Whispers of Yesterday

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Whispers of Yesterday Page 6

by Marie Higgins

  The paper dropped from her fingers and fell to her lap to land on the broken painting. “How did my pa know Foster Powell?”

  “Sabine.” He took her cold, trembling hands in his and caressed them. “If your father was friends with Robert Powell, I’m sure the man wasn’t as vindictive and calculating as Foster.”

  “But don’t you see,” she said with tears in her eyes. “That’s got to be the reason Foster thinks he can have my father’s painting.”

  Grange nodded. “Those were my thoughts, too.” He shifted on the bed to face her. “When I was doing some checking on Foster while still in Laramie, Wyoming, I discovered something interesting. Foster is a treasure seeker.”

  She pulled one of her hands away to pick up the painting. “But is this really a treasure?”

  “I don’t know, my dear. We’ll have to investigate further.”

  He took the painting away from her, studying the scene. Nothing looked familiar, so maybe the painting wasn’t the treasure. Maybe the map to the treasure was written somewhere on the painting.

  She sighed heavily and rubbed the back of her neck. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head to the side. The woman didn’t know how beautiful she really was, he was certain. Sitting next to him with her hair flowing over her shoulders and back and showing him her delicate neck, made him want to kiss her again... and again... and again.

  He’d been caught up in the kiss just as he had the first time. But now they were married. If only she would allow him to kiss her like a husband kisses his wife.

  Inwardly, he groaned. But she wanted a divorce. That told him everything he needed to know. However, the kiss they shared told him exactly the opposite.

  “Do you have a stiff neck?” he asked, moving his hands up to take over rubbing her muscles. He pushed the bulk of her hair over one shoulder.

  “All of this has gotten the best of me, I suppose. If it’s not a headache bothering me, it’s my neck.”

  As he kneaded her neck muscles, she turned her back toward him which made it easier. But it also made it more accessible if he wanted to kiss her.

  That’s enough, Keller! These thoughts need to stop.

  He shook his head, knowing that he’d never listened to the warnings in his head when it came to Sabine, so why would he start now? When he first talked to her at the barbeque, he knew he shouldn’t have. And when he wanted to kiss her, he knew he shouldn’t have let his desires control the situation.

  “If only my pa was still alive,” she muttered softly as if she was tired. “He could tell us.”

  Grange’s fingers stopped as an idea came to him. “What about your aunt and uncle?”

  “Hmm... what do you mean? My aunt and my mother were sisters. I don’t know if Gerald or Milly would know anything.”

  “You said this painting hung on the wall in your parents’ bedroom, correct?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He continued rubbing her neck and leaned closer. Her scent enveloped him, just as it had when they were kissing. “Then if your mother knew something, then surely she would have mentioned it to her sister.”

  “Hmm... that’s a possibility.”

  He couldn’t fight the pull any longer, and he leaned closer to brush his lips across the crook of her neck. Her body stiffened, but then seconds later, she relaxed as a heavy sigh escaped her. Hearing that mewling sound of pleasure from her was his undoing. He could no longer stop whatever happened between them. Only she would be able to stop him.

  He placed a kiss on her neck, waiting for her to stop him. She didn’t. The next kiss he left on her neck was longer. Still, she said nothing and her body relaxed against him. Grange scooted closer, wrapping his arms around her, trailing kisses all over her neck.

  For someone who had mentioned divorce, she wasn’t saying anything about it now. He didn’t dare bring it up. The best thing would be to continue to kiss her and make her realize how wonderful this was... and make her wonder how much more wonderful it could be if they actually acted like a married couple.

  “Mmm...” she sighed, placing her hands over his and stroking his arms. “Grange?”

  No! Talking wasn’t good right now. Saying anything might disrupt the mood.

  He turned her gently in his arms, slowly laying her back on the bed as he loomed over her. A gentle smile touched her mouth as her sparkling gaze met his. His heart leapt with excitement seeing her eyes light up.

  He swept a lock of hair away from her eyes. “Yes, my dearest Sabine,” he said as he brought his mouth down to kiss her lips. Just as he’d done to her neck, he started out slowly, trailing kisses over her face.

  “I... I think... we have somehow gotten distracted.”

  He liked how her voice was almost foreign with desire. “No.” He trailed his kisses down to her neck again, getting the front side this time and loving how she arched her head back to give him better access. “I’m not distracted... In fact, I’m very focused right now.”

  A slow laugh rumbled in her chest. “Grange...”

  It sounded so much like a sigh, he wasn’t certain if she really wanted him to answer. “Sabine,” he sighed heavily, leaning back up to kiss her on the mouth.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him in place. His heart soared with happiness, and he slid his arms underneath her to hold her closer against him. The position was slightly awkward, and his wound began to burn, but he wasn’t going to let that bother him. He had a passionate woman to kiss, and that was more important right now.

  The longer they kissed, the more he thought about becoming a real husband to her. He still loved his job, but it was time he settled down and started a family. He didn’t want to be lonely all his life. Sabine’s wonderful kisses gave him hope that maybe he wouldn’t be lonely anymore. He could get used to doing this – and much more – every day.

  He trailed his kisses down her luscious neck again, loving the way she sighed, and especially the way she trembled when he reached that sensitive spot on her neck. Warmth spread through him, making the emotion inside his chest grow faster. What was it about this woman that made him completely lose his mind?

  Her breaths were as ragged as his, and the faster his heart raced, the more he wanted to show her what a loving husband he could be. Right here. Right now. But quietly so they didn’t wake her aunt and uncle.

  Suddenly, she gasped and sat up. He rolled onto his back in surprise. Her surprised expression made him wonder if she hadn’t been thinking about their passionate moment as he had.

  “Grange, I think...” She looked down at him. “I think I know where the scene in that painting is located.”

  Trying to regulate his breathing, his mind scrambled to understand what she was saying. The question foremost in his mind right now was – why was she thinking about that? They were both involved in a passionate moment, or so he’d thought, but obviously, her thoughts had been elsewhere. Humiliation grew inside him and he tried not to feel offended.

  “Did you hear me?” she asked, touching his chest. “I think there is a treasure in the scene’s painting.”

  “How can you be sure?” he asked, still breathless.

  “Every summer, my father took the family to a place near Glenda, Wyoming that looked very similar to Pa’s painting. Sometimes we met Aunt Milly and Uncle Gerald and my cousin Natalie there, but mostly it was just our family. But I recall Pa and Ma digging in different places every time we went.”

  The excitement dancing in her eyes worried him slightly. He didn’t want her to get her hopes up. “Sabine.” He grasped her arm and pulled her down beside him on her side. “Are you thinking there might actually be treasure there?”

  “Yes, of course. Why else would my pa have a painting of that place?”

  He shrugged. “Because it brought him happy memories of being with his family?”

  She clasped his hand in hers and brought it to her mouth, kissing his knuckles. His heart jumped, and he wondered why she did that.

range, what if there is a treasure there?”

  He scooted closer even though it was painful to move this way because it tugged at his stitches. “If there was a treasure, why wouldn’t your father have found it by now – especially since he took you there every summer?”

  The excitement in her eyes diminished. Guilt filled his chest, making him feel as though he’d just taken candy away from a child. But Sabine was no child, and the so-called treasure was far from being considered candy.

  “Darling Sabine.” He cupped the side of her face. “I’m sorry for being so negative. I’ve known many people who were after gold or riches, and only wasted their lives and their relationships.” He paused debating on whether or not to tell her. But he must. “Do you know why my family moved us all to California?”

  She shook her head. “Although the gold rush was considered over, my father was determined to find more. My mother was very supportive, which is why we all moved to California. My father wasted many years searching for gold, which kept him away from the woman he loved and the family who needed him. While in California, I learned to become a man, mainly to keep my mother safe while my father was away. My father was killed in a mining blast, and my mother slowly withered away because of my father’s death.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry, Grange.”

  “I’m not telling you this to upset you or discourage you, I just want you to know that when you start searching for buried treasure, you become selfish and lonely. I don’t want to see that happening to you.”

  She released a sigh and nodded. “I don’t want that to happen to me, either.”

  He caressed her cheek. As much as he loved lying there gazing into her dreamy eyes, the pain in his side was growing worse. Carefully, he rolled to his back and breathed through the pain.

  “Grange? Are you all right?” She loomed over him, gingerly touching his bandage.

  “My wound didn’t approve of the way I was positioned.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be.” He quickly took her hand and lifted it to his mouth. Keeping his gaze on her lovely eyes, he kissed each finger before smiling. “Being with you tonight has been amazing.”

  She smiled. “I think so, too. But I really should return to my room. Tomorrow will get here quickly, and we both have a big day ahead.”

  “Yes. Foster is out there, and I want to catch him before he catches you.”

  “I’ll admit that getting him out of the way will definitely make my life...”

  She paused and her eyes widened. In a flash, she jumped up and placed a hand to her bosom. “I... just thought of something.”

  He struggled to sit, but the burning pain in his side was too fierce. He grimaced and lay back down. “That’s wonderful, but can you tell me about your idea over here, so I don’t strain my side.”

  She leaned down next to him, smiling wide. “Foster is after a map – or what he thinks is a treasure map.”

  Grange nodded.

  “What if we give him a different painting and put it in the frame?”

  As Grange pondered on her suggestion, ideas grew inside of his head. “Yes. That’s perfect, but we’ll have to find a painting small enough to fit in the frame. Fixing the frame won’t take long at all.”

  “I saw a painting this size in Aunt Milly’s kitchen.” She leaned on him, her bosom pressing against his shoulder. “Tomorrow I’ll switch the paintings, but you’ll need to keep my aunt occupied.”

  “What about your uncle?”

  “He’ll be at work.”

  Grange slid his hand around her head, pulling her closer to his mouth. “That will be fine, my darling Sabine.”

  She halted his progress and narrowed her gaze. “Grange? What are you doing?”

  “I want to kiss you again.”

  The corner of her mouth lifted. “But why?”

  “Because you’re absolutely adorable when you’re all excited about something and your eyes twinkle. When I see you like this, I want to kiss you.”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I hate to ruin the mood, but we both need to get some sleep, and if I stay in this room any longer, we both know that sleep will be the farthest thing from our minds.”

  Grange grinned. He loved how her thoughts were aligned with his. “Then I bid you a good night, my darling Sabine.”

  “Goodnight to you, my rugged warrior.” She touched the tip of her finger to his chin before moving off the bed.

  As he watched her leave, his heart swelled with emotion. Could he possibly be falling in love with his wife? If so, his future definitely looked brighter.


  Sabine awoke with the sun, wishing she could go back to sleep. She hadn’t slept well last night, and when her mind finally drifted into sleep, Grange was the one who filled her thoughts.

  She smiled. Last night had been a wonderful dream. His kisses had made her forget the anger she’d carried those years of separation. She still wished he hadn’t left her, but perhaps that was the best thing for them at the time. Perhaps they needed this separation in order to mature and discover themselves.

  Well... she had discovered what she had needed, and she prayed Grange had done the same. She wanted a real husband, and she wanted him to be that man.

  She dressed quickly, donning a baby blue gown with a laced heart-shaped neckline and ruffled sleeves. She was sure the townsfolk in Belle would be surprised that she’d finally come out of mourning, but she wanted to look especially lovely for Grange.

  For her hairstyle today, she only pulled back the bulk of her hair and fastened it with a leather tie. She pinched her cheeks to bring more color to her face and hurried out of the bedroom.

  The scent of griddlecakes filled the air the closer she came to the kitchen. Aunt Milly whistled a cheerful tune as the sound of pots and pans clanking together joined the chorus. Sabine entered the room to see how she could help... and stopped short when she noticed a familiar handsome face sitting at the table, stirring a bowl full of batter with a wooden spoon.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Clayborne,” Grange greeted with a grin.

  Her heart fluttered with excitement. But when his gaze moved over her from the top of her head to her black heeled boots, the twitters in her chest became more sporadic.

  “Oh, good heavens!” Milly’s hand flew to her throat as she looked at Sabine. “You’re wearing a blue dress.”

  Sabine laughed lightly and walked further into the kitchen. “Thank you for noticing, Aunt Milly. I’ve decided to come out of my mourning.”

  “And it’s about time.” Milly nodded and turned back to the stove as she heated up the pans.

  “Mrs. Clayborne,” Grange said, “may I ask how long your husband has been...gone?”

  Sabine held back a laugh. He’d used gone instead of dead for a reason. “I’ve been in mourning for a little over a year.”

  “Then I suppose it is time to stop grieving,” he said with a nod.

  “Indeed, it is.” Sabine moved toward her aunt. “What would you like me to help you with?”

  “If you’ll go out to the barn and fetch us about a dozen eggs, that would help me greatly.”

  “I will.” She moved to the back door, picking up the wicker basket on her way. She glanced at Milly who had her back turned toward Sabine. She quickly looked at Grange, who thankfully, was still watching her. She pointed to the painting on the wall near the back door that was the same size as her father’s. Grange peered in the direction, nodding slowly.

  “I shall return momentarily,” Sabine said as she walked out of the house.

  The trip to the barn only took a few minutes, because she was in a hurry to go back inside and see Grange. He looked so handsome today. An off-white shirt and tan trousers set off his sun-darkened skin and his brown hair which was so dark it was nearly black.

  Sighing, she paused in front of a chicken’s nest. He was so much more handsome now than he’d been when she was sixteen years old. Back then she�
��d had infatuation in her eyes, but now... dare she think she was beginning to really love him? If she went by the crazy flutters in her belly and the racing of her heart, she thought she had.

  Dare she hope he felt the same? She couldn’t let him break her heart again like he had before when he left her. Could she convince him to stay with her and be her husband?

  “Do you need some help?”

  Grange’s voice startled her. She snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to face him. Once again, she admired how handsome he was, but this time when she gazed into his eyes, he looked at her just as he’d done last night. Desire coated his expression and made her giddy.

  She stood still, just staring at him. “What... are you doing here?”

  “I missed you.”

  Her heart raced with happiness. She dropped the empty basket and walked straight into his opened arms that wrapped around her. She slid her palms up his muscular chest, and then hooked them around his neck. Their mouths met instantaneously. The kiss was magical. Gratifying. And oh, so very passionate.

  Was this really love? She wanted to see him all day, be near him, and talk to him until his gaze turned desirous. She ached to be held in his arms, and she yearned for his kiss.

  Slowly, the kiss ended, and he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. He smiled.

  “I’m assuming that was the proper way to say good morning to my wife.”

  She nodded. “I would hope so. It felt right. However, I’ve never been in a proper marriage before, so I don’t know what’s right or what’s wrong.”

  His smile disappeared as he caressed the side of her face. “Neither have I, but I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”

  Happiness burst in her chest and unshed tears burned her eyes. “Yes. I would like that very much.”

  He tilted his head. “Only like?”

  Sighing, she relaxed against him and shook her head. “I suppose I should rephrase that. Like isn’t the word I was looking for.”

  “What about... love?” he asked as a small smile touched his face.

  Her heartbeat faster. “Yes, love. That is the perfect word.”


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