Mason: Bourne Bodyguards Book 2

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Mason: Bourne Bodyguards Book 2 Page 3

by Morgan, Mandy

  My heart swelled at the sight. And so did another part of me. I was very familiar with a woman making my pants tight. It was what Blair did to me above the belt that made me gasp.

  She was looking out into the parking lot and didn’t see me approaching. For a few seconds, the real Blair was there again, without a scowl on her face or harsh words in her mouth.

  I wanted to take her into my arms and see if she tasted as sweet as she looked. But then Blair turned and saw me staring at her with my mouth hanging open and the moment was shattered.

  “I tried to call and tell you to come back.”

  Her tone was cool but not glacial, so I took that as a good sign. Not wanting to say anything stupid again, I waited for a beat or two before responding with a smile.

  “I silenced my phone while I was checking out the rear of the building.”

  “Oh, I guess that makes sense.” Blair wrapped her arms around her chest and I caught a whiff of her enticing scent again. “I thought you’d gone home.”

  “There’s no way you can get rid of me that easily.”

  I could have sworn she smiled and blushed. But the lighting wasn’t good enough for me to tell for sure. She hesitated for a bit and then stepped back to give me the room to get inside.

  “You want some coffee? I have a feeling neither of us will be sleeping any time soon.”

  “Coffee sounds great.” I gave her my most charming grin as I made my way past her into the living room. “Want some help?”

  “Sure, since helping me is why you’re here, right?”

  I laughed. “That’s exactly right. As long as you’ll let me, of course.”

  She arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow but didn’t say a word. That must have been hard for her, and I gave her credit where it was due. I checked to make sure the deadbolt was engaged and followed Blair into the kitchen.

  We made a pot of coffee in silence, moving together as if we’d done it a hundred times, but the quiet was warm, instead of freezing cold, the way it had always been with us before.

  “Thanks for giving me another chance,” I said as we sat down at the kitchen table with our mugs. “Even though I’m not sure I deserve it.”

  Blair looked at me closely for the first time in a long time. “You’re welcome. And you definitely earned it. You didn’t give up on me. Which is more than most people can say.”

  The pain written on her face made my hands curl into fists. I wanted to kill whoever had made her look so sad. Then I realized I was on that list. And maybe right up at the top.

  “Listen, Blair, I should really apologi—”

  She stopped my words by holding up her hand. It was when she placed it on top of my own that she stopped my heart. Her touch set me on fire and cooled me down at the same time.

  It was a combination I’d never experienced before and I was soon drunk on it. On her. I knew in that instant no other woman would ever be able to make me feel the same way.

  “It’s me who should be apologizing to you, Mason. I blew things way out of proportion, and never gave you a chance to—”

  This time, it was me who put a stop to the talking. I leaned in, wrapped her curls in my hand the way I’d been dreaming of doing since I’d first met her, and drank the taste of Blair’s lips with my own.

  Chapter Nine


  The heat of Mason’s mouth on mine wrung a moan from my lips. Every angry thought I’d had about him, every moment of pain he’d caused me, and every infuriatingly lustful thought I’d had for him poured out of me and into Mason.

  He pulled me closer with one hand and wrapped the other in my hair, tugging it in a deliciously rough way that left me groaning and gasping as I ended up in his lap with my legs straddling him.

  I ground myself into Mason, putting all my fear and frustration into it, and I felt how badly he wanted me. His need was hot and rigid between my thighs, and any doubt I once had about letting him in disappeared.

  “I never should have let you get away,” Mason growled. “I’m not going to make that mistake again.”

  He stood up so fast that his chair clattered to the floor behind him. I moaned as he set me on my feet and stripped away my clothes in a hungry frenzy. He tore his own off and tossed them to the side.

  Mason looked good enough to eat, and I slid my hands down his bare, chiseled chest to the object of my desire. I wrapped my hand around him and squeezed, which made him damn near howl with longing.

  He lifted me up into his arms and carried me over to the kitchen counter. I leaned back and gave him full access to my tender flesh. Mason devoured me until I was writhing and digging my fingers into his back.

  “Inside of me,” I panted. “I need you inside of me!”

  Without another word, Mason slid up and into me, making me scream out his name as he filled me in ways I hadn’t even let myself dream about, and left me moaning and begging for more.

  I clung to Mason as if my life depended on it and rode wave after wave of pleasure as he thrust deeper into my very core. Every ounce of me was tuned in to him and the magic he was working on my body.

  I lost count of how many times he made me come. I didn’t care about the cold counter underneath me. I forgot about anything and everything other than becoming one with Mason.

  As he groaned and crashed into his own orgasm, I threw my head back and was swallowed whole by a moment of pure bliss and total clarity. This was what I’d been after my entire life. This was what I’d wanted from Mason from the very first.

  A complete connection on every level. Melting into him and giving myself to him in every way. Being able to let go, so I could bare myself to the man I was drawn to for reasons I couldn’t fathom or describe.

  And when I’d felt as if he couldn’t let himself do the same for me, I’d built a wall of loathing and fear around my heart. I’d grown to hate Mason before I’d ever really given him a chance.

  But Mason had never given up on me. He’d stuck around when anyone else would have written me off for good. I couldn’t let this be the end of things for us.

  So, I waited until we’d both caught our breath and peeled ourselves off the kitchen counter. And then I took Mason’s hand in mine and led him to my bed.

  He was wearing that crooked smile of his. The one that set me on fire and used to infuriate me so much at the same time. I could tell he was about to say something, but I stopped him with a kiss, and then pressed my hands to his chest and sent him tumbling backward onto the mattress.

  Mason grinned as I climbed on top of him and straddled his naked body with mine. I leaned in and brought our heads together, causing my hair to cascade down and create a curtain of curls around us.

  “I have a secret to tell you,” I whispered. “But I’m afraid to say it out loud.”

  Mason’s softly spoken reply sent tingles racing through me. “You never have to be afraid of telling me anything, my heart, and I think we share a secret.”

  My pulse was racing like crazy and my mouth had gone dry. I knew I had to tell Mason how I really felt about him. No matter what happened as a result.

  I licked my lips and took a deep breath. “I love you, Mason Hanson, and I have from the moment we met.”

  His face lit up and he crushed me to his chest. I could both feel and hear his heart beating like a drum. When he spoke, his words vibrated against my skin and made my own heart swell.

  “And I love you, Blair Thomas. You’re mine and mine alone. For the rest of our days.”

  Chapter Ten


  I woke up feeling more alive than I had in a long time. And I knew who I had to thank for it. But when I reached out to pull Blair into my arms, I discovered I was alone in her bed.

  My eyes flew open and I shot upright. The glow of the alarm clock on the bedside table told me I’d slept through most of the day and into the evening. It was almost eight at night.

  I groaned with irritation at myself for sleeping so many hours away. I jumped out of bed a
nd checked Blair’s apartment, hoping to find her in another room.

  But she was gone and my blood was boiling. I’d just managed to finally win Blair over. I’d connected with her in ways I’d only imagined were possible. We’d both been able to open our hearts to true love.

  And now I’d lost her. I slammed my fist into my palm and raced into the kitchen to grab my phone. I was ready to go to battle to get Blair back with me.

  Just as I was about to call in the entire BPS team to hunt down Blair, I realized two things—I was still buck naked and there was a sticky note on the table.

  I grabbed the note and breathed a sigh of relief to see Blair’s bubbly script. She’d gone in for her shift at the hospital and hadn’t wanted to wake me. I was comforted by her words and the big heart she’d drawn.

  But then I remembered what had brought us together again. Blair was in danger, whether she wanted to admit it or not. And she’d gone back to where the trouble had started. Alone.

  I instantly shifted into soldier mode. My clothes were still in a pile on the kitchen floor and I yanked them on before grabbing my handgun and racing out of the apartment.

  As I rushed to All Saints, I thought about what I had to lose if something happened to Blair. I’d never been in love before and I was sick to my stomach at the possibility of losing it before things had really begun.

  I gritted my teeth and gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. Rage shot through me at the thought of someone harming Blair and I pushed the gas pedal to the floor.

  By the time I peeled into the hospital parking lot, I was vibrating with worry and anger, and there was a sinking sensation in my gut. Something wasn’t right. I could just feel it. I jumped out of my truck and flew into the ER.

  There was no sign of Blair. I hurried up to the front desk and asked for them to page her for me. Seconds ticked by and my heart hammered as I waited. It felt like an eternity.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I ignored the shouts of protest from the staff and barged through the door to the employee-only area. My eyes desperately scanned the halls for Blair’s chestnut curls.

  And then I remembered she’d told me and Brock where she’d been when this whole thing started. I raced for the rear entrance of the hospital but stopped short when I got to the loading dock.

  I pulled my gun off my hip and eased silently out into the night. With my back pressed to the wall, I peered out into the area where my gut told me, against all odds, I’d find Blair.

  When I locked my eyes on the curves of the woman I loved, I was glad my training had kicked in, and I hadn’t come bursting out onto the loading dock. Blair was standing on the opposite side with a look of sheer terror on her face.

  There was a man holding her at gunpoint. His back was to me and I slipped up behind him. Blair gasped at the sight of me and he started to spin around. But it was too late.

  I wrapped an arm around his neck and jabbed my handgun into his ribs. He hissed and tried to break free. That was not happening. Not on my watch.

  I squeezed his throat until he dropped his weapon and was gasping for air. But it wasn’t enough for me. I choked the breath out of him until he passed out and collapsed at my feet.

  Blair stood staring at me and shaking. I kicked the dirtbag’s gun away from his reach, and then I did what I’d been longing to do—I went over and gathered her up in my arms.

  She sobbed into my shoulder and I ran my hands over her until she was calm enough to speak. Blair looked up at me with wet eyes and flushed cheeks.

  “I never should have left your side or come back out here. I was such an idiot, Mason, and I’m sorry!”

  “You’re not an idiot, my love, you’re just used to taking care of yourself. But that’s my job now, okay?”

  Blair nodded and I claimed her mouth with mine. I soaked up the smell and taste of her. The feeling of her in my embrace. How right everything about her felt.

  When our kiss ended, Blair asked me what we should do next. I laughed and jabbed the jerk at our feet with the toe of my boot.

  “Now, we get this asshole into the hospital, and then we call the cops and let them deal with him. He was lucky to survive messing with my woman.”

  Blair nodded gave me a wicked grin that made me love her even more. “I have a feeling he’s used up the very last of his luck…”

  Chapter Eleven


  I’ve always prided myself on my ability to handle anything life threw at me. I’d learned to be tough and smart at a young age, thanks to having parents that were never around or ever gave much of a damn.

  That was why I was jealous of Lily—she’d had the unconditional love of her mother and father since birth. And then Brock came around to take over from there.

  But I’d been on my own. At least, that’s what I’d always told myself. Of course, I’d been dead wrong about that. The truth was, I’d never really been alone, but I’d been too afraid to let anyone help me, in case they got too close and hurt me.

  I could see it all so clearly now. Thanks to a sexy and stubborn bodyguard named Mason. He’d showed me it was okay to let my walls down. That it was okay to let other people know I needed help and to accept it.

  I opened my heart completely to Mason. He’d won me over before he’d saved my life. Seeing him take out the drug dealer who’d come to silence me permanently had just sealed the deal.

  Once we’d brought the dirtbag inside and made sure he got treated, Mason had called the police and let Brock know what was going on. He and Lily were there in a flash.

  As Lily had consoled me, the two bodyguards had conferred, and found out there were quite a few similarities in my case and the one Brock was working.

  By the time the Scarlet Springs PD had arrived, Brock and Mason were ready to give them the intel they’d gathered, and it wasn’t long afterward that the whole sordid tale came together.

  The threatening letter I’d received from Mr. Brooks was sent by the kingpin of a local drug ring. His family grew poppies up in the most remote and deserted parts of the Colorado mountains.

  Mr. Brooks and his crew then made and sold heroin with their crops. It was one of his men who I’d watched dump an overdosing customer behind All Saints, which had set everything in motion.

  It was the same scumbag who’d come back to get rid of me on the orders of Mr. Brooks. The drug lord had been worried I’d talk about what I’d seen and ruin his whole operation.

  The police had put armed guards on the man Mason had almost killed for threatening my life. They assured us all the whole Brooks gang would be going away for a very long time.

  I felt a hundred pounds lighter hearing that and sank into Mason’s arms with a happy sigh. He held me tight and then hooked my chin with his finger to look deep into my eyes.

  “Feeling better, my heart?”

  “In every way,” I said softly. “But what now?”

  “You always want to know what’s next, don’t you?”

  I shot him a grin. “Now that I have a reason to look forward to the future? You bet your sweet ass!”

  Mason roared with laughter, pulled me in for a kiss, and then pressed his forehead to mine. “That makes two of us, my love, that makes two of us.”

  It was like Mason was a new man. Or I was finally able to see him for who he really was. I soaked up the way I felt whole in Mason’s arms and smiled.

  “How about we go back to my place?” I reached around and pinched his ass playfully. “You can give me a refresher course on just how sweet this really is.”

  Mason moaned low in his throat and the sound left me light-headed with longing. I might have been through the wringer over the past few hours, but I wasn’t ready to call it quits. Not with Mason. Not ever.

  “Sounds like a hell of a plan to me, beautiful. I’m nowhere near finished with you yet…”



  After that night on the loading dock, I’d made some big changes. I went back t
o working days. I reached out to Lily and fixed our friendship. I no longer shut people out or lived in fear.

  I’d never really believed in true love or being able to live happily ever after. But I was turning into living proof that love conquers all—even death threats from drug dealers.

  And I wasn’t the only one who’d changed. Mason had gone from a womanizer to a one-woman man. My man. We spent all of our free time together and loved every second of it.

  We were even talking about him moving in with me, since there was plenty of room at my place, and he was living in a tiny efficiency apartment near the BPS office downtown.

  It might have only been a month since our first night together, but sometimes you just know, and everyone in our lives supported us being a couple. It was perfectly clear that we completed one another.

  Lily was thrilled that I’d become my old happy and bubbly self once more. Brock was over the moon at how much Mason had improved now that he wasn’t putting so much of his energy into chasing women.

  In short, life was good, and we were all glad peace had come back to our small Colorado town. Scarlet Springs was once more a safe place to live and work.

  At least that’s what we thought. Until I walked into the lab at All Saints this morning and found Amelia pinned up against her work station by a scuzzy guy.

  I’d only been at the hospital for an hour or so before Lily asked me to run some samples down for analysis. And I’d yet again stumbled upon something I probably shouldn’t have.

  Amelia Clark had been a good friend to me, so when I saw her in trouble, I didn’t think twice. I yelled at the scumbag pointing his finger in Amelia’s face to get the hell out.

  He turned and leered at me. My blood ran cold as he looked me up and down. There were shadows under his eyes and scruff on his cheeks. I could smell sour sweat pouring off him from where I stood by the door.


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