A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance Page 10

by T. J. Brandow

  The situation on the ground became increasingly dire for the Remoir soldiers who were being picked off one by one. After a couple of hours, most of them were hiding inside of buildings and putting up little or no defense. The army ships began to land at Berindi to mop things up, making their way across the bombed out landscape in search of Remoir survivors. The soldiers began to kick down the doors of the buildings, telling the enemy soldiers inside to put down their guns and surrender. Unfortunately for many of the Remoir soldiers, many of them did not surrender and continued to shoot back at their nemeses. They were outnumbered and soon succumbed to the counter fire from the army.

  Seeing that the situation was growing dire, Perbron began to consider trying to retreat from the vicinity. Although the Annihilator ship should have had strong enough shields to avoid being taken out, he was fearful of the technology that he witnessed, which managed to take out the shielding capabilities of his smaller fighters. In fact, only about eight of the vast fleet of Remoir ships survived after Langur sent out the energy wave.

  “Sir, we probably need to consider trying to retreat. If we stay here, we will soon be surrounded. I’m not sure even the annihilator would be any match for that many fighters!” his pilot said. Indeed, the annihilator had taken out quite a few of the army’s fighters out, but it would have taken at least two or three more of them to match the constant barrage of fire coming from the army’s two dozen or so fighters that swooped and dipped about Perbron’s ship like flies buzzing in the face of cattle.

  “Sir, should I call for a retreat?” one of his Co-commanders asked him, using the communicator.

  Perbron’s swollen pride began to abate as he felt the noose of defeat beginning to tighten around his throat. He tried to tell himself that he was the great Perbron who had managed to get out of predicaments like this in the past, but for the first time in many years, he felt fear. Fear was something reserved for the troops that he had constantly placed in harm’s way to protect his interests. It was never anything that he’d had to experience himself. Now, it seemed that there was no choice that would lead to his safety.

  Finally, at the eleventh hour, Perbron chose his course.

  “We will attempt a retreat, but I want to see you bring down as many of their ships as we can!” Perbron commanded as he made his way to the escape pod in case things should dire for the hulking mass of the Annihilator.

  “Yes sir!” The Co-commanders answered one by one.

  All at once, the Annihilator took to the air, immediately firing back at its enemies as it flew away from Berindi. Its powerful laser cannons managed to take out one of the army’s fighters right away, and soon the ship took aim on Dedron and Donna’s fighter.

  “They seem to be in retreat mode, but they’re fighting back. Watch your tail guys, that Annihilator can pack a punch!” Dedron warned the others. Surprising Dedron and Donna, the Annihilator turned from its retreating course and began to chase them.

  “Take them out!” Perbron commanded as he closed his eyes, perceiving that Donna and Dedron were aboard the ship.

  The gunners aboard the Annihilator took aim at the ship, and just as they were about to let their lasers fly, an amazingly bright beam began to emanate from the platforms of Cobastia. Celestium and many of her royal subjects had joined hands, producing a beam even stronger than the one they had threatened the army and Defense Squad with when they had first arrived.

  Dedron and Donna’s ship was tossed about wildly as the Annihilator blew into a million pieces after the Cobastian beam made contact with the ship’s main reactor. After the Defense Squad members recovered from the shock of the Annihilator’s destruction, they saw a small capsule traveling towards the surface of Berindi, far below.

  “Look there! What do you want to bet that’s Perbron trying to sneak away again in the midst of defeat. After him!” Donna shouted. Dedron wasted no time directing the ship towards the capsule, but it was already deploying its parachute, about to land on the surface.

  “Attention all ground forces. An enemy that is thought to be Perbron has just deployed an escape pod that is about to land on Berindi as we speak! Do not let him get away!” Dedron shouted into the communicator.

  Perbron, however, was already in the midst of finding a hiding place. He tore the straps off of himself and threw open the door of the escape pod once it landed. The only weapon that he had in his possession was an energy beam strapped to his inner thigh. Dedron landed the fighter ship seconds after Perbron left the pod.

  “There he is!” Donna shouted as the fighter came to a halt. Kadija and Langur tried to get a shot off, but Perbron had managed to take shelter in one of the modest homes of New Remoir.

  Donna threw open the doors to the flight deck and jumped out of the fighter.

  “Donna wait!” Dedron cried, but she was already running towards the building.

  Once inside, she could feel Perbron’s presence in the house, although she didn’t know where he was hiding.

  “Come out, Perbron. It’s over!” Donna said. Perbron waited for her to pass the room that he was hiding in. Donna held her laser pistol out in front of her, ready to fire. As soon as she walked past the door, Perbron emerged, using his energy beam to knock the laser gun from her hands. Donna fell to the floor defenseless, and Perbron stood over her with his energy beam in his hand.

  “You do not know how much pleasure I’m going to get from maiming and killing you, Donna Stevens. You were right. It is over, but not for me!” Out of the corner of Perbron’s eye, he saw Dedron who was coming down the hall, about to take a shot at Perbron. Perbron turned towards Dedron, and Donna saw her opportunity. While Perbron was distracted, she grabbed his energy sword and slashed right through him. The mighty Perbron opened his mouth to make one last utterance, but fell in a heap before he could get it out.

  “It’s over,” Dedron said, as he ran up to Donna and took her in his arms, holding her tightly.

  That night, there was a lot of celebration, and a peace accord was drawn up between Rebroan, who was to be declared the new ruler of Remoir and the allied forces. It seemed that Dedron and Donna would finally get the break that they’d wanted from the constant barrage of missions, mostly due to Perbron’s schemes, which would trouble them no more.


  Months later as a long day drew to a close on back on Earth, Donna and Dedron lay together in their bedroom and watched a full moon come out over the hills.

  “It’s beautiful, just like you,” Dedron said, clutching her hand tightly.

  “You can say that as many times as you like, handsome,” she replied.

  “I have some news to share with you,” she said.

  “Oh?” he said.

  “Yes, I went to the doctor today because I’ve been feeling a bit of morning sickness. Dedron, I’m pregnant,” she declared. Dedron’s face lit up with happiness as he pulled her close to her, kissing her.

  “This is the best thing that ever happened to me. Donna, YOU are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Dedron said.

  “Even better than knowing that Perbron is defeated once and for all?” she joked.

  “Even better than that,” he replied. With that, they kissed again and proceeded to make love late into the night. Once the passion abated and they lay together, both of them had trouble getting to sleep. Both of them were contemplating their future, wondering if their lovely child would be a girl or a boy. Only time would tell, but either way they would get to spend the rest of their lives together.










  A New Reason To Die For

  An Intergalactic Romance

  T.J. Brandow

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

p; Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

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  Chapter 1:

  Donna Stevens and Dedron Fildred had just finished moving into their new hover house in a wooded region one hour outside of Nashville. This way they could be close to Donna’s mother and be in an environment that reminded Dedron of his dear home on the forested planet of Barringe. The moving company had just delivered the furniture, and left the two of them alone. Dedron walked into the living room where Donna was already arranging the furniture and wrapped his arms around her. Donna wore a bandana around her head with her long black hair pulled up in a ponytail, jean shorts and a t-shirt. Dedron was growing accustomed to wearing human clothes that Donna had helped him pick out. He wore a simple white t-shirt, shorts and sandals. If it wasn’t for the large amount of hair on his body, he might have been able to blend in with the humans in the neighborhood. Instead, he was getting strange looks from the neighbors despite his efforts to wave and smile at them.

  “Although I’ve been homesick a bit lately, I have to say that this feels like home to me,” he said. “Other than the looks some of the neighbors are giving me.”

  Donna turned to look into the eyes of the love of her life and smiled.

  “I was hoping that you would feel that way. I have to admit that I felt somewhat guilty asking you to give up your life on your home planet.”

  “You weren’t asking me to do something that I was adverse to. Besides, we can plan a visit soon enough.”

  “I wonder what your parents will think of me?”

  “I’m sure they will love you once they get to know you. All the same, my choice to stay on Earth has been a bit hard for mother.”

  “My mother would be the same way, believe me,” Donna said.

  “Your mother is not like mine though. It’s not common for us to go off to far off planets with strange beings.”

  “Oh, so I’m strange now, am I?” Donna said, as she pulled away from him and put her hands on her hips.

  “You know what I mean. Strange to them,” he said with a smile. “You look beautiful when you get annoyed.”

  “Nice try,” she said, as her expression changed.

  “Looks like it worked to me,” he said as he put his arms around her again and touched his lips to hers.

  “You sweet talker! I guess it’s time for us to break this new house in,” she said, lifting up an eyebrow. She took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom, which had a huge window that opened up to the wooded hills behind the house. Dedron was mesmerized as he watched her remove each article of clothing one by one, beginning with the sweaty bandana and concluding with her tight shorts.

  “You are truly a sight to behold. Nothing that I’ve seen in the entire known universe compares to your beauty.”

  “You don’t have to sweet talk me. I’m going to sleep with you anyway,” she joked. “Now it’s your turn,” she said. Dedron began to take his clothes off as Donna watched him. As soon as he was standing naked before her, his communicator device began to light up with a bright red light and began to beep incessantly.

  “Just ignore it,” Donna urged him as she stretched out on the bed. Dedron looked at her, then looked briefly at the screen of the communicator to see if it was something urgent.

  “It’s General Barron from the Defense Squad Base. I have to take it,” he said.

  “Oh no, not them. I suppose you have to take it,” she said as she shook her head and propped herself up on her elbow. It had been an entire month since they defeated the Remoir at the space colony of Guanthan. Even though they knew it was only a matter of time until the Defense Squad called them about their next mission, they had begun to settle in.

  “Captain Fildred, we need you and Private Stevens to report to the base to receive a briefing on your next mission. The Remoir are active again in sector 17. They’ve attacked an outpost of ours.”

  “So soon after their defeat? I’m shocked to hear it,” Dedron stated.

  “We were surprised as well, but Commander Frembor’s defeat was only a minor setback for them. They are still quite numerous in many areas of the Universe.”

  “How soon do we need to report?”

  “How soon can you be here? We will need to depart as soon as possible.”

  “A week?”

  “By that time, they will have completely taken over the base and will be readying themselves to take another. The military base outside of Nashville has a beaming mechanism. If you report there, you can be here within the next twenty-four to forty eight hours. I will call the others as soon as I’m done talking to you. See you soon, Captain.”

  “Thanks, General. We will be there as soon as possible,” Dedron said, as his face began to reflect how deflated he felt.

  “What’s up? Don’t tell me it’s the Remoir again,” she said as she scooted up to the edge of the bed.

  “Yes, they attacked one of the Intergalactic bases on Sector 17.”

  “And so soon after we gave them an ass whooping at Guanthan?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “So how soon do we have to report?”

  “It’s urgent. He wants us to beam ourselves rather than take a hover car or hydroplane.”

  “Well, we still have this moment right now, don’t we?” she said as he eyes swam over his nakedness.

  “Yes we do,” he said as he walked over to the edge of the bed.

  “Take me, lover, and you can dispense with the foreplay,” she said in a softer, sultry voice. Dedron wasted no time taking her endless legs and wrapping them around himself. Slowly, he began to make love to her as their eyes locked. He softly caressed her breasts as her hands massaged his hairy, muscular pecks.

  “Faster!” she said, as her voice grew more urgent. As he increased his pace, her breasts began to do a mad twirling dance. The pupils of her green eyes were dilated, and her breathing had increased exponentially.

  “Oh yes, that’s it!” she said, working her way up to climax. Dedron wanted to make things last, but he could not take his eyes off of her.

  “OH DONNA!” He said as he reached orgasm, erupting like a volcano.

  They collapsed together on their new bed that they hadn’t even had the chance to put sheets on yet.

  “Well that wasn’t the longest lovemaking session we’ve ever had, but you made up for quantity with quality,” she said.

  “We had better get to the beaming mechanism. We knew that it was only a matter of time before they called us in. I suppose we’re lucky that we managed to have a whole month of break.”

  “Any time off with you is worth having,” she said as they stared into each other’s eyes and kissed.

  Within an hour, they were at the military base with their bags, preparing to be beamed to the Defense Squad base that had been relocated to a secret undisclosed location after the Remoir invaded the old one.

  “Ready when you are,” the soldier in charge of the beaming device told the couple. The beaming device consisted of a long tunnel with a two seat, cart-like vehicle facing it. In seconds it would re-arrange matter so that it could be moved quantumly to any location in the known universe.

  “Hold my hand, I’ve never had my particles rearranged before,” Donna joked as they sat together in the cart. Dedron smiled and clutched her hand as the soldier switched on the device. Both Dedron and Donna felt a sensation not unlike pins and needles as they tunnel lit up with a strange blue light. Soon, they both lost all of their senses as the matter that made up their bodies was transported in seconds to a location halfway across the country in New Mexico. When they reappeared, they were still holding hands as if they had never
left Nashville.

  “Did we go anywhere?” Donna asked, as she looked around at the same tunnel that she’d seen before. The entrance to the tunnel opened, and soon they beheld the familiar face of General Barron.

  “Welcome, Captain Fildred and Private Stevens. Time to get to work,” he said.

  “Yes sir! We’re ready to go!” Donna said, although it wasn’t completely true. In reality, she wished they had had another couple of weeks to settle in to their new home.

  “Are the others here yet?” Dedron asked as they walked down a hallway towards the briefing room.

  “Not yet, but they soon will be. We just got a message on our encrypted network from the Remoir just seconds ago. Apparently, there’s a reason for this swift retaliation. They are specifically targeting us, and even more specifically, they are targeting Donna,” the General said.

  “Me? How do you mean?” Donna asked.

  “It’s best if you just watch the message that was left. They must have their best hackers on this because our network is one of the hardest to break into, being a quantum network,” the General said.

  Once they were inside the briefing room, the General switched on a virtual reality player. In front of them, a hooded figure appeared as if it was actually standing in the room with them. Beneath the hood were two glowing red eyes that every one of the Remoir possessed. However, something about this Remoir seemed more threatening and menacing than the others they had seen.

  “Good day, Defense Squad members. My name is Commander Perbron Frembor. That name should be quite familiar to all of you because I am the son of Drendaur Frembor. Now that my father has been brutally executed by the likes of you, I am in charge of the Remoir armies. I want to assure you that you will now be faced with an adversary even deadlier than the one you’ve previously known. Let me also assure you that I will personally seek out retribution for the death of my father, which means that Donna Stevens will particularly be the subject of my wrath. Sector 17 was only the beginning. I will leave it to you to decide where we might strike next, but I want you to know that nothing that you hold dear is safe from what awaits you. I will leave you for now, but rest assured that you will see my face again soon enough.” The voice of the Remoir was raspy, deep and thick with a malice that made Donna’s skin crawl.


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