The Final Bullet

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The Final Bullet Page 2

by Chris Taylor

  She’d barely stepped away from Rohan when another broad chest took his place. Her gaze moved slowly upward until she met the best man’s smiling face.

  “Hi, I’m Lachlan Coleridge. You must be Ava.”

  He’d stated it with confidence and for a moment, she considered pretending to be her twin. After all, they were identical and as far as she was aware, he hadn’t met either of them before. Jessie didn’t wear glasses like Ava did, but her contact lenses, worn in honor of the wedding, erased that difference. Jessie now wore her hair a little shorter and with highlights, but Rohan’s brother wouldn’t know that.

  And then Ava dismissed the idea as silly. What did it matter if he knew who she was? She ought to be flattered he’d taken the time to find out which twin she was. Not everyone did.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” he said.

  She raised a curious eyebrow. “It wasn’t me who missed the engagement party.”

  He grimaced. “Yeah, I was bummed about that. I was involved in a complex covert operation. The timing was all wrong.”

  She nodded. “You’re a police officer, too?”

  “Yes, a detective, like Rohan, but I’m not stationed in the city.”

  “Where do you work?”

  “Out west.”

  She frowned. “Out west, like Campbelltown?”

  He laughed. “No, not western Sydney. I mean, right out west. Moree. It’s a small country town in the north west of New South Wales. There is life west of the Blue Mountains, you know.”

  Her frown deepened. He might be sinfully good-looking with his dark auburn hair and teasing green eyes, but that didn’t give him the right to poke fun at her. He didn’t even know her.

  “Really? Life beyond the Blue Mountains? And here I thought everyone turned their cars around when they reached Katoomba and headed back to Sydney. Who’d have guessed?” Her sarcasm matched his own.

  His grin widened and he winked at her. “Touché, Ms Wolfe.”

  His gaze held hers and grew in intensity. Her breath caught. She couldn’t look away. Her pulse skipped a beat and then galloped away. She swallowed against a sudden rush of nerves.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr and Mrs Rohan and Samantha Coleridge.”

  The priest’s announcement broke into Ava’s dazed thoughts and she dragged her gaze away from the man who’d held her attention for far too long. Joining in with the second round of applause, she watched Samantha and her new husband walk back down the aisle.

  “Shall we?”

  Lachlan’s deep voice caressed her senses and she shivered under the impact. Stirrings of desire tightened her belly. Swallowing hard, she accepted his proffered arm and walked slowly after her sister.

  Through the thickness of his jacket she felt the taut muscles of his arm. His cologne smelled expensive and its spicy scent tickled her nose. She breathed it in and tried to concentrate on the path in front of her, taking care because of her five-inch heels. It wouldn’t do to trip over the hem of her floor-length dress.

  No sooner had the thought taken hold, than Ava’s shoe caught in her skirt. She gasped and stumbled forward and would have fallen if not for Lachlan’s steely hold.

  “Careful,” he murmured, steadying her.

  Heat stole up her neck and swept across her cheeks. She was grateful for the curtain of dark hair that half-covered her face.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” he continued, embarrassing her even more. “We can’t all be graceful gazelles.”

  Indignation shot right through her and she swung around to face him with narrowed eyes. “Why you…you—”

  His easy laughter slid over her. “Hey, I’m teasing you, babe. Lighten up.”

  Babe? Had he just called her babe? His brother might have just married her sister, but this man was way too cheeky. This was something she was neither used to, nor comfortable with.

  As a psychiatrist with a busy city practice, she made it a priority to never let down her guard. No matter how distraught and emotional her patients became, she was the strong one, the rock to whom they all turned. She didn’t have the freedom to lose control, to show her emotions. She was there to help them through a crisis, not contribute to it.

  She was relieved when they made it outside without further incident. She disengaged her arm. “Thank you. I think I can handle it from here.”

  He quirked an eyebrow and grinned. “You’re sure? Because those heels look deadly and the path’s not exactly even.”

  “I’m sure.” And with that, she turned away and lost herself in the crowd of wedding guests, wishing she could forget him as easily.


  Lachlan stared after Ava Wolfe and tamped down his desire. Hell, he was at his brother’s wedding. How could he be walking around with a hard-on? He’d been erect from almost the moment he’d spied her. Even knowing how beautiful his new sister-in-law was hadn’t prepared him for the impact of her feisty, older sibling.

  The fire in Ava’s eyes and the challenge in her voice excited him. It had been a long time since he’d felt that way and he was enjoying it way too much. His gaze followed her through the crowd. It was obvious she knew most of the guests. She greeted many of them with fond hugs and kisses and her laughter rang out over the noise.

  Her deep purple satin gown was so dark it looked almost black and clung to her gentle curves. Her breasts filled the low-cut neckline. The remembered feel of her hand on his arm filled him with another surge of excitement. Knowing his interest was reciprocated aroused him even more. He hadn’t been the only one flirting.

  A tiny pulse had fluttered in her neck and she’d grown nervous upon his approach. She might have appeared to be offended at his gibe about living out west, but he was sure she hadn’t meant it. The thought of spending a few hours with her at the wedding reception filled him with anticipation and all of a sudden, he was impatient for it to begin.

  Hunting around for his newly married brother, he pulled him aside and quietly suggested the wedding party move on to their cars. “The photographer’s keen to get some photos at the reception center,” he murmured, making up the excuse to leave.

  “Yeah, no problem, bro. I’ll find Samantha and get things moving.” Rohan’s gaze softened and his voice dropped to a husky drawl. “Thanks for being here for me today, Lachie. It means a lot. Especially without Dad.”

  Lachlan swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. Their father, Bill Coleridge, had died from a heart attack six months earlier. Lachlan still thought about him every day.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it, Rohan and I was as proud as anyone to stand beside you as your best man. Dad’s looking down on us; you can be sure about that.”

  The two brothers hugged briefly. “Thanks, again, Lachie.”

  Rohan turned away. Lachlan’s gaze snagged on a man who stood by a giant oak tree, a frown darkening his face. It was a curious expression for a wedding guest and looked out of place amongst the jovial crowd. The man stared at something in front of him. Lachlan followed the man’s line of sight and was surprised to discover Ava was the recipient of the man’s scowl.

  “Hey, Rohan,” he called out softly. “Who’s the guy over there looking like his world has come to an end?”

  Rohan turned and stared in the direction Lachlan indicated and then shrugged. “He looks a bit like the guy Ava used to be with. I don’t know what he’s doing here. Are you ready to go?”

  Lachlan filed the information away and nodded. “Yeah. Give me a minute and I’ll go and round up the drivers. I’ll see you there.”

  “No problem. Can Sam’s mother and sisters ride with you?”

  Lachlan tamped down the surge of excitement at his brother’s suggestion and nodded again. “Sure. I’ll go and give them the good news.”

  * * *

  Ava spied Lachlan striding toward her and did her best to keep her nerves at bay. Ever since he’d introduced himself, her heart had been beating double time. And
then she’d been forced to share a car with him, pressed up against him on the back seat. Okay, her twin had also been seated beside them and her mother was up in front, but still…

  Though she looked around for a means of escape, she couldn’t deny she was eager for more of his company. The speeches had been made and the cake had been cut. The wedding feast was winding down. The three-piece band played a slow song in the background and she swayed a little to the beat.

  “Would you like to dance?” Lachlan’s warm, minty breath tickled her ear and she shivered from the impact. A thousand butterflies swarmed in her stomach. She licked her suddenly dry lips. Knowing she shouldn’t, but helpless against the magnetic pull in his eyes, she nodded.

  “Thank you. I’d love to.”

  He took her hand and pulled her in close, leading her across the dance floor with an air of possessive confidence. He danced well and as she listened to the music she found herself relaxing in his arms.

  “Have you had a good night?” he murmured and then swung her around.

  She gasped and tightened her hold on his arm, and again took note of the tautness of his muscles. “Yes, thank you. And you?”

  His hooded gaze raked over her and then finally landed on her mouth. “The best.”

  The nerves in her belly intensified and she licked her lips again. “You’re a good dancer,” she blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say.

  “Thank you. My mom insisted on all of us taking ballroom dancing lessons in high school. We whined about it at the time, but right now, I’m glad I did. By the way,” he added in the same low, conversational tone, “who’s that guy boring a hole into my back? I noticed him outside the church. He’s been staring at you all night.”

  Ava made a show of looking around, but she knew exactly who Lachlan referred to. Her ex-boyfriend had been trying his hardest all night to convince her they were worth another shot. She was trying just as hard to dissuade him.

  “That’s Ian Rutherford. My ex,” she added.


  “No, ex-boyfriend.”

  Lachlan nodded and glanced in Ian’s direction. The man continued to frown at them as they moved around the dance floor.

  “He doesn’t seem to be handling the ex-thing very well,” Lachlan said. “I take it you were the one who broke things off.”


  “How long ago?”

  “Two weeks.”

  Lachlan winced. “Ouch. The wounds are still raw.”

  Ava shrugged. “I did what I had to do. It’s not my fault he’s proving a little hard to convince.”

  “And yet you invited him to your sister’s wedding…”

  Ava grimaced. “Yes, well I didn’t exactly have any choice. The invitations had already been posted and the RSVPs received. The place holders had been printed and the seating arrangements finalized. Samantha nearly had a fit when I suggested we remove Ian from the list.”

  Lachlan chuckled and the movement crinkled up his eyes, making him even more attractive. Ava guessed his age to be somewhere around her own, maybe even a little younger.

  “So, you got stuck with the ex at the wedding and now you’re dancing with me. Is this a targeted ploy to force him to accept you’ve moved on, and so should he?”

  “Hey, you asked me to dance, remember?”

  Lachlan’s hold tightened and he drew her even closer, until their bodies pressed together. “So I did,” he murmured against her ear.

  The feel of his lips so close to her skin sent a tingle of awareness rushing through her. Even through his suit and shirt, she felt his heat. Her heart skipped a beat and then began to pound. She struggled to stay focused on their conversation.

  “How long were you together?” Lachlan asked a few moments later.

  “A little over a year.”

  He stopped and pulled back slightly. “It took you that long to work out he wasn’t the right one?”

  Ava’s defenses slid into place and she lifted her chin. “I like to take my time, see where things lead. I like to give people a chance to prove themselves. Real life’s not like it is in silly romance novels. I have yet to meet a man who, with just one look, can sweep me off my feet.”

  Even as she said the words, she couldn’t help but think of Lachlan and her explosive reaction to him. Her heart had been doing double time since the moment she spied him in the church and her stomach was still taut with nerves. As if sensing the lie in her words, he threw her a knowing look.

  “Is that right? All I can say is you have way too much patience. Life’s too short to waste.” He shook his head. “Twelve months. Way too long.”

  She glared at him, stung. “Really? And how long does it take you to work out whether a girl is worth taking home?”

  “Ah, now, that’s where you’re going wrong. Choosing a girl to take home has nothing to do with knowing if she’s the one. It’s like store-bought chocolate and baked, triple-chocolate cheesecake. One is consumed for instant gratification. The other needs a little time to reach the point where it’s edible and can be savored at leisure, piece by decadent piece.”

  The pad of his thumb brushed across the soft fullness of her lower lip. She sucked in a breath and it was all she could do not to poke out her tongue and taste him. Need throbbed hot and heavy between her legs and she wondered what it would be like to be consumed by him like a rich and expensive piece of chocolate.

  His voice had lowered to a husky drawl. Her gaze was snared by his. She stared at him, mesmerized as much by his voice as by the sensual look in his eyes. His head lowered and she had only the tiniest sliver of time to realize he was going to kiss her. And then his lips were on hers and every other thought evaporated.

  His lips were warm and supple and moved sensuously over hers. Heat trailed in their wake. He nibbled at the corners of her mouth and then moved back to press his tongue against her lips. She opened her mouth in silent acquiescence. His tongue swept inside and neither of them could hold back a groan.

  He tasted of mint and alcohol. He smelled of expensive cologne. Her arms crept up around his neck. Her fingers caressed his skin. He was taut and hard and breathing fast. Her breath came just as quick. A moment later, he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.

  “This is madness,” he rasped.

  She nodded, unable to manage anything else.

  “Your ex is watching us with murderous intent,” he murmured. “Here, come with me.”

  Taking her hand, he tugged her off the dance floor and headed toward the cloakroom. Aware of his intention, she wanted to pull away from him, but was helpless to resist. He opened the door and closed it behind them. A second later, his body pinned her against the wooden panel.

  His erection felt huge and hard against the softness of her stomach. He ground his hips against hers. She gasped. A shaft of heat surged through her and centered in her core. She moved restlessly against him.

  “Can you feel how much I want you?” he groaned against her lips.

  She nodded and then shocked herself by whispering, “I want you, too.”

  Her words sent him into a frenzy and it was like he couldn’t get enough. His kisses were filled with pent-up passion. His body held her in place. With his hands on either side of her head, there was no escaping him.

  Not that she wanted to. Escape was the furthest thing from her mind. She burned with a need so great, she didn’t think it could ever be assuaged. As if reading her thoughts, his hand reached down and gathered up a bundle of her skirts. Sliding his hand up her leg, he skimmed over her stockings and garter belt, then pushed her lace panties out of the way. His fingers found her warm, moist heat and slid between her slick folds. Plunging them inside her, they both groaned aloud their relief.

  “Fuck, you feel so good. So wet. So ready.”

  Despite her shock at his vulgarity, Ava was excited by his words. She’d never been with a man so coarse and raw and…needy. Yes, needy. She could see it in his eyes. He needed her. He want
ed her. As much as she wanted him.

  While his fingers moved inside her, she reached for the leather belt around his waist. She managed to slide it free and then unbuttoned his pants. The slide of his zipper was barely audible over their harsh breathing. Grinding her hips upon his hand, she reached for his erection.

  Her hand closed over the hard, silky length and she marveled at the size. He was huge and hot and throbbing and all of a sudden, she was impatient to feel him inside her. Staring down at her, Lachlan seemed to sense her need and with a muffled oath, removed his hand. He tore down his pants and underwear and fumbled for a condom. Fully sheathed, he lifted her higher against the door.

  She gasped and tightened her legs around his naked hips. His hand pulled aside her lace panties with a force that excited her. She heard the tear of the fabric, but was beyond caring. His cock found her wet entrance. Without pause, he plunged all the way in.

  “Oh, my!” she gasped again, as he stretched her and filled her way deep inside.

  “Christ, you’re so tight.” He groaned and pumped his hips again.

  She clung to him, with her head thrown back against the door. Hot, heavy need built up inside her. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders and still she couldn’t get enough. His cock slid in and out in a frantic rhythm until she reached her peak.

  With a cry, she fell over the other side and gasped and panted as she climaxed over and over again. Her inner walls flexed and tightened around his cock. He groaned.

  “I’m gonna come, babe. Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

  He thrust into her faster and harder and his breath came harsh in her ear. A moment later, he tensed and groaned and finally collapsed against her. Her legs went slack and he loosened his hold. Stepping back, his cock sprang free and he slid her carefully down until her feet reached the floor, still clad in her stilettoes.


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