Big Man Next Door

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Big Man Next Door Page 7

by Penny Wylder

  “It could have been worse.” Kicking a small pebble, it rattles off the sidewalk and into the street. There's that silence again. Awkward. Uncomfortable. “You grew up here, right?” I ask, doing my best to fill it.

  “Yeah, that's basically it. No fancy story here. I was just a normal kid, who did normal things.”

  “That says a lot.” Smirking, he glances over at me briefly, then looks down at his feet.

  “There isn't much to say. Unless you want to hear about all the crazy shit my brother and I did and got away with. A luxury you never had.” Chuckling, he smiles back.

  “Please, I'd love to hear them.”

  Rounding the corner, he softly grabs the inside of my arm. “Here we are,” he says, leaving me hanging about his childhood. Ian opens the door for me and guides me in with his arm.

  It's a small dive bar, with worn wooden floors and deep blue walls. Neon beer signs adorn the walls, with random scattered pictures that are in black and white. Stepping closer to the wall I study the images as Ian talks to the doorman.

  One picture is of two men with their arms around each other while balancing one foot on a barrel. There's another one with a woman in a knee length dress and pearls that wrap her neck. Her hair is cut short into a bob, and I know instantly she's wearing red lipstick, even though there's no color in the photo.

  “That's the owner's grandmother, or great grandmother, I think,” Ian says as he steps up closely behind me.

  He's so close his breath spills down the back of my neck, causing goosebumps on my skin. Resting his mouth near my ear, he settles in more, closing all the space between us.

  “This little guy down here is the owner's father and his brother. This place has been open since the nineteen twenties and run by the Den family. Rob, the oldest son, owns it now. He's a good friend of mine.”

  “Wow, that's crazy it's been here so long.”

  “They've dug their roots in deep.” Ian steps back, allowing cold air to swoop in.

  Shivering, I hate that he's gone. I like him there like that. I feel protected and safe.

  He reaches out and takes my hand, pulling me to a pool table in the back corner. “It's definitely a cool place,” I say.

  “The food is incredible too.” Standing on the tips of his toes, he whistles loudly, getting the bartender's attention. The bar tender smiles and nods. Ian definitely isn't a stranger here.

  Holding up two fingers, the bartender nods again, and grabs two short, fat glasses off the shelf. Ian racks the table, chalking up the end of a stick.

  “She's making us their signature drink.” Handing me a pool stick, he looks between the table and me. “You any good?”

  “I've played before, but it's been a while.”

  “Want me to break?”

  “Go for it.” Hugging the stick, the girl from behind the bar brings us the drinks.

  She smiles at Ian, and it causes my stomach to clench. I'm not normally a jealous person, but just the way she's looking at him is making me want to claw her eyes out.

  “No Grey tonight, Ian?” She says his name playfully, resting the platter she had the drinks on at her waist.

  “Not tonight,” he says, launching the stick forward and slamming the cue ball.

  She smiles again, swaying back and forth on her feet. “You ordering food? Want the potato skins and chicken wings?” She steps in a little closer, biting her bottom lip as she twists the tip of her toe into the floor.

  Back off, can't you see he's here with someone?

  “Yeah, we'll take that, and. . .” he pauses, reaching out for me and pulling me in closer. Rubbing the small of my back, he looks right into my eyes. “Do like spinach dip?” he asks, his fingers massaging a little bit deeper into the muscle.

  “Yeah,” I answer, sinking into his arm. He's holding me, and it feels good. It feels right.

  Turning back to the girl, he gives her a few more things to add to our order. Only when he speaks to her now, I don't feel that jealousy. He made it clear with a single touch that he's with me.

  She leaves us, and he goes back to the pool game. “I hope you're ready to get your ass kicked.” Attempting to hit one of the balls, he misses the pocket.

  “I assumed you were good.” Taking my shot, I'm able to sink three balls in a row.

  “And I thought you said you never really played?”

  “I said I haven't played in a while.”

  “All right, then how do you feel about making a bet?”

  “A bet?”

  “Yeah, a bet. If you win, I'll cook you dinner every single day for the next week. But if I win. . .” he draws out his voice and squints his eyes in thought. “Then you have to go sing on the karaoke machine over there.”

  Pursing my lips, I grin. “Are you sure you want to do this? I like gourmet food.”

  “Deal?” he asks, holding out his hand.

  Taking his hand, I shake it. “You're going to regret this. I hope you know how to cook.”

  “Yeah, I don't think so.” Leaning over the table, I clean up, knocking the rest of my balls in and making an easy eight ball shot. “So, dinner you say?”

  “Let's make it best out of three.” Grinning, he racks again.

  We spend the night playing pool, darts, and eating some of the best food I've ever had. Ian tells me about how Grey has always been protective him, and that they've always been close, even since they were kids.

  Ian stands in front of me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. “I want to show you something.”

  “Okay,” I say, completely mesmerized by his eyes.

  “Come with me.” Braiding out fingers together, he drags me out of the bar and down the street. Heading up an alley, he pulls back a piece the chain link fencing surrounding a building, and slips in.

  “What are we doing?” I ask, looking around nervously.

  “It's fine, trust me.” He holds the fence open, and waves me in.

  Reluctantly, I slip under the fence. He takes my hand again and leads me through some tall grass to a small building.

  “Where are we?”

  “A little place I know.” Moving to the back of the building, he pushes a trash bin under the fire escape ladder. “Here. You first.”

  “What? No, I'm not climbing up there. I don't even know where we are. Can't we get arrested for trespassing or something?”

  “No, it's fine. I promise we won't get in trouble.”

  “You're sure?”

  “Trust me, Heather.” Nudging his head toward the trash can, he cups his hands together. “You need a boost?”

  “No, I think I got it.” Climbing the bin, I grab the ladder with both hands and start to climb up.

  “Go all the way to the top, up to the roof.” He's right behind me, following me up.

  Climbing over the edge, I drop down onto the other side. Ian climbs over, taking a moment to wipe some dirt off his pants. “That is the best view, up here,” he says, his eyes dancing over my ass.

  Giggling, I smack his chest, and step forward. “So, what is this place?”

  “It's actually an old radio station building. See?” he asks, pointing at the giant antenna.

  “And you're sure we won't get in trouble for being here?”

  Gripping my chin, he lifts my face so I'm looking him in the eyes. “Trust me.” Smiling, he releases my face and takes my hand. “Here, let me show you something.”

  He pulls me to the other side of the building and lays down. Patting the spot next to him, I lay down on my back.

  “What are you showing me?”

  “Just look.”

  Adjusting my eyes to the dark night sky, I'm not sure what I'm looking for. A plane goes blinking by high above, and I see the faint outline of a thin cloud passing by the moon.

  “I don't have a clue what I'm looking for.”

  “It's not about finding something, it's about taking it all in. Look at all the stars, look at how bright they are. It's crazy when
you can see how small you are in this big universe.” Rolling onto his side, he says, “I used to come here when I was kid after my father took off, and it felt like the world was on my shoulders. But this place would steal me away.”

  I'm watching him in the dark. The way he's allowing this side to come out. To show me he's vulnerable too, even if he doesn't always want to admit it.

  “I'm sorry to hear that.”

  “No, don't apologize. I didn't tell you that to make you feel bad for me, I just wanted to share a little piece of my world that most don't even know about.”

  “Does Grey know?” Ian shakes his head no, and my body ignites with electricity as it flows through my veins.

  He gave me something no one else has, not even the person closest to him.

  “Why are you telling me?”

  “Because I want you to know I really like you, even if I'm a dick at times. I don't mean to be, I've just never been good at getting close to people.”

  Lifting my hand to his face, I cup his cheek and run my thumb back and forth. I don't know what to say, and sometimes a touch says more than any words.

  He brings his face lower and lower, hovering his lips over mine. Holding my breath, I wait, anticipating his kiss.

  Except, he doesn't, he just stays there, lingering in a momentary pause. I can see the thoughts running through his head. His lips part as if he's about to speak, yet he stays silent.

  “What? What is it?” I ask.

  Thinning his lips, he shakes his head, forcing the thoughts away. “Forget it.” Driving his mouth onto mine, he slips his hand under my head and curls his fingers into my hair.

  His kiss is sweet. I can taste the vanilla and orange vodka from the cremsicle shots we had at the bar. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, swirling around. He pulls away, sucking on my bottom lip and plucking it between his teeth.

  Every kiss he gives me, he steals a piece of my heart. Every time his hands touch my flesh, he leaves a burn no one can see, but I feel it like a lingering spark from a dying fire.

  Resting his forehead against mine, he closes his eyes and exhales hard. The pads of his fingers massage my scalp, coaxing a coo from my mouth. He presses his lips to my ear, and whispers.

  “I love hearing your voice, especially when you're singing for me. It makes me so fucking hard.” His tongue traces the shell of my ear, sending chills through my body.

  Pushing his erection against my thigh, he gyrates his hips, rubbing his thick cock up and down. He's so damn hard already, threatening to bust through his jeans.

  There's a chill in the air. The wind blows across the rooftop, ruffling my hair. Ian chuckles as he brushes the loose strands from my face. His fingertips keep moving, gliding down, following every line. They move across my eyebrows, down the bridge of my nose, and over my lips.

  Following the curve of my jaw, he softly slides them down my neck, and between the valley of my breasts. My stomach is trembling as he keeps moving lower, over my naval and across the trim of my pants.

  I'm shaking and I can't control it.

  Ian grins, dipping the tips of his fingers into my jeans and running them back and forth. “You're shaking,” he says, the corner of his lip peeling back. “Are you turned on ? Is that what this is?”

  Rubbing my thighs back and forth, my back arches up as I moan softly. “Yes, I'm so wet right now.”

  “Is that right?” he asks, popping the button free on my pants. “I want to see for myself.”

  With painful slowness, he slips his hand into my pants. Flicking my panties out of the way, he splits my lips apart and runs a single finger up between my folds. My juice slicks his finger as he circles my clit and slides back down to my entrance.

  “You are really fucking wet.” Ian bites the tip of his tongue, his eyes glinting like gun metal under the soft light of the moon.

  Slipping a finger into my heat, he starts to finger me. Pushing his finger in and out, he uses his thumb to draw slow circles over my clit. Everything in my brain shuts down. I can't think. I can't see straight. I can't even feel my toes.

  His thumb works my tender button as he flutters kisses up my throat. Nipping at my skin, he turns one finger into two, and picks up the pace. Fucking me faster, his palm slams against my clit.

  “Mm, Ian,” I groan, my voice drawing out his name as he thrusts in and out of my body. “That feels so good.”

  “You haven't felt anything yet, this is just the beginning.” He speaks the words against my throat as his lips softly graze my skin.

  Thrusting his fingers inside me, I can't stop my body from grinding against his palm. I'm so close, the orgasm is right there, begging to be set free.

  Reaching down, I grab his wrist, and help him along. Rocking my hips, I fuck his fingers. “Yeah, yeah, I'm so close.” Tugging my bottom lip into my mouth, I bite down hard.

  The orgasm hits, causing my legs to clamp around his hand. Holding him there, my pussy throbs, squeezing his fingers tightly. Ian curls his fingers up high, hitting my g-spot. The orgasm intensifies, creating fireworks of color behind my closed eyes.

  “That's beautiful,” he says, pulling his fingers free. His eyes set on mine as he lifts his fingers to his lips and sucks them clean. “Now, I want to taste you.”

  He moves down, taking my pants off as he slips between my legs. Taking off his jacket, he gestures for me to lift. Sliding his jacket underneath me, he presses me back down with his hand on my lower belly.

  Grunting, Ian shifts himself lower, so his face is directly over my pussy. Inhaling, he smiles, licking his lips. “I'm excited for this. I've wanted to taste your pussy all night.”

  “Fuck, that's hot.” My hips lift slightly, eager to feel his warm tongue.

  Blowing cool air over my sensitive skin, he growls softly as he digs his fingers into my outer thighs. With the very tip of his tongue, he flicks my clit. It's so light, so fucking light, but it still sends shock waves through my system.

  My thighs attempt to clamp around his head, but he captures them swiftly, pressing them open wide. With strong fingers, he holds the inside of my knees, and buries his face in my pussy.

  Raking my fingers through his hair, I tear at his roots as his tongue drives inside my pussy. He's fucking me hard with his tongue, only coming up to take a breath and suck on my clit.

  “Fuck, you taste incredible,” he says, his words buzzing against my skin as he flattens his tongue and runs it up my center. Ian sucks on every fold, every piece of skin, drinking me up like he's dehydrated and I'm the water he needs to survive.

  Arching my back hard, I fist his hair, ripping at his scalp. “Holy shit,” I say, my words mostly air as he runs his tongue over every inch of my pussy.

  Looking up at me, Ian places his hand on my belly and presses down so my back is flat against the rooftop. His eyes are wide open, watching me squirm as another orgasm starts to build.

  I can see how much he's enjoying this. His eyes are smiling, his touch is possessive, his mouth is brutal as it coaxes another rush of tingles to sweep through my body. Every muscle goes stiff as a silent moan escapes my lips.

  He sucks on my clit, then pushes up onto his knees. His face glistens with my flavor. His skin is shiny. His eyes delirious with greed as he runs his tongue around his mouth and licks my juice off his face. He wants more.

  I'm out of breath, resting my hand on my chest as I inhale the deepest breaths I can. My brain is mush, and my entire body feels like limp spaghetti.

  Ian grins as his eyes zero in on mine. “The look on your face is incredible.” Biting his bottom lip, he tugs it in. “Fuck, you're so damn sexy right now.” Pulling the buckle on his pants free, he wiggles his jeans down his thighs. “I've touched you and I've tasted you, now I want to feel you.”

  His thick, hard cock bounces free. Ian grips his shaft and begins to stroke himself. His large hand wraps the tip and squeezes. Gliding back down, his eyes lick up and down my body. They start at my face, moving down over my chest, and to my p

  Opening my legs wider, I rock my hips up. Laying my hands up over my head, I arch my back, forcing my pussy to his cock. I want him. I came two times already, and I don't feel fully satisfied.

  His cock needs to be inside me, he needs to fill me. If he doesn't, I'm going to go crazy.

  Ian reaches out, digging his fingers into my thigh as he slaps his cock against my heat. Every nerve in my body is so sensitive that goosebumps surge as he smacks my clit.

  Bucking my hips, I try to force him inside me. Ian grins, tsking me under his breath.

  “Uh, uh, I'm in control right now. Don't worry, I'll fuck you, but only when I'm ready.”

  “You're trying to kill me,” I groan, raking my fingers through my hair and smirking.

  “Is that what you think?” He slaps me again with his cock, sending a rush of tingles through my muscles.

  I can't believe how fucking tender I am. It's like the smallest touch but it feels like hot coals on my skin.

  “Fuck me,” I beg.

  “I like when you beg me. Say it again,” he commands.

  “Please fuck me.” My lids hood and I nibble on the inside of my cheek.

  Growling, Ian slams his cock inside my pussy, thrusting hard and fast. Falling forward, he holds himself up on one hand, gliding his free hand down my throat and over my ribs. Pistoning his hips, he fucks me.

  Throaty grunts and groans come out of his mouth. He sounds like a beast. The noises coming out of him are savage. Driving his head into the crook of my neck, I wrap my arm around his neck and hold him.

  I've never felt this good before. I'm so close to coming again. My body is on the edge, ready to jump. And as he thrusts his cock in one last time, his body stills, but his muscles are shaking beneath the skin. His cock pulses deep inside my pussy, throbbing violently.

  For a single moment, we both stop breathing. It seems like forever as the orgasm spreads throughout my body, moving down to my toes and up through my chest.

  Ian pushes back up off my body, pulling his pants up and securing them in place. “How do you feel?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with pleasure of their own.

  “Feel? I can't feel anything, my entire body is numb.” Giggling, I push up and grab my jeans, shimmying them up my legs.


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