The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1)

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The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1) Page 8

by Warren Thomas

  The Elven Empire rested behind the Dragonback Mountains, protecting them from unwanted human intrusion. It was well known that for a human to venture into those dark forests was death. The Gods did nothing about it, having given the lands to the elves for turning against the Old Ones toward the end of that ancient war.

  To the steppe and desert folks, the Black Forest to the north was even more intimidating. No one knew how large the forest actually was. It was called the Spirit Lands by the steppe folk, and the Taboo Lands by the desert folk. All agreed it was haunted and most believed the spirits of the dead Old Ones' armies guarded it from mortals. The entrance to Hel was thought by the northern cultures to be deep within its dark forests.

  Pulling down her sweaty blue bandanna from over her mouth and nose, Danica pushed her dusty wide-brimmed black hat back and wiped her sweat-soaked face with a grimy sleeve. It was blistering hot, with her steel cuirass acting like an oven. She didn't have the coin back in Elfhaven to buy a burnoose, though a fellow guard had offered to "give" her one of his for certain disgusting favors. Her shirt was plastered to her body beneath the armor, and she could feel rivulets of sweat tickling their way down her back. The armor prevented her from scratching.

  She marveled again at how the heat made the prairie shimmer like water. The cool spring temperatures were long gone. The only place worse than the far western plains of the steppes in summer was the desert in summer. And in two or three days they would be crossing over. For the better part of three weeks they had been roughly paralleling it while trading with the infrequent steppe clans.

  She slid out of the saddle, plucked off her hat and filled it with tepid water from the water bladder tied to the left flank of the horse and under her round nomad shield. Originally she didn't have the coin to buy a shield, but had won it in a game of dice from a steppe warrior two weeks back.

  "Ho, Danica!" Horse called out happily, too happily, as she was giving her thirsty mount its second hat full of tepid water. "Lose your appetite for dust already?"

  She tried to scowl at the cheerful nomad, but it quickly twisted into a smile to match his own. He was so much like Carl.

  Grinning, "I'm trying to watch my figure."

  Snorting, "No need. No one will get fat on what they feed us." Then giving her his most dramatic leer, "But if you're so worried, I would be honored to help you work off any undesired weight, my elven beauty."

  Danica visibly cringed, to his delight, and cursed the day Horse had learned she was an elfmaid. Needless to say, he couldn't wait to tell everyone. For two weeks she had been the center of unwanted attention, as eager-eyed men vied for her exotic attentions. And after she'd worked so hard to keep her racial identity a secret.

  "Go lick a goat."

  Horse just chuckled.

  Setting the soaked hat atop her head, and enjoying how its wetness cooled her brow, she swung back into the saddle. Shifting her weight in the saddle, she wondered if she'd ever get accustomed to life in the saddle. Even in her old male body, she quickly tired of forking a horse day in and day out. Then realizing Horse was watching her, she settled into the saddle. Shooting the chuckling nomad a sharp look, she vowed to knock him out of his saddle if he offered to "rub her tush" again.

  "Not what I want to lick," he said, wagging his brows.

  Danica smiled despite herself. She worried he was starting to wear her down. The idea of actually sleeping with him wasn't as repulsive as it should be or as it once was. She liked the horny bastard, and truth was, she was feeling the need for some relief as well.

  I don't want to go there. Going there would lead down a path best not travelled.

  "I like it when you smile," Horse said. "It gives me hope."

  "Hmmm," Danica said, biting her lip. Was she that annoying back when she still was a man? Probably. "Do you ever give up?"

  "Never," he said. "But there is one way to shut me up."


  "Sleep with me," he said.

  Danica sighed. She glanced towards the caravan, which was no longer in view. She couldn't see anyone else. Her heart started pounding, her pussy aching. A warm wetness spread between her legs.

  This is happening way to often of late. She glanced at Horse. His eager eyes told her he realized she was considering his proposition, if not how her body was reacting. That man was way too observant for her own good. I swear, Talar enchanted my brain. Or my body. Or my libido. Something.

  "You're almost a bad as Fulgar," she said. Horse chuckled, shaking his head. She knew by mentioning her nemesis within the caravan she'd killed his ardor. Usually that was true. This time, not so much. Unfortunately, all day Danica had been trying to figure out a way to kill Captain Fulgar's desire for her. Or at least stop his constant attempts to get her alone and force himself upon her. The only solution she could think of was to let him have his way. Maybe after a night in his bedroll he'd be satisfied and leave her alone. Maybe she wouldn't have to do much. "Do you think Fulgar would leave me alone if I sucked him off?"

  Her face burned. She couldn't look at Horse.

  All day, really for the last week, her mind kept return to doing something for Fulgar so he would leave her alone. Those vile thoughts always left her shaken and disgusted, but mostly because of how aroused she became when she considered how best to do him. Sucking him off on her knees seemed to pop into her way too often.

  "What?" Horse said. "You're not joking. You mean it."

  He looked shocked. Odd, because he made jokes about her doing Fulgar on a daily basis. It might've even been his teasing that put the thoughts in her head, and then got her to seriously consider that option.

  "Yes," she said. "I'm trying to get him off my ass. What's your problem?"

  "My problem? You want to know what my problem is?" Horse asked, reining his horse around to head away from her. "I'm your friend. Really, your only friend in this damn caravan, yet you reject me and are seriously considering letting a man you claim to hate have his way with you."

  Horse sank his spurs in so hard his mount whinnied and took off running. Danica just stared open-mouth. He wasn't joking. After a moment she followed.

  Danica was not able to get close to Horse for the rest of the day. He rode ahead or dropped behind whenever she drew near. Quite irritating, and oddly distressing. Danica didn't like how his rejection affected her inside. The prospect of losing him as a friend frightened her.

  "I hate my life," she said, scowling at the heavens.

  The caravan stopped for the night well before dark. The guards all came in to help put the laager together using the wagons. While they maneuvered and wrestled the wagons into a tight circle, their dinner was being cooked. Once everything was done, and they'd all tended their mounts, it was time for the evening meal.

  The hunters managed to kill a pair of wild goats, so they had meat. Most nights they didn't. Danica was last in line, as usual. Horse normally stood and ate with her, but he got his food first that night and got himself in the middle of a bunch of other nomads. She couldn't confront him with so many witnesses, or everyone would know she was contemplating letting Fulgar have his way. That would not turn out well for her.

  So she had to wait for him to bed down. First, though, she rolled out her bedroll and got in fully clothed. With so many sexually deprived men in the caravan, Danica didn't think it prudent to sleep any other way. She slept with two daggers and her drawn sword, too.

  Danica watched and waited. Horse finally got his bedroll, and rolled it out far from hers. It just felt wrong. He always slept right next to her, from day one. His presence helped her sleep, knowing he had her back if one of the other men got any crazy ideas. So she waited until most of the men were settled down, and she slipped out of her bedroll.

  Sneaking up to Horse, she squatted beside him and placed her finger across his lips. "Shhh."

  He tensed, looking at her warily.

  "Can we go talk?" she whispered.

  "About what?"

  "Us," she said.

  He hesitated. Her belly clenched. Danica couldn't believe she was saying what she was saying, or thinking what she was thinking.

  "What's there to talk about? You'd rather suck him off than do anything with me," he whispered. Danica gasped and glanced around quickly. No one stirred. "Maybe you should be waking him up."

  "Shhh," she said. "Please. Can we do this somewhere else? Somewhere more private?"

  "Do what?" he asked.

  His eyes were fierce. She felt naked under that gaze. Danica swallowed, feeling her body changing. She was so hot. Warm wetness spread between her legs and a tremor started in her belly and hands.

  "Please. Not here."

  Horse shook his head, and then lowered it back to the ground. "I'm through talking. Do what you want to do, or who you want to do."

  Danica watched his eyes close. Dismissing her. She swallowed, her mind crying out with distress. The elfmaid didn't know if it raged against what she was considering doing with Horse, or the fact he might no longer be interested. Very distressful.

  Licking her lips, heart thundering in her ears, Danica rolled to her knees, lowered her face, and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. Horse's eyes popped open. He gawked up at her.

  "Please, Horse, come with me," she whispered, throat almost too tight to speak.

  Rising to her feet, she headed away from camp. She heard Horse following, and that was quite a relief. It also terrified her.

  Once they were over the rise and out of sight of camp, Danica turned to face Horse. He was moving up to her fast, his eyes fierce and hungry.

  "Horse, I just wanted to say…," she started, but he was upon her.

  Her friend wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. It felt divine. She hadn't been held in so long, but it was going too fast, so she tried to push him back. Instead, Horse kissed her. Before she knew it his lips were all over hers. She moaned, and didn't know where that came from, only that it felt so good.

  After a moment, her mind began to spin and Danica kissed him back. Her hands clutched at him, and she moaned low at the sensuous feel of his lips gliding over hers. She knew she was in trouble when he opened her mouth with his own, and thrust in his tongue. Her tongue met his, and they wrestled deep in her mouth.

  "Mmmmm," she groaned. "Horse. This…This is…Oooh. Lyss, help me."

  Horse groaned, kissing and sucking on her neck. She realized that calling out the Goddess of Love was probably not the best idea she'd ever had.

  "You don't need Lyss's help," Horse said, starting to remove her clothes. "I'll take real good care of you. Promise."

  Danica managed to push him to arms-length. He continued to work at her clothes, but he caught her eyes. She tried, but couldn't break free of his gaze. The beautiful elfmaid felt that gaze all the way down into her lower belly. It made her juices flow like never before.

  "Horse, you don't understand. I've never…," she said. Danica didn't know what to say. She couldn't confess the whole truth. She might be cast out from the caravan, and that would be a death sentence. "I mean, I haven't…"

  "Are you a virgin?"

  "No," she thought, remember all that had happened before. "Hardly."

  Horse had her breeches unfastened, and half pushed down over her flaring hips. They were too tight for him to remove without her cooperation. So he pulled her tunic up and off her body. Danica lifted her arms, letting him take it. She almost crossed her arms before her naked breasts.

  "Danica, you are so beautiful," Horse said. He cupped a teat, squeezing it gently. His thumb rubbed her sensitive, hard nipple. She looked down, not know what to think about a man touching her so intimately. She watched as her nipples swelled up, become quite erect. "So beautiful."

  "Oh my."

  Horse kissed her. Then he pulled away, and stripped before her. Danica watched, panting, her body filled with the most incredible sensations. Tingling heat filled her, turning her insides to mush, as her pussy throbbed and ached. At the same time, it felt as if her mind was turning to mush as well.

  Before she knew it, Horse was on his knees before her, pulling her breeches down over her hips. She wiggled her hips, helping him out, and then he pulled them down her legs. Danica stepped out of the breeches, and Horse buried his face between her legs.

  "Oh!" she cried, feeling his tongue lapping at her feminine folds.

  "You are so wet," he said. "You do want me as much as I want you."

  Do I? Her head spun.

  Horse nibbled at her clit causing her to rise up on her toes and bury her hands in his hair. He forced his tongue between her nether lips and eagerly lapped up her juices.

  "Horse. Horse! This will change everything," she gasped. "Change…us. Change…our…relationship…Oooooh."

  "I know," he said, and pulled her down to straddle him. Danica looked down at his erection, now pressed against her belly. "It's what I want."

  The size of him scared her. Her eyes widened, as her chest tightened. Danica struggled to swallow the lump in her throat. Her mind was already going there, visions of Horse between her legs and thrusting into her. Could her body take in such a huge cock?

  "Oh my. You're hung like a horse," she said. "You will hurt me."

  "Don’t worry, it'll fit," he said, grinning. He rolled forward, pushing her onto her back beneath him. Danica cried out, looked down between them. He was hanging low, his erection rubbing against her folds. She couldn't believe how large he was. He had bragged before, but she dismissed it. Many men bragged about their size, but weren't any bigger than the next man. "Are you ready?"

  "No," she said. "I mean, yes. I'm yours, Horse."

  His eyes grew fierce again, sending a thrill up her spine. Danica reached down, wrapped delicate fingers around his shaft, and guided him in. She sucked in a sharp breath, back bowing up, when he thrust into her. Penetration was profound. Danica grabbed his shoulders, dug her nails in hard, her legs wrapping around him.

  "Lyss! Help me," she cried.

  "Glorious Gods, you're so tight," Horse gasped out.

  He thrust and thrust, pushing deeper and deeper. Danica's head rocked upon the ground. Her hips thrust up to meet his and she stared into his face, wide-eyed. She could not believe it. Couldn't believe how stretched she felt. It hurt yet it felt divine.

  Horse slowly worked his way deeper and deeper, until he completely filled her. It wasn't long before she was bucking under him, crying out. She felt her body changing, felt herself moving closer and closer to ultimate release. And she so wanted it, too.

  "Oh Horse. Oh Horse," she gasped out. "Yes. Yes. Oh, please don't stop. Oh yes!"

  Once he got settled into a nice rhythm, Horse's hands came up to the breasts. Danica marveled how wonderful it felt to have such big, rough hands all over her sensitive, silky smooth breasts.

  Soon she felt him starting to peak. His thrusts were becoming more frantic. Horse was gasping, grunting. She felt her own body change again, and start into that wild ride to climax. She cried out as she got closer and closer. And then…

  "Aaagggh," Danica cried, feeling her body pulse with pleasure. She idly wondered if elven women climaxed different from humans or if their climaxes were more powerful, or felt better. It was the most incredible feeling she'd ever experienced, as a man or a woman. "Aaagggh."

  Her orgasm seemed to excite Horse even more. He cried out joyfully, and then thrust deep and held it. Danica stared up into his blissful face as he came inside her, filling her with his seed.

  "That was better than I dreamed," Horse said, collapsing atop her.

  They lay like that for a long time, huffing and puffing, slowly settling down. So long that Danica felt herself starting to drift off. Then she heard Horse's soft snores, and didn't fight it any more.

  Danica smiled as she drifted off into nothingness.

  She wasn't sure how long they slept, but Danica was awakened by Horse lifting her up in his arms. She drifted in and out of sleep as he carried her back to his bedroll. As they settled
down within his blankets, she lifted her head and looked around. Most of the other men were looking at them. A few were grinning. She rolled her eyes, laid her head on his chest, and went back to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Danica stood before her mount, her hat filled with water as the thirsty horse drank his fill. Well, she probably didn't have enough water on her to satisfy his thirst, but it would hold him over until the end of the day. Which wasn't that far off.

  Glancing at the sun far to the west, "We've still got a good two hours to go before sunset, and then I'll take good care of you."

  The sound of an approaching rider caught her attention. She glanced over her shoulder to see Horse riding towards her. He'd been called up to the train by Fulgar.

  "Danica, we're stopping for the night," he said. He leaned over in the saddle, palmed the back of her head and kissed her. Rubbing her lips together, Danica marveled at how a mere week as Horse's lover had changed her and their relationship. "There's a clan that wants to trade, so Omar is going to make camp on the other side of the next hill."

  "Great," she said. Her belly started to tingle. Horse was insatiable, and always wanted to get one off her before the evening meal, and then again at bedtime. Then again when they awoke and any chance they got during the day. "We can always count on ole Omar to take care of us."

  "Now if we can only avoid Fulgar. I didn't like the way he looked at me. I think he's got something nasty planned for us."

  That brought her scowl back. Captain Fulgar was still holding a grudge, despite her taking a lover. Danica had hoped Fulgar would lose interest when she started sleeping with Horse. Apparently he now blamed both Danica and Horse for his misery. Together, they pulled half of all the night guard duty, along with many other distasteful duties. Like digging latrines.

  "Speaking of the God of Brooding," she said, "we had better get going before he spies us breathing fresh air."

  Captain Fulgar watched them like a hawk. If they even looked like they were happy or comfortable, he'd quickly find something hard or unpleasant for them to do.


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