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Amy Page 6

by Deborah A. Price

  Darrell pushed the shoes from the table and glared at her. “I thought that you said that you were good at your job.”

  “She happens to be very good at her job, Mr. Eccard.” Kenny spoke with a stern, calm voice and picked up his menu. “Some people think that she’s too good, but the accounts that she takes are usually in the top spot of their genre. If she has trouble believing in your product, our agency has trouble. We won’t take your account.”

  “You have nothing to do with this,” Darrel growled at him, “or are you one of the men that she’s slept with to get her promotion? Well, Kenny?”

  “She hasn’t slept with anybody to get where she’s at in the company. We believe in her talents and her know how. I’d suggest that you calm down before her boyfriend comes back.”

  “My. . .” Amy became silent after feeling a kick from Kenny. “Right. You don’t want to make a scene when he’s around.”

  “Oh, please. I don’t believe for one minute that you have a boyfriend that just happens to be here.”

  “He’s the owner,” Kenny stated with a straight face. “I guess you could keep acting like this.” Kenny glanced towards the bar and waved at Kyle who had been watching since the voices had risen in volume. Kenny smirked when Kyle started walking towards the table. “But then again, it’s too late. He never takes his eyes away from Amy unless there’s something going on in the kitchen.”

  Amy sighed while listening to Kenny ramble on and on about Kyle and refused to look up after she felt Kyle step up behind her. “I guess you’ve done it now, Mr. Eccard. When you want that referral, you let us know.”

  Darrell pushed away from the table and glared at Kyle who was now standing with his hands on Amy’s shoulders. “Sonny will hear about this meeting.”

  “He’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.” Kenny chuckled before motioning for Kyle to sit down after Darrell had left. “I think that went well.”

  Kyle continued to stand, shrugging after Amy had shoved his hands from her. “Pop will be relieved that nothing happened. I’ll send your waiter over.” He walked away from the table.

  Kenny glanced at Amy curiously. “He really is a great guy, Amy.”

  “We’re allowed to have our differences of opinion, Kenny.” Amy shot back at him. “Why did you tell Eccard that Kyle was my boyfriend?”

  “Because he was looking at you like you were a piece of candy. I might be a middle-aged, happily married man, but I got the look. Seen boys stare at my little girl like that. Had a problem with it then, too.”

  “I’m not your daughter.”

  “And I’m thinking God that you’re not, because I’d have a heart attack trying to get you to see what is front of you. Sonny’s boy likes you, but. . .”

  “I have a father and an older brother,” Amy reminded him. “Stop trying to push me on somebody that I’m not interested in.”

  “I heard the recording. The whole recording. That includes your conversation with Kyle afterwards. Shoot, Sonny even told me that Kyle had been very upset the night of the meeting. Spent several hours talking about you to his stepfather.” Kenny studied her. “Sonny even told me that Kyle visited him again several times since then because of you.”

  Kyle stepped up to the table, and after hearing Kenny talk, sat across from Amy. “Kenny, I appreciate the fact that Sonny has a friend that he can talk to, but maybe you old men can talk about something other than me or Amy.”

  “We finally have something to agree on, Kyle.” Amy watched him wave to one of the waiters and frowned. “Are you going to make sure that I sample your chef’s cooking again?”

  “Yes, and I just happen to be hungry myself. Pop is treating me, so I hope that you don’t mind.”

  “This is your restaurant.”

  “And every once in a while I like to be treated. More revenue to pay the good folks that work here.” Kyle smiled before placing his order. “The lobster is great today, Amy. You should try that.”

  “I think that I’ll just have a salad.” Amy informed the waiter before Kenny ordered. “How is Nate?”

  “Your brother?”

  “Yes, since I’m not talking to him, I thought that you might indulge me.” Amy stated before squeezing her lemon slice into the glass of water. “I really don’t want to be talking to you, but I’d rather Kenny not have a heart attack.”

  “In that case, your brother is worried sick over you and hates that you’ve jumped to conclusions about what he may or may not have told me. I’ve already said that he didn’t tell me anything. He just asked me a question.”

  “That’s not my problem.”

  “He asked what I would’ve done if I had found out that somebody had taken advantage of my sister.” Kyle stared at Amy. “That was all. I assumed from the question that some jerk had put on the moves on you.”

  “Fine, I’ll apologize to Nate.”

  “So did they?”

  “Did they what?”

  “Take advantage of his kid sister?” Kyle asked, forgetting that Kenny was sitting next to them. “I figure that the answer is yes because he wanted to kill Bob.”

  “Bob definitely didn’t take advantage of me.” Amy answered. “And now since that is over with, I still don’t feel like I want to talk to you.”

  “You don’t get it.”

  “Oh, I got it loud and clear.” Amy pushed away from the table at the same time as Kyle. “What?!”

  Kyle stepped over and grabbed her hands. “I have two women flirting with me. I figure you could help me stop their little show.”


  “Kiss me.”

  Amy laughed at him before realizing that he was serious. “Wow, no, I don’t think so.”

  “They’re making a scene.”

  “And what do you think you’re doing?” Amy snapped back at him in a whisper.

  Kyle stepped closer to her. “I plan on making a big scene.” He answered lifting his hands to her face. “Especially since that client of yours is sitting with them.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  Kenny glanced towards the table where Kyle was facing. “He’s not kidding, Amy. Kiss him.”

  Amy was fighting the nerves that were begging to feel Kyle’s mouth on her own and nodded, “Alright.”

  Kyle smiled and claimed her mouth, feeling Amy return what he gave until they both moaned in pleasure while their tongues danced around each other.

  Amy knew that she should pull away from him, but she lost the fight when she felt his arms wrap around her waist to bring them closer together. Neither had realized that Stephanie had walked to the table until they heard her clear her throat.

  “Kyle, you should get a room or at least take this somewhere private.” Stephanie smiled after seeing the look that Kyle and Amy shot at each other. “I’m going to really push for a room, but. . .”

  “Go away, Stephie.” Kyle mumbled while still holding Amy close to him. “Can’t you see I’m having a moment with my girl?”

  “Is this a good time to remind you that I’m not the only one here and that this is a place of business?” Stephanie laughed.

  Kyle watched the two women leave while he pulled Amy’s chair farther away from the table so that she could sit again. He found himself locking eyes with Darrell Eccard and shook his head.

  After sitting across from Amy, he watched Eccard toss some money on the table and leave. “And that, folks, is how you clear a room,” he winked at Amy before talking to Kenny. “I don’t trust him.”


  “Yeah,” Kyle frowned. “Pop has a friend that is trying to find something on him.”

  “Like?” Amy asked after her salad was placed in front of her.

  “Well, there are several rumors floating around that he has a lot of affairs, but I don’t think that’s illegal. Women like his money.” Kenny informed both Amy and Kyle.

  Stephanie glanced at Kyle after hearing Kenny’s statement. “Did Papa know this, Kenny?”

“I don’t know if he did, but maybe I’ll drop that line at him tomorrow. It’s over now so I’m going to enjoy the lobster tail that Amy didn’t order.” Kenny laughed at his co-worker when she scowled in her direction. “Hey, he wasn’t lying, kiddo, the tails are great.”

  “Butt out, Kenny.”

  “The kiss was a great show, too.” Kenny looked from Amy to Kyle, watching as their eyes met. “Yep, a very good show.”

  Amy pushed the salad away from her. “I think that I need to go now.”

  “Wait a minute, Amy.” Kyle watched the napkin come out of her lap. “Why don’t you finish the salad first?”

  Amy narrowed her eyes before pulling her ringing cell phone out of her bag and spotting the shoes when she did. “Hello,” She answered, narrowing her eyes at Kyle. “Elaine? No, what’s the matter? Which hospital?” Amy grabbed her bag while she was still holding the phone to her ear and was walking out of the restaurant without paying attention to her surroundings. “Okay, tell Nate that I’m on my way. About fifteen minutes. Yeah. Bye.”

  She glanced up startled when she heard a car braking hard in front of her and scowled thinking that she’d have to walk around it to get to her Mustang. “Idiot,” she snapped, dropping the phone in her bag before changing her direction.

  Amy heard the car door slam and started to feel uneasy before hearing Kyle’s voice behind her while feeling a hand pulling her back. Swallowing the panic, Amy angrily jerked her hand free and turned to see Darrell glowering at her. “Can I help you?”

  “Get in the car,” he snapped.

  “I’m sorry, but I won’t do that.”

  “Do you think that lover boy is going to help you?”

  “Actually, that’s exactly what lover boy is going to do.” Kyle snapped, grabbing Amy and guiding her to where she was standing behind him. “My hostess is calling the cops, Mr. Eccard.”

  “I got unfinished business with her.”

  “And it’s going to remain unfinished.” Kyle glanced over the car and noticed that several of his waiters had walked out in the parking lot after him. He smiled after seeing Stephanie walk over to Amy. “If you have business with Amy, I’d suggest that you go through me.”

  “This has nothing to do with you.”

  “I guess that you could think that.”

  “I always get what I want.”

  “If its jail time you want, go for it. If you want to fight me, go for it. If you think for a minute that what you want is Amy, I’d rethink that. I’ve never been one for sharing.”

  Stephanie walked with Amy towards her car and nodded her head. “Papa isn’t going to be happy with this at all.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “I know, well, except for to kiss Kyle and make a lot of the older ladies blush, but that’s another story. I think that Papa will be thrilled with that part of the story.”

  Amy sighed, glanced to where a police cruiser was parked beside the restaurant with the sirens flashing, and shook her head. “That will never happen again.” For the second time, she fumed, Kyle had managed to completely unhinge her.

  “You don’t look too happy.” Stephanie narrowed her eyes while studying the woman standing beside her.

  “My father just had a heart attack, Stephanie. I’m not thrilled about a lot of things right now.” Amy opened the door of her Mustang and slid behind the wheel. “I’m going to the hospital to be with Nate.”

  Stephanie walked over to where Kyle was standing with the police officer and shook her head when he glanced in her direction.

  “If you need her statement, she went to the hospital.” Stephanie glanced at Kyle before making her way back to restaurant.

  “Stephie, was she hurt?”

  “No, it seems that her father had a heart attack.” Stephanie mumbled. “I just thought that you’d want to know in case she needed to talk to them.”

  “It’s fine. They did, and I’ll let them know if they still want to talk to her.” Kyle stepped back to the cruiser and finished talking to the officer after they had placed Eccard in the back seat. “You can get her statement at the hospital,” he finished, “but I’m going to be there, too.”

  Kyle sighed watching the second cruiser pull away and walked into the restaurant. He made sure to thank the wait staff that had joined him outside and then grabbed his keys to head out to the hospital. He paused when he spotted Stephanie. “Tell Pop what happened. I’m going up to the hospital to see if I can do anything for Nate and Amy.”

  “Not a problem, Kyle. Call me?” Stephanie looked at him with concern. “I mean to let me know how Amy is getting along. She grows on you when you’re not looking.”

  Kyle glanced at her and nodded. “I’ll let you know something, Stephie.” He walked out of the restaurant and sighed while hoping that Nate was too distraught over his father to notice that his sister was going to be questioned by a police officer.

  Chapter 8

  Amy was standing with Nate when she saw the officer walk towards her and frowned before she saw that Kyle was hastily walking behind him. Shaking her head, she released her brother’s hand causing him to look in the direction where she was focusing.

  Stepping away from Nate, Amy shook her head when Kyle stopped beside her and the officer had stood at the help desk. “Kyle?”

  “I had to tell them where you were going so that they could get a statement.” Kyle noticed that Elaine was listening to what was being said at the help desk and then the look she shot at Amy. “I am sorry about this.”

  “Why? I didn’t do anything wrong, Kyle.” Amy whispered. “Can they wait? I mean, I was about to go into the room to see my father.”

  “I can try to hold them back for a bit, but I’m sure that it won’t take long.” Kyle turned so that he was focused on her. “How is your father?”

  “I haven’t seen him yet, but Barbara says that he’s alright. It was just a mild one.” Amy took a step back when she realized that she had been spotted. She hadn’t realized that she was holding the wrist that Darrell had managed to grab when she had been preoccupied before Elaine walked over to her. “I can’t do this right now. I want to see my father.”

  Elaine hugged her friend and walked towards the room where Nate was standing beside the door waiting on them. “Nate, maybe we should talk while Amy goes in.”

  Nate stared at his sister and then Elaine. “About?”

  Amy didn’t say a word before she opened the door and stepped into the room to see her father looking very weak while Barbara stayed by his side.

  Nathan saw her and tried to hide the fact that he been crying while he motioned with a hand for Amy to come to him. “My girl,” he smiled after she kissed him on the forehead. “I’m sorry, Amy. About what Nash. . .”

  Amy straightened and stared at him. “Dad, what set off this attack? Be honest.”

  “My brother. . .”

  “Nate told you.” Amy stood and walked towards the only window in the room. “I guess history does repeat itself.” She whispered thinking about her grandmother. She glanced down at her wrist and saw the bruising, trying hard to push the sleeve down to cover it before her father could see it. Turning around, she focused on him. “Dad, I’m alright. See?”

  “You were a child, Amy. A teenage child.”

  Amy stepped back towards the bed. “But I’m not a child anymore. Why did you have to know?” She sat down on the edge of his bed and placed a hand over his. “Do you feel better knowing?”

  “No, I guess that I don’t, but it’s been bugging me a lot.” Nathan tried to sit up and when he did, he noticed the bruise on her wrist. “Amy?”

  “I had an accident, Dad, so stop worrying about me.” Amy watched Nate walk into the room and quickly moved the wrist so that he wouldn’t see it. “So when is Barbara going to be able to spring you from this dump?”

  “A few days,” Nathan had noticed what Amy had done and narrowed his eyes. “We promised that there would no more secrets between us.” He reminded her
in a soft voice. “Spill it, Amy.”

  “A jerk grabbed me at the restaurant. It’s not a big deal.” Amy leaned over and whispered in his ear. “I love you, Dad. Would you mind not having another attack?”

  “Who grabbed you?”

  Nate stared at his sister, his mouth set in a straight line while he waited for her to answer. “Where was Kyle?”

  “Who?” Amy narrowed her eyes after she stood.

  “Kyle,” Nate repeated. “Maybe I should ask him because he’s really bent out of shape about what happened.”

  “Then maybe you should.” Amy snapped back at him. “I told you what happened. God, Nate, do you have to start this here?” Amy glanced down at their father and frowned. “Kyle was there, and he looked after me until I got a phone call and stormed out of the restaurant so that I could come here.”

  “So this happened in the parking lot?” Barbara asked.

  Amy sighed, glanced at her step-mother and closed her eyes. “Yes. Kyle pulled me away after he figured out that I had walked outside. Kenny was supposed to escort me to the car, but I didn’t tell anybody that I was leaving. We all thought that Eccard had left earlier.”

  “Eccard? Darrell Eccard?” Nathan asked after Barbara had remotely sat him up in the bed. “That son of a. . .”

  “Your heart, dear.” Barbara placed a hand on his arm and watched while he forced himself to calm down. “Darrell Eccard is a womanizer. Normally the younger crowd, Amy’s generation, is what he’s drawn, too. Amy would be tempting to him.” She informed Nate who was looking confused as to how Barbara would know Amy’s client. “My niece had a fling with him until he tired of her. Ruined her with all the mental crap he put her through. Nathan had a few rounds with him because of it.”

  “Dad?” Amy glanced at him with worry before she sat at his side again. “I have people looking out for me, but I can also take care of myself now.”

  “That Kyle, he’s a great guy.” Nathan smiled at his daughter and shook his head. “Do you talk to him?”


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