My Beautiful Killer: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

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My Beautiful Killer: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Page 9

by Riley Rollins

  I paced the room until the twenty minutes were nearly up. I’d have to unlock the door and go to the Rover on my own. Things were quieting down out there. I unlocked the door and headed out to the drive. I opened the car door and started to climb in when I heard steps behind me and started to turn, expecting to see Dane…

  I was stunned by a blow to the back of my head. I was falling and then lifted off my feet. By the time the dizziness subsided I was bound and lying across the backseat of a moving car, in darkness from the covering over my head.

  It was like Arseny all over again.

  I didn’t know who was driving, no one had spoken to me. My blood was pumping and my brain was working overtime. This had to be one of Macek’s men, maybe even Cutter if that blow to his head hadn’t killed him. They both wanted me, not just to sell my body but to get even with Dane for killing Arseny. They might even use me as a lure. I knew Cutter would like to see Dane dead...

  The car was moving fast. I could hear the roar of the road rushing under me. We might have travelled for a few hours, but there was no way to be sure and I had no idea what direction we were headed. The road had gotten noticeably rougher for some time before we finally slowed and stopped. This man could be taking me anywhere. My faith that Dane would find me was giving way to the sickening reality that he’d couldn’t possibly know where to begin looking. He would only know I wasn’t in the Rover like he’d expected. The fight against Macek was moving ahead. It could be days or even longer before he could even begin trying to find me. If he was still alive to look.

  I heard the driver’s door open and the soft crunch of footsteps. The door by my feet opened and I felt rough hands, grabbing my ankles and starting to pull.

  I was tied too tightly to kick, but I wasn’t gagged. “Please…let me go! Please just let me go … I haven’t seen anything. You can just leave me here if you want. I don’t know anything…just please let…”

  I stopped short as my ass hit the ground and I gasped in pain. He’d pulled me from the car by the ankles and was dragging me. I smelled wet earth and felt slippery leaves beneath me. He dropped my feet and there was a slight click, then a soft groan like the hinges of a heavy door. A few more pulls and the air was suddenly colder, the air dank with the odor of decay. I knew I was inside something…somewhere. The back of my head where I’d been hit felt sticky and terrifying images filled me as I was leaned helplessly up against a cold damp wall. This felt like a place where no one could ever be found…

  I felt my kidnapper crouch down beside me and through my hood I smelled something warm and sour.

  “Hot fuckin’ pussy…”

  I heard the words and I knew.

  “I gotta go kill your fucking boyfriend, you little cunt. Then you an’ me are gonna get our second chance after all,” Cutter breathed into my face.


  I put over fifty men into a dozen SUVs and vans along with well over a hundred weapons and enough ammunition to blow fucking Macek and his loyals out of the state. The timing was set, the vehicles spaced out and on the move. I kept Sull, Ender and a couple of their men close behind me, to keep an eye out. Nic and Macek were by the helicopter pad. They’d be the last out, arriving as hell broke loose at the compound.

  Fuck. I knew it’d taken longer than the twenty minutes I’d told Abby to wait. I looked at my watch. She’d be waiting in the Rover by now and locked in. At least she was safe. I looked around as the last van pulled out. Sully waited behind the wheel of a Camaro with his brother riding shotgun and Chips in the back. Conspicuous as shit. I sighed and headed for the helipad.

  “We’re the last Lazar,” I shouted over the roar of rotating blades. “The Cuza brothers are moving with me and we’ll be gone in less than ten.”

  “Good,” Lazar was in the chopper, leaning out toward me. “I’ll meet you in the middle Dane. When it’s all over I’ll meet you in my office, right? We’ll have a drink over Macek’s body.” I nodded and started to turn away as his voice was lost in the deafening engine.

  “Dane, Dane,” Lazar shouted over the roar, “…problem…….solved…”

  I held up a hand as I turned to head back to the Rover. Whatever he’d wanted to tell me would fucking have to wait. I needed to get back to Abby.

  In minutes I was in the front drive. I gave a thumbs up to the brothers, unlocked the Rover and my gut hit the floor. Where the fuck was she? She was supposed to be waiting for me.

  “Abby…goddamn it Abby, where the fuck are you?” I headed back to the house and walked into the living room. There was some shit strewn around from the guys who’d come in to strip the kitchen. I looked at the chair Abby had slept in, naked under the towel and my cock jerked and hardened as I remembered the feel of her body in my hands. Where the fuck was she? I looked in the kitchen and laundry. Fuck, maybe she was still waiting in the bedroom.

  I headed down the short hall to find the bedroom door wide open, the room empty. Nothing was out of place, I checked the bathroom. The whole house was locked up tight except for the bedroom and the front door. That was the only path she could have taken out of the house, but she’d clearly never made it to the Rover.

  Abby was fucking gone. I’d been organizing the men and I’d left her alone. She was gone and I had no goddamn idea what the fuck had happened to her.

  “Did you see a girl, a blonde girl?” I yelled out the front door at Sully as he waited in his car.

  “What fuckin’ girl? We got girls out here?”

  “Shit shit SHIT!” Anyone else who might have seen what happened was long gone, heading for the compound. I took off toward the Rover. Had she made it that far? I remembered what she’d told me before I’d left her. She had felt like a burden, that I was risking too much by protecting her. I leaned against the Rover and my guts turned over. Abby hadn’t wanted me to die fighting for her, or for me to lose my family by being loyal to her instead of them. And she’d suspected Lazar might be her enemy rather than her protector.

  “God, no Abby. God no.” Could she have done it...would she have left? To protect me, to protect herself from Macek or even Lazar?

  Or maybe she simply left me. I closed my eyes, dragging my hands through my hair and took a lungful of air.

  She’d either left of her own accord, or she’d been taken. She either didn’t want to be found or desperately needed finding. Either fucking way I was getting her back. I thought of how she’d responded in my hands, how she’d come on my cock as I’d fucked her. I remembered how she’d wrapped her legs around me as I’d thrusted so deep inside her again and again. I remembered how she couldn’t take her eyes from me and how her small hand felt in mine.

  I couldn’t believe that she’d left on her own. Someone had fucking taken her. I opened the passenger door looking for some sign she’d made it that far. There needed to be some fucking clue as to what had happened. Whether she’d been taken alive or she was already dead.

  It was the marks in the gravel drive I saw first. Not much, but enough. Shallow drag marks in the white gravel. I leaned down, a cold hollow space in my chest where my heart used to beat.

  The white stones of the drive showed a fine spattering of blood.


  Abby had enemies on every side and one of them fucking had her. She hadn’t been killed in the driveway, I realized with sick relief. There wasn’t enough blood. But my girl had been taken.

  I knew Macek wanted her as a sex slave. Cutter would use her himself until she was all but dead. But both of them would keep her alive, at least for a while. I remembered how he’d looked at her in the hotel room, how his eyes had lingered on her breasts as her robe had started to open and my blood boiled. I wanted that bastard dead. If he’d lived through the fucking concussion I’d given him and I got my hands on him again…I was going to make Arseny’s death look merciful...

  Either man could have put out an order for her to be taken. They both wanted her. Yet neither of them should have known this safe house even existed. At least
that’s what Nic had said.

  I took off for the Rover and was headed out with Sully hot and eager on my tail. Everyone who could be holding Abby was either headed for the compound or were already there. So my best chance of finding her had to be there too. I pounded on the gas and the engine whined in complaint.

  I didn’t know what I’d be facing when I got there, or which fucking bastard was responsible. I did know the back of the Rover held more semi automatics and ammo than Chips, the brothers and I would need. Then I remembered what Lazar had said, something about Ender having skills. I grabbed my cell.

  “Sull, fuck. Just keep the hell up and put Ender on the goddamn phone.” Thank fuck Nic had put them on speed dial too.

  “Ender. Tell me if you brought anything the fuck with you other than firearms. I need to know just what the fuck you can do.”

  The last hour on the road took a fucking eternity. Everyone was to meet in a clearing off the main road, about five minutes from the compound. We were the last two vehicles in. Men were out of their cars, milling impatiently. I knew Lazar’s helicopter was near and he’d be calling in last minute instructions. I opened the back of the Rover and Sully came over to distribute weaponry.

  My cell began to buzz. I stepped away from the men to answer. It was Nic.

  “Dad’s pissed Dane. You took your fucking time getting out.”

  “Nic, they’ve got her. Macek, or maybe Cutter. They took Abby.”

  “Shit Dane. Are you sure? Could she have…”

  “There was blood by the Rover. One of those fuckers has her and I’m guessing they’re holding her somewhere near the compound. They’ve got plans for her Nic, and they’ll try to use her to get to me.” I could hear Nic suck in a breath. Then I heard Lazar in the background.

  “The Dalca’s are going in first…no…then Kozlov’s men on the ground. Go, go…now…”

  Nic’s voice came back. “It’s going down Dane. I’m sorry. I could see how you looked at her.” He paused. “Like how I look at Hope,” he said quietly. He and Hope had been married for four years and had twin daughters.

  “Yeah, Nic. It’s the fuck like that.” The breath in my lungs echoed, my chest hollow. “I’m there for you and Lazar, Nic, but I’m going to find her. I have to find her.”

  “I’ll do what I can to help. Just get me and Dad to the office. The plan is to catch Macek off guard, dick deep in one of Arseny’s whores…if they timed it right. Just get us in Dane,” Nic said, the engine noise beginning to drown him out. “I’ll do what I fucking can…sorry…we’re taking off…” The phone went dead in my hand.

  The air was thick with dust as the cars headed out of the clearing and back on the main road. Lazar would have the men on the inside in place and ready. Our people would move into position surrounding the compound and firing would take place simultaneously from inside and out on Lazar’s order from the air. Once the path in was cleared, I would get Lazar and his son to Macek. Then they were on their own and I’d kill every bastard who stood between me and finding Abby.

  I pulled the Rover into position, behind a thicket of trees just beyond the main entrance. There were two armed guards outside. I knew there were two more just inside and half a dozen between there and the office. I tucked a gun into the back of my waistband in addition to the one in my shoulder holster. I picked up the tac rifle in seat beside me and waited for the signal to come. Sull had pulled in behind me. Ender slipped out and walked up, leaning his back against my door and looking toward the drive.

  “You’re set?” I asked him.

  “Hhmmph,” he answered.

  My phone lit up on the dash. “Are we go?” I asked, my body tensing, ready for the fight ahead. Ender waited quietly, watching me from the corner of his eye.

  “In sixty seconds Dane.” It was Nic. His voice was quiet, strained. Something was wrong.

  “You needed to know Dane. I saw something from the air as we came in. It was Cutter. He was leaving the old pump house. There was no good reason for him to be there…”

  “I’m sending the Cuzas in Nic. I’ll meet you inside but I’m going to go fucking find her.” Every lost minute was one she might not live through. “I’m right behind you, but I’m going in for her.”

  I shoved the phone in a pocket. “Give it to me.”

  Ender shoved a small package into my hand.

  “You and Sull are going in ahead of me. Just clear the path for Nic and the boss. Get them to the office and I’ll see you there. Thirty fucking seconds and then go.” I shoved my rifle into Ender’s hands and took off, dodging through the trees toward the lake.

  I was there in minutes that lasted a lifetime. I ran with my head on a swivel, taking in everything that might give me a clue, answer the question. Was Abby there and was she still alive? I was winded when I reached the metal door of the pump house. I saw the leaves had already been disturbed and there was fresh mud smeared on the bottom of the door.

  “Abby…fuck…Abby, are you there? It’s Dane, Abby!” I pounded on the door praying for an answer. She had to be here. She fucking had to be alive. I couldn’t imagine a life where I couldn’t take her in my arms…

  “Dane, oh god Dane, get me out of here!” I could hear a scraping noise at the door and felt sick at the thought of my beautiful girl, alone and afraid in the dark.

  “Are you hurt, baby? Can you move?” I shouted through the metal between us.

  “I’m okay Dane. I’m tied, but I can move a little.”

  “I need you to move as far away from my voice as you can Abby. There’ll be a blast, but it’s okay. It’ll unlock the door. Just get back as far as you can.” I took a breath. “I’m going to get you out of this.”

  I heard her soft movements inside as I pulled out the package Ender had given me. Plastic fucking explosives and a detonator. That son of a bitch was getting a nice fucking bonus out of this.

  Less than a minute and I had the lock set to blow. “Abby. Cover your eyes. Curl up facing the corner. Keep your eyes shut and don’t be afraid. I’m nearly there.” I prayed it would work. We wouldn’t get a second chance.

  A moment later the smoke was clearing and Abby was in my arms. Fucking hell, I would never live without her again. She was mine. She would always be mine. I tore her hood off and had the ropes off a second later. Her eyes were huge and blue, like the first time I’d seen her. I wanted to keep her safe in my arms and never let go. My cock was pounding wanting her, only her.

  “Dane, oh god you found me.” She was gasping. “It was Cutter. He’s out there. He’s still fucking out there somewhere and he’s going to kill you…” I cut her off with my mouth on hers. She wrapped her arms up around my neck and I lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around my hips and I pushed her back up against the wall as I drove myself against her. I kissed her, ravaging her mouth with mine and exploring her with my tongue. The fear I’d felt at the thought of losing her powered my desire. There was no fucking time but I was going to take her anyway. She was desperate against me, straining with hot fucking passion. “God Abby, I have to have you. I fucking have to be inside you.”

  “Dane, please…oh please, I need you. Please just take me, now, here. I have to feel…,” She was frantic, unzipping me as she spoke, kissing me and biting my lips and tongue. I forgot everything but her and the way she made me feel. I dropped her to her feet and peeled her jeans off. “Fill me Dane,” she panted as she pushed my jeans aside and my huge cock raged heavy and dark. “I need to you to fuck me,” she moaned into my mouth. “Fuck me hard Dane.”

  “Christ…Abby.” I pushed her sweater up over her luscious curves and lifted her against the wall again. I caught her nipple in my teeth, pushing my face into her breast as I lifted her high and positioned her spread wet pussy over my cock. I felt a drop of her warm slick moisture fall on my round aching head and I was unleashed.

  I dropped her onto the length of me, impaling her on my thick long rod in one motion. She swallowed me whole until I felt her swol
len clit against my base. “Yessss, oh my god yes Dane.” She moaned and panted as she dug her heels against my bare ass. “Fuck me Dane, oh yes, pound me…pound into…me…god…yesss.” Her body was moving up and down against the wall as I sank my face into her naked breasts and my cock into her naked pussy. We were dripping and slick. The harder I drove into her the deeper she became, taking everything I could give her and begging for more. She wrapped her legs tighter around me as my hard deep thrusts pounded into her and her body bounced on my cock. I thundered into her, those huge beautiful breasts swaying against my face. She was hot and slick, her juices spilling down my cock as I drove on inside her.

  “God, Abby, I thought I might never hold you like this…” I pushed my entire length into her as the wall held her tight up against me. She writhed on me, filled to the point of explosion. I wanted to reach as deep as her heart, and I felt my own heart swell with desire and a tenderness I’d never felt before.

  “Oh Dane, don’t let me go. I need all of you Dane.” She held onto me as I moved inside her. I lifted my face from her mounded breasts, moving with the motion her body and my thrusts. I locked her eyes to mine.

  “You have all of me Abby.” I stroked her deeply inside and she clenched me. “You have everything I am.”

  I kept her eyes on mine as I worked her, speeding my thrusts and deepening until I had stretched her inside as far as she could go. I heard her breath catch and watched as her blue eyes darkened. I knew she was on the edge… Then I drove hard into her depths again and again, plundering her sweet wet tightness.

  “Ooohhh Daanne…yeessss…,” her voice was lost as she came, her eyes partly closing as her head rolled back and her climax hit, her walls clenching rhythmically and sucking at my cock. “Oh god Abby, my Abby,” and I was lost inside her as I burst and pulsed wave after wave of hot cum into her. We were slick and dripping, sliding into each other, my lips finding hers and keeping them hostage.


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