Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)

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Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1) Page 10

by Freya Barker

  "FUCK! Emma..." Gus who had been so controlled just a moment earlier, suddenly grabbed her by the hair. Holding her head firmly, he started fucking her mouth. Emma clutched his ass, trying to find purchase while revelling in the power of having made this beautiful man come undone. The trembling of his muscles under her hands evidence of his fight to keep his plunges into her mouth from going too deep. Not usually one to give over control, Emma couldn't believe how satisfying it was to offer yourself up so completely to someone else's pleasure. Right in that moment, with her head immobile, she was more turned on - felt more alive than she could recall ever being. Her eyes conveying the passion and new-found strength, she looked at the powerful man above her who was taking what he needed, wanted and desired - from her.

  "Stop. I don't want to come yet, Peach. Not yet." Gus barely managed to get out, as he gently pulled himself away from her mouth. Looking down, he was momentarily shaken. Emma made a stunning picture sitting there, even still dressed. Her hair was a wild riot of curls where his hands had tangled, cheeks flushed, her lips wet and swollen from being stretched around his cock. So giving and the fucking sexiest thing he'd ever seen. And her eyes... her eyes were like deep pools of a timeless ocean, shiny and full of knowledge, hidden depths, endless promise and soft warm comfort. He was losing himself in her.

  "Too many clothes, baby... Let me take care of you."

  Without waiting for a response, he grabbed her shirt by the hem and pulled it up and over her head. Having foregone a bra when she changed earlier, she was left bare-chested. Pulling her up, he leaned down to take one nipple in his mouth, lightly tugged on it, released and kissed it, before repeating it on her other breast.

  "Hold on to my shoulders." Bending down to his knees, he pulled her yoga pants and underwear down at once. Emma did as he asked, and stepped clear of her clothes. Throwing the pants out of their way, he sat up on his knees and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his head on her breasts, feeling the length of her lush, soft body against him. "You feel so damn good... " He said softly, deeply breathing her in. Soft skin, yet firm and padded under his hands, but underneath still fragile. Leaning out he gently pushed her back a little.

  "Let me see. Lay down for me, babe. Let me check what those bastards did to you properly." Skimming his hands over her body he noted the large dark bruising, which extended from the middle of her ribs, down her left side and her hip almost to her knee.

  "Jesus!" Burst from his lips as he tried to reign in his temper. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize. I should've been much more careful with you. This is a really bad idea." Noticing the slightly shocked look on her face, her teeth firmly biting down on her bottom lip, he moved onto the bed on her right side. Her good side. Wrapping himself around her, he insinuated his leg between hers. With his hand on her soft belly, he stroked her skin with the tips of his fingers.

  "Feel my cock against you? Feel how hard you make me? Understand this; I will be inside you, but I don't want to run the risk of hurting you. When I fuck you, I want to enjoy this gorgeous, luscious body the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Do you hear me?"

  Emma simply nodded, leaning over the edge of the bed to try and grab her shirt.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Grabbing something to sleep in?"

  "Nope. No covering up. I like you just like this, so I can feel every inch of you." Pulling her back down, he curved her against him. Then he reached to turn off the bedside lamp, wrapping his arms around her and buried his nose in her curls. Closing his eyes, he hoped his dick wouldn't spontaneously combust during the night with that fragrant bundle of warm skin rubbing up against him.

  Chapter 12

  She must have dozed off at some point during the night, 'cause when Emma opened her eyes she could see early morning light filtering in through the blinds. Slowly becoming aware of her surroundings, she noticed she was naked and had a very warm, firm body pressed against her backside. She lifted her head off the pillow, turned slightly and found Gus' rugged face, relaxed in sleep beside her on the pillow. His full lips were slightly parted and a small grunting noise escaped with every exhale. His full dark head with streaks of gray had hair sticking out in every direction, as if he had rubbed his head all night, and his thick eyelashes fanned over his cheekbones. Quite the contrast between the sharp, alert and imposing Gus, and this soft, rumpled and endearing Gus. It put a smile on her face.

  It didn't take long for Emma's brain to register the customary morning pain and seize ups that come with being in one position for too long. She knew she would be better off getting up and moving, before things got any worse. Trying to be as quiet as was possible for her, she tried to slide out from under the total body hold Gus had on her, holding in her usual morning groans. When she made it to the bathroom without waking him, she couldn't resist turning around to take a peek at the gorgeous naked man in her bed. Not something she'd ever think she'd see again. She took a quick mental picture... one long, hairy, muscular leg draped over the sheet, the full side of his body exposed. The tight hard globe of his ass curving into a broad and nicely muscled back where another piece of ink adorned his olive toned skin. Delicious - she grinned to herself, like the cat who got the canary - and all mine, at least for now. In the bathroom she turned to look at herself in the mirror, and her smile faltered. Ay... not the prettiest sight, she was. Her hair resembled a bird's nest, and her normally rather pale and floppy body was now black and blue as well. Ugh. She wasn't sure what he saw when he looked at her, but whatever.

  With a quick finger comb through her hair, a pair of yoga pants, a shirt and her teeth brushed, she made her way into the kitchen. The plan was to maybe get some muffins going, when she was stopped in her tracks at the sight of Katie standing at her counter, pouring coffee.

  "Morning." Katie had obviously heard her approach, because she hadn't even turned around yet, giving Emma time to gather herself. Yikes, this was a little awkward to say the least.

  "Hey. Morning to you too. Guess you got stuck with the early morning shift? Glad you were able to find makings for coffee. I should've thought to put something to eat out as well. I was actually about to see what I have lying around to throw some muffins together. That is, if you're hungry? Of course you may have already eaten... " Emma rambled on as she moved around the kitchen trying to avoid any eye contact with Katie. She was painfully aware that Gus was sleeping in her bed.

  A hand on her arm stopped her mid sentence. "Emma -" Katie softly implored, "Let's sit for a minute?"

  "Okay. Sure." She followed Katie's example and pulled out a stool at the counter. "Look, this is a bit awkward ..." She started, before the younger woman interrupted her again.

  "Sorry, I know. Let me. I feel I need to clear the air." Emma looked up to find Katie's eyes fixed on hers. "Look, I realize you know about Gus and my... previous 'arrangement' and I swear that's all it ever was. It didn't mean anything."

  But Emma noticed her downcast eyes as she added the last.

  "Perhaps it wasn't for Gus, but what about you? I get the feeling maybe more for you than you've let on. Am I right?"

  Katie opened her mouth to presumably deny, but thought better of it and shrugged her shoulders instead. "I never realized it until I saw him with you, to be honest. Was too wrapped up in work. I guess our little set up was too... comfortable." Resting both elbows on the counter, Katie clasped her mug in both hands staring into her coffee. "Funny, it was the way he looked at you - touched you, that showed me this was an entirely different ballgame. I wasn't even in the same ballpark."

  "I'm sorry. I honestly don't know what to say, because anything out of my mouth would seem wrong. But one thing I do know; Gus has no idea." Emma got off her stool. When she moved around Katie to the coffee pot for a refill, she gave her shoulder a brief squeeze. "Can I get you a refill?"

  Katie planted both her hands on the counter and pushed herself up off the stool. "No thanks, I've had enough. I might come back for those muffins, if you're still plann
ing on baking those?"

  "Absolutely." Emma said with a smile.

  "Are you okay with me being here, Emma? Do you trust me to take care of you?" Katie stopped with her hand on the front door; concern evident on her face.

  "I don't doubt that for a minute." She responded firmly.

  Nodding once in acknowledgement, Katie turned the knob, slipped outside and closed the door behind her. Through the kitchen window, Emma stared into the early morning feeling a little guilty about this turn of events. Who knew.


  The earlier sound of voices had briefly woken Gus, but the lack of sleep of the last few nights soon pulled him back under. The next time he woke, it was to the feel of lush warm lips against his own, and the smell of apples and cinnamon in his nostrils.

  "Hmmmmm..." He groaned appreciatively as he licked his way between those lips and folded his arms around the gorgeous body attached to them. "You taste and smell delicious, Peach."

  "Ditto, big guy."

  That made him chuckle. "Morning breath and all, huh?"

  "If it tastes like you and smells like you, then yeah..." Emma snuggled up against him, her hands playing through the hair on his chest. When the pads of her fingers skimmed over the tips of his now sensitive nipples, he was barely able to contain the growl it drew from him. "Dangerous game, babe. If you move your leg half an inch, you can feel why that is."

  Emma immediately lifted her head to peek, then turned her eyes back. "Oops." With a mischievous half-smile and biting her lip she tried to sit up and move away from him, but he wouldn't have it.

  "Oops? You come in here, kiss me senseless, smelling like baked goods and tasting like sin - play with my chest and all you can say is 'Oops'? Na ahhh. Not buying it, Peach. You have my dick hard as rock and you are not getting away with; 'Oops'." Rolling over, he gently forced Emma to lay back down again, wedging himself between her legs, careful not to put weight on her injured side. "How're you feelin'?"


  "Better how? Better than yesterday?" He pushed.

  "Better with you right where I want you." Emma confessed earning her a shit-eating grin and liquid heat-filled eyes.

  "Really. Then prepare to be devoured, 'cause I can't fucking wait any longer to be inside you."

  His instinct was to take her wet mouth and plunge his tongue in to taste her like he was dying to do to her pussy, but he needed to see her - touch her, first. Moving his knees outside her hips, he slid his hands under her shirt and eased it up, pulling it from behind her back, and over her head, exposing her soft, natural rosy-tipped breasts.

  "So pretty..." Was about all he managed before his hands cupped and molded her mounds. Then his mouth was eagerly sucking and licking at the hardened nipples, drawing non-verbal encouragement from Emma, who had a hard time lying still. He feasted on her, taking as much of her breasts in his mouth as he could, pressing the nubs against the roof of his mouth with his tongue and sucked with long deep pulls. He was unable to stop his hands from roaming over her soft and yielding skin, wanting so much to mould himself to her - inside her.

  A small sound of distress escaped her when he sat back to continue the task of undressing her. Eager to feel all of her, the yoga pants and underwear were next in line. One swift tug had those taken care of, and in the early light of day he finally had a full view of all that was Emma Young; spread out before him. Embarrassed by his blatant perusal, she tried to cover herself with part of the sheet. But he wouldn't let her, pulling it from her hand and he sat back on his knees between her spread legs, looking down at her.

  "No. Don't. You are absolute perfection. Just the way you are supposed to be. Don't cover up, don't hide and don't change. I see all of you and you are breathtaking." He said with blatant appreciation and lust evident on his face.

  Stretching out over Emma, he rested his forearms beside her head and slid his hands in her hair.

  "I know you are safe. Do you trust me when I tell you I'm safe?" He wanted to know. When she nodded, he held her eyes, while he slid the tip of his erection through her slick labia.

  "So wet for me, baby...I could come from this alone."

  Emma pleaded with him. "Don't tease... I need to feel you. Please."

  With his arms and hands firmly anchoring her, he surged his straining cock into her tight, wet heat in one solid move until he was seated so deep, his balls pressed against her ass. Emma's mouth opened on a silent moan. So hot. He had to freeze his movement to gain some control, his body trembling with the effort.

  "You okay?" He managed looking at Emma's lust-filled gaze. All he got in response was a moan, but when her hands made their way down to clutch his ass and pulled him deeper, he knew he had a green light. "Hang on, Peach. I need you comfortable for this." He lifted her ass a little, giving her hips some support with pillows he grabbed from the bed. Pushing his own knees wide underneath her spread legs, he had that little bit of height and extra leverage he wanted. He bent over and took her mouth, slowly moving in and out of her, trying to find her sweet spots. Taking his time to register every response from the expressions on her face and her movements. Being inside Emma was unlike any experience he ever had and he wanted to make it last. His body trembled with the effort to fight his release back, each time he threatened to go over.

  He could sense she felt teased when Emma tried to speed him along, but Gus was determined to set the pace. "Patience, baby... I need you to brace against the head board, because I'm about to fuck you hard."

  Doing as she was told, Emma raised both her arms and held on to the bed frame. He raised himself to his knees, and pulled Emma's hips toward him a little.

  "Eyes on me. I want you to see me come apart for you."

  The man was cracking her heart wide open.

  Having teetered on the edge of an orgasm for far too long already, all it took was Gus pulling his substantial cock almost all the way out, before slamming home hard. When he hit her clit on impact, it was enough to make Emma come instantly; the first time. His eyes with burning intensity on hers, she couldn't keep her hands from clutching at his butt cheeks spreading them wider to try and pull every inch of him inside her.

  "Fuck, babe, I like that. You playin' with my ass; it feels fucking good."

  Emboldened by his encouragement she felt her way as close to where the two of them were connected as possible, slicking up her fingers. She slid one hand back up his ass crease to find the place she read about, the one that would increase his pleasure. Keeping her eyes locked on him, she firmly slid a finger up his ass, curving it slightly to try and find that certain spot.

  A list of expletives left his mouth, but Gus' pumping increased and turned erratic. Shifting his weight slightly to one side, Gus used the other hand to pinch and pull at her clit, highly sensitive and swollen right above where they were joined. It sent her body into the eager spasms of a loud and prolonged orgasm.

  "Ohh, holy fuck! Gussss!"

  "Coming, Peach. Eye on me - for you." Head thrown back, his neck strained, mouth gasping for air and with her finger still curving in his ass, his hips pumped furiously. Then he stilled - jerking and groaning his own release.

  She gently eased her finger out, stroking his ass and back, easing down his breathing. He was lying half on her and half on the mattress. Emma could feel tears trickling down the side of her face. Talk about losing yourself in the moment.

  Gus lifted himself up on an elbow and looked at her. "Hey, darlin'. Tell me I didn't hurt you?"

  Palming his face, she pulled him close for a sweet kiss. "No, honey. Not hurt." She smiled up, tracing his beautiful rugged face with her eyes. This kind man, who simply walked in to her life, embraced her, all her issues and shortcomings and looked out for her. She'd never been on the receiving end and it was an amazing feeling. Letting her watch him become vulnerable in her hands was an incredible gift of trust.

  "You simply undo me." She whispered to him.

  Chapter 13

  "So how is Emma doing?" Joe
wanted to know, when Gus walked into his office in Cortez, pissed that he had been called in.

  "Black and blue, but her head's feeling fine and she should be alright. She's tough."

  "Noticed that about her." Joe agreed.

  "That better be all you notice." Gus bit out, his eyes conveying he was not playing games.

  Joe threw his hands up and chuckled. "Whoa there, buddy! It's not like that for me, but I can see she got to you."

  "Just tell me what this meeting is about that had you call my ass in here, instead of henpecking me. I wasn't too happy about have to leave my charge."

  Joe burst out laughing. "Your charge? Man, you're killing me here." Propping his feet on his desk and linking his hands on his belly, Joe watched him pour the black sludge they swear was coffee.

  He could feel Joe's observant eyes, trying hard not to let the self-deprecating grin tugging at his mouth escape. "Enough busting my balls. What's the deal?"

  Still chuckling, Joe sat forward in his chair. "I got a lead on the hit and run truck yesterday."

  Gus was about to demand why in hell he hadn't been notified, but Joe already had his hand up and explained. "You were up to your eyeballs in looking after your 'woman'..." Joe threw him a glare.

  "Besides the lead was thin to start with, so hear me out..."

  Joe swiped a hand through his hair and Gus noticed for the first time that he looked like he might not have seen his bed last night. Rumpled and bleary-eyed, Joe looked like he was ready to pack it in.


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