0597092001436358459 eveline vine

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0597092001436358459 eveline vine Page 23

by Unknown

  “Where doesn’t it hurt?” I whispered again, letting a little bit of mischief show in my face as arousal overcame my concern for him.

  His eyes darkened to that glimmering, liquid mercury I loved and his hands left my hips to carefully fold beneath his head. Find out for yourself, his actions implied and I eagerly accepted his challenge.

  Again, I took my time, scattering wet, open mouthed kisses down his chest, laving him with my tongue and devoting extra attention to his nipples. He stayed completely still, his only movements coming from the hitching of his breath and the small shudders of pleasure he couldn’t control. I didn’t use my teeth this time, wary of hurting any tender spots. His ribs seemed a little bruised, so I skipped them, my mouth walking a path down his abs instead, stopping to circle his belly button.

  My kisses moved further down and I froze when they reached the waistband of his jeans. My breath stopped, then sped up, my pulse hammering in my ears as I realised what came next. I blushed, shyness returning as my hands curled reflexively into his front pockets.

  I’d seen him once before, in the car last weekend, but I’d only ever touched it beneath the sheets in the dark since then. Ben had taught me how to please him with my mouth, so I knew how to do it…but I was still nervous. Like the rest of him, Stone’s penis was intimidating and having my face so close to it felt more intimate than having sex with Ben.

  Maybe because I wanted to touch it. Wanted to know how it felt in my mouth. Wanted to please him and not just because I was afraid he’d dump me if I didn’t.

  I wasn’t afraid he would dump me. I knew that with Stone I had a choice (besides, I wasn’t really dating Stone, so he couldn’t dump me).

  Stone’s hands came down to cup my face, then one hand slid through my hair to push it out of the way. I looked up at him when he applied pressure to my chin.

  Evie? – His eyes showed a question, some concern, despite the hungry flame that burned within their grey pools.

  I took a deep breath and tugged his button playfully.

  “Where doesn’t it hurt Grant?” I whispered. I ran my finger down the teeth of his zipper, feeling the hard flesh beneath it surge, fighting to escape its tight prison.

  “It definitely fucking hurts there,” he bit out, his voice that dark, scary, wolf growl I loved so much.

  “I’ll kiss it better then,” I murmured, easing his fly down with my teeth, marvelling at how bold I was being with him. A little voice in my head laughed, registering that all it took for shy little Evie to turn vixen, was a little vulnerability in her man.

  My man, I whispered to myself as I pulled the fabric of his pants down and licked my lips as I examined the bulge in his underwear. My cock.

  I ignored the little voice in my head as it mocked my possessiveness. This man wasn’t mine.

  But I could pretend for now…A safe little fantasy, without the control-ridden reality of being this man’s woman.

  I pushed those thoughts from my head as I reached for his waistband, slowly pulling it out and down as if prolonging the opening of a present. I gasped as it bobbed in front of my face, the tip already leaking as I heard Stone curse under his breath.

  I pulled his shoes off and removed the rest of his clothes, stepping back to admire how good he looked lying sideways across my single bed, completely naked. I couldn’t control my blush as I stared at him and I quickly moved to shut off the light, before kneeling back at his feet. I hoped to God Candy wouldn’t barge in as I lowered my mouth to his smooth, hot flesh.

  I closed my eyes and groaned with him, enjoying the hot, hard feel of him in my mouth, savouring the salty taste of him, a direct contrast to the sweetness of his lips. I abandoned all the lessons I’d learned from Ben and instead, moved instinctively, selfishly moving how I wanted, the better to feel and taste him the way I needed too.

  Stone didn’t seem to have any complaints. His hands wove through my hair, massaging my scalp and tensing whenever I hit a particularly good spot. After I’d had my fill of exploring him, I paid more attention to his sounds, to the guidance of his hands, concentrating on his needs now as I tried to soothe his hurt.

  “Evelyn,” he grunted, his voice a rough warning that if I wanted pull away, I needed to do it now.

  I didn’t want to pull away.

  Instead I increased my efforts, wanting him to enjoy this as much as possible as I sucked him over the edge.

  He didn’t cry out, he didn’t yank my hair hard or groan. He didn’t swear or growl. He just exploded in my mouth, his hands leaving my hair to fist in the sheets, his knuckles turning white as he came almost too silently. I swallowed and raised my head.

  I actually moaned aloud when I saw his face. His eyes were shut, his lips parted, but his face was clearly etched with his satisfaction, his relief, his pleasure: his bliss.

  His thick, dark-blonde eyelashes slowly raised and he stared down his body at me, his eyes shadowed and dark, but still visible in the darkened room. He sat up slowly, grimacing a little at the pain it took to do so. He pulled me to my feet and then stood with me, pulling up his boxer-briefs and pushing back the covers, drawing me into bed with him.

  His lips pressed gently against my neck - his tongue flicking out to lick me instead of sucking – and his hand started to push up my skirt, his warm fingers stirring the blood in my thigh. I grabbed his hand regretfully and shook my head, looking up into his battered face. He was injured. His knuckles were bruised and I knew it hurt his mouth to kiss me.

  No, my eyes told him firmly.

  He scowled, his eyes arguing with mine for several long, quiet moments, before he eventually gave in. I slipped from the bed and went to the bathroom to change into my pyjamas, not wanting Stone to see my underwear like that until he was able to discover it for himself.

  I fell asleep quickly, encased in Stone’s arms and feeling happy, despite what had happened earlier.

  And when I woke up the next morning, it was to hear my own cries as I exploded in an intense orgasm, my erotic dream slipping away as I realised Stone’s fingers were buried deep inside me. He smirked at me, obviously pleased with himself for finding a way to sneak past my concern long enough to give me my pleasure. My breathing slowly returned to normal and my vision cleared…

  Well enough to see the newly formed bruises covering his face and body!

  I gasped, my hands immediately releasing the hard grip they’d had of him.

  “Grant,” I whispered in shock, tentatively raising a finger to trace some of the damage.

  He caught my hand in his and kissed it.

  I’m fine, his eyes said, before he leaned forward and dropped a brief kiss on my parted lips. He rolled out of bed and pulled on his clothes, walking into my bathroom to inspect the damage himself.


  Chapter 20.

  I stood at the entrance to the bathroom and watched as Stone examined himself in the mirror. His face was almost impassive, the mere shadow of a frown on his battered face. He’d propped himself with a hand on either side of the sink and was turning his face slowly from side to side then lifting is chin up to examine the bruise on his jaw. One bronzed, strong – but bruised – hand came up to gently slide over the bristly, purple skin. He hadn’t shaved and I didn’t think he was going to bother until the bruises went down a bit.

  A shiver of arousal swept my body. The stubble only made him look more dangerous and rough…and I was curious to know what it would feel like against my skin. Another tremor racked my body and my eyes closed as I imagined his stubble rasping against my chest as his calloused hands slid over my bare thighs and his teeth grazed my nipples. I bit my lip to stifle a moan and forced myself to open my eyes.

  I nearly groaned in frustration when my arousal only spiked higher at the sight before me. Stone was now examining his body, those gorgeous masculine hands now running over his torso to feel out any damage as he twisted slightly and more muscles in his back and sides stood to attention. I quietly ran back to my desk to g
et my camera…only to discover in horror that it was missing.

  Shit! I’d left it at the bar last weekend. I gaped at the empty spot on the desk. I couldn’t believe I’d been so wrapped up in what Stone was doing to me, so distracted this week…that I’d not noticed its absence. I wanted to tear out of the building in my pyjamas, run the four blocks to the bar and demand why they hadn’t rung me about my precious, expensive camera. Common sense prevailed though. I grabbed for my mobile and sent Briar a text, asking her if anyone had remembered to grab my camera.

  Briar was at the door in less than two minutes, a bewildered look on her face.

  “Didn’t Candy give it to you?” she asked me, looking shocked, obviously because I hadn’t noticed until now.


  Briar frowned. “Alec grabbed it from the bar when he saw you and Stone leave last Saturday…he gave it to Candy Sunday morning because you and Stone were asleep.”

  I blushed, wondering how long Candy had been in the room that morning, before she’d busted back in at lunch and roused us. My blush quickly turned to a frown though as I looked around the room. It was just like Candy to forget to tell me something, especially if she was distracted by an upcoming game or Mason. Where could she have put it? Why the hell didn’t she just put it on my desk where it normally goes?!!!

  I started to walk around the room, trying to think like Candy. I glanced at her closet and smiled. That was where Candy kept everything. I glanced at my newly-full closet and quickly crossed to it, flinging open the door. There, among the rows of new shoes, was my camera case. I snatched it up with relief, hugging it to my chest and sitting heavily down on my bed. Thank fuck for that!

  I took the camera out of its case, a sense of withdrawal making me eager to snap a photo, any photo. I glanced at the open door of the bathroom and grinned. I needed to take sneaky shots of Stone for my photo assignment anyway. Briar sent me an inquiring look, but I just smiled and crept to the door, keeping it only partially open as I lined up the shot. I frowned. I already had a shot from an open doorway. I glanced at the shower curtain and my grin returned. But how to get there without Stone noticing me?

  I shrugged. Maybe if I just acted natural he wouldn’t notice? He was texting on his phone at the moment, his jeans in his hand, ready to be put back on. I walked quietly passed him and slid into the shower behind the curtain, training the lens on him and waiting for him to pull on his jeans (I didn’t want my professor looking at his sexy butt in those yummy boxer briefs).

  I contemplated the shot, then, with a thrill of excitement, snapped the photo. If I was right, I’d just captured him touching his bruised jaw again with a glower, his sexy back in the view, whilst his battered front was reflected in the mirror for the camera. He turned to look at me with a scowl and I blinked innocently.

  “Evie?” Briar called, “What are you doing?” She stepped through the open door and sent me a funny look, obviously wondering why I was standing in the shower, in my pyjamas and wielding my camera. Her eyes moved to Stone and she screeched.

  Stone flinched and shot me a dark look as Briar flung herself at him.

  “Oh hell, my poor GG,” she gasped, running her hands all over his naked torso. She gripped his chin and yanked it about as she examined his face. “Look what that asshole did to you!”

  “Are you okay?” she asked in a motherly tone, wrapping her arms tightly around him. I saw his face flicker in a small wince as she crushed his bruised ribs.

  “Bri, you’re hurting him,” I whispered, tugging at one of her arms gently. She let go immediately and grabbed his hand, dragging him back into my bedroom.

  “You don’t have to drive me today,” she cooed, “I’ll get Alec to drive me.”

  Stone’s expression cut off her next sentence before it even started. It appeared no one but him was going to drive his car, and he wasn’t going to take much more babying.

  Briar glared at him, her hands on her hips. “Don’t you look at me like that Grant Graham Stone!”

  I flinched, awed by her courage. I didn’t think I’d ever be brave enough to yell at Stone like that.

  Stone didn’t change his look and Briar huffed.

  “You’re such a stupid…Man!” she growled, “It doesn’t make you any less scary if you let someone look after you.”

  Stone’s eyes narrowed slightly. I don’t need looking after, they growled back at Bri. She sighed in defeat and ran her eyes over his cuts.

  “Did you at least let Evie take care of you last night?” she asked, flicking a glance at me. Stone’s eyes flashed with heat and I blushed as the corner of his mouth titled in the start of a wicked smile. Briar’s eyes narrowed as she glanced between us, before her own lips twitched and her demeanour suddenly changed.

  “Out,” she said firmly, her tone brooking no argument. No longer babying, she gave Stone a hard push. I saw the surprise flicker in his eyes for a moment, before he dug in his heels so to speak and stayed firmly sitting - an unmovable rock.

  “Out!” Briar said yet more firmly, pointing at the door, “I have to help Evie pack for your trip and then I’ll let you drive me to the airport.”

  Stone eyed her a moment longer, before sighing and grabbing his shirt, obediently heading out my door, without looking back.

  “How do you do that?” I whispered in awe.

  Briar snorted. “Stone’s a big softy,” she said with a laugh, “You should see him play Barbies with Wendy.”

  I gaped at her, unable to picture Stone’s huge body crouched on the floor of his little sister’s bedroom, holding a Barbie doll and trying to do the little voices. None of my brothers had ever played Barbies with me. For a year or two Charlie had played with me, but the closest thing after that was the younger triplets barging in with their G.I. Joes and trashing my hand-me-down Barbie mansion (Charlie’s, not tom-boy Vicky’s). I think Cooper might have played with Charlie a few times…but never with me, and I strongly suspected Cooper made her play Lego to make up for it.

  Briar looked back at my stunned expression and frowned. “Don’t you dare tell anyone that or Stone will kill me,” she said quickly, actually looking a little worried, “Besides, Wendy gave up on that pretty quickly because Stone refused to do any voice but Ken’s…and he wasn’t exactly…”

  Briar broke off, searching for a word to describe his lack of Barbie-playing enthusiasm. She didn’t need to though…I understood.

  “I won’t tell,” I promised. I laughed in my head. Tell someone? Was she crazy?!

  “Good,” she said, ending the discussion. She hauled out one of my suitcases, pulled out my underwear draw, and threw the closet doors open wide. “Time to pack,” she said with a grin, heading straight for the underwear.


  “Briar,” I whispered, shifting uncomfortably, “I’m nervous.”

  “About sex?” she asked with a frown.

  Well, yes…but not what I meant. I shook my head.

  “About…going away with the boys and Fredi,” I admitted shyly, “It will be weird without you or Candy…what if they ignore me?”

  Briar laughed and hugged me tightly.

  “No chance of that Evie,” she reassured me, her amusement plain, “No chance of that.”


  The band and I left early the next morning, Stone driving his black muscle car with me in the passenger seat and Alec, Fredi and Donny cramped in the back seat (Jamie had elected to stay and party with Candy and Mason). I glanced back at them and frowned. Alec was sitting in the middle, with Fredi and Donny sitting on either side. Both Fredi and Donny had their iPods on, oblivious to my stare.

  “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable if Fredi sat in the middle?” I asked Alec quietly, before glancing at the rear-view mirror. “Can you see over Alec’s head?” I asked Stone.

  He turned his head to look at me as Alec laughed and we came to a stop at a red light. I followed Stone’s eyes to Fredi, and then Donny, before his eyes moved back to mine. Oh, I mouthed, as
realisation hit. Stone’s pointed stare told me, in no-uncertain terms, that there was no way he was driving all the way to Darwin with Fredi and Donny bickering. I frowned as I looked back at the road and we started moving again. How the hell did they get through a band practice? And why didn’t Stone just sit Fredi in the front?

  Stone slid his aviators on as we left the city limits and the sun blared more brightly as it rose. His hand came to rest on my thigh and he gave it a very small squeeze, his eyes not leaving the highway in front of us. I smiled to myself and switched my brain off, wiggling into my seat more and relaxing as I listened to the road trip songs blaring through the speakers. Credence Clearwater Revival’s ‘Bad Moon Rising’ came on and, when Alec started singing along, Fredi and Donny eased their earphones out to hear what was happening. They grinned simultaneously and joined in, making me laugh even though I was envious that they all had such great voices. Stone smiled vaguely and drummed his fingers on both the steering wheel and my leg in time with the music.


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