Play With Me

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Play With Me Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She didn’t get the chance to nod her head or respond before his lips were on hers. He needed to kiss her, to reaffirm to himself that she was more than all right.

  Sliding his tongue along her lips, he plundered her mouth when she gasped. He took advantage of her open mouth, and deepened the kiss. This wasn’t about staking a claim, this was about need.

  Releasing her, he stared into her blue eyes.

  “I’ve never had anyone who cared about me like that before,” she said. Her tongue peeked out, licking along her bottom lip, and all he could do was groan at the sight.

  “Baby, you’re going to torture me with that damn lip.”

  She smiled, and he glanced over at Daniel.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  “There’s nothing I want more than putting her over my knee, but I’ll get my turn soon.”

  “I’m really sorry, Daniel,” she said.

  “Next time I will not be so lenient, and you will learn to take care of yourself.”

  She nodded, and Archer reluctantly let her go. He shouldn’t have touched her until he was sure she was content with the contract. As far as he was concerned, she belonged to them anyway, and it didn’t matter about the damn contract to him. He had staked his claim on her.

  “I’ll get us something to drink.” She wriggled from between his thighs, and Archer leaned back. Daniel took the seat opposite him, and rearranged his cock so that he could sit down without discomfort.

  “If she’s not scared of the contract, you can take her over your knee,” Archer said.

  “Like I said, there will be time for that. She’s probably worried about the newness of all of this.”

  “I just couldn’t stand for her to be in trouble.”

  “She seemed to like that kind of trouble that you just gave her.”

  Archer chuckled. He’d been so worried about her. The streets were not the kind of place where a woman like Livy should be walking. Anyone could take advantage of her. Her family should be ashamed of themselves. He wanted to tear them apart, take over their company, and watch them suffer for their treatment of her. Fuck, he was already too far gone when it came to this woman.

  Livy walked into the room, carrying a small tray with three cups on it.

  “I went through the contract last night, and I’ve, erm, I’ve put question marks against a lot of things.”

  “What about searching some stuff on the internet?” Daniel asked.

  Her cheeks went a lovely shade of pink, and Archer wanted her to have that color in her cheeks often.

  “I did go looking, but I didn’t know what was real, what was fake, or what to believe. I don’t imagine it’s all there out in the open, as otherwise we’d all been aware of it.” She handed him a cup. “Could you please taste it so that I can go and change it to what you like?”

  He blew over the top of his cup, watching as she did the same to Daniel. She stood with her hands pressed together, looking between them.

  “I’d like another sugar please,” Archer said, handing her the cup.

  She was so submissive, and from the look on her face, she really wanted to please them both. She took his cup without complaint, and within a minute she was back, letting him taste it. Livy did the same with Daniel, and when they were both satisfied, she sat down, and took a sip of her own coffee.

  If Livy landed in the wrong hands, the man would abuse that trust, her need to be controlled.

  Archer couldn’t stop gripping his cup tightly. The thought of losing her to someone else left a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t want to lose her, and so he would fight every step of the way to claim her, to make her his, and Daniel’s.

  She had to see that she was more than perfect for them.

  “So, the contract,” Daniel said.

  “Yes.” Livy placed her cup down, and disappeared into another room. She returned with the contract in her hand, looking between him and Daniel. “Erm, who would like it?”

  “Hand it to Daniel,” Archer said, sipping his drink.

  If they were in the comfort of their home, he’d have tugged her down into his lap, and would be holding her now while Daniel watched. His twin did love to watch.

  Livy took her seat again, and Daniel placed his coffee on the table in front of him, opening up the file.

  Leaning back in his chair, Archer listened to what Daniel had to say.

  “You’re fine with belonging to us, answering to us.”

  “I don’t want to be shared by anyone else. Just the two of you.”

  “You’re not into public exhibition, or a voyeur?” Daniel asked.

  Archer didn’t mind about that at all. He was more than happy with keeping her to himself, between him and his brother.

  He was a selfish bastard, and he wasn’t going to be ashamed of that.


  His cock was going to explode out of his pants. Daniel stared down at the list of requirements that she’d written. The words were all jumbled up, but he knew exactly what she’d written down. In his life and in Archer’s, her dyslexia wouldn’t be a problem.

  “No, I’m not into watching or being watched,” she said.

  “You want affection and love,” Daniel said.

  “I don’t expect you to fall in love with me or anything. It’s just something I’d like. If you don’t want that you can scrub it out.”

  She was breaking his heart. He’d never seen a woman more in need of affection than the woman before him right now.

  “Baby, I’m not scrubbing it out.”

  He watched as Archer got to his feet, going around to the back of her chair, rubbing her shoulders.

  She nodded, and leaned back against Archer. He couldn’t even think of being raised by a man like Frank West. Daniel hadn’t even met her mother, and he didn’t know what kind of life she’d had with that kind of family.

  “Why do you want to be with me?” she asked. “You’re my family’s enemy.”

  “We’re not your enemy. The Wests have taken control of the corporate front for a long time, and they’re not very good when it comes to helping others.”

  “I don’t know. They don’t let me be part of it.”

  Daniel gritted his teeth and returned back to the list of suggestions. She’d placed a question mark against rope and bonds.

  “Why have you put a question mark against the rope and different kind of bonds?” he asked.

  “I don’t know if I’ll like being tied up with rope. I put a question mark so I thought we could try it, and if we don’t like it, we can stop it?” she asked.

  “This is really good.” He moved down the list talking about the toys. She’d put a tick against the vibrators, dildos, and physical touch. There was a question mark against cuffs, clamps for nipples, and a clit clamp. “All of your question marks are for you to try?”

  “Yes. There was something about fisting, and I went searching for it. I don’t want fisting.”

  Daniel frowned and looked down. He wasn’t interested in fisting, and neither was Archer. Glancing over to his brother, he saw Archer smiling. “I didn’t know if she’d be into it or not. This isn’t just about us getting pleasure. It’s about us giving her pleasure as well.”

  “I don’t want to be fisted in any area of my body. I like my body to remain like it is.”

  Chuckling, Daniel grabbed a pen, and pushed a line through it. “It wasn’t supposed to be there, but Archer is right. We should have left it in just in case you wanted it. This isn’t just about us, Olivia. This is about you as well.”

  “I want hugs. I liked the sound of the aftercare. Can I have that?”

  Placing his hand over the contract, he paid her all of his attention. “Are you used to being touched, held, comforted?”

  “Not really. In the West household we weren’t allowed to hug, or kiss, or hold each other. There was a personal boundary, and you weren’t allowed to pass that.”

  He cursed, and finished going through t
he document. “This is more than fine, Olivia. We can learn a lot from each other. Now, what I need is for you to sign if you’re prepared to be ours.”

  “I thought I already signed,” she said.

  “Not this document.” He handed her back the contract. “The moment you sign, you belong to me and to Archer. You’ll become ours to love and protect.”

  He wanted her to understand that love was on the cards for them. Daniel wasn’t going to let her go. This may have started out being something that Archer started, but Daniel wanted to be part of it as well. Olivia was more than perfect, and he couldn’t wait to get started in her belonging to them.

  She leaned forward, signing her name. Archer moved to sit beside her, signing his name. Next, Daniel took it, and signed.

  “Excellent, Olivia, take your clothes off, and come here.” Daniel moved forward onto his seat, and waited.


  “Right now. Don’t be nervous, baby. You’ve got an amazing body, and I can’t wait to get my hands on you. I need you.”

  He took a sip of his coffee as Olivia stood to her feet. She stood up, and began to remove her clothes. Each item that left her had his cock threatening to burst through his pants. It had been too long since he’d been inside a woman, and Olivia was a temptation to him. Her curvy body was driving him wild, and he wanted her.

  When she was naked, he gritted his teeth. Her tits were so large and ripe. Her nipples were fucking large, and he’d seen her in Archer’s bedroom last night but he’d not gotten enough of a chance to admire her.

  “Put your hands together, and lift them above your head.”

  She did exactly as he asked, and he groaned. Standing up, he moved toward her. Archer had settled back in his seat, watching the show. He couldn’t believe he was in Olivia’s apartment, but he wasn’t going to last to get to his own place to take her. She was so fucking beautiful, and all day today she’d been in his thoughts. He’d wanted to know what was going on in her mind when she read through the contract.

  Witnessing her dyslexia had touched his soul, and he wanted to protect her. Her father wouldn’t have been so forgiving of her, and he hated that. Frank had been close to him, and he could have fucking hurt him today. Instead, he’d let him walk away. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again. He was going to take that bastard down.

  Lifting his hands, he placed them at the side of her breasts. “You better get used to it.”

  Sliding his fingers down her body to her quivering stomach, he leaned in close, and took her left nipple into his mouth, sucking the hard bud inside.

  Chapter Five

  Olivia couldn’t believe two gorgeous men were in her apartment, and one of those men was sucking her nipple. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. His touch was sending her body into overdrive. She was so turned on, aroused to the point of pain. Crossing her legs, she gasped as he bit down hard.

  “Open your legs,” Daniel said. “Open those eyes.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at Daniel.

  “Don’t forget me,” Archer said. “I want you just as much as he does.”

  “Why don’t you come and touch her?” Daniel asked.

  Her eyes widened when Archer got to his feet, and tugged his jacket off. He threw it onto the sofa and moved toward her. Archer was behind her within seconds, one of his hands gripping both of her hands in his. Even with her hands above her head, she felt secure in his hold, no longer at the mercy of herself. Daniel and Archer grounded her, kept her safe.

  Daniel glided his tongue over her chest toward her right nipple. He sucked the bud into his mouth, then bit down. She couldn’t contain her gasp and her moan as he licked and sucked at her breasts.

  “Fuck, that looks so damn good, baby. Your nipples look so tasty.”

  Archer glided his hand up her ribs and lifted her breast for Daniel to suck on. In the next instant, he released her hands, and held both of her breasts in his palms for Daniel to suck.

  “You keep those eyes open,” Archer said, whispering against her ear.

  She stared down at Daniel, who was also removing his jacket as he played with her breasts.

  “What are you doing?” she asked when Daniel started to move down her body.

  He kissed down her ribs until he got to her stomach. Daniel licked inside her belly button, then glided down.

  “We’re going to remove this,” he said, sliding his fingers against the fine hairs of her pussy.

  Could she do it?

  Yes, she could. When it came to these two men, she’d be willing to do anything. What was it about them? She didn’t know, but they made her feel safe and cared for. They would easily make her fall in love with them.

  “Archer, sit her on your lap, and open her thighs,” Daniel said.

  She was taken to the sofa and pulled onto Archer’s lap. He placed her hands onto his hips, hooked her legs on either side of his, and opened her thighs wide.

  “Now that is a pretty sight,” Daniel said, kneeling down before her. Lust shined in his eyes, and she gasped at the clear arousal in his face. He wanted her. She’d never seen it in any other man before. Daniel looked at her as if she was piece of meat, and she wanted him. Damn, each second that past only served to turn her on. She needed him more than she needed anything else.

  “Is she wet?” Archer asked.

  “Yes, she’s dripping. Do you like what we’re doing to you?”


  “I can tell.” He slid his finger through her creamy slit. “We won’t shave your pussy tonight, but we’re going to do it, baby. You’re going to be bare, and you’ll feel every time you’re aroused. Your lips will get lovely and slick.”

  “Please,” she said, whimpering. How was she going to survive with both of these men? They were already taking her to the point of no return. Linda was right. There was nothing wrong with her being a little selfish. Daniel and Archer were her selfish treat.

  “Do you want me to lick you, baby?” Daniel asked.

  “I need to taste her,” Archer said. His hand glided up the inside of her leg, and stroked through her pussy. He grazed over her clit before moving down, and plunging into her cunt. Archer withdrew, and in the next second she heard him moan. “So sweet. So tasty, and so fucking ours.”

  “That she is.” Daniel sucked her clit into his mouth, and she screamed at the instant shot of pleasure that rushed through her. She’d never had anyone touch her pussy with their mouth.

  Wriggling on Archer’s lap, she tried to get away from the pleasure while also searching for more.

  Archer held her hips, keeping her close. “You don’t need to worry, baby. Let him lick that wet pussy. He’ll give you what you need, and you’re going to love every second of it.”

  “I’ve never had this before,” she said.

  “You’ve never had your pussy licked?”


  “Oh, you’re in for the time of your life. Your pussy tastes amazing, and I can’t wait until it’s my turn.”

  Olivia didn’t know how much she could handle. Between Daniel and Archer, she was going to be pushed to her limit, but providing their arms surrounded her at the end of the day, she didn’t care. They were both so caring. Even though Archer had taken her over his knee, he’d been concerned about her life. She’d never thought about the risk that was posed to her. Archer and Daniel had made her aware of the fact they cared. They may not love her, but at least they cared, which was more than her own family did.

  No one cared about her at home. They considered her a hindrance, someone they needed to hide. Daniel hadn’t laughed or mocked her with the way she spelled certain words. He’d been caring, and had moved on. She’d seen that he’d not even put the correct spelling when she’d signed her name. Her father would have delighted in humiliating her, making her spell the word over and over again, where he’d mark each spelling. She’d hated it, especially when her brother and mother had been there to witness her embarrassment.

ushing thoughts of her family aside, she focused on Daniel’s tongue as he continued to tease her pussy, licking through her slit.

  He tongued her clit, sliding over and flicking the bud. She couldn’t handle the pleasure. It was too much, and something was building inside her, getting tighter, and she was searching for it.

  “Let it go, baby,” Archer said. “Give him that orgasm. He deserves it after the heart attack you nearly gave him.”

  Olivia cried out as Daniel bit her clit, then soothed out the sting with a flick of his tongue. She came apart in his arms, moaning.

  It was her first real orgasm, and she hoped it was the first one of many.


  Archer held Livy as she came apart for his brother. She was so perfect, the right collection of submission, femininity, and need. Livy was exactly what they’d been searching for. She was open, honest, and loving. Both of them wanted that. They wanted her to belong to them.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, kissing her neck. She moaned, tilting her head to the side, and giving him easy access to her neck.

  “You’ve got to tell us to stop,” Daniel said, bringing their attention back to his brother.

  “Why would I tell you to stop?” she asked.

  “There are two of us. As much as we want to fuck you, we don’t want to make you nervous.”

  Shit, there was Daniel being every part the gentleman when all he wanted to do was bend her over the sofa, and fuck her hard.

  “I want you. You’re not going to hurt me,” she said.

  “We wouldn’t dream of hurting you,” Archer said.

  Daniel agreed with him.

  “Then I want to be with you. You’ve just given me something so amazing, and I want it again.” She turned toward him to stare into his eyes. “I’ve never done anything like this. I’m not on the pill, so you’ll have to wear condoms.”

  “That’s fine by me. I always come prepared.”


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