Runaway Heart

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Runaway Heart Page 9

by Scarlet Day

  Odair scoffed. “She’s not fit to be a sha-lia. She’s not even Aldryssian.”

  Jaren growled warningly. “What do you want, Odair?”

  His uncle laughed. “Why, I thought that would have been obvious, my juvenile nephew. I want the crown.”

  “It will never happen.”

  “It will if you want your pathetic little female to live.” Odair’s voice was cold.

  Jaren’s eyes narrowed, and his beast wanted to rip the man’s throat out, but Jaren needed more information. “What did you do?”

  “Let’s just say that without the proper antidote, your mate will never wake up.”

  Jaren could feel Kari pouring reassurance and self-satisfaction to him. Jaren understood and both he and his beast relaxed. Obviously, Odair’s plan hadn’t worked out quite as he expected. Odair just didn’t know it yet.

  Jaren crossed his arms over his chest. It was the signal to Jaxson that Jaren had the situation under control. In one fluid motion, Jaren moved sideways and smashed the unknown man’s head backward into the wall, crushing his skull. Jaren returned to his original position in front of Odair before the unknown man had even finished sliding down the wall, his unused weapon dropping to the ground.

  Jaren looked down at Kari. She had opened her eyes when Jaren attacked the other man, but Odair didn’t realize it, since he still had his back to her.

  “Did that make you feel better, young would-be king?” Odair’s voice was mocking, like he was talking to a child.

  Kari’s eyes narrowed at hearing Odair’s ridiculing tone, and Jaren felt a wave of indignation flare from her. With no additional warning, Kari pushed up on her arms and kicked her legs out, sweeping Odair’s legs out from under him. She jumped up and stared down at a stunned Odair, who was struggling to regain the breath that had been knocked out of him when he fell.

  “Weak female, huh?” Kari drew her leg back and kicked Odair hard in the ribs. “That’s for drugging me, you bastard. Guess you didn’t expect me to wake up.” She kicked him again. “Maybe you should check biologic compatibility next time.”

  “There won’t be a next time.” Jaren knelt down on one knee next to Odair, who was holding his ribs. Jaren was disgusted. His uncle had always been weak, only able to operate by dishonesty and cowardly tactics. “Anything you would like to say before I end this?”

  Odair sneered up at him. “At least I have the satisfaction of knowing I killed Tibon.”

  Jaren growled. “He’s not dead.”

  “Not yet, but he will be.” Unexpectedly, Odair lunged for Kari’s legs. Without standing, Jaren seized him by the head and twisted. Odair was dead before Kari even had a chance to react.

  Jaren rose and wrapped Kari in his arms, relief finally flooding through them both.

  “I hope you really enjoy my company, sha-lia, because I am never, ever letting you out of my sight again.” This time, he really meant it. His lips claimed Kari’s in a crushing kiss, his tongue drinking in the sweet taste of her.

  “Damn, Jaren, you didn’t save us anyone to fight with,” Slaytor grumbled as he, Jaxson, and Trynt jogged into the grotto.

  “Sorry, but your little sister here took Odair down without telling me what she was about to do. I just finished him off.” He kissed Kari on her nose.

  “Way to go, Sis,” Trynt praised her. “Told you those wrestling lessons would come in handy.”

  “What did Odair give you, sha-lia?” Jaren needed to make sure there would be no lasting effects.

  “I’m not sure.” Kari thought for a moment. “I think he called it Daca root.” Jaren sucked in his breath in horror, knowing the root was fatal to his people. Slaytor, however, snorted loudly, drawing Jaren’s attention.

  Jaren turned to him. “You know what Daca root is?”

  Slaytor laughed. “Yeah, I do. But the most it will usually do to a Montorean is create a slight lightheadedness. It’s used as a recreational drug on Montore, but our body chemistry burns through it so fast I’m not sure why anyone bothers. Kari must have sniffed it in its pure form for it to knock her out. She’ll be fine. Not the brightest assassin, your uncle.”

  “No, but he is also the one responsible for Father’s illness.” Jaren looked at Jaxson. “We need to figure out what he did to him before it’s too late.”

  Jaxson nodded his agreement. “Since we know for sure now that the illness isn’t natural, we’ll just have to broaden our scope.”

  Jaren looked at Kari and ran a finger down her cheek, then swept her up in his arms and cradled her against his chest. “Jaxson, I hate to leave you to clean up another mess, but I’m taking my sha-lia to bed, and I don’t expect to be disturbed.”

  Kari’s face flushed bright red. Trynt and Slaytor cleared their throats and looked away, fighting hard to suppress their laughter.

  Jaxson grinned and bowed his head. “Yes, Your Highness. I’ll post a guard at your door with permission to kill anyone who tries to distract you.”

  As Jaren stalked off with his mate, he heard Kari’s brothers lose their battle as their laughter erupted through the rainforest.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jaren and Kari went out to the landing platform a few days later to say good-bye to Trynt and Slaytor. Jaren had finally relented and allowed Kari out of their bedchambers to spend some time with her brothers before they left, but he had yet to let her out of his sight. After almost losing her twice, Jaren wasn’t taking any chances.

  Jaren was thankful for the opportunity to get to know Kari’s brothers and had developed a deep respect for them. He hoped they were successful against their father and had promised them whatever help he was able to provide.

  Jaren was surprised to see Marinda appear on the landing platform and shyly approach Slaytor to say good-bye. She curtseyed slightly and Slaytor chuckled before taking her in his arms and giving her a tender, but fairly chaste, kiss. Apparently, Jaren wasn’t the only one who had gotten to know the brothers better—at least one of the brothers, that is. Jaren raised one eyebrow and cleared his throat in an overprotective, big brother, type of manner. Marinda blushed, and Kari giggled.

  Slaytor released Marinda and shrugged apologetically at Jaren, but the sly grin he wore showed that he wasn’t really sorry. Jaren shook his head and smiled. He knew he couldn’t really complain, considering he had spirited Slaytor’s little sister to another quadrant and mated her.

  Finally, unable to put the departure off any longer, Kari hugged both of her brothers one last time. Jaren could tell she was trying to be brave, but the tears began to flow regardless. Jaren wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head. He sent strength and reassurance to her as they watched Trynt and Slaytor board the ship. Then the vessel lifted off, disappearing into the clear, blue sky.

  Jaren thought it would be a good time to distract his mate and take her mind off her worry for her brothers. He took her hand and led her off the landing platform to a staircase that wound around the back of the castle. They emerged onto a narrow sandy path that led around the base of the castle.

  “It’s so wonderful here.” Kari motioned to the lush, tropical plants they passed. “The plant life on Montore is so different, mostly trees and grasses, but this is just…it’s beautiful.” Jaren smiled, happy that his mate appreciated the diversity of life on his world. It was that diversity of resources that allowed the Aldryssians to prosper.

  Kari kept stopping to touch large green leaves and smell the brightly colored flowers they passed. She got very excited when a small orange and purple bird hovered in front of her for a few moments. Jaren let her take her time exploring. He was enjoying watching her take delight in her discoveries. They slowly made their way down to the wide private beach at the edge of the sea. Jaren took off his shoes and encouraged Kari to do the same, then laughed at the wonder in her eyes as her toes sank into the soft white sand.

  “I love this!” Kari twirled in circles, kicking sand with her bare feet. Jaren led her to the water’
s edge and waded into the water, his trousers getting wet up to his knees. Kari hesitantly followed him, and then squealed with mock fright as Jaren playfully kicked the warm water at her.

  Jaren grabbed her around her waist, bringing her against his chest. “I love you, sha-lia.” He slanted his lips over hers and slowly kissed her, his tongue leisurely exploring her mouth. Finally, he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to Kari’s. He needed to show her something, but there just hadn’t been a good time before now. Truthfully, he had purposely been putting it off. But his beast’s patience was wearing thin and Jaren knew he could no longer keep him caged.

  “Sha-lia, there is something you must know about me.”

  “There’s more? Good grief, Jaren, how many secrets do you have?” Jaren knew she referred to the revelation he shared with her while they had been locked in their bedchambers after the incident with Odair. Kari had been curious as to how old Jaren really was, since Odair kept referring to him as being young. It had come as a shock to her that Jaren’s people routinely lived to be 500 years old or more. She had been equally shocked that she would now live as long as Jaren, since their lives were tied together.

  “Uh oh. You don’t have a harem, do you? Because I am putting my foot down right now and…” Jaren cut her off with a kiss.

  “No. No harem. But I do need you to promise me that you won’t run away screaming.” Jaren’s voice was teasing, but a part of him was worried that running away was exactly what she would do. And if she did, she would take his heart with her.

  Kari snorted and rolled her eyes. Then her eyes went wide as Jaren began removing his clothes. “Um, Jaren? As exciting as it might be to have sex with you on the beach, don’t you think someone might see us?”

  Jaren chuckled. “That sounds like an excellent idea, my love, and we just might try that out later. But I need to show you something first.”

  He couldn’t believe how nervous he was about this. He could fight the mightiest of warriors, but letting this woman see his alternate form was the most nerve-wracking thing he had ever experienced.

  “Karinna, have you ever known any shifters?” Kari’s face scrunched in confusion, then her eyes went wide and her mouth formed a little ‘o’ as understanding dawned on her.

  “You shift?” Instead of being frightened, Jaren was astonished to see his sha-lia start to bounce up and down with excitement, a stunning smile lighting up her beautiful face.

  “Well, go on! What are you waiting for?”

  Jaren shook his head and laughed softly. “You will never cease to amaze me, my precious mate.”

  He stepped back several paces from Kari and held her excited gaze as he let the transition take him. The air around him glimmered and his body began to morph, growing larger and transforming. He looked down and watched Kari’s mouth fall open as his dragon form emerged. He knew it would be an intimidating sight. He looked down at his body as he was finally able to fully transform for the first time. Shiny blue-green scales covered him and lethal emerald-green claws extended from his feet and hands. He knew he would have horns protruding from his massive head and dagger-like teeth. He stood twice as tall as Kari now. He stretched and he felt his massive wings unfurl. Bringing them around to encircle him, he saw that they were dark blue and leathery. He also felt his tail flex, and he thumped it happily on the ground, producing a vibration from the impact. It felt wonderful to finally be able to fully shift. His beast reveled in the long-awaited freedom.

  He stilled himself and looked at Kari, waiting for the screaming and running to begin. Instead, Kari slowly approached him, holding her hand out as she got close to him. He lowered his head to her and Kari carefully placed her hand on him, then slowly stroked along his neck. Jaren purred with pleasure.

  “Jaren?” Kari’s voice was barely a whisper as she looked into his eyes.

  “Yes, love.”

  Kari gasped. “I can hear you!” Jaren felt her awe travel through their bond.

  “I hoped you could. It is common for a sha-lia to be able to hear her dragon, but I was not sure you would be able to since you are not from Aldryss.”

  “You’re so pretty.” Jaren snorted, gray smoke issuing from his nostrils. Even in dragon form, he managed to arch one eyebrow. “Um…I meant handsome.” Kari giggled. “Very, very handsome.”

  Jaren chortled and Kari continued running her hand over the smooth texture of his scales.

  “Can you fly?”

  “No, the wings are just for pretty decoration.” Jaren let out another dragon-laugh. “Climb on.”

  Jaren was amazed at his mate again as he lowered his shoulders to the ground and she climbed on his back without any hesitation. Once she secured herself by latching her arms around his neck, he stretched his wings and pushed them down, letting the air propel him upwards. He flapped the great wings and they traveled up into the clear sky, lifting higher and higher until the castle seemed to be a small house, instead of the massive structure it really was. He soared out over the sea and swooped down, letting Kari get a good view of the pod of large, gentle ocean creatures that had surfaced in the deeper waters.

  “This is amazing!” Even without her speaking the words, Jaren could feel the exhilaration flowing from Kari. He knew she would be able to feel his own excitement as well. The feeling of soaring through the air for the first time was unbelievably liberating.

  Finally, he pointed his head downward and flew in great circles, getting lower to the ground with each turn. He landed smoothly on the beach in the same spot they had lifted off from, and Kari slid from his back onto the sand.

  “Wow! Just…wow!”

  Jaren chuckled. “I agree, my love. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  Jaren leaned his head down and rested it against Kari’s chest, enjoying the closeness with her in this form. They stayed that way for a few moments, then suddenly Jaren reared back, transforming back into his humanoid form as he staggered backward. Kari ran to him.

  “What’s wrong? Are you all right?” Her concern flooded into him as Jaren stared at her in amazement, unable to speak for a few moments. Finally he regained his composure and wrapped Kari in his arms, picking her up and spinning her as he started laughing.

  “Jaren! What are you doing?”

  Jaren put her down and stared into her eyes. “Sha-lia, when I am in dragon form, my hearing is extremely sensitive. When I put my head against your chest, I was listening to your heartbeat, but I did not hear what I expected.” He hesitated.

  “I heard two heartbeats.” He waited, watching Kari’s face carefully as she processed his words. Finally, understanding hit. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open.


  “Going to have my babe, Karinna.”

  * * * *

  Kari stood there on the beach, engulfed in complete and utter shock. She had escaped her father. She had met the man she would spend the rest of her life with. It was going to be a very, very long life. She had been crowned queen. Jaren was a dragon—a dragon that she thought was very, very pretty, regardless of what he thought. And now she was…was…pregnant!

  Jaren’s joy flowed to her like a rushing stream, shaking her out of her momentary paralysis. His happiness was so pure that she couldn’t help but be carried away by the same current, the elation pouring out to him and then back to her in a constant loop. It was magical.

  As she watched Jaren, the joy he was sending to her became tinged with another feeling. She saw his eyes begin to glow at the same time she felt his hunger.

  Jaren ran his fingers down her cheek, her neck, grazing her breast as he continued moving down her body. He reached the hem of her shirt and tugged it upward, pulling it over her head. Kari felt his heated gaze on her bared skin. He slid his fingers into the waistband of her skirt and slid it down over her hips, letting it fall to the sand. He fell to his knees and pulled Kari down with him. He grabbed his shirt that was lying nearby and spread it over the sand, then laid her back against the so
ft fabric. Jaren slowly leaned over her to place a tender kiss on her abdomen, then flashed her a brilliant smile that beamed his exhilaration.

  His smile slowly changed to a feral grin, and he moved his hand down between her legs. He slid his fingers through her wet nether lips, gathering the moisture on his fingers before pushing two digits inside her. Kari felt the desire building as he worked his fingers, twirling them around and finding a sensitive spot deep inside her. She cried out as he caressed that spot, and she arched her back into his touch. He slowly pulled his fingers back out and then brought them to his lips. She watched in fascination as he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked off her juices. Then he leaned down and kissed her long and deep, the taste of her own passion mingled with the sweet taste of his mouth.

  “So delicious, sha-lia.”

  It was all too much. Kari wanted him, needed him inside of her, now. She reached between them and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, guiding him to her heated hole.

  Jaren chuckled. “One of these days, Karinna, I am going to have to teach you some patience.”

  He thrust into her and buried himself deep inside her. She moaned her pleasure as his length filled her up completely. He started a hard, steady rhythm, driving into Kari without mercy until her head began to spin. With the sound of the gentle waves lapping against the shore and the breeze caressing their bare skin, they climaxed together. With one voice, they shouted their release as love and passion flowed through their link and wrapped around them, renewing their bond and sealing them together, forever.




  Scarlet Day originally hails from Texas, but has made her home on the sunny beaches of Florida. It took her a while to figure out what she wanted to do when she grew up. After spending many years in the insurance industry, she went back to college and got a degree in Environmental Science. After that, she spent a few years sloshing around swamps in South Florida, helping to preserve the Florida Everglades, and ensuring preservation of endangered wildlife during land development.


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