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Ryder Page 4

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Sitting up as a plan formulated, she turned to Adriana. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Where to?” Adriana’s eyes lit with a genuine smile. “I’m sure your driver—”

  “No.” Gabriela laughed. “We’re going to do what your neighbor did and take the back stairs.”

  “But your uncle—”

  “Won’t know.” Gabriela stood, placed her wineglass on the table next to the full bottle of wine they had yet to touch. “I want one night where you and I can go party among the locals and not have my uncle’s soldiers following my every move, reporting back to him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” Gabby smiled, bubbling with excitement. “Let’s party.”

  Chapter 4

  Ryder crossed the main drag of La Paz to a little place called Los Diego, where the nightlife spilled into the streets. The crowd buzzed with conversation while Latin music provided a pleasant backdrop. His rented second-floor apartment was situated across from the bar. Normally, he didn’t mind watching the goings-on from his window, being comfortable in self-isolation. It was these times he did his best thinking. But after hearing Gabriela’s confession about the “seriously hot” Americano, he was too keyed up to stay in.

  Not only did his body want a little action, Ryder needed to feed.

  Los Diego would provide him the perfect cover to find a young señorita looking for a little extracurricular in the human anatomy. Of course, he’d need to hypnotize her into forgetting the part that involved fangs and all things vampire.

  He took the three steps leading onto the front cement patio, skirting the patrons lining the establishment and sitting at outdoor tables. After ducking his head beneath the doorjamb, he moved along the outer wall in the darkened tavern. Ryder headed for a table at the rear of the club, more specifically next to the back door with a glowing EXIT sign.

  Easy access to the alleyway.

  After he claimed a stool at a high-top table, his back to the wall, a waitress with a saucy smile sauntered over. Too bad she was working or he might’ve been tempted to give her an invite to what he had in mind. She wore a peasant-style blouse with off-the-shoulder sleeves and a hem that barely covered her ass, while a pair of skin-tight leggings hugged her thighs and calves. She was cute, he’d give her that, though not nearly as stunning as Gabriela.

  Fuck, I need to get my head out of my ass.

  Gabriela Trevino Caballero was a job and he’d do well to remember that.

  “What can I get you, muy guapo?”

  “A shot of tequila to start.” Ryder winked, causing her cheeks to blush. “Can you also bring me a chelada with a Modelo Especial as well, hermosa?”

  “Coming right up.” She turned and walked away with an extra sway of her hips that Ryder could appreciate.

  Damn, too bad she was on Los Diego’s time.

  Scanning the crowd, Ryder looked for a nice little señorita, one who wasn’t seeing a lot of action, as they tended to be less noticeable. His exact modus operandi when seeking women outside of the donor society he used in Oregon. The society consisted of women who knew about the existence of vampires and allowed them an artery tap for nourishment. It was the Sons of Sangue’s preferred way to feed. Ryder hated taking what wasn’t freely offered, but this far south, he had little choice.

  His gaze landed on a short, pleasingly plump woman, sipping a cocktail through a straw while her pretty friend chatted with a guy near the bar. The straw-sipper chewed on the end of the green plastic as her gaze traveled the room before landing on him. Even from the distance between them, Ryder could see the growing interest in her warm brown gaze.

  His waitress returned with his order, setting down the shot and a glass rimmed in lime and salt. She opened the beer and poured it over the ice. Ryder stood, dug dinero from his pocket and handed it to the waitress, giving her a healthy tip. He quickly slammed back the tequila, then grabbed his beer and headed for the short, rotund woman, hoping for easy pickings.

  Ryder was hungry and had a hard-on that needed appeasing. Not a great combination when there were no donors available. He’d have to make do.

  The door to the tavern swung outward, drawing his gaze. In walked Gabriela and Adriana, without Gabriela’s ever-present bodyguard. Ryder couldn’t help wondering how she had managed to give him the slip. The man no doubt continued his post by the Cadillac, waiting for her return. Ryder bet the two women had slipped down the back deck stairs.

  Doing a quick turnabout and returning to his table in the darkened corner, he’d hoped to go unnoticed. So much for taking care of his needs.

  “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi filtered throughout the club, while patrons danced and moved together on the dance floor. Laser lights shot about the small room, though lucky for him, never quite reaching his corner. It was obvious the song was popular with the crowd.

  Gabriela and Adriana chatted animatedly as they approached the bar. Men parted, giving them room to pass, though certainly not out of politeness. More than likely so they could ogle the women’s asses without being caught. Even the man chatting with the friend of the woman he had been seconds away from approaching, stopped talking and watched the two walk by. The taller woman leaned down and whispered into her straw-chewing friend’s ear. They placed their empty glasses on the bar and exited the club.

  Damn, now I’ll need to find another blood host.

  His gums ached with the need to feed. Ryder had already gone three nights without any real sustenance. With the arrival of Gabriela and her friend, finding a new artery would be a whole lot trickier.

  The women ordered drinks, then ignored the leering men to find a table near the already packed dance floor. Ryder had a good view of them from where he sat drinking his beer. The waitress returned and asked about a refill, but he declined. She hustled off, and when his gaze returned to the table the women had occupied, he found them missing. He scanned the dance floor, finding Adriana easy enough. She sidled up against a man he had never seen before. But Gabriela—

  “Careful, I might think you’re following me.”

  Ryder jerked his head in the direction of the sexy voice, bringing his mouth inches from the deep red-painted lips of Gabriela. Fuck if he didn’t want to taste them.

  Play dumb.

  “Do I know you? I mean, I sure as hell wish I did, but—”

  Her lips tipped upward as she sat at the table. “Buy me a drink?”

  Ryder raised his hand, motioning over his waitress. “What’s your poison?”

  Gabriela raised her glass to the waitress. “Another paloma please.”

  The waitress nodded, barely acknowledging Gabriela. Instead, her gaze landed back on Ryder for longer than necessary. He ignored the waitress, his gaze quickly returning to the gorgeous woman now seated at his table. Well, he had wanted an in and Gabriela had just handed it to him.


  “Grapefruit, lime, and soda, topped off with tequila.” She smiled warmly, the gesture arrowing straight to his groin, reminding him that his feeding mission had been prematurely aborted. “You aren’t from around here.”

  “What?” Ryder widened his gaze. “Born and raised. Mi casa es su casa.”

  Gabriela chuckled. Ryder found he liked the sound. “Spanish 101.”

  “Guilty.” Ryder leaned back as the waitress brought Gabriela’s drink. He dug out a few dinero and placed them on the waitress’s tray. “What gave me away?”

  “For starters? Your motorcycle has American plates.”

  He raised a brow, continuing to act as if he hadn’t spotted her earlier. “I walked here.”

  “That may be true, but you didn’t walk to Salazar’s. I saw you leave there earlier today.” She took a sip from the salted rim of her glass. “I hope you weren’t … run off.”

  Ryder shrugged. “More or less.”

  Gabriela laid a cool hand atop his warmer one. Fuck, just the feel of her skin caused the temperature in the club to rise. It was already hot as Hades
inside. Now it felt like a fucking inferno.

  “Don’t let them bully you.”

  Ryder flipped his hand on the table so their palms aligned. He laced fingers with hers briefly before withdrawing his hand. “The man who told me not to come back didn’t seem like he was looking for an American friend.”

  “I’d say he’s all bite, but…”

  “He’s not.” Ryder took a sip of his beer. “I’ve known men like him. He doesn’t scare me.”

  “You don’t want to be on his bad side.”

  “Look… I didn’t catch your name.”

  She smiled again. Damn if he couldn’t get used to that. “My friends call me Gabby.”

  “And me?”

  Her small pink tongue swept the salt from her lower lip. Ryder wanted to do the same, his blood heating with need as she held his gaze. “What about you?”

  “Am I a friend?”

  She shook her head and laughed. “If you want to be. But I come with a warning.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t get too close.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement.” Ryder rubbed a hand over his whiskered jaw. “Back to the man at Salazar’s—”


  He had a name. “Yes. He won’t stop me from getting what I came here for.”

  “And that is?”

  “You.” Ryder watched suspicion take over her gaze. He placed a hand on her forearm to keep her from rising. “Gabby, I’m kidding. How the hell would I know you before coming to Mexico? Although, I must say I’m quite glad we met. Maybe next time I head south, that statement will hold true.”

  * * *

  This man might have her libido in overdrive, but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t proceed with caution. Truth of the matter, she didn’t know him, nor had she asked Sergio why he had tossed him out of her restaurant in the first place. Gabby had allowed the stranger’s ruggedly handsome face to cloud her good judgment. And with his announcement of coming down to Mexico for her, in jest or not, it triggered her warning bells. She needed to learn more about him if she intended to allow the second part of his statement to be accurate.

  “Where are you from…? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name either.”

  He smiled warmly, the gesture causing her heart to skip a beat. “The name is Ryder. I’m from southern California.”

  Gabby traced a water droplet path down her glass, noting he hadn’t exactly been forthright about where he called home or given his last name, though to be fair, she hadn’t given him hers either. California damn near filled the west coast of the United States, so he had basically danced around her question.

  “What brings you to La Paz?”

  “A change of scenery.” His whiskey-colored eyes gave away nothing, telling her he was quite good at schooling his features. “Too many reminders back home. My girlfriend passed away some months back. I thought leaving town might be therapeutic.”

  “I’m so sorry. How did she die?” Gabby tamped down her pity, sensing this type of man wouldn’t welcome it. She laid her hand back on his. “That was incredibly insensitive of me. It’s really none of my business.”

  He turned his hand, so their palms aligned again and twined fingers with her for the second time in the span of a few minutes. “It’s okay. Life happens. Sometimes it sucks. If it taught me one thing, it’s that none of us get out of here alive and you need to live life. I had stopped doing that.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m here, trying to move forward.” He pulled the left side of his T-shirt over his shoulder, revealing an ugly scar that appeared pretty large in size. “I got this as a reminder. She died in a fire and I tried to save her, but…”

  He shrugged his shoulder back into his shirt, dropped her hand, and sat back in his chair. After grabbing his drink, he took a long pull, then set the empty glass on the table. He picked up the bottle of Modelo and poured the rest over the remaining ice.

  Moisture gathered in Gabriela’s eyes as she watched him hide his pain behind a cavalier attitude. What he must have endured she couldn’t begin to imagine. Her heart went out to him as she sucked back the tears.

  “It was a while ago,” he continued. “The wounds are healed, though the scars remain. The physical and emotional. And because of it, I haven’t really dated since.”

  “I can see why.”

  She picked up a napkin from the table and blotted her eyes, feigning having something in them. Gabby refused to cry in front of him. Hell, she hardly knew the man. And yet here she was nearly shedding tears over his heartbreaking story. She had always been an ugly crier, fat trembling lip and all.

  Ryder took a swig from his drink before asking, “So what about you?”

  Gabby furrowed her brow. “What about me?”

  “I assume you have no significant other since you’re sitting here. At least, I would hope not.” He ran a knuckle down her cheek, causing a shiver to snake down her spine. Not in a bad way, of course, but in a very … very good way. Dropping his touch, he leaned back in his chair. “You said you come with a warning. Care to elaborate?”

  Damn, I did say that.

  Not ready for full disclosure, she said, “Let’s just say my life is complicated.”


  She laughed, rolling her eyes. “He wishes, pero es impossible. It’s not going to happen. Like you, I’m currently not dating.”

  He raised one of his tawny brows. “Would you be open to it?”

  Gabby drew her lower lip between her teeth. “Depends on who’s asking, I guess.”

  There would be no getting around her uncle or bodyguards if she agreed to see him again. It was by pure luck she had gotten out this time without her driver’s notice. The poor guy might already be combing the streets looking for her. But Antonio wouldn’t call in the troops. The repercussions of losing her whereabouts would be horrendous. Sooner or later, though, she’d have to throw the man a bone and text him to let him know where she and Adriana had gone, that was, if he had noted them gone at all.

  “I’m not sure—”

  “There you are.” Adriana stepped up to the table, grabbed Gabby’s drink, and finished the contents. “We should probably head back, Gabs. Don’t you think?”

  Disappointment flooded through her. If only her life was different and she had been born to another family. Ryder certainly didn’t need that kind of trouble added to everything he was running from. He deserved a normal relationship. Besides, Adriana was correct, they did need to get going. She’d already pushed Antonio’s limits by making him stay by the car earlier. If he had found them missing, he’d be livid.

  Gabby slid off her chair. “You’re right. We better head back.”

  “Before the troops come looking for us,” Adriana added.

  Gabby laughed off Adriana’s comment, knowing it wasn’t far from the truth, hoping Ryder thought her off-handed comment was in jest. Should Antonio decide to call Sergio about her disappearing act, all hell would break loose.

  “Wait.” Ryder stood, his hand slipping around her waist. His mere touch upped the temperature of the club. That or she was suddenly prone to hot flashes. “I don’t have your cell number.”

  Gabby stood on her tiptoes and bussed his cheek with a kiss. “No, you don’t.”

  Then, just like Cinderella, she wove through the packed nightclub, following in Adriana’s path. She didn’t dare look back to see if Ryder watched, not wanting to show more interest than she already had.

  Moments later, they were back on Adriana’s deck, giggling like a couple of school girls on how they had stolen a short time away. A quick check out the front window of the apartment proved Antonio had dutifully stayed put.

  Adriana grabbed her corkscrew and quickly opened the other wine bottle, then refilled the glasses they had used earlier. “Do you want to see the Americano again?”

  Heat rose up Gabby’s neck and warmed her cheeks. Of course, but that didn’t mean she would. “It can’t ha
ppen, no matter what I desire. You know that. He doesn’t deserve the trouble I’d bring into his life.”

  Adriana sat in the wicker chair flanking Gabby’s and curled her legs beneath her. “You’d be stupid not to see him again if the opportunity arises. Why not let him decide what he wants? It was so obvious he’s into you.”

  Gabriela wasn’t as open to the idea. Her suspicions continued to bubble beneath the surface. “What if he works for one of my uncle’s enemies?”

  “That could be said for any man you meet, Gabs.” Adriana sighed. “It’s no way to live. You deserve to be happy.”

  “And yet here I sit, worried if this guy is on the up and up.”

  “He didn’t come on to you. You sat down with him. You made the initial first step.”

  Gabriel tipped back her glass and drained some of the contents, then rolled the stem between her fingers as she contemplated Adriana’s remark. She had been the one to approach Ryder and not the other way around.

  “If you’re so worried about his intentions, then try running into him a few more times. Get a better feel for him.” Adriana grinned. “Besides, that Americano is muy guapo.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me.”

  Gabriela hoped she hadn’t blown her one chance with Ryder by not giving him her number. After all, Adriana was correct; not only did she deserve to be happy, she deserved a little romance. Ryder was the first man in a long while to make her desire more than just a conversation. But if Gabby wanted a chance with him, then her uncle and his men needed to be kept in the dark. After all, Sergio had already had one run-in with Ryder. Having another wouldn’t bode well. Gabby didn’t want to be the reason Ryder sucked on dirt from six feet under.

  Chapter 5

  The knock on the back door of his apartment startled Ryder. He had yet to make friends in La Paz, nor had he told anyone where his home base was located. Well, other than his brethren, and they had yet to visit him within the city limits, not wanting to blow the mission. The lights hadn’t been turned on for good reason, making the residence appear momentarily uninhabited and giving him a covert view of the street below.


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