0597092001436358459 eveline vine

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0597092001436358459 eveline vine Page 34

by Unknown

  Excitement rippled through me as I looked away from him and increased my speed to full throttle. Jamie didn’t speed up.

  “Evie!” Fredi and Jenny screamed after me, but I didn’t listen. I wanted to fly.

  I shot up the mound and stood as I was launched into the air. Using my arms, legs and core muscles, I spun the bike in a full circle, nearly over-rotating, but correcting just in time to hit the dirt facing the right way. The breath was briefly knocked out of me on my landing and I wobbled, the bike still going fast as I tightened my hold on the handles and controlled the wildness of the steering, simultaneously slowing down, even as I heard Jamie come over the bump behind me. I lost control as I hit a rock at the end of the track and the bike veered and then tipped, landing me on my ass on the hot, hard ground.

  I wasn’t badly hurt, just a little scratched up. I shook from the adrenaline and I started laughing euphorically, overwhelmed by the fact I’d managed the trick.

  I had to tell Jake! And Cooper!

  I winced. But maybe I’d leave out the fact I hadn’t so much as worn riding gloves.

  I saw Jamie jump from his bike and run towards me, just as Stone, Fredi and Jenny powered around the jump at full speed.

  “Shit, girl. Are you okay?” Jamie asked with a broad smile, but there was concern in his eyes as he brushed a hand over my bare legs.

  Next thing I knew, Stone was pushing Jamie roughly out of the way and gently tugging off my helmet. I swallowed nervously at his fierce expression as he examined by body, his scowl growing worse as he saw my scratches and grazes. I opened my mouth to tell him I was fine, but found myself tossed over his shoulder like a bag of flour.

  “Grant!” I protested.

  “Evie are you okay?” Fredi asked with a frown, jogging after Stone to keep up.

  I nodded hard.

  “That trick was fucking wicked by the way!” Jamie shouted after me and Stone shot him a glare, even as I gave Jamie the thumbs up on the sly. He laughed and Stone marched on, putting me down briefly to climb on his quad bike. He pointed at the seat behind him imperiously, without even looking me.

  Annoyed, I stood firm, crossing my arms across my chest. “Who’s going to take my bike back then?”

  His eyes shot to mine and the glaring order in them was so intense that I squeaked in alarm and hurried to scramble on behind him, tentatively grasping his shirt. He pulled my hands all the way around him and then set off towards the house at a fast pace, avoiding the rough terrain of the track.

  The muscles in his back were tight and his posture stiff as we rode in silence.

  He was pissed.



  Stone climbed off the quad first, hauling me up into the air again before I’d even had time to dismount. He strode fiercely into the house and toward our room, dumping me surprisingly gentle on the bed and then leaving the room again. He barged back in a moment later with a First Aid kit and I rolled my eyes. He caught the movement and glared at me, taking out some anti-biotic cream and rubbing it brutally into one of my many cuts and grazes.

  Okay, so maybe he wasn’t especially rough…it just stung like a bitch.

  I hissed in pain, but gripped the sheets beneath me and grit my teeth. I wasn’t as delicate as everyone thought. I wasn’t going to cry like a baby over a few cuts and some stingy cream. I didn’t make another sound as Stone moved up my legs and then started on my arms. His hands shook from the effort of being so gentle with me…when he was clearly angry enough to shake me. I wanted to reassure him I was fine…but little Evie Vine hadn’t quite grown enough balls to talk while Stone was in such a rage.

  Silently, he capped the cream and placed it back in the kit, sticking a band-aid or plaster on any cuts that were still bleeding. Slowly, he ran his hands back over my battered legs, stopping at the high hem of my shorts and finally titling his head to look me in the eye. I visibly shrank away from the aggressive look in his.

  What the fuck where you thinking?! – his eyes scolded me.

  I exhaled slowly, nervously and gathered up my courage. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I should have worn more protective gear…and I should have let you know that I was experienced. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I expected him to yell at me, but of course, that would require a long string of words…

  Instead, he just growled and shook his head. He kissed my forehead lightly, but I could still feel the anger and – fear? – radiating off him. He lay down on the bed and tugged me down with him.

  “But…” I squeaked a meek protest, “Shouldn’t we re-join the others?”



  “You’ve had enough for one day,” he said firmly, closing his eyes and keeping a tight grip on me.

  Excuse me?!

  I blinked at him, outraged that he’d order me around like that.

  “So we’re just going to lie around for the rest of our visit?” I asked incredulously.

  He frowned at me, his eyes still closed, his head not turning to look. “Party tonight. I’m performing. Hang with Bri.”

  That sounded like an order rather than a helpful suggestion.

  He paused, then added firmly, “Don’t drink.”

  I stifled a huff of frustration and opened my mouth to protest his bossiness.

  “Only take un-opened soft-drink,” he continued, cutting me off.

  I paused this time and considered this. We were at a friend’s party weren’t we? At her home, with Stone to take care of me.

  Stone’s eyes opened and he assessed the look on my face. “I don’t trust Jenny’s friends,” he explained, “And the property is huge.”

  Fair enough. But I could look after myself!

  “Don’t drink,” he said more forcefully this time.

  Inwardly, I sighed. “Okay,” I whispered, then turned onto my side away from him, my eyes staying wide open even as he curled up behind me and held me close.


  I must have eventually fallen asleep, because I woke to darkness, with Briar leaning over me.

  “Up you get,” she said with a grin, her blonde ringlets falling in my face.

  “What time is it?” I asked worriedly, trying to listen for the sound of the band playing.

  “Seven,” she replied, bouncing off the bed and enthusiastically unzipping my bag, “You need to hurry up and get ready. Jenny’s started the barbeque already and the guests have all arrived.”

  I hurried out of bed and eyed the outfit Briar was putting on the bed. I shook my head. I wasn’t wearing heels and a little skirt on a property. Stone walked in before I could voice my protest, water dripping down his bare chest, clad only in sexy-looking jeans with a towel tossed over one broad shoulder. He smelt divine. He looked damn edible. His eyes zeroed in on the little skirt and heels almost immediately.

  “No,” he said, not elaborating or leaving any room for contradiction. He threw his towel on the bed, grabbed a clean, white shirt from over a chair and tossed me a pair of black boots. “Wear those,” he commanded…and then he left.

  No smiles. No kiss or naughty comment.

  I growled low and long. I was getting really sick of being told what to do.

  This was the reason I hadn’t wanted to date Stone. Hell, we weren’t even dating and he was treating me like a lap dog!

  Briar’s cautious eyes met mine and widened with surprise at the obvious anger in them. Her mouth opened and closed, and for the first time since I’d met her, she seemed unsure as to what to do.

  Suddenly, I grinned. He’d ordered me to wear the boots, but he hadn’t mentioned anything else. I grabbed the tiny skirt with determination, snatched up a tight band T-shirt Briar had recently bought me, and stormed out of the room, heading toward the shower.

  “What about underwear?!” she shouted after me.

  “I’m not wearing any,” I growled beneath my breath.


  Briar was all smiles again as I exited
the bathroom.

  “What?” I demanded quietly, lifting my chin. Her grin widened but she shook her head and pulled me down the hall so that we could join the others outside.

  I stopped and shifted uncomfortably as I noticed just how many people had turned up. More than a hundred people covered the entertainment area, multiple barbeques sizzling and the beer flowing freely from several kegs. There were eskies everywhere and a haze of smoke hung above the crowd – not all of it tobacco. I was hyper aware of my panty-less state, the loose, stretchy fabric of my skirt chafing gently against my bare ass. My breasts jiggled as I took a few tentative steps forward and I blushed.

  Great idea, Evelyn. Cut off your nose to spite your face!

  Briar didn’t let me pause for long though. She steered me eagerly towards a group of guys and threw an arm around me with pride as she introduced me as Stone’s girlfriend. They leered at me, taking in my long legs and the way my T-shirt clung to my boobs. I recalled Stone’s early words about not trusting Jenny’s friends and found myself readily agreeing. I glanced down at my boots and shifted my feet nervously.

  “Hi,” I murmured softly, as Briar began to tell me their names.

  “Hey,” the guy nearest to me murmured in what I think was supposed to be a seductive manner. He stroked a finger down my arm and goose bumps appeared as I shuddered with unease. He grinned and moved closer, mistaking my discomfort for attraction.

  Briar tugged me closer, even as I instinctively shrank away from him. “She’s Stone’s remember,” she said with a laugh, though there was a hint of warning in her voice.

  He chuckled and winked at Briar playfully. “I don’t see Stone anywhere,” he said, reaching out to stroke my hair. The other boys laughed, some of them tossing in their own rude comments.

  “You’re fucking stupid then,” came a deep, amused voice from behind us. The boys jumped in alarm, but it was Donny standing behind us, calmly taking a puff of a smoldering cigarette.

  “Don,” I breathed with relief, latching onto his arm and inching as close to him as possible.

  He gave my hip a reassuring pat and held his hand out to Briar. “Come have something to eat before we start to play,” he told us, pulling us away from the guys. They groaned in protest and cat-called after us, but Donny merely waved over his shoulder at them.

  “Sorry,” Briar whispered to me, “They’re obviously drunk already.”

  Donny snorted, “They’re assholes sober.”

  Donny left us at the food table, where we pushed and shoved our small bodies into the crush of hungry men and hurriedly tried to fill our plates and get out of there as soon as possible. Stone stopped traffic for us, planting his big body in the line and pulling both Briar and I close as he piled food on our paper plates.

  “Thanks,” I whispered, smiling up at him. He raised an eyebrow and herded us over to a long table where the other band members sat with Jenny.

  “Where’s your plate?” I asked Stone with a frown. He put down our plates and sat down on the bench seat, pulling me into his lap.

  “We’re sharing,” he said quietly, handing me a knife and fork, before grabbing a sausage with his fingers and sliding it inside a slice of bread. He didn’t bother with sauce – he just ate the whole thing in two bites and reached for another. I smiled to myself and cut into my potato bake, leaning forward in Stone’s lap to reach my plate properly. His free hand slid over my bare thigh and he sent me a hot look from beneath his thick eyelashes. I squirmed a little, regretting yet again that I’d stubbornly gone without panties. I pressed my legs together and ate a little more quickly, my face flushing with embarrassment.

  I’d only just finished my meal when the band stood, smiles of anticipation stretching across their faces as they strode toward the small stage that had been erected. Stone stood, lifting me with him, before placing my feet back on the ground. He pressed a warm kiss to my neck and then playfully nipped it.

  Like always, he strode off without a single word.

  “C’mon,” Briar squealed, “Let’s go dance!”



  Two hours later, I was hot and sweaty. The band finished their first set with a slow rock ballad, meaning that all Briar made me do was sway from side to side. It was a welcome relief from the crush of jumping, head-banging, drunk idiots I had been enduring. The music was good though. This first set had been mostly metal, with only one song being too hard on the screaming for my tastes. I even found myself singing along to a few of them, sharing in Briar’s natural high.

  The song ended and the band abandoned their instruments for an hour break. Noticing how sweaty Stone looked, I grabbed a bottle of cold water from an esky and hesitantly took it over to him. The muscles in his bare back flinched as I pressed the cold bottle against his skin and he spun around with a dark look.

  It faded instantly when he realised it was me and I felt my knees wobble at the small smile he sent me.

  He took the bottle from my grasp and pulled me toward him, bending his head down at an awkward angle to kiss me deeply. “Thanks,” he growled softly against my lips. Shivers of arousal racked my body and I felt myself instinctively pressing closer to his sweaty chest. He pushed me back a little and grabbed a towel, wiping himself down a bit and pulling his white shirt back on, not bothering with the buttons.

  Briar came up beside us and laughed, pushing some sweaty hair out of my face. “Let’s go freshen up Evie,” she suggested, nodding her head back at the house. She turned to Stone and smiled, “Jamie’s gone over to talk to Warren. You better make sure he doesn’t smoke up before you go back on.”

  Stone frowned and looked around, his eyes narrowing as he found his target. He jumped down from the stage and took off at a fast walk towards a barn in the distance. Briar rolled her eyes at my inquiring look, “Jamie tends to overdo it on stage if he’s had some pot.”

  I could believe that. Jamie bounced with energy as it was.

  We walked back to the house and spent a few minutes fixing our hair and making sure we didn’t smell too bad from all the dancing. We cleaned our faces and Briar reapplied her makeup.

  We were walking back down the hallway, when we heard it.

  A whimper.

  We stopped and stared at each other, neither of us moving as we listened. “Did you hear that?” Briar mouthed. I nodded. Moments later, a small moan came from behind the kitchen door beside us.

  “Is someone hurt?” I whispered in alarm. Briar frowned and crept closer to the door. There was a louder moan, followed by a feminine gasp and then a short, masculine groan. My jaw dropped in shock and Briar covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her giggles.

  “Someone’s fucking in the kitchen!” she hissed at me.

  “Donny?” I whispered, appalled that someone would do that in Jenny’s kitchen.

  Briar smiled wide and shrugged. “Let’s peek.”

  “No!” I gasped, just as the female in the next room cried out a “Yes!”

  Briar had to bite her hand to keep from laughing.

  The kitchen door was one you pushed inward to open, without a knob to turn. Very quietly, Briar pushed the door open a crack and I found myself leaning with her to have a look. We both sucked in a breath at the sight before us.

  A leanly, muscled man was propped over a small female as she lay back on the low kitchen table. The muscles in his bare ass and legs flexed with his every thrust, their clothes strewn about the room. He had a great ass too.

  “More Alec!” Mary begged in a shrill voice. He complied with a growl, hooking one of her legs under his elbow and pushing it wide and back as he thrust deeper, harder – a slow, forceful rhythm that had my heart pounding within my chest as I imagined Stone and I in their place. Mary seemed to like this new angle, because she clawed at him, moving her hips against him desperately as if her orgasm was approaching fast and hard.

  “My God,” Briar whispered beside me, before backing away and running outside. I followed after her, nearly s
macking into her as she came to a stop in front of Stone.

  What’s wrong? he demanded with his eyes, looking from Briar to me and then back again. We both blushed.

  “I have to go,” Briar blurted it out and ran off before Stone could grab her.

  Cold, steel-grey eyes caught mine and he growled. I blushed and looked down at my feet. I giggled nervously. Stone raised an eyebrow, still waiting.


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