As Long As You Love Me

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As Long As You Love Me Page 17

by LuAnn McLane

  Jesse kissed her cheek while helping her onto the dock. “I have to secure the boat. Do you want to head up to the bus?”

  “I think I will,” she replied, accepting the keys from him.

  Jesse wanted to ask what was wrong, but he knew it was going to be something serious, so he held off, wanting to talk to her in private. He worked as fast as he could, snapping the canvas on the boat and locking everything up.

  When Jesse got into the VW bus, he looked at Ava. She brushed at a tear but looked over at him and gave him a trembling smile. Seeing her upset made him feel as if something were clawing at his heart.

  “Hey,” Jesse said softly. “Do you want to talk about what’s wrong now or when we get home? And please don’t say, ‘Not at all.’ I want to know what’s bothering you.”

  “When we get home,” Ava said. “I’m still processing. But Jesse, it’s nothing you did.”

  “Good to know, because in my experience with my brothers, it always seemed to be something I did,” he said in a desperate attempt at humor. He blew out a sigh and then started up the bus. He racked his brain on the short drive home, trying to figure out what could have possibly ruined what should have been a perfect evening.

  When they arrived at Ava’s apartment, the pink bakery box on the kitchen counter reminded Jesse that the evening should have ended with champagne and dessert on the rooftop, followed by a little speech he’d planned. Now, he felt at a loss as to what to do. So he simply pulled Ava into his arms, giving her a hug that he hoped said that he was there for her no matter what she was about to tell him.

  “Are you ready to talk?” he asked gently.

  Ava nodded and they walked over to the sectional sofa in the main room of the loft. She turned on a brass floor lamp and sat down next to him, scooting to face him. Looking troubled, she licked her lips, inhaled a deep breath, and then began her tale. “When I went into the bathroom a woman glared at me and then proceeded to tell me she’d seen a TV interview with Anthony and Angelica.”

  When she paused as if trying to maintain her composure, Jesse’s heart started to pound.

  “I pulled it up on my phone and watched it.”

  “Where did this happen?”

  “Outside of the performing arts studio. I wonder why Hollywood Tonight would come all the way to Sea Breeze for that nasty bit of gossip?”

  “Well, Dev, our manager, got wind of Hollywood Tonight doing their show in Orlando all week and set up an interview with Grady about Mom’s lupus foundation. I don’t know how Angelica got into the picture. Maybe it was just bad luck? They could have been walking downtown after the interview with Grady took place. I don’t know, but I’m so sorry, Ava.”

  “And the woman added that there was an article in some tabloid that threw dirt all around my name.”

  “What kind of dirt?” Jesse asked, feeling the heat of anger.

  Ava frowned, swallowed, and then continued. “Angelica is telling the world that I verbally abused and bullied Anthony, basically driving him into her arms for comfort.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “I know, Jesse, but evidently people are believing it. All I could think about was my family and friends seeing it. And tonight, I thought we were getting stares in the restaurant because of your fame, and I’m sure that was part of it, but I had a dark feeling in the pit of my stomach that there was more to it . . . and I was right. This woman . . . She . . . she warned me that you are loved in Sea Breeze and that I’d better not hurt you in the way I hurt Anthony.”

  Jesse cleared his throat. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault that they’re spreading lies. You didn’t invite them here.”

  “Nobody did,” he said darkly, trying to think of something comforting to say, but the stark look on her face made it difficult for him to think.

  “Angelica said that Nancy Parsons asked them to compete in the event.”

  “Not to my knowledge. More lies, I’m guessing.”

  “Jesse, I came here to escape this sort of thing.”

  “I know you did,” he said sadly. He wondered if they should go online and watch the interview together, or if that would make things worse. “Ava, I’ve had so many lies printed about me in the tabloids. Grady got the worst of it, but we’ve all had crap stories that didn’t have one shred of truth in them. I know it hurts and makes you angry.”

  Ava put a hand to her stomach. “I feel ill.” She looked at him with stormy eyes. “How am I going to perform onstage, wondering what people are thinking, saying?”

  “I can call my publicist first thing in the morning. Julie can handle this sort of thing.”

  Ava closed her eyes. “I feel like I want to hop in my car and keep driving until I get far away from here. I mean, this came from out of nowhere. Except for the grocery store incident, we haven’t had to deal with them. And then, after Saturday night, they were going to be gone from Sea Breeze.”

  Jess thought back to his brief encounter at the center. “There’s something here we’re missing.”

  Ava opened her eyes and nodded. “But what could the motivation be for Angelica to spread lies about me?”

  “I don’t understand their motive either,” Jesse said angrily.

  “Anthony is just . . . mean. He hated that I got sympathy when he cheated on me. I think he just wants to take me down. Honestly, after seeing the hatred on his face that day at the grocery store, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

  “That’s horrific. I just don’t get meanness.”

  “He thinks of this as winning. Without me, his career is stumbling, and he’s striking back. He’s especially vindictive after I rebuffed his lame attempt to get me back.”

  “What a complete ass.”

  “And I don’t think that Angelica fawning all over you helped matters. Oh Jesse, this is going to get into your head too—maybe make you question me.”

  “That will never, ever happen. I believe in you and trust you with every fiber of my being.”

  Ava nodded but appeared close to tears.

  Jesse leaned forward, needing to let her know how much she meant to him. “Ava, I don’t know if this is the best or worst time to tell you this, but I love you. And I would never allow rumors or tabloid gossip to come between us. As a matter of fact, this nasty incident only made me even more aware of how deeply I care for you, how much I want to protect and be here for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key chain. “This is the key to my house. No one else has ever had a key to my home. But I want it to be your home too. For you to come and go as you please.”

  Ava blinked her eyes but didn’t take the key, and his heart felt as if it were splitting open. Jesse wanted to protect her, stand up for her, and he felt as if he were failing.

  “You worried about this kind of crap and I played it down. Honestly, I didn’t expect Anthony to be such a snake.” He put the key chain on the coffee table, hoping she’d keep it. “You couldn’t have seen this coming. I’m sure it was his strategy to lull us into complacency and then strike like any snake would.”


  She clutched her hands together so hard that her knuckles were white. “That’s what we’re dealing with. I’m the one who should be sorry. You’ve been dragged into this, not the other way around,” she said, her voice cracking.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what they say or what’s printed in the damned tabloids except for what hurts or upsets you. And Ava, I know it seems horrible right now, and I’m not playing this down, but it will pass when the next story comes out. And in truth, the only people who will believe any of that shit are people we don’t care about. I know that’s not much comfort right now, but it’s true. And if we let Anthony come between us . . .”

  “Then he really does win.”


  Ava leaned over and picked up the key chain. She held it in her hand for a moment, smiling at the dolphin. “I love you too, Jesse. And even more so right
this minute. You’re right. I need to be strong. Hold my head high.”

  “There’s no reason not to.” Jesse felt relief wash over him. He scooted next to her and pulled her into his arms. He felt her tremble, and it was damned difficult not to roar over to Anthony’s place and beat the shit out of him.

  “Are you ready for me to watch the interview?” he asked gently.

  Ava groaned, but he felt her nod.

  “Okay, but before we do this, I want you to know that I want us to be official. Ava, I want to take the next step and show you that I will always be there for you, no matter what. I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?” He tightened his arms around her, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes,” she answered softly, and Jesse felt joy flood through him. “We’re official,” he said, and chuckled.

  “What’s funny?”

  “It just feels as if my whole body is smiling . . . even my toes.”

  “Ohmigosh.” Ava chuckled too. “Aw, that’s just the cutest thing,” she said. Jesse felt almost weak with relief. He wanted her to feel loved and confident that they could face anything together.

  Jesse braced himself and dug his cell phone out of his pocket. He googled the interview and pulled it up on the screen. “Okay, here goes,” he said, clicking on the link.

  Ava scooted up to a sitting position and they watched the interview together. “Angelica sure paints a horrible picture of me as a nasty bitch.” She laughed bitterly after the interview was over. “It’s insane that I’m accused by the king of nastiness of being verbally abusive.”

  “It sounds like he’s convinced Angelica. I’m sickened but not surprised.”

  “I want to vomit.”

  Jesse squeezed her hand. “Ava, if it’s any consolation, the segment was only about thirty seconds long. And the tabloid article wasn’t front-page news, so the only people who will read it are people who subscribe to that trash to begin with. To prove my point, I haven’t had any messages from anyone letting me know about this nonsense. I know it sucks, but you should try to put it behind you. What’s done is done—it’s already out there. We can’t do anything about it now.”

  Ava shrugged. “I know, but it’s still raw. I’m not quick to anger, but my pissed-offness is climbing to a whole new level.”

  “Mine too. If I thought it would do any good, I’d shoot off a tweet throwing some shade on this crap, but honestly, I don’t want to bring attention to it or give it any credence.”

  Ava sighed.

  “What I really want to do more than anything else is hightail it over to A2’s rental and kick the shit out of him. But I’m sure that’s what they want, and Not-So-Angelic will have her phone at the ready to video the entire kicking of his ass,” Jesse said with clenched fists.

  “I don’t want that to happen, Jesse. I hate that you’ve been pulled into this mess.”

  “That doesn’t bother me, except for how this is making you feel.” He tucked his thumb beneath her chin. “It might not be the most satisfying approach, but if I’m not allowed to beat him up, I think we should simply ignore the whole damned thing.”

  Ava finally smiled. “Wow, adulting agrees with you.”

  Jesse chuckled and put his phone to the side. “Now, let’s get this amazing date night back on track. I think it’s about time we enjoy this evening, don’t you?”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said, and he dipped his head to kiss her.



  Ava melted into Jesse’s kiss. Although she was still reeling from Angelica’s false accusations, she didn’t want to ruin the evening that Jesse had taken the pains to plan for her. And as much as she now dreaded the event on Saturday, she’d still do it. Ava hated gossip, and the fact that Jesse’s name had been brought into this sent her anger skyrocketing. But she reined it in, determined to give Jesse the night he’d envisioned.

  “Are you ready for dessert?” Ava asked.

  “Mmmm, more than ready,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “I mean real dessert.”

  “Me too . . .” he said, using his teeth to tug on her earlobe.

  A hot shiver slid down Ava’s spine.

  “How about you?”

  “Yes,” she answered breathlessly, forcing all other thoughts from her brain except that of making love to Jesse. She scooted up and then straddled his lap. “Are you ready for something delicious and decadent?” She raised her eyebrows and started to unbutton his shirt.

  “I am . . .” Jesse answered, sucking in a quick breath when she splayed her hands on his warm chest. She took her time exploring his skin, licking his nipples, raking her nails lightly over his body. When she reached for his belt buckle, he groaned. “You know just how to drive me crazy.”

  With a wicked laugh, Ava pushed him back onto the cushions. She tugged off his shoes and then pulled his pants off, tossing them to the side, leaving him in socks and black boxer briefs. She rubbed her hand over his erection, but when he reached for her she shook her head.

  “Have you morphed back into the pirate princess?”

  “Aye,” she said with a chuckle. “I think it happens after I’ve been on the boat.”

  “Remind me to take you boating more often.”

  “You like it when I’m the boss?”

  “I like everything you do to me, Ava,” he said in a more serious tone.

  Ava looked down at him, thinking how lucky she was despite the shit that had gone down earlier. Jesse was so open and honest, and having him give her the key to his house was such a tender gesture, right down to the dolphin key chain he’d put it on. Thoughtful, lovable—she couldn’t ask for more.

  “Is this a making-love-to-me-with-your-eyes thing? Because if so, I’m taking over,” Jesse said.

  Ava laughed, but then lightly touched his chest. “This is a looking-at-you, thinking, I’m one lucky girl, thing.”

  The sudden emotion in his incredible eyes tugged at her heart.

  With a saucy arch of one eyebrow, she stood up.

  “Don’t tell me you’re leaving to get the box from Thelma’s. By dessert, I meant—”

  “This?” Ava asked. She untied the knot of her halter, shimmied out of her dress, and stood before him in nothing but a hot-pink thong and strappy sandals that she toed off.

  “Yeah . . .” Jesse said gruffly. “Come here so I can touch you.”

  Ava removed her thong and straddled him on the sofa, inhaling a swift breath when he sat up, cupped her ass, and took her with his mouth. The shock of his tongue touching where she was already aroused made her gasp. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held on while he drove her wild. Her heart thudded, her body pulsed. This was too much, not enough, so achingly intense. “I can’t . . . oh God.” Time felt suspended and then an orgasm steamrolled through her body.

  Ava fell against him and he held her while her heart raced. She took deep breaths, wanting to recover so she could have him buried deep inside her body. “Condom?” she asked in a low, desperate voice that didn’t sound like her own.

  “Pants pocket.”

  Ava nodded and willed her shaky legs to move. She located the packet and rolled the condom onto him. “My legs are iffy. We need to switch positions,” she requested with a little laugh.

  “Gladly,” Jesse said, and when Ava was beneath him, he leaned in and gave her a long, hot kiss that had her clinging to him. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You . . . inside me,” she said. “Now.”

  “Okay, bossy pants.”

  “I’m not wearing pants.”

  “Pants are overrated,” Jesse agreed, and entered her with one sleek, powerful stroke. She matched his easy rhythm, but her body, already in arousal overload, craved more. Maybe it was her mood, but she wanted a wild coupling, so she urged him on, bucking her hips, giving him words of encouragement, and Jesse seemed to understand her sporadic, breathy requests, and he gave her all he had. Pleasure started to build, a sweet ache, with her
release just out of reach. Jesse drove deeper, sending her higher and higher still, and when Ava felt the pulse of his release, she soared over the edge right behind him.

  Maybe it was the emotion of the earlier events, the declaration of love, Jesse giving her the key to his house . . . or all three, but Ava had never felt this kind of unbreakable bond. When Jesse lifted his head and looked at her, Ava said, “I love you, Jesse.”

  “I love you too.” His face lit up with joy, and Ava cupped his cheeks. “And now it’s time for the second-best dessert.”

  Ava wore Jesse’s shirt, and he had on his boxer briefs while they sat on the hardwood floor in front of the coffee table, sampling the desserts and sipping champagne. Ava had no idea what time it was, nor did she care. She took a bite of baklava. “Oh . . . mmmm . . . wow,” she said, and then groaned.

  “Don’t you dare say this is now ranked number one in the dessert category,” Jesse said.

  “Never,” Ava said. “You are still the most delicious dessert in the history of desserts.”

  “Thank you, thank you very much,” he said in an Elvis voice. He lifted his flute of champagne. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “Cheers.” Ava looked into the pink box, trying to decide what to choose next, and then picked up a mini éclair. She took a bite and moaned again, but then giggled when Jesse arched an eyebrow at her. “Here, you have to try this.” She leaned across the table and fed the rest of the éclair to him. When he moaned as well, she laughed. “See?” She polished off her champagne, but Jesse refilled her glass, and when she tipped the rim to her lips, the bubbles tickled her nose. “Ah-chooooo!”

  “Bless you.” Jesse chuckled just as he took a bite of a brownie, smearing chocolate onto his nose and causing Ava to nearly sputter champagne into the air. She knew they were getting slaphappy and a little tipsy, but she didn’t care. She’d given Jesse the evening he’d wanted, and that was all that mattered.


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