Twisted Souls

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Twisted Souls Page 7

by L. L. Collins

  “SHAUN! ERIC! GOOD to see you guys!” I call, waving as I spot them outside of the teen club. We’d found the club without any trouble. Shaun and Eric are surrounded as usual by many other friends and a lot of girls. I guess being out of high school hasn’t stopped the entourage from continuing to follow them.

  When we reach them, we shake hands. Brooke and Brianna hug both of the boys quickly. Of course I’m defensive of my sisters, but Shaun and Eric are good people, and Brooke and Bri really don’t want anything serious with either of them, so I feel like they are safe.

  “Guys, this is my…” I fumble, looking at Liane. What are we? I don’t want to offend her by saying girlfriend, or offend her by not saying it. Oh, how I’ve gotten myself into it now. We should’ve discussed this before we left.

  “I’m Liane. Blake’s girlfriend.” She steps forward and puts out her hand. Both of the guys shake her hand, flicking their gaze over to me as they do.

  “Liane,” Shaun responds. “So this is you, huh.” Darn. I should’ve known that he would remember.

  She narrows her eyes at him, and then looks back at me. “You’ve heard of me, huh?”

  “Blake told me about you two years ago when I met him. You’ve been friends your whole life, yes?” Shaun recovers. The question is in his eyes, and I know I’m going to have to explain at some point later. How had she become my girlfriend? I’m still in awe of that myself.

  “You’re as beautiful as he told us,” Eric says, winking at her. He loves busting me.

  “Thank you,” Liane blushes, reaching out for my hand. I link our hands together and pull her towards the entrance, everyone following us.

  “My girlfriend, huh?” I tease, bumping her with my hip.

  A worried look crosses her face. “I’m sorry, Blake. I just didn’t…”

  I stop her, putting my hands on either side of her face. “Li. I’m teasing. There’s nothing more that I want than for you to be my girlfriend. I’m sorry I didn’t say it first, I just didn’t want to freak you out.”

  “Freak me out? Blake, we’re way beyond that at this point. We’re in this together. Right?”

  I can’t help it; I have to kiss her. Pulling her to me, I inhale her flowery scent and take her lips with mine. “We’re in this together. Now come on. I can’t wait to have you in my arms on that dance floor.”

  I LEARNED SOMETHING new about Liane tonight. She loves to dance. While on the surface she’s reserved and often shy, when she hears some music she likes, she can break it down. And it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Watching her move on the dance floor with my sisters and some of the girls that came with Shaun and Eric, I fall even harder for her.

  “So, you and Liane, huh?” Shaun breaks my staring of Liane’s body. I grin, turning to look at him.

  “Yeah. Just recent.”

  “She’s hot, bro. Nice job. I know you’ve wanted that to happen for a long time.”

  “My whole life,” I admit, turning back to watch her again. My sisters have her surrounded, and they are laughing hysterically at something. I scan the area around her, making sure no guys are going to approach any of them. My sisters are beautiful too, and definitely don’t need some club scum coming onto them.

  The song changes, and Liane turns to look for me. I’m on my feet before I can even say anything to Shaun and Eric. I recognize the song as “For You I Will” by Monica and there’s nothing else I want to do but hold her in my arms on the dance floor.

  She grins as I approach her. She’s a little sweaty, holding her hair up off her neck before tying it up with a band. The lyrics of the music start, and I wrap my arms around her, almost sighing when she presses her body flush with mine and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “I’ve never seen you dance before,” I whisper in her ear. “It’s really hot.”

  She laughs. “Blake. There are a lot of things you haven’t see me do.” I pull back to look into her eyes, because to my ears that certainly sounded suggestive. Really, really suggestive. I know she’s not a virgin. And I know that Ronan was her first. And if I’m completely honest, that kills me. I might’ve been her first kiss and her first friend, but I didn’t get that title and my man pride is wounded over that.

  Unable to answer, I press my lips to hers as the lyrics continue about being there for each other. The little niggle of doubt in the back of my head tries to come forward, and I push it back. I can’t worry about what’s going to happen when we leave here. For now, I have a lot of time left to spend time with her, and I’m not going to worry about what I can’t control. And just like the song says, I would cross the ocean for her and bring her the moon. I want to be everything for her, forever.

  She moans softly, putting her hands on my arms as I deepen the kiss, fully aware that we are on a dance floor in the middle of a busy club. Our tongues tangle, and I know she can feel how much I want her. It doesn’t deter her, though. She’s kissing me just as furiously as I’m kissing her, and I fight with myself to stay appropriate in front of a room full of strangers. She makes me feel like this: out of control and risky. And it’s not just my teenage libido talking. Well, maybe it is. But I’ve never made out with a girl on a dance floor before. And I hope that I never make out with another girl again in my life.

  Forcing myself to break away from her, I bend down and kiss her neck. She runs her hands through my unruly hair. My hands are tightly woven together on her lower back, pressing her body as close to mine as I can. “You’re making me crazy,” I admit. She laughs. God, I love that sound. I love every single thing about Liane Kelly. And I know that I’m gone over her, and I’m completely okay with it.

  “I’m sorry?” She says it like a question, and I know she’s not sorry. Not at all. “But dancing with you is awesome, Blake. Let’s do that again.” She steps back from me; the song over and a pulsing beat taking back over. She knows I’m not going to dance to that, and that’s not what she means.

  “Want to go get a drink?”

  “Yes,” she says, leading me off the floor. We walk past my sisters and they grin at me, both of them giving me the teasing look that I know I will hear about later. Shaun and Eric hand Brooke and Brianna a soda, both of them eyeing us without saying a word. I hope they don’t. I don’t want Liane to be embarrassed. I give myself a mental note to watch my much older friends with my young sisters. I might’ve been too distracted to notice if they were eyeing them.

  THE MOONLIGHT SPILLS over the sand, illuminating our walk. It’s late, but neither of us wants to give in and go inside. It has been such an amazing night. I grip her hand, leading us down the beach to a little alcove where we liked to play hide and seek when we were kids. She knows right where we are headed, and grins up at me. God, I love the smile that she saves just for me.

  Brooke and Brianna had headed in right when we got back, tired and sweaty from our hours of dancing. Well, I should say their hours of dancing. I sat and watched until it was slow songs. Then I would practically break my neck trying to get to Liane. Holding her in my arms while we danced had to be on the top three of favorites to do with her.

  Reaching the alcove, we both stop, sitting down where we are hidden from view. She settles in my arms like she’s been doing it for years, and it instantly makes me think of Ronan. Seriously, McIntyre, what is your problem? She’s here with you, and you’re still worried about her ex? The one that dumped her? Someone needs to smack you upside the head.

  There isn’t a soul on the beach, but I still feel like I want to keep her to myself. My hands rub her arms to make sure she isn’t cold, and she leans her head back so she can kiss me. “This was the best night ever,” she whispers.

  “Yes it was. I never want it to end.” I trace my fingers along her beautiful face, memorizing everything about the way the moon is shining on her right now. I wish I could record every second of these two weeks so that I have something to replay when we are apart.

  “It doesn’t have to,” she says back, reaching her hand up and t
ouching my face also. I love feeling her hands on me. It’s a dream I’ve had for so long, I still feel like I’m going to wake up at any second groaning in frustration that she isn’t really mine.

  “Li, I want to make sure you don’t feel like I’m taking advantage of you,” I spill out before I can stop myself. Darn that insecurity.

  Her brow furrows, and she sits up so she can turn to look me in the eyes. “What do you mean, taking advantage of me?”

  “Well,” I start, “I just don’t want you to look back on these two weeks and say that you weren’t ready for such a heavy commitment right after you broke up with…”

  “Don’t,” she says, putting her finger on my lips. “Don’t say it. Let me set you straight, Blake McIntyre, and then you can stop with this. Okay?” I nod, suddenly feeling chastised. “You aren’t taking advantage of me in any way. I’m the one that chose to admit what I’ve needed and wanted to admit. I avoided coming to the beach for that same reason, and you and I both know it. Talking to you on the phone and in letters kept me a certain distance away from you, and I was able to continue to deny that there was something more between us. Even before what happened with him happened, I still knew coming here was going to mean that we had to deal with our feelings once and for all. And yes, I dated him for two years. But, things always happen for a reason, Blake. Just like we said the other night. I know you’re wondering what would’ve happened if I had still had a boyfriend when I came here, and I can’t answer that because I don’t know. And because he’s not my boyfriend anymore, so that’s a moot point. All I know is that we’re not kids anymore, Blake, and everything about being here with you like this feels so right. And none of us know what the future holds, but if we take it one day at a time, together, then we’ll figure it out. Okay?”

  My doubt dissipates at every word, and I feel nothing but a huge cloud of relief lift off of me. “I love you, Liane Kelly. I hope to someday make you Liane McIntyre, and have lots of babies with you. And I’m sorry if we’re too young to talk about that, but it’s the way that I feel, that I’ve always felt.”

  She smiles, turning her body completely so that she’s facing me. “I would like that,” she begins kissing me, first on my eyes, then nose, cheeks, ears, and neck. I close my eyes, relishing her soft breath as it washes over everywhere she’s kissing. Before I know it, she has straddled me, making me groan at the contact.

  “Li,” is all I get out before her lips close over mine. Kissing her makes me feel like I’m floating above in the clouds. This time, I can feel her take charge and I let her. So that’s why when she lifts my shirt over my head and our eyes meet, what I see there shocks me but turns me on like never before. And when she does the same to her own shirt and I see her, really see her for the first time in my life, I’m dumbfounded.

  She smiles, taking my hands and putting them on her bare skin. Our eyes meet, and I know. This is our time.

  I’VE SHOCKED HIM. Heck, I’ve shocked myself. But there’s something about Blake that makes me want to take charge and reassure him that I’m feeling what he’s feeling. And looking at him as he takes in my bare chest, I know I’ve done the right thing. It’s only been three days, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime. His hands moving lightly on me makes me throw my head back and close my eyes. I can feel how much he wants me, and I’ve felt it many times over the last two days. But right now, we’re alone and hidden from view from anyone who might be out at two in the morning. And I want him like I’ve never wanted anything in my life.

  When I feel one of his hands move down to my skirt, my heart rate accelerates. While I’m not inexperienced, I wouldn’t call myself an expert either. “Are you sure?” His eyes look into mine, and I nod. I’ve never been more sure about anything. When he touches me, we both come alive, our hands moving and caressing while our lips and tongues tell each other exactly what we want. Before I know it, he has lifted up my skirt and I’ve assisted his pants in being lowered down his body. Thankfully, Blake had gotten a blanket from the condo when we arrived back from the club, because that’s the only thing separating us from the sand below, and I assume that wouldn’t be soft or romantic.

  “Li,” he breaks his mouth from mine. My skin is touching his from my chest down, and I feel like I’m on fire. I refuse to think about the other person that I’ve done this with, but all that keeps running through my head is how much Blake seems to think about what would feel good to me, or what I would like. It’s a completely different experience. “Are we moving too fast?”

  I shake my head, hoping and praying that he won’t stop. “Blake,” I muster out, my hands traveling down his body and wrapping around him. His eyes widen and a sharp breath hisses out of his mouth. “Show me.”

  His eyes flutter closed, and I grin at the effect I’m having on him. “Show you what,” he grunts.

  “That you love me,” I answer, and his eyes pop open. I know I have him there.

  “I love you,” he echoes. “More than I can even tell you or show you.”

  “Try me,” I tease, picking myself up so I can allow him to enter. Blake looks me straight in the eyes as he moves slowly into me.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispers, his hands on my hips. I can’t answer because the sensation is too much to bear. There’s no way he can hurt me; I’ve done a good enough job on that all on my own. All rational thought leaves as the feeling of what we’re doing takes over me. When he begins kissing me everywhere he can touch as we continue to make love, I forget that we’re in an alcove on a very public beach and it’s the middle of the night. All I can think of is that everything in the world is right at this moment.

  Blake holds onto my waist and flips us, so I’m lying on my back on the soft blanket and he’s hovering over me. The moonlight illuminates his muscles, taut with the exertion of holding himself up. I look directly into his eyes, watching his expression as he continues to torment me in the best possible way. I have to touch him, so I run my hands along his chiseled abs. He leans over me so he can kiss me again, his hand snaking in between us and making me gasp when he touches me. I’m not making it much longer, and I know he’s holding back.

  “Blake,” I cry out, throwing my head back as he picks up his pace. My body convulses under him, and soon his breathing hitches and he follows, yelling my name before he claims my mouth with his. As we both come down from the amazing high of being together for the first time, Blake lays next to me, running his fingers along my cheek.

  “Liane,” he says. I love when my full name rolls off his lips. Especially in the last few days, because he’s saying it with such emotion and love every time. “Baby. God, that was so amazing.” His eyes flit down my naked body, nestled up against his. “Am I dreaming?”

  I kiss his chest, making my way up to his neck, biting softly before using my tongue to tease him. “If you’re dreaming, then I am, too.” He lays back, his eyes closed, as I continue to kiss along his body. I could do this forever and not tire of it. Without opening his eyes, he pulls my body on top of his and we lay there, hearts beating together.

  “GOOD MORNING, SLEEPYHEAD,” my mom says playfully. “Or should I say, afternoon. You guys were out late last night, huh?” I mumble something incoherently, knowing I’m not able to say anything that makes much sense right now. Rubbing my eyes, I reach for a coffee cup. I normally don’t drink coffee every day, but today is going to be an exception. My body is deliciously sore, and I feel like I haven’t slept at all.

  I stir creamer in my coffee before realizing it’s after one o’clock in the afternoon. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t get to bed until almost six in the morning. “Sorry. We got home late. What are you doing today?”

  “Did you have fun? I didn’t know a teen club stayed open so late.”

  “It didn’t,” I admit, sipping the hot coffee and settling myself across from my mom at the table. She’s reading, and my dad is nowhere to be found. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He and Phil are golfing. Cr
azy men. They’re probably dying of heat stroke.” That makes me think of Blake cooling me off when I was hot and saying I was going to get heat stroke, which reminds me of last night. The not once, but twice that we had shown each other just how far we wanted this relationship to go. “That’s quite a smile on that sleepy face of yours, Liane. It’s great to see you smiling. I assume things are good with you and Blake?”

  I look at her, wondering just how much I should tell her. I’ve never confided to my mom that I’m not a virgin, though I’m sure she assumes it with Ronan and I being together for two years. What she doesn’t know is that it took me well over a year and a half to give in to his request, but only a few days to share that with Blake. It pains me to even think about the two of them in the same way in regards to that. Blake isn’t my first, and I know I’m not his.

  “Things are fabulous,” I say finally, deciding not to scar my mother with any more details. Sometimes it’s better not to know. “Blake and I walked on the beach and talked for a long, long time last night after we got back. That’s why I was home so late. I met some of his friends at the club, and it was a blast.”

  My mom sighs, and I look at her, wondering why she would sigh about us. That wasn’t like her. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

  “I didn’t even want to give this to you,” she admits, pulling a paper out of her pocket. “But I can’t do that to you because you have the right to make decisions without me meddling in them.” She slides the folded paper across the table at me, and I stare at it. If she didn’t want to give it to me, that means it isn’t something that I’m going to want to see. Which means it has something to do with Ronan. “This came yesterday to the office. I just picked it up this morning. I didn’t open it.”

  “It’s been a week today,” I muse, willing the paper to self-destruct right in front of me. “He let me leave to go to Florida with a broken heart. Now my heart isn’t broken anymore, and he’s going to try to do something to mess that up for me, isn’t he?”


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