had been in any way uncomfortable I’d have said something but -- well, you
saw the results.”

  Yes, she had.

  “So don’t let that worry you. We both enjoyed it and perhaps once we’re a little more settled it’s something we can explore together. I know you’re uncertain -- I am as well, but we can do this together.”

  Sue shifted a little on the seat, glancing out of the window. Explore being a dominant? Or was he talking about just playing the game, a few turns in the bedroom?

  “You’re unsettled by all of this?”

  “A little.”

  “I can understand that.” He reached over and squeezed her knee. “So just what is going through your mind right now?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “It’s embarrassing.”

  “Not to me.”

  “Hm, and if I said I wanted you to lick me until I came?” Why hadn’t she tried being this way before? She was an adult, and it wasn’t as though she’d hit on men for sex before now. Shit, most of the time she waited until they had been going out for a while before she let them get this far.

  Was that the reason they left her?

  Hey, idiot, stop thinking that way. They left because they’re ignorant wankers who got what they wanted and left you to it. They weren’t good enough. They were the problem, not you!

  Alan turned down a small road, past a fish and chip shop as the car filled, for a brief moment, with the tempting smell of malt vinegar and fresh chips. For the first time in months it didn’t call to her the way it normally did.

  “You give me the image of spending time between your thighs, licking you, tasting you, and you want to know what I think about it? It sounds like just the sort of meal I’d go back for second helpings on.”

  God, he was just as wicked as she was.

  As she had always been but had been too afraid to let out until now.

  “Then we could always make this a three-course meal.”

  * * * * *

  Alan unlocked his front door and took a step back, letting Sue in ahead of him, inhaling deeply as she walked past. Musk, female musk; he could smell it, almost taste it on the air. She’d squirmed in the seat next to him for the majority of the short trip and now he knew why.

  Just how turned on was she?

  He followed her in and locked the door behind him. “Now what am I going to do with you again? Give you a foot rub? Discuss money, or terms of services again? I could put you to sleep with all the interesting details in just how shipping is handled for overseas and the custom forms.”

  Sue groaned and shot him a hard look. “You do that and I’ll take you up on using the belt against your ass.”

  “And if I wasted our time on that then I’d deserve every single stroke.” He chuckled and slid up behind her, wrapping his arms about her waist as he nuzzled against her neck. “You taste so sweet here, I wonder what you’ll taste like a little lower down?”

  “Why don’t we find out?” She glanced back up at him over her shoulder. “That’s if you still want to. I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for. After all, you might really want to go over something from work, or the blogger ring, and not risk being hurt by me.”

  Had she really pushed aside her doubts?

  He tried looking into her eyes, to see if there was anything there that should have been a warning to him to back off, take his time, give her a little more space despite what she’d told him.

  His cock twitched at the blatant hunger in her gaze.

  Oh yeah, she wants this, as much as I do, if not more. And she’s not kidding about the dominance either.

  Women wanting him was something he had become used to, but it had never been like this. She wasn’t looking at him as marriage bait, neither had she been set up by his father. This was different. They both wanted it, needed it, and…

  No, he wasn’t going to say the word. Not yet at least. Feel it, slowly accept it deep inside, but not say it. How many others had used that word, a lie, a mockery of what he felt in order to get what they wanted from her?

  “Did you want anything to drink?” He took a step away from her but didn’t get any further than that as she grabbed hold of his arm. “I’d be happy to serve you.”

  “Later. What I want is you.” She trembled slightly, little more than a tiny shiver or shake that he almost missed. “Please.”

  Alan closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms tightly about her, whispering into her hair, “Whatever you want.”

  “You’ve no idea just how much I want.”

  “Maybe you’ll tell me one day?”

  She looked up, brushing his lips with hers in a soft, tender kiss. Her breasts pressed against his chest as she slid her arms about his neck, nipples hard even through her clothing. She whimpered, shifting against his cock, which surged back into life, throbbing against her body.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she murmured against his lips, nibbling at them.

  He shuddered, trying to keep control of his body, but his cock had other ideas. Each touch, breath, shift of weight between them only added to the heaviness in his tightening sac. His erection threatened to burst through his pants if he didn’t do something about it soon, and he’d promised to bring her to climax first.

  Not that he regretted his choice, but at this rate he’d be ready to come the minute he entered her. If not before.

  “Maybe we should do something about that, then?” He reached for the buttons on her blouse, a simple piece of cream, lightweight cotton, and undid them as she nipped at his throat. “Are you going to help out?”

  “I thought I’d let you undress me, seeing as I did a striptease for you last time.”

  He groaned; the image of her standing in front of him in nothing more than her stockings and suspender belt had almost been too much to bear. Did they even sell those belts anymore? Obviously, if she’d been able to track one down. Ah, of course, the miracle of the Net with the aid of a credit card.

  The blouse parted under his fingers until it lay open, baring her bra-covered breasts to his view. It would have been so very easy to cup them, strip them bare, but he resisted the urge and rested his hands on her shoulders.

  “Then you’re right, it is my turn. If you can stand still for it?”

  “You think I can’t?” One almost delicate eyebrow arched upwards.

  “I’m not sure. I think it will be a struggle for you.” He traced one finger down the length of her spine, until he cupped her ass. She shivered against him, eyes half closing, lips parted in a soft O.

  “You managed it last night.”

  “Maybe I have more will power than you.”

  “Or maybe I’ve learned to have more control over my body than you have of yours.” She swallowed hard, a soft tremor in her voice. “I’m older, wiser, and I know where my limits are.”

  “You know where some of them are.” His other hand slid slowly down her back in low, curling circles over the back of her blouse. “There are always other limits, strengths, and weaknesses waiting to be discovered.”

  Sue leaned against him, closing her eyes. Her body tensed beneath his fingers; soft, delicious shivers working their way through her back; her breath catching in the back of her throat. “And what do I get if I manage to keep still whilst you undress me?”

  “My heart?” he whispered into her hair, only half teasing. It would have been so very easy to tell her how he felt, but it wasn’t the right time. “Except I don’t think you’re a man-eater like that. So what do you want?”

  “A promise.”

  An invisible hand wrapped around his heart. “Oh?”

  “A promise, that when I call in the debt you will answer one question honestly, without reservation. No matter what it is.”

  A dangerous promise. She could try and find out about a deal at work, turn into another power-hungry woman who only wanted to control everything he had, or did. Except, she wasn’t like that. She didn’t give off that vibe. The only thing she appeared to be hun
gry for was him.

  “All right then. I promise.”

  “Then do your worst.” Sue lifted her head and stepped back barely more than two inches. “I won’t move unless you tell me to until you’ve finished stripping me down.”

  He grinned, looking her over as he released his hold on her. Would she really be able to stay still? There was only one way to find out.

  “Then close your eyes.”

  “Hmmm? Going to see just how much I can take?”

  “Well, if we’re going to make this a challenge there’s no point taking it easy on you, is there?” Her blouse lay open and now that he’d moved back from her just a little he could see the soft mounds of her breasts peeking out above the white cups of her bra. It was a myth that a large woman or older woman ended up with breasts hanging down to their waist. No, hers were not the firm, perky things of a twenty-year-old, but they still had their shape, some level of firmness to them, and she didn’t appear to be bothered by the weight of them.

  One thing he’d noticed earlier on was that Sue didn’t slouch. She stood tall, proud, with her shoulders back. So many larger women slumped their shoulders, or tried to make themselves look smaller when they stood up. Maybe that was one of the reasons she looked firmer. She carried herself well.

  “So are you going to stand there all day, or actually do something?”

  “Impatient, are you?” He tried not to laugh and reached out, tracing tiny circular patterns over the upper curves of her breasts. Even now there was a commanding tone behind her words. One that he struggled not to instantly obey. He’d never liked this about a woman before, but he wanted to drop to his knees and kiss her feet. They had to talk, once their desires had been satisfied, for a short time at least. They truly had to talk about their shared interests. “Maybe I like to take my time in unwrapping a present?”


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