Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance

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Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance Page 16

by Jade Chandler

  He walked to me and held my hands. “He’s a lot of things—good and bad—but not a liar. Honestly, you may have asked him for one of the only two things he isn’t capable of.”

  “What’s that?” I didn’t want to hear the answer, but the sadistic bitch in my center demanded the answer.

  “Love and monogamy. Commitment, respect, trust, loyalty—those he does all the time, but I’ve known him ten years and I don’t think he’s capable of either.” He hung his head.

  “Great. Well then, that ends the old lady question. I don’t need love.” Liar, my heart shouted. “But exclusivity isn’t optional.”

  I hurried from Viper’s office before the tears pricking the back of my eyes found a way free. He hadn’t meant to hurt me, but Viper’s words eviscerated me and my fragile dreams of Jericho and me. A much needed wake-up call, Jericho wasn’t making me wait, he wasn’t capable of that kind of loyalty. And I’d never settle for less.

  * * *

  Today was a session with Renegade. I’d told Poison to restrain him today because I didn’t trust him. The situation with the Brotherhood had escalated, and I wasn’t sure of my footing with him. I headed into my dungeon, ready for the session.

  My intercom buzzed.

  “He’s ready for you,” Poison reported.

  “Thanks. Set the music and I’ll be right there.” I walked in to find him dressed and coming toward me.

  Time slowed, his fist with the huge-ass ring swung toward my cheek. I could spin away, but I braced, accepting his blow, stumbling back as my head rang from the impact. I accepted the one shot, but no more. I ducked his second throw, brought my leg around in a kick to his gut followed by an arm throw that ended with him flat on my tile floor. I heard the crack of one of my beloved tiles from the SOB’s hard head. I swept my gaze over him but he was out. I pressed my panic button and retrieved a length of rope. No way, I’d fight him again, next time he wouldn’t underestimate me.

  Viper ran through the door panting. “What’s wrong? You...” He took in the scene.

  I crouched over an unconscious Ren, tying him up tight. “The fucker ambushed me, turned my own apprentice against me.”

  “He hit you.” He moved closer to inspect my cheek. “It’s gonna turn ugly tomorrow.”

  “He had to hit me or we’d still have him fucking up the women, but I didn’t give him a second shot.”

  Viper’s phone rang but he ignored it. “Jericho will go crazy.”

  Footsteps echoed through the corridor and suddenly Jericho stood over Renegade. He glanced at me with narrowed eyes and rage twisting his features. He kicked Renegade in the ribs.

  “You miserable excuse for a human.” Another kick. Then three more.

  “Viper, stop him.” I tried to get someone to pay attention. “Jericho, stop, you’ll kill him.”

  I hurried to Jericho and tugged on his huge arm, trying to pull him away. It was like moving a stone statue. He continued kicking the now unconscious man.

  I glanced back to Viper who was on the phone. Soon three other brothers were at the door, hauling Jericho back. The crazy idiot fought them even as they drug him away.

  “Let me go. I’ll kill the bastard.” He twisted and fought. The four bikers barely restrained him.

  I hurried to the corner and grabbed my whip and snapped it in the air making a huge cracking sound, hoping to snap him out of this.

  “Stop, now,” I commanded him. “He’s down, he’s punished, he’s out of Bound.” I hoped short statements penetrated his rage.

  Cold eyes settled on me. “Do not tell me you let the prick put hands on you.” He stalked forward, dragging the four guys with him.

  How strong is he?

  “I did. You got something to say about that?”

  He swept a foot back, tripping the two prospects. Jericho swung at Viper, but he ducked and let go. Rebel let him go and backed away. “You’re one crazy fuck.” Rebel growled and stormed from the room.

  “I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank you.” He kept coming and I snapped the whip again. He jerked his arm up, letting it wrap his hand, then tugged my whip from me. Shit, rage crackled off of him.

  “Jericho, they both need the hospital,” Viper called from behind us.

  “Get the prospects to drop Ren somewhere. I’ll take Marr, once we’re done here.”

  “You are not spanking me.” I centered myself, ready to defend my ass.

  “My woman does not let herself get hurt taking care of club business.” He snarled, still advancing. I kicked out and struck his arm high in his bicep. He kept coming. With the next kick, I swept low, hitting him just below the knee.

  “Marr.” He grunted, but didn’t even slow.

  He reached out for me and I grabbed his hand, twisting to flip the crazy idiot, but he countered and I ended up trapped in a hold. He’d reversed my move.

  “Are you a black belt?” I twisted, trying to find purchase to kick out or escape.

  “Karate.” His matter-of-fact tone was fueled with anger.

  “Viper, help me.” I hollered, but there was no answer.

  “He’s gone. It’s just us, and my hand will be making your ass red.”

  “Don’t you dare touch me.” I wouldn’t be topped in my own dungeon. “This is my space and you will not disrespect me here.” I’d never forgive him if he did that. Some things were sacred—my dungeon was my church.

  He did something with his hold to lift up, carrying me in front of him, but I was unable to move. My legs dangled at his calf level and I kicked back. He grunted and continued carrying me out of the room and into the hall. There he threw me up and I landed with a whoosh on his shoulder, the landing stole my breath, making it impossible to fight him for a minute. He ate up the ground to his dungeon.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. That was not what I’d meant. I wasn’t getting spanked like some disobedient child in any dungeon.

  I punched his back, but he didn’t even act like I’d touched him. I heard the tones as he punched in the code to his dungeon. “Goddammit put me down, Isaac. I’m not yours to discipline. I do not give consent.”

  “You gave consent when you let me fuck you.” His deep rumbling voice held a hard edge and no room for negotiation. “This was a Brotherhood matter and you interfered, that puts you squarely under me for discipline. You don’t like this, then stay the fuck out of my business.”

  Inside, he moved to a smaller bench and sat on it, still keeping me secure over his shoulder. He went to move me to his lap which was when I burst into movement. I grabbed his hair, yanked back and kicked hard into his solar plexus.

  I swear he was made of stone, he grabbed me by my leather bustier and flipped me around so fast, I have no idea how he did it but I landed with another solid hit on his knees, again breathless.

  I squirmed and kicked. “Let me up, you beast.”

  “Maurine, take your punishment like a fucking woman, not some damn child.”

  And that pissed me off, I saw red, but the madder I became the less effective my struggle, so I stopped moving. Fine.

  He wanted to discipline me. He could do his worst. I was done because the more I fought back the more I demeaned myself. I stilled with silent rage and stared down at the diamond pattern of his tile, contemplating all the ways I might kill him in his sleep. He was too dangerous an opponent to face head-on—proven by my current situation.

  “That’s more like it.” He tore open the buttons at the crotch of my outfit and peeled up the leather until I felt the cool air on my ass.

  “You may count or not.” His heavy hand struck my left cheek, pushing me into his knees. The blood rushed to my head and I felt dizzy.

  A second strike harder than the last hit my right cheek.

  He alternated, left, right, left, right, and now I
wished I’d counted because I had no idea how many times he’d spanked me. My ass burned with the pain a cane gave, but he didn’t appear close to stopping if the fast rhythm was any indication.

  I clamped my jaw tight and thought about how much I hated his high-handed retribution. So what if I’d taken matters in my own hands, I hadn’t planned Renegade’s attack, just taken advantage of an opportunity. He’d have done the same.

  My ass ached and it’d be bruised tomorrow. Another strike. Another. Two more and then nothing. I waited.

  My ass pulsed in pain.

  I wanted to scream, to claw out his eyes. I was so damn angry.

  He swung me upright and off his lap, my head swam as the blood rushed back out of my head. But I didn’t stumble as I took three steps back outside his reach and stared daggers his way—my god if I had an actual weapon I’d be tempted to use it on him.

  “Stay out of my business. Do not engage him again.” Jericho stood. “Well come at me then, you want me, come get a piece.” He laughed a cold laugh. “I’ll even give you the first hit for free.”

  Arms spread wide, he taunted me. I took two steps, spun and landed my kick to his cheek, he stumbled back falling over the bench he’d sat on. Off balance, I kicked him in his other cheek followed by a jump that pushed both feet into his solar plexus. He went down and cracked his head on the tile floor. Satisfaction coursed through me. My breathing came fast and my heart tried to race from my chest. I liked the sound of my kick connecting with his flesh.

  Lying flat, he still taunted me with those mismatched eyes. When he pushed himself up, I pounced, tackling him and knocking him flat with my right hook. My body quivered with the rush of the fight. Then for the satisfaction of it, I slapped him hard enough to leave a handprint on his cheek.

  “Oh, goddess, that’s not even foreplay, that all you got?”

  Fuck, he turned me on. I wanted his cock in me and my nails raking his chest.

  “Give me your cock,” I demanded, too far gone to care about anything but my desires.

  He laughed. I slapped him.

  “You want it, take it.” He gave me a condescending grin and flipped me over, pinning me under him. “Or, I’ll take you, goddess.”

  No way, I shoved my knee into his balls.

  “Damn,” he sputtered and I rolled him off me. I pulled the knife from my hair and cut his jeans off, two slices at the hips.

  Now his expression one of lust. “Take it if you can.”

  I jerked down the front and the denim ripped, exposing his hard erection, pre-come glistening on the tip.

  “Violence, is it?” I smacked him again.

  He laughed as he brought his hands up to the leather covering my boobs and jerked, the stays ripped and he exposed the front of me. He devoured me with his eyes and squeezed my tits hard.

  I sliced down the front of his T-shirt and ripped it away until his chest, wide, sculpted, and hairy was right there for me. I let my knife drop to the tile floor before I took his cock and lined it up, shoving him inside me with one hard thrust down.

  “Fuck.” He moaned and pinched my nipples.

  Digging my nails into his chest, I rode him hard, pushing for what I needed. I’d take exactly what was mine and if he was lucky, he’d get off along the way.

  I leaned forward and bounced down, each slap of my ass to his thighs sent jolts of pain through me to mix with the pleasure, the excitement, the raw need reflected in our frantic mating.

  My body sung with excitement and I lit up inside, feeling the tightening of my muscles the tension low in my back. I fucked him faster, knowing my explosion was seconds away.

  “Give me more,” I demanded and he pushed up pulsing, faster, faster, faster and I crashed.

  I screamed my orgasm and dug my nails into his chest, unable to breathe as the most intense orgasm of my life shattered me. I broke into jagged pieces as the ecstasy burst through me, I felt his balls tighten and his body arch as he came apart as my cunt strangled his cock in clenching spasms.

  “Marr.” He shouted my name and that pleased me.

  I heaved in deep lungfuls of air, trying to calm down. I couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, I’d let my anger burn free, not needing to worry I’d hurt whoever I was with. Jericho was a force of nature too fierce for me to damage and I’d broken against him with the most intense, maddening orgasm of my life.

  “I’m getting you mad more often.” He gazed up at me, satisfaction tattooed on his face. One arm under his head, he assessed me like he hadn’t seen me before.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I lay on the floor and tried to catch my breath. She was beautiful, powerful and had flown at me full of rage. So sexy I’d almost come when the first kick hit my cheek. A warrior determined to win back her honor she’d been hell-bent on her mission. I needed her ferocity beside me. I valued loyalty, but it was that fighting instinct that had drawn me to my two best friends—Marr had the same instinct. She would be mine.

  “Marr, I’ll do anything, just say you’ll be my old lady.” I met her cat eyes, showing her how much I wanted her. “You’re fucking impressive, strong, and with a temper to match mine. I fucking want you in my bed, leading by my side.”

  She gulped in air and stared back.

  “I’ll cut your dick off if you cheat on me.” She poked me in the chest.

  “You can try.” I smirked before I turned serious. A woman like her deserved my best. “But I won’t do that. I swear on the Brotherhood I’ll be faithful to you.”

  The words made my skin crawl but I’d do my best to make sure I kept my word. Or more accurately, made sure Dare helped me keep my word. The motherfucker loved slapping me around if I got out of line.

  “I’ll cut any bitch who even puckers lips in your direction.” She brought me back to the moment. The moment where she agreed to be mine while lying atop me.

  “So warned.” I liked her rages, they were hotter than hell.

  “I’m serious.”

  “And I’ll kill the bastard who touches you.” That was not a lie. Ren should already be dead, but if anyone ever hurt her, I’d burn down the world for retribution.

  “I won’t fuck anyone else either.” She winked at me before kissing my lips.

  But I pulled away, laughing. “No, you won’t.”

  “Fine.” She blew out a breath. “I’ll be your old lady.”

  My chest clenched tight and Layla’s bloated face flashed in my mind. No, I’d been young and dumb, I’d protect my woman, nothing would happen to Marr. Besides it’s not like I loved her. This was about the Brotherhood. Layla had been about me.

  I sat up with Marr on my lap. “About damn time.” I claimed her with my kiss—possessive, hot and full of emotion. Shit, I needed some damn distance.

  I ended the kiss and examined her cut cheek. “Let’s go stitch you up.”

  “It’s fine.” She waved away my words.

  “No, Marr, it isn’t. Let’s go, I’ll take you on my bike.” I stood and reached a hand down to her.

  She opened my mouth to argue, but closed it. “Fine. Let me get dressed.”

  That one action left me hope, maybe she’d be reasonable, at least some of the time. We spent three hours at the ER to get her stitched up. After the ER marathon, we hit a fast food joint and then headed back to her place, but it was the early hours of the morning before we slept.

  My phone buzzed, my alarm going off. I hit the off button and glanced at Marr, still out. Good, I didn’t want to wake her. Today her face had to hurt. I searched the bedroom to find a pen and paper to write a quick note. I almost texted her, but I wasn’t sure that her phone wouldn’t wake her. Instead I wrote: Gotta jet, council meeting today. Call Avery and she’ll give you the details on the ceremony. See ya Su

  If we were doing the ceremony Sunday, I had shit to prepare. I dressed and stood at the end of the bed watching her sleep. Long lashes lay against her cheeks and a red stripe of hair covered half her face. I didn’t chance going back for a kiss because we’d end up fucking and I’d never make the meeting on time.

  I made it home in time for a shower but no run. Already I wanted Marr again and that was dangerous. With her, my safeguards evaporated.

  I filled my plate with biscuits and gravy and headed for the Council chambers. Dare, Bear, Viper and Rock were there eating. I sat down staring at each of them. How much had Viper told them? I scooped up the food and stuffed my mouth, my announcements could wait until everyone was here.

  “That’s how you’re playing it? Nothing to us before the group gets here.” Bear pushed his plate away.

  “Viper told you, no doubt.”

  “Not about what happened in your dungeon.” Bear folded his arms, staring at me.

  I glowered at Viper.

  He threw his hands up. “You try outlasting their torture.”

  I snorted. “Marr will be my old lady, this fucking Sunday.”

  “Congrats, man.” Viper stood and I followed him up. He gave me a back slap and stared at the other two who continued to sit on their asses.

  “You promise anything else?” Dare growled.

  I eyed Viper who slinked away.

  “I told Marr I’d be monogamous—an oath on the club.”

  “You lose your fucking head? Can you do just one woman?” Dare snorted.

  His disbelief pissed me off. “You didn’t until Mama, so why is it so hard to fucking believe.”

  “You love her?” Bear popped up.

  My lip curled. I didn’t even believe in love, no way I’d be falling into that delusion. Hell, it was bad enough both my best friends had, I wasn’t joining their ranks.

  “This isn’t about love, but hot sex and club stability. She becomes mine, so does Bound.” I sat down and the far door opened with Thorn, Romeo and the others filing into the room. Good thing because I didn’t like their questions. And just how much did Viper know?


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