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Ryder Page 12

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Hell, she consumed his thoughts, had him acting out of character and doing things like compromising the mission when in a million years he wouldn’t have ever thought he’d let his brothers down … not for a piece of ass. And yet, Gabriela meant more than that, had endeared herself to him in the short time he had gotten to know her.

  I need my fucking head examined.

  Turning over the phone, he pressed the HOME button at the bottom of the screen, figuring it was likely the big, wolf-like man telling him he was running late. Grigore seemed to always be about three steps behind the ball.

  Before he had a chance to actually see the message, Grigore walked through the door. Right on time. Then who the hell had texted? Glancing back at the cell, the words: Raúl knows. Be careful, glared back at him. What a stupid son of a bitch he had been. Not only would Raúl know a vampire had been in her suite, he’d know that vampire had fucked his niece as well. The scent of their mingling desire would be stamped all over the room.

  “Motherfucker,” Ryder hissed.

  “And hello to you as well.” Grigore’s concerned gaze dropped to the cell Ryder held. “Bad news, I take it.”

  Scratching the back of his neck, Ryder blew out a steady stream of air. “You want the good first or the bad?”

  The big man crossed the scarred flooring and dropped into a kitchen chair. It groaned and creaked from the added weight. He crossed a booted ankle over one knee. “Regardless of the good news, judging by your reaction, I’m betting the bad far outweighs it. Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I found Raúl.”

  “Halle—fucking—lujah.” Grigore’s smile split his beard. “So what could possibly put a damper on that news?”

  Ryder grimaced. This was not going to go well. “I fucked his niece and I’m pretty sure he knows it.”

  Grigore sobered, his booted foot hitting the ground as he sat up straighter. One of his heavy fists struck the table, bouncing the legs off the floor. “I don’t recall that being part of the mission. What the hell, Ryder? You’re a damn primordial and you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants? At what point were you aware Raúl was on the premises?”

  Ryder ran a hand through his hair and started pacing the small space. What was it about Gabby that had him compromising his principles? “When I first got there. Gabby … Gabriela invited me to her uncle’s massive estate. I jumped at the opportunity. She informed me straightaway that Raúl was in residence.”

  The larger man shook his head, censure lacing his deep brown eyes. “And yet you stayed and fucked her instead of coming to me with the news? Fuck, Ryder! I don’t know … maybe you could have called.”

  “It wasn’t that easy, man.”

  “The fuck it wasn’t.” He used finger quotes to drive home his point. “‘Oh, Gabby, sweetheart, I forgot I was supposed to be meeting with someone … oh, I don’t know … but I have to go. We’ll get together and fuck at a better time.’ You were being a self-centered son of a bitch, Ryder.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “You think Raúl hightailed it out of there already?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll text Gabby back, feel her out. See where the hell that asswipe is.”

  “You do that. I have to piss anyway.”

  Grigore stood and headed for the lone restroom. Ryder supposed he deserved the ass-chewing he just got and more. The “and more” would come from Kaleb once he found out Ryder had fucked up. Pushing the HOME button again, he opened his messages and began typing to Gabby.

  Ryder: You alright?

  Gabby: I’ve been better.

  Ryder: Did he hurt you?

  There was a long pause before she answered back: I’m okay.

  Ryder: Where is he now?

  Gabby: I don’t know. He left. I’m betting he’s headed to see Luis about your employment.

  Ryder: He knows I was there?

  Gabby: Yes. I’m sorry. I told him he’s not to harm you.

  Ryder: Don’t worry, ángel.

  Gabby: What are you going to do?

  Ryder: Talk to him.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Grigore reentered the room. “Well?”

  “Raúl left. She’s not sure where to, but she thinks her uncle went to talk to Luis about his employing me.” Ryder grimaced. “Looks like I should head over to Salazar’s and see if I can’t straighten this mess out.”

  “What if Raúl wants to take you out? He already knows you’re a vampire, he could scent it, so he’ll know how to kill you. What the fuck are you going to tell him?”

  “That Spike turned me. Dead men can’t talk.”

  “You might want to come up with a good story as to why Spike felt the need.” Grigore started opening the cupboard doors until he found a bottle of Jack. He unscrewed the lid, grabbed a tumbler, and poured a couple of fingers. He downed the fiery liquid in one gulp before pouring himself another. “You want one?”

  Ryder snatched the bottle from Grigore and took a healthy swallow.

  “You could use some fucking manners.” Grigore rolled his eyes. “There are more clean glasses, you know.”

  “It’s my pad. I’ll drink straight out of the bottle if I want.” Ryder set the bottle on the table and had a seat. Grigore took the chair opposite. “The way I have it figured, I’ll tell Raúl that Spike was looking to make me VP and we planned to take over the Devils. That he was having issues with some of them not liking him as pres, which we already know to be true. He turned me so we’d have vampire strength in our favor. When Spike got himself killed, I figured I needed a change of scenery … and I still needed a job.”

  “Sounds like a solid story. While you do that”—Grigore pulled out his cell—“I’ll call Hawk and Viper and get their asses down here ASAP. If Raúl sticks around like I think he might, we should be able to get at him. He won’t know what hit him. Maybe with you poking his niece, it will give him more of a reason to stay put for the time being, to make sure you’re on the up-and-up. Especially since he knows a vampire is fucking her. I’m assuming he’ll want to keep a real close eye on you, make sure you aren’t one of the Sons of Sangue vamps.”

  “If he checks with the Devils, they still think I’m dead.”

  Grigore nodded. “Right. So, tell him you laid low until Spike came across you, making you an offer to be VP. They never got the chance to talk to the Devils before he bit it.”

  “Let’s hope the story holds up. Most of my old motorcycle brethren aren’t going to take too kindly to a snitch being brought back to life.”

  “Spike wasn’t always the brightest bulb in the box. Hopefully, they’ll shrug it off as another idiotic move. Since he’s dead, and you aren’t trying to ride with them, they might just let the account stand as it’s told. Dead men can’t tell no tales. Looks like you didn’t fuck up this mission after all.” Grigore reached across the small table and slapped Ryder on the shoulder. “Now let’s do what we were sent here to do and take down this fuck.”

  “The rest of the La Paz cartel?”

  “We aren’t here to kill the lot of them. Raúl is our target. We take him out and any other soldier that gets in our way. Let the rest of them decide their own fate. We cut off the head. They’ll either grow a new one or scatter like rats. Either way, we don’t care.

  “With the amount of money and power the La Paz cartel has over this region, my bet is on them finding a new kingpin. We leave them up to the Feds. Cara can fill them in from the Sheriff’s Office.”

  “I agree, Wolf. Even though I’d like to see all those motherfuckers pay, we can’t single-handedly take down the entire cartel. Leave them to the authorities.” Ryder picked up the bottle and took another swig. “With Raúl out of the way, they’ll likely be a lot easier to catch anyway.”

  Ryder thought of Sergio. Kane and Kaleb may be coming down to La Paz to see that Raúl gets what was coming to him. But Sergio? Yeah, that motherfucker was all his.

  * * *

  Ryder pulled onto
the gravel lot of Salazar’s, circled a few parked cars, then stopped his motorcycle near the entrance. Turning the key, he paused as the rumble of the engine cut short. Glad for the smaller crowd, Ryder stepped over his seat, lifted his helmet and dangled the chin strap from the rubber handle grip.

  A quick glance around the lot told him Gabriela didn’t appear to be there. Thank the good Lord for small favors. He’d rather deal with her uncle without her present. A black Cadillac Escalade, one absent of Gabby’s name, sat near the side entrance of the restaurant, providing Ryder with proof that Raúl was meeting his men. The man no doubt had his own fleet of Escalades.

  The wooden door creaked as he opened it and stepped into the dim interior, waiting for his eyes to adjust. Even though he had great night vision, it took a fraction of a second for the adjustment to occur. He spotted Sergio sitting alone near the rear of the joint, Luis nowhere in sight. Ryder didn’t glimpse Raúl anywhere within the dining area, but he could smell the son of a bitch. Thankfully, the kingpin hadn’t scheduled the meeting with his number-one-in-charge elsewhere. He’d rather get this over with and confront the kingpin now, rather than later.

  Sergio acknowledged his approach with a nod, though his expression gave nothing away as to his temperament. Ryder couldn’t tell if the man was about to go apeshit on him or if he was completely in the dark about what had happened mere hours ago. Surely, Sergio wasn’t going to be happy with Ryder achieving what he had spent months trying to accomplish. Ryder wasn’t positive of Sergio’s motives, but he was pretty sure it had nothing to do with Gabby. Most likely, Sergio wanted to become part of the Trevino Caballero household on a more permanent basis.

  Ryder wasn’t going to be around long enough to see if the motherfucker managed to get the job done or not. But the thought of him laying his grubby paws anywhere on Gabriela, yeah … that wasn’t going to happen. He’d take him out first. As a matter of fact, the thought alone had the vampire simmering just beneath the surface. Speaking of someone wanting to go apeshit.

  Ryder skipped a greeting. “What are you drinking, amigo?”

  “Amigo? Since when did we become friends?” One of his dark brows rose. “But if you’re buying…”

  “I asked, didn’t I?”

  “You got a set of cajones muy grande coming here, I’ll give you that.” He rubbed a hand down his jaw, eyeing Ryder, no doubt wondering why he had offered to spring for the drinks. “I’ll take a michelada. I could use a serving of daily vegetables. Helps keep up my strength,” he added, patting his biceps.

  Ryder stifled a laugh and motioned over a waitress, ordering two of the Bloody Mary-style drinks before addressing the earlier part of Sergio’s comment. “What makes you think I’m not welcome here? I’m assuming I still work for Luis. Speaking of, where is he?”

  “He’s talking to the boss … about you.”

  Raúl had wasted no time talking to Luis. Ryder would need to do damage control and fast, try to get in the kingpin’s good graces, at least until the Tepes brothers arrived in Mexico. Then all bets were off. These motherfuckers were going down. “Not sure why I’d be the topic of their conversation.”

  Sergio shook his head and laughed, his humor not quite reaching his eyes. Ryder got the feeling the man held a lot of animosity toward him, more so than the day they’d met. He’d bet the entire mission it had to do with Gabriela. Guess saving his life by taking out Gunner no longer held merit.

  “You can’t be serious,” Sergio hissed.

  The waitress set the micheladas before them. Ryder dug into the pocket of his jeans, then dropped enough dinero onto her tray to pay for both drinks, leaving her a generous tip.

  “Why the fuck would I know?”

  “Word has it you hightailed it off Raúl’s grounds a couple of hours ago.” Malice filled Sergio’s dark gaze. The son of a bitch likely didn’t know know Ryder had fucked Gabriela. If he did, Ryder assumed they wouldn’t be talking. So Sergio must have suspected an entirely different reason for Ryder being in her suite. “Any reason you’d be running like a little bitch?”

  “Why would my whereabouts be any of your business?”

  Sergio gritted his teeth, his cheek muscle ticking. “Because, you pinche idiota, you work for me.”

  “Last I checked, I work for Raúl. Besides, Luis hired me, not you.”

  He held his tongue to keep from calling Sergio all the names running through his head, which wouldn’t help his cause. Ryder reminded himself that he was the one at fault for his present troubles because he hadn’t been able to keep his dick in his pants. So for now, he’d play nice.

  “Same difference, pendejo.”

  Luis and Raúl exited the kitchen, entering the main dining room of the restaurant, keeping Ryder from decking Sergio for his latest insult. Due to his primordial keen sense, Ryder had detected Raúl’s scent the minute he entered the restaurant. But obviously, by the look on Raúl’s face, he hadn’t noted Ryder’s arrival until clearing the metal swinging doors leading from the kitchen. His black gaze landed on Ryder. If Raúl thought for a minute he could compete with Ryder’s primordial strength, he was in for a rude awakening.

  “This pendejo—”

  “I’m not interested in what you have to say, Sergio.” Raúl easily dismissed the man, his gaze never leaving Ryder’s. Sergio stood, his booted feet clunking on the wooden floor. His hushed grumble made it evident he was none-too-pleased over the brush-off. Raúl ignored his tantrum. “Leave us. Take everyone with you and place the CLOSED sign on the door. I want to talk to Ryder … alone.”

  Luis rounded up the few men lazing about and herded them out the door, Sergio complaining the entire time. Ryder was quickly learning the man had undoubtedly pissed and moaned his way into position. He might be heartless in his pursuit to follow orders, but one-on-one, Sergio was gutless.

  Ryder squared his shoulders and stiffened his spine once he and Raúl were alone. He wasn’t about to cower in front of the kingpin. Ryder stood a good eight inches taller than the asswipe. Raúl’s eyes became marble-like as he flashed his fangs. Ryder didn’t bother turning. Raúl wasn’t worth the effort. Besides, this wasn’t a “my dick is bigger than yours” pissing match. This was about his niece Gabriela, and Ryder wasn’t going to make things tougher on her.

  “We need to talk.”

  “So, talk.” While Ryder was all about respect for Gabby’s sake, he wasn’t going to show weakness. “What’s got your vampire panties in a bunch?”

  “I was told you were from the Devils. And yet, no Devil that I know of has vampire DNA except for Spike … who’s dead. Care to elaborate?”

  “Spike turned me before he was taken out.”

  “That fuck didn’t have my permission.”

  Ryder smiled. “Spike answered to no one. No disrespect meant, but he did things his way, regardless of the consequences.”

  “He was a fucking coward. He wouldn’t dare cross me.”

  Ryder nodded. “To some extent, I’d agree. But when he didn’t think anyone would take notice—”

  “You want to tell me why you’re here?” Raúl interrupted, telling Ryder he wasn’t much of a fan of the fallen vampire.

  “We were supposed to head the Devils. That was his plan, anyway. He’d remain pres and I’d be VP. In the long run, he wanted to make them all vampires. The Sons of Sangue had cut his plan short. Some of the Devils aren’t fans of mine either. Most think I’m a dead snitch. Having no friends in the MC, I came down here looking for work in your camp.”

  His gaze narrowed. “You hoped to get to me through my niece?”

  “Not intentionally.”

  “Then tell me why you’re fucking her.”

  “I met Gabby before I knew she was your niece. I like her … as it happens, I like her a lot. I’m sorry if that’s not okay with you.” Ryder leaned down, driving his point home. Raúl wasn’t going to respect a man who wouldn’t stand up to him. “But to be totally honest, I don’t give a fuck what you think. I’ll continue
seeing her whether I have your permission or not.”

  “You do realize you work for me.”

  “What the hell does that have to do with your niece? I’ll do what’s required of me and not involve Gabby in the business side of things.”

  He harrumphed. “Gabriela won’t date someone who works for me. She’s made that clear on numerous occasions. So, why you?”

  “Maybe”—Ryder shrugged—“it’s because I’m not like most people you employ.”

  “How so?”

  “Because I would never use her to get to you.”

  Raúl’s fangs flashed brightly in the dim lighting as his lips curved up. “Be sure that you don’t.”

  Ryder arched a brow. “You’re giving me permission?”

  “I won’t get in your way where Gabriela is concerned, for now anyway. She’s an adult and can make her own decisions. She’d never forgive me if I threatened another of her … friends. Regardless of what she thinks, I do have her best interest at heart. And I’d rather know who she’s sleeping with.” Using a beefy hand, he wrapped his fat digits around Ryder’s neck and backed him against the nearest wall. “Fucking break her heart and I’ll stop yours. Comprender?”

  Ryder’s eyes heated as he clamped down on his rising vampire DNA. Raúl’s life was not his to take. Otherwise, he’d rip the fucker’s head off where they stood. He’d bide his time, allowing Kane to exact his revenge. The vamp had been waiting a good long time for his day to come.

  Ryder shook off the fat man’s hand and shoved away from the wall. “I’ll mind Gabriela’s heart, you mind your fucking claws. Touch me again and it won’t be my heart I’d be worrying about, if I were you.”

  Raúl laughed, his belly shaking. “I like you. Someone who’s not afraid to stand up to me. I think you might just be a good asset. One thing is for sure, I won’t need to worry about Gabriela when she’s with you.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Raúl slapped him on the back. “Don’t let my Gabby walk all over you, amigo. She can be a ball-breaker. I taught her well.”


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