Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 19

by Piper Phoenix

  He had a fresh new cut on his chin, but otherwise he looked fine. I helped him up and started moving him closer to my car. I ripped off his blindfold and tossed it on the ground. He looked at me with wide eyes, but he still didn’t say anything .

  I started to work on his restraints but I was struggling to get them off. They had tied the rope so tightly I couldn’t do anything to get it off. I could see the rope was cutting into his skin. If only I would have carried a pocketknife with me .

  “Well, shit! You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dick said pointing at me .

  “Get in the car,” I whispered to Stretch as I opened the door for him .

  Dick started laughing, “Wait, wait, wait, love… what’s your hurry ?”

  I closed the door behind Stretch and walked as quickly as I could to the driver’s side door, but Dick stepped in front of the door blocking my way .

  “This is almost too easy. I know you… what doesn’t make sense it what you are doing here. Your old man wouldn’t ever let you come here. Not even if you were accompanied by the entire Brother’s MC.” Dick grinned at me, showing off his yellow coated teeth. I started to back away but stopped when something pushed into the back of my head .

  “Oh shit,” I muttered and balled up my hands into tight fists. I wanted to punch, hit, kick, scream… whatever but with that gun at the back of my head I couldn’t do anything .

  “That’s right. But it’s not as bad as you think,” Dick said rubbing his palms together as if he was about to dig into a hearty meal. “He’s free to go. His freedom has been paid for. I’ll keep my end of our little bargain. But, and here’s the part you ain’t going to like… you’re coming with us .”

  I sighed heavily and nodded towards the truck that held the suitcase, “That’s all we got. There isn’t any more money .”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about that. Terry will find more money, especially when it comes to his sweet, little girl. Another mil maybe? Maybe I should ask for two just to see what he can pull together,” Dick said, and several of his lackeys laughed .

  “I don’t know who you think the Brother’s are but they don’t have that kind of money. And they don’t know anyone that does,” I said thinking my dad probably wouldn’t like that I told him that. He probably liked having the power that came along with money even though in the Brother’s case it was all perceived. The money didn’t actually exist. At least as far as I knew .

  My dad wasn’t here. I was, and I was about to be kidnapped, which of course was completely, one hundred percent, my own stupid fault .

  “Maybe it’s you that doesn’t know who the Brother’s are,” he said, his confident grin fading. “Let’s go .”

  I glanced back towards Stretch who was sitting in the passenger seat of my car. He was watching everything unfold. Hopefully, he’d gather as many details as he could before trying to get free and finding my dad .

  He’d be able to leave since I’d left the keys in the car, but only if he could get himself untied. If he found my cell phone in the console, maybe he’d make a phone call. Get help for me, but again, only if he could get himself untied .

  “You know what?” Dick whispered in my ear as we walked over towards The Henchmen clustered together. “I think with you, oh, I can get something even better than money. I could probably take down the entire Brother’s Rebellion MC .”

  “I really doubt that,” I said rolling my eyes. The MC was bigger than just the Greenwood Pass chapter. It would take a lot more than capturing one president’s daughter to take down the entire Brother’s Rebellion club. But it was possible he could take down the entire Greenwood Pass chapter .

  “We’ll see,” Dick said shoving me towards the prospects. “I want Terry Vincent’s ugly head on a stake in my garden .”

  They shoved me into the back seat of a black SUV with a prospect on each side of me. I had no idea who was driving, but Dick sat down in the passenger seat. He turned around to look at me and then nodded at the prospects .

  The cacophony of all the motorcycles starting up was almost enough to deafen me, even inside the SUV. I reached up to cover my ears as the SUV pulled out and followed the motorcycles down the parking ramp .

  As we went down and around and around the ramp the noises from the bikes echoed. Anyone that was walking to or from their car looked up and each one of them wore the same expression. It was a look of fear and worry. The random people could tell something was going on .

  Dick turned around and tapped my knee, “We’re going to have to tie you up sweetness, but since I like you, I won’t have them gag or blindfold you. Unless you want them to .”

  The driver laughed and then the prospects joined in. It was like sitting in a car full of hyenas .

  “Tubs probably won’t rape her… unless she’s gagged, then he probably will,” the driver said with a chuckle, but only he laughed .

  “Tubs?” I asked softly but I don’t know why I had said anything. I really didn’t want to know more about their club’s rapist .

  “Don’t worry about Tubs. Unless your dad doesn’t cooperate,” Dick said, I waited for them to laugh, but they didn’t. He was serious .

  I wished I would have put my dad’s gun in my waistband instead of leaving it in the glove compartment. It wasn’t like it would have done me any good in there. But even if I had it, I wasn’t a great shot. At best I’d probably be able to take out only one of them before my life would be ended by the three guns that would surely be pointed at me .

  I watched as we drove through the city. We passed my favorite restaurant, the park I played at as a little girl and my old high school. It felt strange to watch everything pass by from the backseat of their SUV. It was like my life was flashing before my eyes .

  Before I knew it we were out of the city and I was saying goodbye to any chance at being rescued. If they were taking me back to the clubhouse, maybe the Brother’s would come for me, but maybe it would be too big of a risk. It could take days to come up with a plan .

  If they weren’t taking me to the clubhouse, the Brother’s might not find me. I was living a nightmare .

  I wondered how far into the country we would go. How far had the Brother’s banished The Henchmen? The Brother’s owned the city but did The Henchmen own the countryside ?

  I knew The Brother’s had the support of the local police department, the hospital and even political support. The Henchmen were jealous which made them even more dangerous. All I could do was hope someone would come for me and soon .

  We’d taken numerous turns. If I ever managed to escape, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea which way was back to the city. But that wouldn’t stop me from running. It wasn’t likely that with all these bikers around me, I’d get an opportunity to escape. There were far too many eyes on me .

  They took a turn down an old dirt road and that’s when I heard them. I heard the bikes in the distance. This was even worse than I could have imagined. They must have called reinforcements. What were they planning on doing to the Brother’s Rebellion ?

  My stupid idea to rescue Stretch was going to lead to the massacre of my dad’s chapter of the Brother’s Rebellion. By saving Stretch I was going to manage to get everyone else killed .


  Chapter 16

  T he driver of the SUV shifted in his seat, “We got a problem here pres .”

  “What?” Dick growled as he tilted his head to look out his side mirror .

  “It’s the Brother’s .”

  “Fuck!” Dick turned around and glared at me, “Did you do this ?”

  “No! How could I? I’ve been tied up here with you!” I said, shaking my head vigorously. I worried that one of them might just pull out their gun and take me out right here and now .

  How did the Brother’s find out I was here with The Henchmen? Had Stretch gotten free? Maybe he was able to call my dad, or maybe they had no idea I was here. Perhaps they didn’t even know Stretch was free. For all I knew I was about to be caught in th
e middle of a shootout between the Brother’s and The Henchmen .

  The trees and shrubbery outside the window started to blur as the driver sped up the SUV. The world started to spin and my stomach turned. I was afraid I was going to vomit all over myself .

  “Tell them to go that way,” Dick yelled at the driver as he pointed towards another dirt road that headed towards a forested area .

  The driver called someone on a phone and told them to take left. A car at the front of the pack I hadn’t even noticed turned and all of the bikes followed. And with that we were headed into the thick, secluded wooded area. I didn’t want to die .

  We drove through the trees until we stopped at a clearing. All of the vehicles turned to face the direction the Brother’s would drive in from. This was bad. This was really bad .

  I was afraid they were going to ambush the Brother’s, but I didn’t have any way to warn them. I would just have to sit here and watch it all unfold. They’d kill Stone and then they’d kill me dad and I wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing about it. And it would be my fault .

  The guys got off of their motorcycles some started running into the trees and others went to hide behind barricades and buildings. They were all pulling out their guns, except for those of us in the SUV. We stayed still, his men waiting for his command .

  I turned around and watched as the Brother’s started coming towards the clearing. They slowed their bikes and I could tell they were approaching with caution .

  “Do you see your dad out there?” Dick said and I could tell without looking that he was smiling. I shook my head. Thankfully, I didn’t see him. If he was with the Brother’s, he wasn’t on his bike. Hopefully he had been smart enough not to come .

  Even though I didn’t see him I still didn’t feel relieved, because while I hadn’t spotted Stone either, I knew he was here somewhere. He wouldn’t ever let the club go and deal with something without his help. It was just who he was. He wanted revenge. I was sure he’d be out for blood, after all they had shot him and then kidnapped Stretch .

  “Oh, good news, sugar lips, he is here,” Dick said as he opened the passenger side door and stepped out of the SUV. He stood next to my door with a big stupid smile on his face as he looked towards the Brother’s .

  I tried to move towards the door but the prospect pushed against me. If only I could get out and warn my dad about all the men hiding. I could tell him to get out of here that it wasn’t safe for him. That all the president of The Wild Henchmen wanted was him .

  “Well if it isn’t Terry Vincent and his little club,” Dick yelled still wearing that stupid smile. “It’s so good to see you out here in the middle of nowhere on a day like this .”

  I couldn’t hear my dad but I saw his lips move. He had responded, but he was standing out in the open. He was a target. I closed my eyes afraid of what I’d see if they shot at him. Dick already stated that he wanted him dead. I wasn’t even sure this would be over until he was .

  “We have your daughter,” Dick shouted back, and I wasn’t sure what my dad had said but I did hear Dick’s response. He laughed, “Over my dead body !”

  I pressed my forehead down against the back of the seat and Dick knocked a knuckle against the window of the door. Both of the prospects and the driver stepped outside of the SUV. I was alone with my hands tied behind my back .

  “You can have her back… when I either see Terry Vincent step down and remove himself completely from the Brother’s Rebellion MC and turn himself over to us, or when he’s lying in a pool of blood on the ground at my feet.” Dick had his hand behind his back and I knew he was reaching for his gun. And if he pulled it there wouldn’t be a damn thing I could do other than scream .

  I peeked over the seat and watched as my dad discussed something with a few of the club members he was standing near. He lowered his head and I could see his shoulders rise and then fall before he started towards the SUV with his hands lazily held up towards the sky .

  “No dad… don’t do it,” I whispered and felt a warm tear trickle down my cheek. Once they got him, they were going to kill him anyway. Maybe not right here, but eventually they would .

  “Get her out,” Dick said, and the prospect opened the door. He reached in and grabbed my arm roughly as he pulled me out of the SUV. My feet dragged against the ground as he pulled me along .

  “Dad no!” I shouted and my dad stopped. I narrowed my eyes surprised that he had listened. But then I saw something in the corner of my eye. Something was near Dick’s head. It was a gun .

  Dick looked as though he was frozen in place. He looked confused and almost a little frightened. I turned to see Stone standing there behind him with the barrel of his pistol up against Dick’s skull .

  “What are you waiting for? Get him off of me… kill him if you have to!” Dick shouted but his men didn’t move. They were afraid if they moved they’d see their president shot in the head. No one wanted to be the one to make the first move .

  Stone laughed, “You’ll be laying on the ground with a bullet hole in your skull before they can even pull their triggers .”

  Stone looked at me briefly. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of the president of The Henchmen, but it seemed he wanted to make sure I was OK too .

  I was both happy to see him and embarrassed at the same time. He probably thought I was a fool for what I had done. I was sure he wouldn’t ever forgive me for putting Stretch, myself and the entire club in danger like this. And he’d be right to do so. I should have never gotten involved in club business .

  “Go over to your old man,” Stone said nodding his head. When I didn’t move he changed his expression to one that showed me just how serious he was. “Go on now. Get out of here .”

  I started walking away, but stopped to look back to make sure I was doing the right thing. Stone nodded again, and I moved faster. The gravel under my feet crunch as I jogged towards my dad. I tried to wrap my arms around him but I couldn’t .

  He put his hand on my shoulder and then lifted two fingers and curled them at the men behind him. Two members of the club came forward and pulled me deep within the group of Brother’s. One of the two pulled out a pocketknife and cut the rope. My hands dropped, and I instantly started rubbing my wrists .

  “We’re still going to need Terry before this can end,” Dick shouted and even though I was further back I could still hear him clearly .

  “That’s just not going to happen,” Stone shouted not just for Dick’s ears before the benefit of all of his men that were out hiding too. “If anyone tries anything stupid, you’ll all be dead. We’ve got eyes on you too, well, not eyes, but guns, in the trees .”

  “We’ll take out as many of you as we can,” Dick shouted back .

  “As long as you come with… it doesn’t matter,” Stone said smirking. I wanted to scream out to Stone that it wasn’t worth it. To get out of there. He was in the middle of this and it was my fault. If we just left, maybe no one would have to die. But if a war broke out, he was right in the middle of The Henchmen. He’d never survive .

  Both clubs were on edge waiting for someone to shoot first. Dick stood there staring towards the Brother’s while Stone kept the gun against his head .

  Dick’s expressionless face suddenly shift to one of anger, “Fuck it! This is ain’t over. Hold your fire Henchmen. Hold your fire !”

  “Send your men away,” Stone shouted, and I knew he wasn’t going to drop the gun until he knew he wasn’t about to get shot in the back .

  “Let’s go Henchmen,” Dick shouted and his men put down their guns. The men started to get on their bikes and the roar of their engines starting filled the air .

  Stone wasn’t going to let Dick go until the area was cleared of at least most of The Henchmen. He stood there watching as the drove past him. All while keeping the gun firmly against Dick’s head .

  I couldn’t hear what Dick was saying to Stone, but I saw his lips moving. Stone grinned back and shoved him towards the SUV . />
  He kept his gun pointed in their direction as he walked backwards towards the Brother’s. The president and the prospects got inside the SUV and drove off behind the motorcycles back down the dirt road and away from the Brother’s Rebellion .

  I watched Stone as he walked towards us. He didn’t smile, he stood next to his bike and lit up a cigarette and looked as though he was listening for the noise of The Henchmen’s bikes to fade completely .

  “Get in, Josie,” my dad growled in a low voice. I didn’t have to see his face to know he wasn’t happy with me. If he didn’t already know about the ten grand, telling him was definitely going to make matters worse .

  I sat down and moved slid over when he waved his hand at me. He glanced at me and then pulled in for a big hug. I felt like I was going to start bawling. His arms were wrapped around me and I was reminded of all the times when I was a little girl thinking he was going to hate me forever for something I had done wrong. Only he’d hug me and make things better. I wasn’t sure, but it felt like he was going to make this better too .

  “Dad, I — ”

  “I know. We’ll talk about it later,” he said giving me another squeeze before letting go .

  We drove back to the clubhouse in silence .


  Chapter 17

  O nce we pulled in at the house, my dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and brought me inside the house. He delivered my right into the waiting arms of my mother. They didn’t speak but I could tell by the way she looked at him that she already knew where he’d been. She looked relieved and happy to see him .

  “I’ll be back in soon… emergency meeting,” my dad said planting a long kiss on my mom’s forehead. He left the house and slammed the door before I could even mention anything about the money I’d taken from him .

  I watched out the back window as everyone in the MC went inside the clubhouse. Stone drove up to the clubhouse on his motorcycle and glanced towards the house before he went inside .


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