Weak For You

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Weak For You Page 15

by Shanade White

  “Procurement details for that new retail chain. And the second page is the purchase order already sent in by the CFO so we’re good to go,” Cadence said. Emily signed the two documents and then closed the file.

  “By the way, I kind of need you to set up a meeting with that guy from Lithium, Arkansas…or whatever his name is,” Emily said as she rubbed her temple.

  Cadence raised an eyebrow. “Archibald…that’s who you’re talking about right? Because Arkansas is a state,” she said.

  “You know who I’m talking about.” She opened another file and looked through it before she typed something up on her screen.

  “How can you not know his name? You worked with him almost daily for months before the Lithium IPO,” Cadence said. Emily looked up and held up a hand.

  “Hey, don’t judge me,” she quickly remarked.

  “No one said anything about any judgment. You are the one who brought it up.” Cadence turned around and began walking out. When she got to the door, she stopped and turned around. “Heads up, Alex Brewer just walked in,” she said before she walked out. Emily felt her heart skip a beat. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and attempted to straighten up her messy desk.

  “Hey, Alex. Brought any flowers or chocolates with you?” Emily heard Cadence ask.

  “Will this do?” Alex asked. Emily couldn’t see what Alex handed Cadence but she could see her assistant from the slightly open window.

  “Alex Brewer. This will do just fine. Go on in. She is all alone,” Cadence said.

  Emily took a long deep breath when she saw Alex. He looked dashing as usual. He was in a black slim suit, purple shirt and a matching tie. She almost felt like she would run to where he was and just strip him. He looked that good. He had a hand behind his back almost like he was hiding something.

  “Hey,” he said as he stepped into Emily’s office. She stood up and smiled.

  “Hi,” she said in a low voice. He closed the door behind her and walked up to where she was. Her heart was suddenly beating hard and fast as he brought his hand from behind his back. She smiled when she saw what he had in his hand. “I’m going to get so fat hanging out with you,” she said in a low voice.

  “Blast from the past I guess,” Alex said as he handed her a box of Twix cupcakes. “I kind of gave one to Cadence…so yeah,” he added.

  “This is perfect, thank you,” she said in a soft voice. He took a step forward and pulled her to him before he kissed her deeply. “Alex,” she said when he pulled away.

  “What?” he asked. His arm was still securely wrapped around her waist.

  “We are in the office…my office,” she said in a whisper. He nodded and turned around. For a moment, she thought he was going to leave but instead he walked up to the blinds and closed them. She sighed and looked at him. “You keep this up, Alex, people are going to talk,” she said as he bolted the door. He turned around and began walking towards her. She put the box of cupcakes down on her desk.

  “So what, if people talk?” he asked. He was now standing right in front of her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as she looked up at him. He was standing so close to her, so dangerously close she could smell him. He took one cupcake and held it up to her mouth.

  “Go on. Take a bite,” he said in a soft voice.

  She looked into his eyes and took a bite. The familiar taste of the chocolate treat brought back a wave of memories. She closed her eyes as she remembered how Alex would save up his allowance just so he could get her a Twix bar at the end of the week. She looked at him and smiled. The brownie that covered the chocolate covered biscuit underneath was too good. And the frosting…simply decadent. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “You spoil me, Alex Brewer,” she said in a low voice. “You are partly to blame for this size sixteen ass,” she added as she walked back to her chair. Alex opened a button on his jacket before he sat down in front of her desk.

  “I love that size sixteen ass,” he said looking right into her eyes. She bit her lip and shook her head as she looked at him. She could feel her cheeks getting hot.

  “Stop that,” she said in a soft voice.

  “I haven’t done anything,” he said. His voice was sultry. He leaned forward and handed her the brownie. “I think you should finish what you started.” She took the brownie from him and took another bite.

  “Can I get you something? Coffee? Juice? Water?” she asked before taking another bite. Alex was watching her as she licked the cream off her fingers.

  “No, I’m fine,” he said shaking his head. “But there is something you can do for me,” he added. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “Anything,” she said in a soft voice. Alex swung one leg over the other.

  “I need to see you,” Alex said and Emily looked at him confused.

  “Um…Alex, you are here right now. You are literally looking at me,” she said but he shook his head.

  “No, Emily. I need to be with you. Right now,” his voice was a little more insistent now. He looked at her and shook his head.

  “I’m working, Alex,” Emily said. “And I have at least three more hours in the office.” Alex nodded and then stood up. He walked round her desk to where she was and pulled her chair back. “Alex, what are you doing?” she asked in a whisper.

  “I want you right now, Emily. And I will have you right damn now.”

  His body language and tone were in complete contrast. He looked at her and reached for her hands before he pulled her up. He backed her against the desk until she sat down on the edge. She looked at him as he caressed her thighs slowly. She could feel his hands through the thin fabric of her dress.

  “Alex…” she said in a low voice as he slipped a hand under her dress.

  “What, Emily? Do you want me to stop?” he asked as he pushed his hand higher and higher up her dress. She looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but she just couldn’t. It was like his hands on her made her mute or something. “If you want me to stop, I will,” he said in a soft voice. He looked at her as she spread her legs, presenting herself to him. He brought a hand up and raised it to cup a feel of her breast making her shiver. It had only been four days since they had last been together but she felt like it had been years. The way the desire was growing in her was making her want to scream. His hand had now gone all the way up to her crotch. He had pulled her panties aside and was now flicking and rubbing her clit. She was squirming and trying hard not to moan as he pleasured her, making her want to scream. He was taking her to heights she had never known. But this was all too much. She gasped when he suddenly pulled his hand from between her legs and took her in his arms. He carried her around the desk and then gently lowered her on the floor before he pulled her panties down.

  “I want you to stay very still and don’t make a sound,” he said as he began fingering her again. She was getting wetter and wetter and her pussy was spasming. He looked at her and smiled. “This won’t work for me,” he suddenly said as he pulled his finger out. She watched as he took off his pants and underwear before he got on top of her. She gasped loudly when she felt his cock filling her up. She was surprised she was able to get his entire length inside her in just the first thrust. She looked at him and moaned as he thrust again. She was about to wrap her arms around his shoulders when she suddenly felt herself jolting up. She opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed, a sweaty mess.

  “What the hell was that?” she wondered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  She got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. She felt herself blushing when she realized how wet her panties were.

  “I need to get laid,” she said to herself.


  Unlike in her dream the previous night, Emily still had a pile of paperwork on her desk when she walked into her office. She walked to her desk and took a seat and in just minutes, Cadence came walking in holding more files in one hand and balancing a coffee in her other hand.
/>   “Morning boss lady. I got your latte and bagel right here and in this hand I have today’s workload,” she said as she put the coffee down in front of her. Emily looked at the files on her desk and at the ones Cadence was holding.

  “This is so unlike my dream,” Emily said in a low tone. Cadence looked at her and frowned.

  “What was that?” she asked as she looked at her boss.

  “Last night I had a dream that the best assistant in the world had gone through all the paperwork

  I had,” Emily said as she sat down. She suddenly looked up and raised an eyebrow at Cadence. “Did you just call me boss lady?” she asked.

  Cadence smiled. “A little change is not so bad every other time,” she said with a smile. “And we need to talk about you dreaming about work. Seriously, you need a life Carter.”

  She sat down in front of Emily’s desk and smiled.

  “Why do you look like you are trying to say something but you are not really sure that you should?” Emily asked as she looked at Cadence.

  “Well, your dream might have very well come true,” Cadence said in a low voice. Emily raised an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I got a few elves to work on those files so all they need is your signature and they will be good to go,” Cadence said. Emily was not sure whether to be impressed or surprised. She almost felt like this was another dream.

  “This almost doesn’t feel real,” she said in a low voice.

  “I can pinch you to assure you that this isn’t a dream. I really don’t mind,” Cadence said. Emily shook her head. She knew that allowing Cadence to pinch her would only give the former a little too much pleasure. So she did it to herself under the desk. Cadence frowned. “Did you just pinch yourself under the desk, Carter?” she asked and Emily nodded.

  “Don’t say anything…after the dream last night I just can’t handle myself drifting off.” She said.

  “Just how bad was that dream last night?” Cadence asked and Emily shook her head.

  “Pretty bad,” she said in a low voice. “I called Archibald from Lithium, Arkansas,” she said laughing. Cadence frowned and then laughed.

  “How do you even make that mistake? I mean one’s a name and the other’s a state,” she said.

  “I know. Crazy huh?” she asked as she began taking a sip of her coffee. Her phone suddenly buzzed and when she looked at it, she smiled. Alex had almost perfected the art of knowing when to call or text or show up.

  Already at the office?

  She picked up her phone and took a sip of her coffee before she began to type her reply.

  Yeah, just sat down actually. Are you watching me or something?

  “So I have to tell you something before Chase comes in here,” Cadence started making Emily look up.

  “What’s wrong?” she said as she suddenly felt her heart beating hard. Cadence frowned. “What?” Emily pressed.

  “Well, Chase was trying to work out how he can get you a more flexible…um…you know…just to be in line with the whole you working six hour days and no more,” she started. It was now Emily’s turn to frown.

  “Cadence, what is going on?” she asked as she looked right into her assistant’s hazel eyes. She even ignored Alex’s text that had just come in.

  “HR pointed out that you haven’t taken your annual leave in two years,” Cadence said. She looked at Emily and shrugged. “Chase says that he is either going to force you to take the time, that is two months or you can start by taking a few weeks off starting this month.” Emily shook her head. To anyone else, this would have been the best news but to Emily, this was like a death sentence. She looked at Cadence and shook her head.

  “He cannot force me to do this,” she said as her phone buzzed again. Cadence was saying something but Emily wasn’t really listening. She was engrossed in the two texts that Alex had just sent.

  I am thinking of taking off this weekend. I need a change of scenery. Want to come with?

  The second text wasn’t from Alex. It was from April and all was not well.

  Hey sweetie, I went to see great aunt Catherine and I blurted out that you and Alex are involved…she’s kind of mad and she is coming down there so brace yourself.

  There was a sad smiley face next to her text message.

  “Guess this is what it means when people say that shit has hit the fan,” she thought as she looked at her phone. Suddenly, Cadence’s news didn’t seem so bad. She wouldn’t have minded some time off if it meant not facing her great aunt Catherine. She looked at Cadence who was still talking and sighed.

  “Who will take care of my workload?” she asked as she looked at her.

  “Don’t worry. I have my team of elves and we are going to be just fine,” Cadence said excitedly. “I think this is a good time to tell you that I officially enrolled in a graduate course. Procurement and finance,” she added proudly.

  “Procurement and finance? How do you even balance those two at the same time?” she asked.

  “You are looking at a person who takes a bowl of chili and a Popsicle at the same time,” Cadence pointed out. Emily frowned. She had seen Cadence do that and when she tried it, it was disgusting. “Trust me, I can handle it.”

  “I still don’t get the combo,” Emily said with a smile. “But that’s really great. I’m very proud of you,” she added.

  “Thank you,” Cadence said as Emily’s phone buzzed again. She looked at it and sighed. It was another text from Alex.

  Dinner tonight. I’m cooking.

  “You better stop with the sexting at least until I get out of the room,” Cadence said as he stood up. She looked at Emily and shrugged. “Listen, Chase and I…we really care about you. And that night at the Lithium launch, you scared us. And we are literally going to move mountains if it means we are going to help you.”

  Emily was smiling as she looked at Cadence. She had known her for so long, but she had never seen or heard Cadence speak from the heart.

  “Thanks Caddie,” Emily said in a soft voice. Cadence smiled at her and then walked out of the office. Emily took a long deep breath and took a bite of her bagel before she sipped on her coffee. She then read April’s text again and wondered what she was supposed to do about her great aunt. She took a long deep breath as she began composing a text to April.

  When is she getting here?

  She was drumming her fingers against the desk as she looked at her phone as if staring at it would make the reply come any faster. She gasped when she heard the phone buzzing loudly, vibrating against her desk.

  This evening. She says something of ‘this importance’ can’t be dragged out. That it will only make it worse.

  Emily rolled her eyes and shook her head. She could almost tell what kind of hell Catherine was going to raise once she got there. She looked at her phone and sighed as she began typing.

  Where will she stay?

  She looked at the phone wondering what to do. She was praying that April wouldn’t say something stupid like telling her that she was going to have a new housemate.

  Friend of hers lives in town. She said she wouldn’t want to share a roof with an incestuous woman. Her words.

  Emily laughed cynically. This was it. She had to tell her great aunt off. After all it wasn’t like she had been there when she was growing up. So she definitely didn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to Emily’s life. She looked at the text for a long time before she dialed April.

  “Hey…are you okay?” April asked in a sad voice.

  “I’m great,” Emily said. “Get her to come to dinner. Tonight,” she said.

  “Are you sure about this?” April asked.

  “Oh I’m sure. I mean, no sense in dragging this out, right?” Emily asked before she hang up. She was breathing hard as she dialed Alex. He picked up on the second ring.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey,” she said as she leaned against her chair. “Sorry about not replying to your texts I just…
I was dealing with something.”

  “Everything okay?” Alex asked. Emily exhaled loudly. “Emily?”

  “Remember great aunt Catherine?” she asked.

  “Yeah…she was kind of…”

  “…a bitch?” Emily cut in. She heard Alex laughing.

  “Not exactly what I was going to say but…” he never got to finish his sentence.

  “You were thinking it,” she said. “So, anyway, she kind of had a lot to say about me and you being together and I really want to stick it to her for what she said.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Alex asked.

  “The dinner you were talking about,” she said. “I’d like to do it tonight. Just not for the two of us,” she added. She heard Alex sigh.

  “Emily, I don’t think that is such a good idea,” he said.

  “Do you remember my twelfth birthday, Alex? When she tried to get me into a catholic boarding school just because I was asking to be part of the Boy Meets Boy school musical?” she asked. Alex never answered. “I need this Alex,” she added in a soft voice.

  “Can I still cook?” he asked after a long silence.

  Emily smiled and laughed.

  Chapter 3

  When Emily got home that evening, two things were running through her mind. How dinner would go and how she was supposed to face great aunt Catherine. She walked to her room and took a long shower before she put on a pair of blue stonewash jeans and a long white sleeveless top. She chose that particular top because it was perfectly low cut so she could show off her generous cleavage. She was willing to do anything that would spark up a conversation…no an argument with her great aunt. Maybe it was about time someone put her in her place. She looked into the mirror as she applied her makeup. She went for a smoky eye look and red lipstick. She had just finished curling her hair when she heard her doorbell. She took one last look at her reflection before she walked out of her bedroom.

  “Hey…I thought you were coming to prepare all the food here,” she said when she saw Alex and his driver standing at the door. They had bags and containers of what Emily immediately assumed contained food.


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